
Games of the Year 2019: Death Stranding is not for everyone, and I wouldn't have it any other way

Norman's land.

Eurogamer: Over the festive break we'll be running through our top 20 picks of the year's best games, leading up to the reveal of Eurogamer's game of the year on New Year's Eve, today we look at Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding.

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naruga1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

one of the most well made games on PS4 and probably the most unique and diverse game since PS1 era.... easily GOTY

SyntheticForm1615d ago


I agree - it's a very well made game. Very polished and solid in all areas.

All that open world area and I never once fell through the map or saw a floating rock or anything you typically see in open-world (or just open-area) games.

Yes, a very well made game on all levels from polish, to game play, to music and story.

CaptainHenry9161615d ago

I agree with naruga! Very well made and unique

Veneno1615d ago

I like what Naruga said. Now that I think about it Death Stranding does give off the vibe of a PlayStation 1 title with how distinguished it is. Not exactly how Kojima describes it as a new genre but a new "Game Identity", if I may coin a term lol.Very well said.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1615d ago
IamTylerDurden11615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

It's funny how the people who troll against this game claimed that it only received good scores and award nominations because of Kojima's pals.

Well, Death Stranding has over 30 GotY awards already, which is more than any other game right now.

At some point you have to give up the ghost and accept that it's a high quality game that many people loved. How many GotY awards will it take? 60? 80?

If Kojima has more than 50 gaming publications in his pocket than he is far more powerful and wealthy than any of us could've imagined.

Traecy1615d ago

Exactly this. I've only played 2 Kojima games & the one out of the 2 I played wasn't all that. I'm no Kojima fan but to me DS was an enjoyable experience,the production,graphics, gameplay & music was on point.

1615d ago
UltraNova1615d ago

Why is everyone tip toeing around the truth about Death Stranding and Kojima's influence?

The truth is people who played at least one of his game do love and appreciate his work and were willing to see what his new game (unshackled from Konami) was all about. They knew it was going to be anything but conventional or mainstream, hell he gave us all those trailers and interviews on the game for years yet some people today, that vocal group of haters, pretend that the game is not good, its a walking simulator etc and excuses that are so obvious like "its not for everyone" keep being mentioned. I mean what game is for everyone??? Where were they all these years? Why show up now and pretend to be "dissapointed" or "offended" it wasn't what they like or "is not for them"?

I'll tell you why. Because the game is a PS4 console exclusive and because Kojima choose Sony to make his first independent game. That's why they attack the game, its maker, its fans, its awards and its worth as whole. Jealousy is the name of the game here. They are steaming with anger their precious company of choice was not chosen by Kojima and that his game is not on their system of choice.

I guess when it comes out on PC opinions on the game will...change. Kinda like when Hellblade was a PS exclusive the same people who dismissed it then are the same ones who are dismissing Death Stranding today. Then it turned multiplatform and then exclusive to xbox. Now its the best game ever, a "true next gen...launcher".

The jealousy, the hate, the double standards...

bluefox7551616d ago

No game is for everyone, yet for some reason, it's only said about DS? I loved it. I don't care for Call of Duty, but I don't go around saying "CoD isn't for everyone!".

1616d ago Replies(4)
NeoGamer2321615d ago

I think "not for everyone" is a relative.

And with Death Stranding it seems to be about 50/50 of people who absolutely love it vs absolutely hate it. For me, I am waiting for it to go cheap just in case I am in the do not like crowd. But, this game seems difficult to gauge whether it would be liked or not. And it is difficult to separate the brand fanboys who are trying to slag the game vs the brand fanboys who are trying to trumpet the game. I read the forums and there is very little actual real game information and a lot of fanboys.

nyu11615d ago

" I don't care for Call of Duty, but I don't go around saying "CoD isn't for everyone!".

because it isn't the same. Not all games are in the situation DS is in. Elite Dangerous isn't for everyone either, and neither is Eurotruck simulator, or MS Flight Sim for that matter. In those cases, everyone already knows that, because they're niche. In the case of DS, the audience was much larger, and many were disappointed with the focus of the gameplay (among other criticisms ofcourse)

theshredded1616d ago (Edited 1616d ago )

Absolutely fantastic game and my GOTY as well as many others.

Larrysweet1616d ago

My game of decade period omg what a amazing amazing story and end graphic powerhouse addicting and annoying asf

TheEnigma3131616d ago

Amazing game. The game really picks up around episode 4. There are a few filler quest I can do without but it’s an amazing game.

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Juancho51114d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.