
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Review - SquareXO

SXO: Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order is everything I love and hate about videogames rolled into one. It offers up a journey of Star Wars proportions, complete with huge ships, epic lightsaber battles and explored worlds. On the other side, it’s a frustrating buggy mess of a game which feels like it has been stretched out way too far in order to please those who hate games which aren’t longer than 20 hours. In this respect I am conflicted, here we have what is probably one of the best Star Wars games I’ve ever played, but it could have been so much better.

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EA CEO Would Love to Continue Star Wars Jedi Franchise; Not Currently Engaged in Acquisitions

EA chief executive officer Andrew Wilson was asked about the company's plans for the Star Wars franchise and the possibility of acquisitions.

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Christopher304d ago

They're not looking to acquire, but are they looking to be acquired? That's the big question now with companies like EA, T2, etc.

badboyz09303d ago

EA relies way to much on their licensed ip's which isn't a good thing for a Buyer.

-Foxtrot304d ago

I really want them to finish up Cal's story so LucasFilm are free to use him in a TV show or Film if he survives in the end anyway

Cal or Ezra should be rebuilding the Jedi Temple Order...not Rey.

CrimsonWing69304d ago

Please do. These Jedi games have been exceptionally top tier.

StarkR3ality303d ago

Other than their performance but yeah

CrimsonWing69303d ago

I didn’t really run into performance issues, but I played it on PS5.

neomahi303d ago

We don't want it, let someone else develop Star Wars

Tacoboto303d ago

1. Yes we do want it
2. One of the biggest recent announcements has been Star Wars Outlaws, developed by someone else.


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The 7 Best Star Wars Games

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darthv72393d ago

all of those are good. I'd add some honorable mentions like Dark Forces and the original vector graphics arcade game.