
Stadia Connect 6.6.2019 - Pricing, Game Reveals, Launch Info & More

Some news can't wait for E3.

Gemmol1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

It’s not bad but it would of been the best thing ever if it had a netflix style meaning each month they put new games to play while removing some games for the 10 dollar 4K 60 frames plan. The reason I say that because 1080p 60 frames plan is free so with that model it’s cheaper than every other systems, another reason it is cheaper because they do not charge you to play online like Xbox live or ps plus so you can play online for free. Look at it like this since you do not have to buy any system that’s money you save, all you have to do is just buy the games. Now if google can make 4K 60 frames option free and let us buy our own games then Sony and Xbox have no chance unless you have loyalty to those systems. A free 4K 60 frames model will save so much money because no monthly payments and all you have to do is buy the controller or use your own since it can use switch ps4 and Xbox controllers after that you set, and all you do is buy games nothing else.

if I did not have a 4K tv and I had 1080p tv the stadia is cheaper router right now, i would join right now

Ps4 when it came out cost 400 and ps plus 60 for a year, you do 7 years of ps plus with ps4 and it equal $820 I think I say 7 years because don’t keep their systems for 7 years before they upgrade so if you kept that system for 7 years and got ps plus every year you would of paid $820 and this is without buying any games for the system

Now With stadia 1080p 60 frames you do not pay any monthly fee or pay to play online so you save over 800 dollars and that money you save can now go towards getting more games or accessories or whatever you want

Ps4 and Xbox one cost 200 now so say you buy one now and you buy 3 years of Xbox live and ps plus before you upgrade to ps5 and Xbox two you still save 480 dollars since you need to pay to play online for those 3 years and pay for the system (ps4, Xbox one)

now if you got stadia 1080p 60 frames plan instead that 480 dollars can go towards more games for your Stadia

4K 60 frames plan need to become free so I can jump in

lazyboyblue1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

I think we were watching different videos.
They announced that Netflix style sub straight off the bat and I didn't see anything about a separate pricing model for different resolutions.
Dont you get 4k on the base version then?

Christopher1822d ago

Base is 1080p only, $10/month is 4k. It's kind of like PS+/XBL but with the added limit on resolution.

In this day and age of 4k TVs being so affordable, it doesn't make much sense to me to have a 1080p base at all and is more indicative of how far behind the U.S. with Internet rates as it is than anything else.

meep3161822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

Let’s be honest Chris, this whole idea makes very little sense. We are nearing the era where any smart tv will be powerful enough to game. I don’t need to run my games on a server somewhere, it’s just ridiculous and doesn’t work well at all.

Sgt_Slaughter1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )


DVDs are still the most popular format for home media because most people see 480p to 1080p as "good enough" and don't need 4K. Blu-ray has been a thing since 2006 and still hasn't taken over the market like DVD did to VHS. Samsung even stopped production on 4K Blu-ray Players due to how small the market is for 4K.

I have to assume Google realizes 4K isn't going to be the norm for most people using the service so they need to charge more for it.

Beyond that, I tested the service when it was Google Project Stream and I hope it gets better because even on an ethernet 500+ Mb/s connection it was choppy and laggy (no other internet device online at the time)

Christopher1822d ago

***DVDs are still the most popular format for home media because most people see 480p to 1080p as "good enough" and don't need 4K. Blu-ray has been a thing since 2006 and still hasn't taken over the market like DVD did to VHS. ***

You're missing that streaming overtook BD, thereby decreasing its market reach by a ton.

You're misusing statistics to prove a point on people preferring sub-HD resolution when that's just not true. The people who prefer HD have moved onto Streaming primarily, as seen in the rise of Netflix, Amazon VOD, CBS All Access, HBO, and Disney+.

1822d ago
1822d ago
Sgt_Slaughter1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

I never said they only prefered sub-HD, and all of what I said is completely accurate even when comparing HD to 4K streaming plans as well, not to mention people that stream via unlimited plans which will go down to sub-HD pretty quickly and are just fine with it. Just a few years ago streaming was an afterthought, a pipe dream as the most common form of media consumption, so to watch/view content you needed discs. What was/ is the No. 1 physical format? DVDs. As a side note though, none of my original comment was intentional misleading. I just forgot about streaming factoring into the situation since I was talking about physical media.

4K and up will always be the minority in terms of people who use it or have content plans because way more people view 1080p or even 720p as "good enough" like I said before. Eventually, there's a possibility that 4K be the standard format and nothing will release that's lower res, but considering a significant portion of Comcast channels haven't even made the switch to an HD channel yet, that's a long ways down the road.

lazyboyblue1821d ago

I get it now and it all sounds utterly horrible imo.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1821d ago
Zeref1822d ago

They are doing a netflix style sub but thing is that it only has one game in it lol. Destiny 2,

Old McGroin1822d ago

@ Zeref

One game in a Netflix style sub? Where did you see that? Isn't there gonna be 30 odd games available in the launch window?

Zeref1821d ago


those 30 games are what are available to purchase on the platform. Not included with the sub haha

Obscure_Observer1822d ago

The new war has begun!

Consoles vs Streaming!

1822d ago Replies(2)
CrimsonPheonix1821d ago

All those words only for everyone to realize you're a moron

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1821d ago
StrengthInNumbers1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

I like the idea. Seamless game-play and experiences. Yes, it's not a new concept but with the big boys at play here it is a whole different ball game. They're offering a 4K 60 video feed out the gate and all you need is 35Mb. Let's put an extra 10Mb on top in a real world scenario. It's still not bad for requirements.

jukins1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

Dont understand the disagrees. But honestly the idea of being able to play and continue progress anywhere on almost anything is just to convenient to not be interested in. Even psnow has improved over what it started out with and I'm not just talking content. Now with Google Microsoft and Amazon getting into the picture a ton of money is about to be invested in video game streaming and it's clear the industry is moving towards it.

1822d ago
1822d ago Replies(5)
KyRo1822d ago (Edited 1822d ago )

We are still in a era where most of the world cannot stream 4K videos without buffering. Just because myself and you may have good Internet, not every country does and that ain't going to change overnight. If streaming became the norm and Consoles died, so much money would be lost by alienating most of the world. It would be good as a alternative to what we have now but for it to become the standard is a worrying future for gaming

SegaGamer1822d ago

After reading about the details, I'm still not tempted. To be honest, I'm not sure there was any way I could have been tempted.

I just don't see myself ever playing games through a stream, it seems like such a downgrade on what I already have.

opc1822d ago

yeah so this isn't aimed at you. This is aimed at people that don't have consoles. Or don't plan on buying a new console just to play maybe 2 or 3 games a year

Atom6661821d ago

Fair. But my question to Google is simply whether they think this is aggressive enough to compete against the stream options of Sony and MS? I don't think it is.

Sony is saying that they are doubling down on PSNow, and we have a pretty good idea that xcloud will be pushed pretty aggressively too. If those services are on PC and mobile, companies who are aiming at that same non-console owning demographic are keeping their advantage in this competition.

AngelicIceDiamond1821d ago (Edited 1821d ago )

Since Google is part of E3 they've only to managed 1 exclusive. That new Ip from Tequila Works "Gylt" and Baldurs Gate 3 which is not an exclusive but as far as I know its not only on Stadia, but PS4 and Xbox ports haven't been announced yet. 1 new IP and the rest were multiplats should be a easy win for MS if that's all the content they have. Its said MS will have the biggest showcases of 3rd party (makes sense bc no Sony) and rumored to show off 3 new IPs. Sounds like an easy win for MS if you were putting Stadia Vs MS this year.

sushimama1821d ago

They said 'games that will be on Stadia AT LAUNCH'. Still I don't care what they say, I'll touch Stadia with a 10-foot pole

CrimsonWing691822d ago

For me, I am going to try this because I feel it's a good device to have when I go on a business trip or travel somewhere because I can play on my laptop or iPad and all I need is the controller. $10 a month for a service is completely reasonable for me, if it sucks though I'll cancel and get rid of the thing, but I don't feel this is a bad device.

Gemmol1822d ago

It’s 10 a month for 4K quality with 60 frames

1822d ago
Razzer1821d ago

I suggest trying it before talking about "quality" anything.

quenomamen1822d ago

The majority of the U.S much less The World as a whole still doesn’t have the type of internet this thing requires for 1080 much less 4K streaming. Sorry Google.

CDbiggen1821d ago

Exactly. Even if I was interested in this, I know damn well that I wouldn't get anything stable running on it.

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purple1011d 4h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky11h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu11h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 4h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo9h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

BlackDoomAx11h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1012h ago(Edited 2h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8510h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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