
Kotaku - Five Hours In, Mass Effect: Andromeda Is Overwhelming

Kotaku - I’m about five hours into Mass Effect: Andromeda, and so far, it seems like Bioware has created a behemoth of a sci-fi action RPG.

OB1Biker2634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )

You can say what you want about Kotaku, and I dont usually visit that site, but its refreshing to see a balanced, professional article and responsible, adult comments on the internet.

bnaked2634d ago

Ignoring all weaknesses is balanced and professional?

OB1Biker2634d ago (Edited 2634d ago )

She did mention a few flaws like hit or miss animation.
as in balanced I meant more a logical approach in trying to depict the games point by point rather than a sort of essay focusing on the writer emotional state of mind instead of the game per se

An interesting piece from Forbes here:

LordoftheCritics2633d ago

People are making a mountain out of a mole hill really.

JackBNimble2633d ago

This is why I will wait and see what gamers say about the game before I even consider it.
I'll give it a couple of weeks before I make up my mind.

Aloren2633d ago

Out of curiosity, is ignoring all qualities more balanced and professional ?

2633d ago
_-EDMIX-_2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

They are simply focusing on what was done correctly.

If someone didn't know any better, they would think this game was just a CG movie.

The bad animations are just 1 part of the game, its still actually a game folks.

Not saying ignore the animations, but seriously, how many articles can they really write about that feature?

I get it sucks, but let the them focus on other aspects of the game.

Your basically asking them to BASH the game based on a feature and ignore all else.

Vantol2633d ago

@_-EDMIX-_ Because Mass Effect IS about story, animations and graphics. If it had broken or no gameplay - noone would bat an eye. But telling ppl that "bad story and animations is ok, because there is something else" is like telling "who cares if your car can't move, it has good audio system!". Smh

CorndogBurglar2633d ago

@ Vantol

"Because Mass Effect IS about story, animations and graphics. If it had broken or no gameplay - noone would bat an eye."

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You spend way more time dealing with gameplay than you must realize. If the shooting or game mechanics were broken, nonone would play it because it would be a horrible experience. If there was NO gameplay then you would just be watching a movie. And by that point it would be a very bad movie compared to other animated features out there.

freshslicepizza2633d ago

some people just want the world to burn. i will find out this weekend after trying it out if my preorder will stay or not.

morganfell2633d ago

Whether or not a game is good is not awarding a plus or minus one to each feature and then if it comes out 51 to 49 in the plus column the game is good. It doesn't work in that manner.

There are some features in games, even if they are few in number, that have the ability to overwhelm the other more numerous qualities in a title. It is like a great meal that is expertly prepared, appealing to the eye, the aroma excites the appetite...and then too much salt just ruins the experience. All the other factors, perfectly cooked, the visual preparation, all of it is for naught.

Or more simply, someone put two ounces of bird crap in a 10 ounce bowl of soup. Are you going to try and eat around it? Even if you did you would be focused on that crap as you try to finish the bowl.

This game is a case where well over 90% of the players game for an experience where they are immersed in the universe and care or hate the individuals and actions as if they are real entities. They develop a connection to the characters.

Just look at how people felt about Shepard.

These broken animations, the idiotic dialogue remind you often enough that these are mannequins. Not characters about whom you can care. All movies involving androids or robots where you learn to care about that character as a sentient creature do so because of out ability to connect with their humanity. Here is a case where we disconnect, sometimes in derision, because of their inhuman qualities.

bluefox7552633d ago

You really can't trust games journalists anymore. I'm more inclined to listen to certain youtubers than anyone from Kotaku or IGN.

-Foxtrot2633d ago


They know EA will be furious if they make more people cancel their ore order

Unspoken2633d ago

Game looks fantastic! I've seen the game play and I've seen the graphics. Running on PC 4K HDR 60 fps the world looks beyond amazing. Any Mass Effect and Bioware fans should pick this up. Remember, this is a Sony biased site not wanting to take away from Horizon, which had it's own issues in facial animations, weak voice acting, poor directional audio, running at poor resolutions and laughable 30 fps.

morganfell2633d ago

"Game looks fantastic! I've seen the game play and I've seen the graphics. Running on PC 4K HDR 60 fps the world looks beyond amazing."

What a laughable remark. You speak as if only graphics matter. One thing MEA is not is a graphical powerhouse. Yes in this day and age we should have both graphical fidelity AND gameplay. Apparently you only care about one side. With that being said attacking Horizon Zero Dawn for its renders makes anything else you have to say null and void.

You seem to be missing the point that while no one is raving about how MEA looks, it also isn't the issue that is causing the uproar. A matter you believe (wrongly) that by ignoring will disappear.

The irony is it is YOU that is praying for some sort of counter, in this case to Horizon Zero Dawn. BREAKING NEWS!!!!! Mess Defect AnDrama isn't it.

Had you put a /s at the end of your post it would not have seemed out of place.

Ashlen2633d ago

I have played about 3 1/2 hours of the trial and while I did actually see one of the weird animation I have also played though scenes that have been the focus of comical videos and those animations looked fine. But I would say the animations are such a small part of the overall game. The story is interesting the gameplay has been pretty solid though I prefer a class system. It seems like a mistake to focus on the animations when there are so many more important features to the game.

IamTylerDurden12633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )


Horizon ran at poor resolutions? What? It runs at cb 2160p on PS4 Pro and looks 4K. It runs at native 1080p on the regular PS4. For a console game Horizon is almost as good as it gets. regarding resolution.

It runs at 30fps, but it is not a Bethesda 30fps. Horizon runs at one of the smoothest locked 30's i've seen and when combined with the exceptional motion blur it is a truly fluid experience.

Facial animations were very good in spots and mediocre in others but overall it was very impressive to have every NPC fully voiced and lip synced in such a grand open world game. Zelda BotW and it's 97 Metacritic didn't do this, and MEA isn't an open world game. The more important the character, the better the facial animations and voice work was in Horizon. You picked the wrong game to take a shot at, Horizon is very technically impressive.

freshslicepizza2633d ago


you are making a mountain out of a molehill. play it for at least 4 hours and then tell us what you think. dont go by what other impressions say. the facial animations are in no way the most important part of the game.

_-EDMIX-_2633d ago

@Van-but unless you know something we don't you don't actually know the story and I believe the game is more than just its graphics and animation.

Mind you graphically this Mass Effect looks absolutely amazing the only thing it has trouble with its it's a animations

But BioWare has actually always done animations poorly in this game looks like it's worse than the previous in this department but that's never really stopped me from playing the previous Mass Effect for god sakes Graphics never stopped me from putting over 170 hours in Fallout 4 Graphics never stop me from playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas last generation actually despite those games graphically being even more inferior to their Triple-A counterparts then Fallout 4 was

The gist of it is I just don't care about such things enough to say I won't buy the game.

I'm not telling people that body animations is okay I'm simply saying I don't care enough about it to not pick up the game simply because I've played so many games that had strange animations or even or Graphics simply because I actually liked the game

Look up something like breath of the wild the game literally looks like a game ripped straight out of 2006, people have no problem playing that game that game is getting lots of perfect scores and clearly the fans of it enjoy what they're playing

Let me remind you again that you don't know the story to this game to say that it is bad

Mind you that is completely subjective I personally like the concept of humanity trying to find a new home.

I'm sorry it's not filled with your stupid Citadel political jargon bud, I like the simple concept over them trying to find a new home while also trying to stay diplomatic with the species that already exist.

That's completely up for me to decide whether or not I care for the story.

What I like about this article is that it's focusing on what the game does well. We already know the game has questionable animations that are pretty bad

Some users would actually like to hear about the rest of the components that make up this game because that might not be that important to users.

I'm playing Horizon zero Dawn right now and it's easily one of my favorite games this generation and I could tell you right now that the facial animations are not that great in the lip syncing is definitely off but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the rest of the components of the game yes the performances are not Uncharted or the last of us or anything like that.

But for god sakes who on Earth stated that was the minimum standard threshold for animations?

I played the last three Mass Effect and did not care about its bad animations then I won't care now.

I'm sorry but I'm at Mass Effect fan that actually only cares about the core concept I'm not emotionally tied to those three games.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
Artemidorus2633d ago

Maybe it's balancing because you finally agree with something they did.

OB1Biker2633d ago

Haha maybe
I also meant balanced, professional as opposed to angry, emotional if you wish ;)

ShadowKnight2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

I know Mass Effect Adromeda has bad animation but Horizon Zero Dawn had distractingly bad lip sync where the characters didn’t always make believable expressions something was off about it and it's hilarious that people didn't notice that ...but most people overlooked that, because it had no bearing on the overall quality of the game. It feels like people want Mass Effect to fail. I still think Witcher 3 had the best animation and lip sync for a RPG this gen imo

Dark_Knightmare22633d ago

I agreed with everything you said till you said witcher 3 had the best animations. I love witcher 3 been a fan ever since I played the first on a potatoe pc that could barely run it and was constantly dropping frames but the animations in witcher 3 weren't very good they were almost robotic. Now the lip sync I agree with it was really well done but the animations not so much

UCForce2633d ago

Here the thing, I faced these issues for a long time, but it doesn't bother me that much.

CP_Company2633d ago

What nonsense are you writing here.i am about 60h into the game and apart few conversations,lip sync is working flawless.

Inzo2633d ago

Nothing wrong with the lipsync in HZD, the problem is the lips dont round out the words properly but it is a very very minor issue compared to the rest of the game and with a game as good as HZD, its easy to overlook.

_-EDMIX-_2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

I noticed it and its still one of my favorite games this year if not this whole gen.

I think many are over reaching the facial animation thing. it sucks big time, but I didn't care that the first 3 Mass Effect games had bad animations.

I took what I could from the game and moved on.

@CP_Comp- no bud. Don't lie. You'd have to be BLIND to not notice the lip sync issue with HZD.

I own it day 1 too buddy. I don't get the reason behind lying. I like it too, but don't lie about this feature. I don't see what your getting from it, it can be EASILY looked up.

Critic4l_Strik32633d ago

Agree but, MEA animations are worse than HZD...not only the facial ones, but even the walking ones...

HansSoloBerger112633d ago

Yep..it's trendy to hate on Andromeda at the moment.I'm sure people will do this with Red Dead 2 as well

MorpheusX2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )


" It feels like people want Mass Effect to fail. "

EA's Karma has been brought on of there own doing. It is what it is.

When you have a History of being a bully, a swindler, and choosing to actively involve yourself in taking a socially controversial political stance, a history in anti-consumer practices, its only natural that consumers are going to want to see you fail.

That's life.

GNCFLYER2632d ago

I noticed it. I'm not a reviewer though.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2632d ago
MRMagoo1232633d ago

Kotaku were probably paid , I have seen people play this game streamed and it has way way way more cons than pros

starchild2633d ago

Funny. I've watched hours of gameplay too and I have not seen these huge cons you're alluding to. I think some people want this game to fail and are blowing relatively minor issues out of proportion (most of which are present in other similar games).

I'm not saying the game is perfect by any means. I just haven't seen anything to justify the extreme negativity from some people.

OB1Biker2633d ago

You know what, I don't even believe in reviews and I said it many time on N4G. They usually give away too many spoilers anyway. Those are only previews though. Don't take what they say too seriously. I just like when I can get some factual information I may personally like or dislike rather than a completely biased, emotional point of view
People should just wait for reviews if reviewers point of view are important to them. No need to be over dramatic over previews.

2633d ago
MRMagoo1232633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

@star and co

😂 you guys are a riot , we now have about 15 articles talking about how sh!t the game is now , So I guess you guys aren't seeing what everyone else is seeing huh ? There are more articles coming too ......either you guys are legally blind or everyone else is wrong 😂🖒

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2633d ago
obidanshinobi2633d ago

The words "Kotaku" and "balanced, professional article" do not belong in the same sentence.
Unless the words "are seemingly unable to provide a" are sandwiched inbetween. :D

meka26112633d ago

Played the EA access trial of this game last night. It's hard to know how I feel. I will say that the animations are just god awful and really jarring, especially on the main character. It's like they didn't know how to program animations when you can customize. Eyes and mouth are the worst offenders. They fixed the characters smiling during certain scenes, but the voice acting doesn't match the situation. And my god is the dialogue cringe worthy; and yes the characters continually point out the obvious for you.

OB1Biker2633d ago

Fair enough. I v'e never been bothered with animation oddities tbh. Only few rare games manage to render believable animation, thats not really what Im looking for the most in games. I feel people pay attention to these flaws too much because they are pointed out by the media.

CP_Company2633d ago

_-EDMIX-_--i am writing like legit player.i had over 100 conversations and maybe most,in 5 of them was bad lip sync,in rest of them,there was 0 problem.so,yeah,in my experience,it is pretty flawless and i even did not finished game yet.what was more,and i saw,that actually some of facial animation were awkward and weird,like Nils,and some other,but it is small fraction of all animations.

Nivekki2633d ago

It looks awful. The devs and EA should be ashamed of themselves, I love the first ME trilogy, but what I've seen of this looks like a joke. The script and animation is so amateurish it's laughable. After what's been released this year so far this looks like an abomination.

AnubisG2633d ago

Dude, Kotaku loves this because it's a SJW crap. That is why they are loving this.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2632d ago
2633d ago Replies(1)
Gwiz2633d ago

The focus on animations is really weird lol,,

l3w1s2633d ago

So why not make MEA text-based? So the kewls could show off their rp skillzzzzzz.

aaronaton2633d ago

strangest comment ive read today. Animation is the foundation of any game. You could have uncharted level 3D assets and engine, but if its poorly animated the immersion is instantly broken. On the other side of the coin, you can have a low budget game with great animation, that will truly bring it to life!

Animation is Key.

Emme2633d ago

No its not. Great animation is nice to have, but servicable animation is sufficient, and I doubt the average gamer really notices it.

Gwiz2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

Foundation?yeah to have ANY at all..

Chumdiddy2633d ago (Edited 2633d ago )

I think it's valid given that half the game experience is delivered via dialogue tree conversation and cutscene. Animation is huge in that arena when trying to make it believable.

It's hard for me to not get a bit creeped out by the videos I've seen. Everyone looks like they're facially frozen except in the lips where they are over exaggerated.

It's nightmare fuel for me (ha).

OMGitzThatGuy2632d ago

When you are looking at animations 100% of the time in games something as wonky as what I am seeing in ME:A is enough to take anybody out of any immersion and can disconnect players from characters. They done goofed.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2632d ago
PhoenixUp2633d ago

It better be if it wants to live up to the series' expectations

bolimekurac2633d ago

other then the obvious stability issues that looked pretty dam good and the action seemed exciting and fun

Vantol2633d ago

What "action"? I puked on my monitor before I could see any "action".

Unoriginalplayer2633d ago

Might want to see a doctor....

Show all comments (92)

Five Game Products Rushed Too Quickly

A little more time in the oven would've done these products some good a lot sooner.

Read Full Story >>
shinoff2183515d ago

Sega Saturn made it but not the 360. Don't remember Saturn having a horrid rrod rate. Absolutely horrid

RetroCaptainSteve514d ago

The launch games were all right, but look at how Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA compared to their re-releases.


Mass Effect Companions, Ranked from Worst to Best

From Xfire: "BioWare's Mass Effect franchise took gamers on a fascinating universal sci-fi journey that will never be forgotten. While fighting against the ever-looming threat of the Reapers was central to Mass Effect's storyline, what made the series so iconic was its vast and diverse cast of characters.

Not only do these companions accompany Commander Shepard as you make your way through hell and back, but, throughout your journey, you also get to learn who these characters were and are and what they think about what it is that you are doing. Some will even fall in love with you, and others will even become your enemy based on your decision."

sourOG1115d ago

When I looked at the list I thought they were saying Garrus was the worst lol. And tali being so far down the list was fighting words for me. But the numbered list is just the order they are shown so you are forgiven.

CYALTR1114d ago

I think they listed them from worst to best. Also keep in mind that this includes Andromeda characters that aren't part of the remastered trilogy. Interesting refresh on the characters though.

sourOG1114d ago

They did but I didn’t realize it until I started reading. That’s just the order they are shown.

Knightofelemia1115d ago (Edited 1115d ago )

I couldn't stand Miranda I could never like her as a character and I always skipped Jacob and James. I always liked Grunt, Jack, Legion, Tali, Garrus, Samara, Liara, Wrex, Edi, Zaeed, Kasumi I always use these characters. Using Martin Sheen as the Illusive Man just fits the character like using Keith David as Admiral Anderson was another good choice always feels like Goliath from Gargoyles is yelling at you which I like.

Rebel_Scum1113d ago

Kinda weird having a question mark at the end of that sentence?

Soy1113d ago

Garrus is best space bro.

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Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021

Zahi AR. from Link Cable Gaming writes “Welcome back Link Cable Gaming fans, with me in andromeda. Specifically, Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021. With the recent announcement of Anthem shutting down its future plans, I wanted to look at another recent BioWare game. My switch to a PlayStation 5 destroyed my save file right while I was at the end. So, I decided to do a fresh start on the new console to see just how well (or not) it’s been since launch. How has the new generation of hardware treated the game that fell from grace? Should you play Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2021? Let’s find out.”

Read Full Story >>
iplay1up21180d ago

Such a good game! It got a 4K X1X upgrade and it looks fantastic! Also like the story! Was playing it again before Series X dropped. Going to download it for the Series X, as soon as I have more room on my HD. Playing too many other games right now.

Instant resume is AMAZING! I can Switch between 5 games in seconds. Like 10 to 15 at the most! No closing a game and opening another one! Thank you Microsoft!

giovonni1180d ago

It’s was decent to me. I didn’t feel the magic I felt when I played two or even three. I don’t know. It was repetitive, and the worlds felt bland.

jeromeface1179d ago

There's a reason it reviewed so poorly in the first place... these reasons among others.

anast1180d ago

I had a lot of fun with this game, but I haven't played 2 or 3 yet.

giovonni1179d ago

2 was wonderful, three was just as good as two the ending though 🤦🏾‍♂️

Wintersun6161179d ago

I finally gave it a go last autumn and was amazed by how bad a game can be. And believe me my expectations were low. After 10ish hours I just had to give up.

giovonni1179d ago

I powered through it, myself. It was just repetitive, and the Land Rover Exploration wasn’t interesting at all. The story also we mahhhhhhh.