
This Sad Video Will Make You Glad You Didn't Buy A Nintendo Switch

Of course, when any product sells in large volumes, you're going to have people with issues - but some of the problems seem to be more to do with Nintendo's design choices than plain old bad luck.

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Neonridr2643d ago

yeah, putting on the wrist grips upside down when they are clearly labelled is all Nintendo's fault..

ninsigma2643d ago

But it's Nintendos fault for making it that they are stuck if put on the wrong way....

Neonridr2642d ago

so is it your fault if you spill hot coffee on your lap even though the cup is clearly labelled as the contents being hot? How idiot proof do you have to make stuff. Do Blurays say "this side up"?

MVGeneral2641d ago

If you put the blu ray backwards the blu ray spits it back out. That's what you call good design and well thought out. In this case it slides in easily but is hard to come out. It's a design flaw that someone overlooked. Signs of a rushed and not well thought out console.

And that coffee reference isn't a good example. People design things so it's impossible to go in the other way. Like USB cables and phone cases. I can't think of a good example because no other company has made such a bad design flaw. Lol.

bouzebbal2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

this console is a stupid school project.. you would probably get a good grade as a student but for an experienced company like Nintendo this is just the low end of console design.
People can only blame themselves for supporting this from day one.. it has so many flaws i cannot even quote them all.
First nintendo console i will probably never buy. Will it last 5 years until next Zelda lands? not so sure tbh...
sales must have been drastically down, and there is absolutely no game worth it for the next 6 months at least.
Mario and Xeno? no way they will out this year.

2641d ago
Kosic2641d ago

But their not stuck? at 5.47min in the video a kid explains how to dislodge them safely.

wonderfulmonkeyman2641d ago

So if someone uses a hammer to pound in a screw because they're too lazy to figure simple shit out, does that make it the fault of the screw makers for not making it work with hammers without getting stuck?
Good lord, if someone does something the wrong way, then of course bad shit's gonna result.
This isn't a perfect little fantasy world where being unobservant will not lead to bad things happening.
Blaming a company for not taking our own mistakes into account is the HEIGHT of stretch logic.
Nintendo shouldn't need to baby us just to get us to put a wrist strap on right-side-up.XD

bouzebbal2641d ago


i cannot believe i just read what you wrote!!!!
So every defect system is owner's own fault? Because he broke it? Or because he bought it?

G20WLY2641d ago

It's just poor design.

"hurrr, so if someone mashes a knife into their eyeballs because it didn't say not too on the knife packaging, durrr"!!!

It's not the same guys. Nintendo provide products aimed at children and casual gamers. They need to be sturdier than this. There's no point in defending it, we'll only end up with more shoddy crap in the future.

naruga2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

@wonderfulmonkeyman....are you fing serious? its user s fault that the Dock scratches the Screen ??? ..... i said it again people must punish Nintnedo HARD for this mockery of a console they brought out, by boycotting the cosole ..

DarXyde2641d ago

....are you being serious right now?

Since when do we neglect personal accountability? Using your logic, if I buy a console and play it while it's in a cubby in my entertainment system, it might overheat. Is it the company's fault for making it that, if placed in an enclosed space, it will overheat, or mine for not using a little common sense?

There are pretty noticeable slider bars on the side of the joy-cons to guide you. You might know that if you owned one.

In both of those cases, we're looking at consumer error. How you blame Nintendo for that is beyond me. Give me a break.

conanlifts2641d ago

I agree it's nintendo fault and is a flaw. But they are not stuck. I was able to just rip them off, but i had to use a bit of force.

2641d ago
Utalkin2me2641d ago


"If you damage your switch your an idiot,"

You don't say....

-Foxtrot2641d ago


You are wasting your time with these people. You criticise the tiniest thing then you are suddenly a Nintendo hater and automatically want them to fail.

It's called tough love people, you don't falsely praise someone as it gives off the wrong impression and they'll never learn. Be tough, be a little mean and hopefully that will make them strive to become better where everyone wins in the end.

MoonConquistador2641d ago

@MVGeneral - If your looking for good examples of poor design, the power cable input on the PS Vita would be one. It can get pushed in in two different ways, with one of those ways having the potential of bricking the console.

The only safeguard in that instance is that the power lead has a PlayStation logo on one side and not the other. Very bad design flaw

Highlife2641d ago

Like it or not neon rdr this system is for kids. Watch the commercial who's playing kids. Now if your an adult and play great but it's for kids. They make mistakes and too expect this not to happen is poor design when it could have been easily avoided by making the rails slightly different in width.

nX2641d ago

I'm starting to think about a name change... back when it was called NX, I really thought this is going to be it - finally a proper Nintendo console. Now they've yet again taken the gimmick route with hopes to land another Wii-like smash hit. However if I would've been working there I wouldn't have believed in this project from the start. The Switch is not what gamers want, not even what parents would want. It's some kind of strangely mutated handheld with no real chance of success. Why can't Nintendo just make a normal gaming console...? I will never understand this.

arkard2641d ago

This reminds me of the Samsung Note 5 S pen issue. Common sense says the pen only goes in one way. But the pen would fit in backwards and was stuck if you put it in that way. At what point can companies hold customers responsible for following instructions (or lack of following them)? The strap literally says this way up, does it fit the other way, yeah to an extent. But this isn't on Nintendo. It's not like the stars only work one way and they didn't label it.

Bronxs152641d ago

Nintendo shouldn't have to treat us like children? No but system should be better designed for these kind of situations since they design the system which children in mind more so than Sony Microsoft.

Nintendo definitely skew much younger. And anyone who has kids or spends time with them know they don't always put things in the right way so to speak. This is just bad design no excuse.

jasonpugh2641d ago

Nintendo can't fix stupid, so no, it's not thier fault.

XisThatKid2641d ago

So focused on the poor design of the s straps. What about the fact this video s made after a weekend of release 12 plus minutes of hardware, design and software fails. That alot the wrist straps is one of MANY design flaws lets talk about THAT. It appears most Ninty fans will exalt anything the big N spits out. And it's ok and worth defending on t that aspect. No Nintendo system launched this FD up.

Soldierone2641d ago

Wrong example. The example would be a cup of coffee handed to you and the lid pops off because you grabbed it wrong. It's a design flaw, not a user flaw. These things should be tested before being produced.

Apex132641d ago

Why put on the straps for something that light? Don't people have common sense 😂😂

darthv722641d ago

Damn... my neo geo X works better than these.

rainslacker2640d ago (Edited 2640d ago )

When you have a product that is going to have kids using it, you have to account for people doing things they shouldn't do, plus it's a consumer level product, and you can never assume the user is not going to do something stupid.

While it is the users fault IMO, a simple jut of plastic could have kept it from going on upside down. That's a design flaw. One of many which seem to be pervasive with the Switch, with the dock being the most glaring.

Do you Nintendo fans not realize it's OK to admit that there are design flaws, and they should be called out. It's not like new consoles don't usually have at least one or two somewhere. PS4 had that eject button issue. PSVR had the lack of HDR passthrough. Xbox One had Kinect. It's just par for the course.

It's likely something is going to get a class action if Nintendo doesn't address it, so might as well be on the side of the consumer instead of on the backside of Nintendo.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 2640d ago
ninsigma2642d ago

We're talking about a simple strap ad on. People get things wrong and there are also children to think about as well. Having it so the strap gets stuck when put on the wrong way is a bit silly.

Also if you but a blu ray in the wrong way, the machine will disk read error and give you back the disk, it doesn't get stuck.

Neonridr2642d ago (Edited 2642d ago )

yep, but there are a plus and minus indicator on the wrist straps. I mean Nintendo can't put them on for you. I guess they could have engineered them so they only went on one way, but since it's just a sliding rail, I am not sure how that would be accomplished..

G20WLY2641d ago

^ Neonridr, that could very easily be accomplished - are you serious?! A simple adjustment in the plastic's moulding process would ensure it only attaches as intended.

DarXyde2641d ago

So...idiot proof it? Okay, gotcha.

If kids can't get the SAFETY DEVICE off the joy-cons, what exactly is the problem?

Honestly, I'm a bit floored at how exactly you think these user-caused problems are not the user's, but Nintendo's fault. What's more, how people agree with you who don't even own or have any experience with the damn thing. Just pure secondhand anecdotal nonsense.

Don't just disagree. Explain your positions. I might learn something from you all today.

kayoss2641d ago

Yes there are plus and minus indicator. Batteries also have plus and minus indicators, but yet people will sometime put them on wrong. We all make mistakes, but we shouldnt be punished for them if the mistake is a minor mistake. Putting a strap backward is not an indication of how stupid you are, it just show that the smartest person can make mistakes.

Highlife2641d ago

@kayoss well said. Wether you like it or not the switch is aimed at kids. If your an adult and still play great but it is aimed at kids. Watch their commercial who is playing kids. You don't think that while they are quickly changing that they may not make a mistake? Horribly designed

Clunkyd2641d ago

You really suck at defending Nintendo. I don't blame you, it's hard to defend BS.

Orionsangel2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

Wrong! It's like a USB connector. It only goes in one way. Why? So there's no confusion. This slider thing is poorly designed by Nintendo. We're talking about a system that put a stand on their Tablet and put the charger cable below the Tablet. I mean, you can't make this stuff up. lol! WTF was Nintendo thinking? The Switch feels like it was rushed to market and corners were cut to make it cheaper to produce. All you have to do is tear down the Switch and you'll see inside how low grade and simplistic it really is...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2641d ago
ninsigma2642d ago

I'm not saying it's not incredibly stupid for a grown person to put it on the wrong way but obviously that is gonna happen. I am surprised that a company as big as Nintendo would not pick this issue up during testing. If they'd made it so that it locks in place via a small release switch that would work. Just push or move the release switch so that the hooks (or whatever they are) on the strap can move freely.

ravinash2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

When you consider the fact that the console is designed to be "switched" between the mode many times, it should be design to slid in only one way. Markers won't help because after your done it a few times, are you going to look at the markers every time?

wonderfulmonkeyman2641d ago

I'd say the fact that this is an issue at all, just shows how un-observant people have become; the moment a company stops holding our hand, mistakes are made with things that are simple for anyone with patience and the wisdom to exercise it.

The irony is that people have been asking Nintendo to stop babying them for ages. Now that they aren't, on one thing as simple to see as how to connect a wrist strap, things go straight to hell.

I fear for these types if they get ahold of Breath of the Wild.
They'll be the types most likely to call the game "too complicated", or "too hard", because it didn't use a tutorial to tell you falling off a cliff can now outright kill you instead of just taking a single heart away, or that facing down a blue Bokoblin with a sword, while you're basically nude, using only a stick and no blocking or dodging and just running in like every other Zelda, will only lead to having a bad day.

The truth is that most of the complaints are petty. Ridiculously so.

ninsigma2641d ago

The hell are you even talking about?? Stopped babying people?? It's a simple strap with a design flaw for crying out loud, it's as simple as this. It gets stuck but it shouldn't.

What's petty about broken screens, scratching screen from its own dock, controllers not syncing properly and more?? Those are REAL issues. Nothing petty about them.

Pintheshadows2641d ago

wonderfulmonkeyman You're embarrassing yourself. It is a design fault that was staring Nintendo in the face. Most companies who make hardware test for things like this and then fix the issue BEFORE the hardware is released. This just goes to show that the Switch was thrown out of the door and could probably have done with another 6 months.

You're talking about people not being observant. How about Nintendo. They weren't observant enough to notice these problems, and people are dropping £300 on these things. Not good enough.

JackBNimble2641d ago

You're an idiot
The fact that this happens at all to countless adults and god knows how many children, should just prove to you and anyone with half a brain that this is a serious design flaw.
And then there is all the other technical errors and failures of the switch on top of everything else.

You are the ultimate fanboy defending such garbage... get a life

_-EDMIX-_2641d ago

@wonder- your post is one of the saddest things I've read in a long time.

the extreme denial that you're under in regards to what this company does is baffling, no one's asking you to hate the company or hate Zelda or anything like that but you just need to seriously acknowledge when there is a fault.

I mean the video was right there are you seriously denying that all these people do not deserve their money back regarding these issues? I believe if you pay a company money for product that product should work the way they've stated it should.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2641d ago
Harmy6662641d ago

It's clearly labelled, and the correct way put the strap on the bottom of the controller, where your wrist would be. Why on Earth would anyone think the strap goes at the top?

Some people just need a bit of common sense in their life.

This is the only justifiable "issue" with the Switch though.

2641d ago Replies(3)
ILostMyMind2641d ago

Dude, this is for kids. Do you know kids?

rainslacker2640d ago

Kids can and will find a way to break any and every thing that they put their hands on.

I'm shocked that parents even give their kids their tablet or phone and let them play unsupervised.

Aenea2641d ago

The whole design of the console screams "it's simple! just click, switch, bam! it works!" but nope, you need to handle carefully and read labels otherwise it gets stuck!

yes, I know, people should be more careful in general, but it would've been easy for Nintendo to make it in such a way that it could only have slid in one way without it getting stuck...

Besides, Nintendo is rather child friendly, this is something that kids will do wrong, they try things out, this will happen often! And it could've been prevented easily...

spwittbold2641d ago

For a system geared towards a wide audence including children, it's a pretty poor design choice.

conanlifts2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

It's easy to do, I did it myself. When you user 1-2 swich it has you taking them on and off and it was an easy thing to do. I just ripped them off though and they still work. But if my kids were using it they would do it frequently. It's a definite design flaw. They should be designed so they can only slide on one way.

trooper_2641d ago

How can you seriously defend Nintendo? This is why I'm holding off until they either come up with a redesign or start from scratch.

drunkenspy0072641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

Just be honest, it's a bad design.

Aceman182641d ago

I personally was going to wait till the end of the year to buy one as i can play zelda on my wiiu. Im waiting for as much of the kinks to be worked out of it lol. And for those defending soooo damn hard relax y'all acting like its some damn personal attack on you lol.

ALL equipment doesn't work 100% when they launch this is nothing new damn lol.


lol I put them on wrong the first time I used them. It was a bitch to get them off. Even putting them on correctly is still a pain in the ass to take off.

-Foxtrot2641d ago

You, Wonderfulmonkey, EddieNX etc are the kind of fans which blindly defend Nintendo giving them the impression they can do whatever the f*** they want. Then this shit happens and you still defend them making matters worse.

If Nintendo ever goes under then their "blood" will be on your hands, not ours.

Sm30002641d ago

It's a design flaw. Just like the note5 spen

XanderZane2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

Houston we have a problem. LMAO!!
YES THIS IS NINTENDO'S FAULT. The damn grips should NEVER be able to go on upside down. Period. Then you don't need labels. They should only be able to go on ONE WAY. That's called SMART ENGINEERING. Maybe you should tell Nintendo that.

Ohhh.. on a side note. $90 for the cheap piece of $hit Dock Station? Seriously!?!? No wonder Nintendo said they would make a profit from the Switch immediately. That thing probably cost no more then $25 to make.

I think I'll be waiting for the SWITCH XL version in about 2-3 years, cause this hardware seems to be garbage. Zelda is obviously great, but the Switch hardware is half-ass and rushed.

IIFloodyII2641d ago

You'd thnk they'd make it fool proof considering the age range of a lot of their audience though, it locking in place and getting stuck if you accidentally slide it in the wrong way is just stupid and bad design, it's only made more so by it being so easy to do.

2641d ago
gangsta_red2641d ago

Going to have to agree with neonrider and other similar comments.

The Switch has some obvious issues but the one demonstrated here os obviously am error on the user's part. Why should Nintendo be blamed for this?

It's just more blood in the water and sharks coming to gather around now.

gangsta_red2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

Ok, watching the whole video I may have to change my mind on a few. Some I saw as human error (the grips) but then the others seem to actually be huge flaws of the console.

rainslacker2640d ago

I think the grips thing is just another one compounded on top of other design flaws.

If this was a professional tool with people who take care to use things properly that'd be one thing to say it's the users fault, but when you have a consumer level product, a company should, and usually does consider these kinds of things to prevent user error.

I do think it's user error, but at the same time, things like that shouldn't be possible, and for a console...or other things outside the console space...I also consider it a design flaw.

Hopefully there will be some hardware revisions in the future that will take care of these kinds of things.

Clunkyd2641d ago

It's called bad design, that pretty much sums up Nintendo. They suck when it comes to making hardware.
Stop defending BS.

Orionsangel2641d ago

Human error, yes but at the same time poorly designed. It shouldn't be able to go in that way at all. One way entering is the only proper way to design it.

ziggurcat2641d ago


while you are right in that it's not Nintendo's fault if people put the grips on the wrong way, but they are responsible for the poor design - they could have designed something that prevented people from actually putting the grips on the wrong way to begin with.

butchertroll2641d ago

Isn't Nintendo said that this is not a defect?

ALMGNOON2641d ago

dude you are a retard, go see a doctor.

masterfox2641d ago

yeah because thats the actual reason of all the Switch issues right ?, hmmmm -_-

joethetimelord2640d ago

People make mistakes. It's up to the developers to give easy mistakes easy solutions. If they fail to provide a quick solution to a common mistake, then it's on them.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 2640d ago
Nyxus2643d ago

I hope mine will be alright (haven't really used it yet). But it looks like you simply need a screen protector, if you don't want to risk scratches... :/

ninsigma2643d ago

I hate screen protectors. When I get the switch I'll likely put something in the dock to stop it from scratch the screen.

Nyxus2643d ago

I have a screen protector on 3DS, Vita and Wii U and if they're done well you don't even see them anymore. I just like the idea that if something scratches the screen, it doesn't have to be permanent.

ps360s2641d ago

I have screen protectors/tempered glass on all my devices! including my surfacebook and pro 4

even tho I keep all my devices nice and as new but just incase

and if there were a screen protector for my TV...I would get that too!

and all perfectly fitted and you never notice a thing.

Seraphim2641d ago

Zagg/InvisibleShield make incredible protectors. Every cell phone I've owned has had one, PS Vita has one, my tablet has one... Unfortunately I haven't seen them offer a shield for the Switch yet. Their clarity on specific versions and quality are by far the best and easily worth it.

wheresmymonkey2641d ago

If you put it in the dock carefully and don't jam it in like these idiots have, you'll be fine.

Pintheshadows2641d ago


You'd think that the company developing the hardware and coming up with this 'original' idea would make sure that the screen WOULDN'T scratch AT ALL when put into its OWN DOCKING STATION. You know, the station the entire console is developed around. No matter how hard you put it in (hehe).

I have seen people defend a lot of things in gaming, but this is one of the most flabberghasting. It's almost as bad as when people tried to defend Xbox 360 disc drives scratching disks.

InTheZoneAC2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

I've had a single screen protector on my launch vita, wind waker wii u and 3ds xl, neither has any bubbles or particles trapped and both look new with no scratches.

Of course I have one on my phone, again only one protector ever, and it does have a few blemishes but that's because it's always in my pocket.

Not sure why you hate screen protectors. Forgot to mention none of my screen protectors are made of glass, and they still look perfect.

nitus102641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

Since the Switch doubles as a handheld, you should treat it in the same way you treat a mobile phone or even a tablet.In other words, spend the small amount of money to make sure you keep the Switch's screen looking good.


Getting a screen protector for a TV is overkill since it is very unlikely you would throw something at your screen unless it was a Wii Mote because you forgot to put the wrist strap on. 😉

Jokes aside you should always clean a TV screen since over time they do get dust and dirt on them with a good cleaner solution (ie. lens cleaner) and a microfibre cloth.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2641d ago
ninsigma2643d ago

Never ever put one any screened device I've ever owned lol
I guess at this point I'm used to gorilla glass being my phones. Not that that has stopped some screens from being scratched but that's just normal wear and tear, I can live with that. What I wouldn't be able to live with is having to put a screen protector on a device to protect it from itself! Lol

Mexxan2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

The mellow drama is too much in this thread. Some of the pads are missing in some docks - assembly issue. They'll fix it. You all need to stop screeching the hate - you all would sell ya mother's to play Zelda on your Ps4's / Xbox's - we get it. If I lived locally, I'd open up a clinic where you could come and play on my Switch for an hour rehab session to ease the butt-hurt pain.

And yeah, I have a '4 Pro, X1s and a rig with an i7 6700k and an Asus Strix GTX1070 so, no, I wouldn't say I'm a diehard Nintendo fan.

Just way too many sour and bitter so called gamers around. Ya don't deserve the title - you should stop all walking around as if Trump's grabbed ya by your pussies and enjoy life.

Pintheshadows2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

Not really Mexxan. I can just play Zelda on my Wii U. Not to mention that your point is pretty redundant as Zelda has nothing to do with hardware issues and you've addressed exactly zero criticisms. The more painful thing is watching people like yourself defend this. You've just given them 300 of what ever your currency is (plus the rest) and think this kind of thing is acceptable. It's insane.

I am going to put this out there. No piece of hardware should damage itself. If it does, it shows that the hardware designers are massively inept. Even if just some do it, the nature of the fault means every unit has the potential to do it. And the fact that Nintendo were too cheap to protect the screen properly only compounds this massive oversight. Honestly, taking a step back, the design for the Switch is just plain odd. Why even risk building the console in such a way that the screen might scratch?

Honestly, at this point, watching Nintendo is akin to watching Squares fall from grace after Squaresoft died. Its all been downhill since the Gamecube. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. Sorry, thought I would continue the Trump theme.

Onenyte2641d ago

dude, the fact that you are HOPING that your Switch is alright is a problem in it's self

FallenAngel19842643d ago

Why pay that much just to be an early adopting beta tester

MVGeneral2641d ago

Because nintendo fans have Stockholm syndrome and will accept anything nintendo does.

EddieNX 2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

Owning the best handheld ever isn't as bad as you think. The joycon each multiplayer is the tits.

wonderfulmonkeyman2641d ago

Just like you've got the reverse of it and will overblow anything Nintendo does into a massive failure even when it's not.

CrimsonPheonix2641d ago

Because it's awesome and I wanted one. Mines has been flawless as has that I know who has one. You see a video on the internet and convince yourself that all of of them are broken just because your desperate from something to hate them for.

Pintheshadows2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

I agree MVGeneral.

I remember when I escaped the dangerous captivity of unwavering Nintendo loyalty. It was around the time I walked into a shop and saw shelves and shelves of shovelware for the Wii. It was buying a Wii U and realising I had been suckered in to buying a glorified experiment with seemingly no long term plan behind it. It was playing that atrocious excuse for a Starfox game (this one hurt the most).

And now they have released a console that only has one game on it (unless you want to play Just Dance). I know Zelda is very good (the leaf swords in particular), but what if it wasn't? Or did Nintendo release the Switch now because they saw that Zelda was very good and it would help them shift units. I wonder if the Switch would be out yet if circumstances were different and Zelda wasn't there to carry it along on its shoulders. I wonder how many will dodge the bullet of new hardware and simply stick to playing it on the Wii U (which I have done).

I have many questions as something feels very 'undercooked' when it comes to the Switch, and I refuse to be suckered in by one of Nintendo's flights of fancy again.

Monster_Tard2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

I know right, who goes out and buys a product from a company that makes stuff that they enjoy, especially a product with so many exaggerated problems.

Clunkyd2641d ago

You lost all credibility. Nobody takes you serious.

yeahokwhatever2641d ago

Serious question, if its a complete piece of garbage is it still the best handheld ever?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2641d ago
Sirk7x2641d ago

Someone has to buy the first wave of hardware for any product, right? Otherwise there would be no further iterations. We go through this with almost every console launch. The Xbox One failure rates were pretty high. Most notebooks have a failure rate of over 15 percent within the first year. These are acceptable industry standards. Whether we, the consumer should deem them acceptable is another matter altogether. The proper thing to do when selling a product to a consumer which had problems is to correct the issue, give the customer what they want, a replacement, etc, and then throw something extra in for free to establish goodwill. Simple customer service.

Knushwood Butt2641d ago

My launch day PS4 recently turned 3.

Happy Birthday.

XanderZane2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

The PS4 and XB1 were both rushed and the PS4 actually had more issues with it then the XB1. Do some research. XB1 main problem with the Blu Ray Drives. All you had to do was send your system to Microsoft and they would replace it. The PS4 had everything from failed first day patches to game discs getting stuck in the drive. Then there were the YLOD/BLOD problems, games getting uninstalled by themselves. etc.. http://www.ign.com/wikis/pl...

Both consoles had some issues. Most were resolved within the first 6 months. None of the issues were widespread for either system. The same is probably true with the Nintendo Switch as well. Lots of issues, but how widespread are these problems? I know 2 people who have Switch systems and haven't had any of these problems so far. My concern is that some of these issues could have 5-12 months down the road.

On a side note. I bought both the PS4 and XB1 on day one and have ZERO issues with both consoles. I've put a bigger HDD in my PS4 and a 4TB external HDD on my XB1. Still no problems.

rainslacker2640d ago


The PS4 and X1 issues weren't design flaws that could cause issues or damage due to user error though. Those were manufacturing problems, or in some cases, not factoring in everything that could go wrong when produced and used on a grand scale.

Some of the issues with the Switch can be caused by user error either due to complacency or through people being unaware of the proper way to use it. Others WILL happen unless someone is overly cautious with how they handle the system. Those are design flaws which should have been ironed out during the design and testing phase...particularly for a console, which is supposed to be as simple as possible. The dock issue in particular will affect everyone. Even if it doesn't do major scratches, there will be plenty of micro scratches which over time will mar the screen over time. A screen protector will help, but having to use avoid a design issue, is a flaw.

XanderZane2641d ago

I agree. There is a LOT of issues with this system. The video doesn't lie. Let's just list a few of them.
1. Dock Scratches Switch screen.
2. Orange/Blue screen when booting up.
3. System doesn't boot up at all.
4. System doesn't recognize a game, even when the game is in the system.
5. System freezes out of the blue on menu screen, in games, during boot up, etc., etc..
6. Flickering screens while play Zelda. Color and texture changes.
7. Grip get stuck when put on wrong (or put on right).
8. Wireless signal is lost between JoyCon's and Switch in Dock (not in the Dock).
9. Burned out pixels on the screen shows a black dot.

We could go one for awhile. Gotta be about 20 issues. It's obvious a rushed system that Nintendo didn't fully test or the systems were just designed and assembled poorly. Maybe a lot of cheap parts were used. I won't buy one until all the issues are addressed. Of course Nintendo will blame the user for most of these issues as they usually do.

Onenyte2641d ago

Don't worry , all of that will be fixed with a patch......................... .lol

artanisrlz2640d ago

Luckily I have not experienced any of these issues.

XanderZane2640d ago

I want to see them patch the "Grip getting stuck" issue or the wireless JoyCon's losing signal from 6 feet away. Did't Nintendo say other wireless devices can screw up the JoyCon's signals going to the Switch?

That's a good thing. Like I said, I don't believe this is a widespread issue. Maybe a few thousands across various regions. I don't know anyone who have had any of these issues yet. I'm still not rushing out to get one just to play Zelda. There's really nothing else worth playing on it yet. See Boogie (Francis)'s review of the Switch. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

ikomrad2639d ago

That is a great list. The question is, what are you going to do with it? Have you sent it to Nintendo as feedback to help them improve their product? Or something else?

XanderZane2639d ago

I believe Nintendo is already aware of all of these issues by now. Reggie is addressing the problems. So I don't need to send anything their way.


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2639d ago
Zarock2641d ago

Serves you right for supporting this backwards company.

Mungamingzone2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

Its such a good console , having so much fun with it on the go ✌🏼

2641d ago
CrimsonPheonix2641d ago

God forbid a company tries to do something different then the norm.

superchiller2641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

The problem isn't that Nintendo is trying to "do something different", the problem is that their gaming hardware is poorly-designed junk. There are many problems with the design, manufacture, and specs of the Switch, Nintendo clearly rushed it out without proper testing and quality control.

Aenea2641d ago

But, but, that is the whole issue! The users put the straps on backwards! 😂

XanderZane2640d ago

I still can't forgive them for that docking station that is $90.

superchiller2641d ago

Why try to change the subject? Feeling nervous about the bungled Switch design and launch?

AKR2641d ago


Nobody's changing the subject. The video shows that even the mighty PS4 had similar problems at launch.
Newsflash: ALL systems have launch issues. It's impossible to create perfectly functioning hardware 100% of the time.

rainslacker2640d ago

And? Does that remove accountability from Nintendo for their design flaws? PS4 and X1's design flaws weren't something that would definitely happen, nor could they be induced by user error unless that error was pretty extreme.

Nintendo's design flaws fall into the category of stuff that will be a problem, to stuff that has a high probability of happening, to just some oversight in how people may wish to use the system.

In any case, this video is just about a broken system. That's a lot different than what's being talked about here.

PlayStation_52641d ago

All we wanted was a normal Nintendo console with at least the bare minimum of functional, technological, and network performance that we expect in 2017, but instead we get this...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2640d ago
Next_gen_20152641d ago (Edited 2641d ago )

PSN4G is really going all out to hate on the switch. Its sad...

DragonDDark2640d ago

Your comment doesn't make sense as a reply...

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The full version of "TIEBREAK" is coming to PC and consoles on August 22nd, 2024

"NACON and Big Ant Studios are today very proud and pleased to announce that "TIEBREAK: Official game of the ATP and WTA" will be released on 22 August 2024 for PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC (Steam). The Nintendo Switch™ version will be launched at a later date." - NACON and Big Ant Studios.

RhinoGamer8811h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!


FanimeCon 2024 | Persona / Shin Megami Tensei Cosplay Gathering

The Persona / Shin Megami Tensei cosplay gathering allowed fans of the acclaimed JRPG series to meet up during FanimeCon 2024.

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Inspired by Toy Story, HYPERCHARGE Unboxed blasts onto Xbox

HYPERCHARGE Unboxed blasts its way to Xbox, as an all-action hero adventure awaits; one that has been inspired by Toy Story no less.

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OtterX1d 19h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )

Lol, how did you get Toy Story out of it? The devs even said themselves that the biggest inspiration was the film Small Soldiers.

"The core inspiration for Hypercharge is the 1998 movie Small Soldiers – a fantastic film that really resonated with us in terms of its story, characters, and visuals. While Small Soldiers introduced Major Chip Hazard, Hypercharge features Major Evil! We also draw inspiration from Toy Story, which influenced the vibrant levels in our game.

Other inspirations include video games like Sarge’s Heroes, Toy Commander, and even the Counter-Strike 1.6 Rat maps. The game follows a classic good vs. evil storyline, (90’s inspired!) where Sgt. Max Ammo battles against Major Evil to protect the Hypercore, which holds the precious memories of our beloved toys!"

Toy Story wasn't mentioned.


OtterX1d 17h ago (Edited 1d 17h ago )

Oops my bad, i somehow missed the Toy Story reference above when glancing over. I feel stupid now, put egg on my face! 😂

My apologies!

Inverno12h ago

I really don't get how you take the aesthetics of toys, which can be anything and do anything, and instead just make an fps. As a kid I would pretend to do all sorts of whacky things with my toys, my imagination was limitless, but devs can only think of making a shooter.

InUrFoxHole11h ago

Sorry bro. They know you were looking for that dater sim