
Sony registers new DualShock 4 & PlayStation Move controllers

Sony applied for the certification of new DualShock 4 and PlayStation Move controllers with an Indonesian certification agency earlier this month, it's been revealed.

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DeadlyOreo2836d ago

Ah man. I just bought some old school Move controllers for PSVR. I hope these new ones aren't too much different otherwise what a waste of money :(

S2Killinit2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

Lol dont fret my friend, i will be using my old move controllers as well. But im currious what this new movecontroller is all about.

KwietStorm_BLM2836d ago

I hope they're entirely different, like the Minority Report style gloves in the patent a long while back. Much more natural for virtual reality than the Move controllers. Really need a pro Dualshock 4 pad too, with higher quality parts.

2836d ago
CyrusLemont2836d ago

Really hope Neo introduces a Dualshock 4 "Pro" controller; better battery life, textured grip, improved thumbsticks etc.

2836d ago
KwietStorm_BLM2836d ago

Definitely. And extra buttons. People don't realize how much it benefits your gameplay when you don't have to take your thumbs off the sticks.

theshredded2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

I'm glad I didn't get the move controllers yet and hopefully the R2 button doesn't get loose on the new DS4 or the rubber isn't easily tearable.

iceman062835d ago

They improved on those DS4 issues shortly after the launch run. My launch DS4 had the exact same issues you named. I purchased a second controller from the "improved" batch and haven't had either issue...and that's over a year and a half of regular use.

Antnee5342836d ago

I hope they announce that psvr launch bundle pre orders get bumped up to the new move controller if not though I'm not worried :)

nyctophilia132836d ago

I'm pretty confident that the PSVR bundle will get the latest peripherals.

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France Fines Sony for Combating Third-Party PS4 Controllers

PlayStation LifeStyle says: "The French antitrust authority Autorité de la Concurrence has slapped Sony Interactive Entertainment with a fine for taking measures to combat third-party PS4 controllers. In an attempt to fight off counterfeits, Sony implemented technical measures that negatively affected the functioning of third-party controllers, according to the regulator."

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jznrpg149d ago

I never buy 3rd party controllers. They’re usually crappy or too expensive for what they offer

DarXyde149d ago

I feel like the age of crappy third party controllers ended. I might be wrong, but I only ever hear of the high end third party controllers now.

Either way, I feel like people should be able to buy and use these devices, even if they're bad quality.

Sure, it's Sony's box, but no company should do this unless it's some shady device-bricking controller.

Majors149d ago

Wait So Micro$oft gets away with it by disabling 3rd party controllers Whilst Sony gets a fine for only affecting them >?


PlayStation 4 Controllers - All Color Variations & Limited Editions

The PlayStation 4 offers a wide range of controller variations, encompassing a diverse selection of colors and featuring some unusual and distinct designs.

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darthv72201d ago

Consolevariations.com is a good site. The gamestop ones I added to their database. Cool to see my pics being used in this piece.

Freecs201d ago

Yes thank you for the pictures, this piece is meant for casual players to check out all variation in one place, consolevariations is an awesome website of course especially for hardcore collectors.

gold_drake200d ago

my .mate made me a custom see-through controller and its the best one ive ever seen and had ha


Air Conflicts: Secret Wars - PlayStation Move's Best Kept Secret

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars debuted in 2011, and later updated for modern consoles. However, it's the PlayStation 3 edition that stands out.