
Fallout 4's Latest Patch Improves Performance By Downgrading Visuals On PC, PS4 And Xbox One

Fallout 4's latest patch has gone live on the PS4, Xbox One and PC. As we have reported earlier, the full patch notes are out and they include several bug fixes as well performance and optimization for all platforms. One of the specific example of optimization given is for Corvega Assembly Plant and it appears that Bethesda Softworks has optimized the game for that specific section by offering a slight visual downgrade on all platforms, including PC.

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DarkOcelet3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )


As if the visuals were that good. Come on Bethesda, Witcher 3 looks much better than your game and run much more stable and its a masterpiece visually .

That Engine needs to hit the trash bin asap.

nick3093096d ago

I got bored of fo4 and got refunded on xbox lol

DarkOcelet3096d ago

I have to disagree because the game is actually pretty good but the bugs/glitches/shoppy framerate etc can make it very annoying.

Bethesda, make a new engine now!

SolidStoner3096d ago

dont rush it.. it may be temporary fix just to get it working properly for now.. they may need more time to figure out the problem.. I bet the game will work fine and look fine in the end! and no big changes are discovered so we are really fine...

.. just let Bethesda to reinstall theyre Intel pentium III, with windows Vista.. that old tech might know better that engine from year 2000 :D .. the fix is hidden in there, just dig deeper.. its like one of those challenges with secret hidden buttons in safe to open secret dors! work it out Bethesda!!

Meanwhile this game is a blast.. some downgrades here and there, but overall its pure hardcore Fallout!

freshslicepizza3096d ago

i thought they said there were no performance issues?


holdmyown833096d ago

Traded mines in for Mario maker. Wayyy better. Lol

nveenio3096d ago

Patience? You bet it will look fine in the end? This is what it has come to: we buy unfinished games in hopes that they might eventually get finished. That's practically absurd, people. Listen to yourselves.

UltraNova3096d ago

@ inveni0

Oh I'm very patient, patient enough to wait for the fully loaded and fully working(hopefully) Game of the Year edition and I think more people should follow suit and stop wasting time on internet forums complaining for unfinished games they bought day 1...

We should know better by now.

Utalkin2me3096d ago


That is exactly right. And things wont change until people start speaking with their wallets. Seems these things are getting worse and worse as we move forward.

Bansai3096d ago

this generation will certainly teach us patience, lol.

DragonKnight3096d ago

I'm new to Fallout and have been loving FO4. I've had almost no bugs and think the game looks great but I'm not an armchair developer with a magnifying glass attached to my screen so I'm not paying attention to shadows, grass textures, etc...

But lol at people who think Bethesda and quality graphics go hand in hand. Name one Bethesda game with good graphics. Just one. You can't because Bethesda is known for scope and interaction, not graphics. Stop visiting dsogaming and just really look at Bethesda's games through a raw lens and not dso's mod lens and learn to accept that there will never be a graphically impressive Bethesda game without the mod community making it so.

Thefreeman0123096d ago

That's fine. Go back to Candy crush and CoD

UnwanteDreamz3096d ago

When kids complain about patches that improve games I laugh. Back in the day that glitch would just remain in the game forever. You don't have to subject yourself to "unfinished games" every review I read mentioned glitches or bugs it was no secret.

The issue isn't evil game companies taking advantage. The issue is your first world instant gratification. You could wait for a better product but you "choose" not to.

Fro_xoxo3096d ago

I traded it too
for Rise of the Tomb Raider.. Best decision I ever made.

I thought I'd give it a chance to see if I could get into it... the results were the same as Fallout 3.

Kombatologist3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

"And things wont change until people start speaking with their wallets."

People keep saying this, as if the industry would suddenly fall back in line and give us what we think we deserve. In reality, they would only find new ways to nickel and dime us to death, while cutting every corner they could find. Hell, they're going to do that anyway.

Today's economy is all about spending the least amount of money to make the most amount of money.

solar3096d ago


you get it, soooo many sheep dont. Bethesda doesn't pull the strings in their own studio, ZeniMax does, they supply the money.

JamesBondage3095d ago

i definitely put a solid 40-50 hours into it, but its also no where near as good as the previous fallout games. I'm bored with it now, hopefully modders will make it worth going back to. Until then im investing my time in the Albion Online beta

ThunderPulse3095d ago

FO4 is awesome you're just a hater.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3095d ago
blakstarz3096d ago

I never played Witcher 3 but is it as big as FO4 though? I'm sure a game this big probably has to cut corner somewhere I guess.

Griever3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Witcher 3 is actually much bigger than Fallout 4 which is smaller than Skyrim, if I recall correctly. Although you cannot pick up every meaningless item lying around in Witcher 3 which is an often touted "feature" of Bethesda games.There is just no excuse for the poor graphics and performance and the further downgrade to improve the performance.

Bethesda was just not interested in investing in a new engine and improving the graphics or performance of their games. The critics still give it a free pass and fans buy in millions so they will continue to do what they have been doing until there is a significant backlash or decline in sales. That is how businesses mostly work.

sullynathan3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

The Witcher 3 has a world map that is 3 times the size of Fallout 4. Just one area is larger than all of Fallout 4.
TW3 also has more quests than Fallout 4, but that's if you ignore the fact that Fallout 4 has an unlimited amount of regenerating quests.

other game sizes for context

Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall - 62,394 sq. miles
Lord of the Rings Online - 30,000 sq. miles
World War II Online - 20,077 sq. miles
Guild Wars: Nightfall - 15,000 sq. miles
Fuel - 5560 sq. miles
Final Fantasy XV - 780 sq. miles
Test Drive - 618 sq. miles
Asheron’s Call - 500 sq. miles
Just Cause 2 & 3 - 400 sq. miles
True Crime: Streets of LA - 240 sq. miles
Burnout Paradise - 200 sq. miles
Star Wars Galaxies - 200 sq. miles
Xenoblade Chronicles X - 154 sq. miles
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - 135 sq. miles
Arma 3 - 112 sq. miles
World of Warcraft (pre Burning Crusade) - 80 sq. miles
Superman Returns - 80 sq. miles
Witches III: Wild Hunt - 47 sq. miles
GTA V - 31 sq. miles
Far Cry 2 - 31 sq. miles
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - 22 sq. miles
Far Cry 4 - 17.7 sq. miles
TES IV: Oblivion - 16 sq. miles
Red Dead Redemption - 15.9 sq. miles
Fallout 3 - 15 sq. miles
TES V: Skyrim - 14. 2 sq. miles
Fallout 4 - Skyrim size
GTA San Andreas - 13.6 sq. miles
TES III: Morrowind - 10 sq. miles
MGS V (Afghanistan) - 6.63 sq. miles
GTA III - 3.2 sq. miles
Dying Light - 1.93051 sq. miles
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - 1.28 sq. miles

Shadowsteal3096d ago

If you take in all the interior areas in Fallout 4, I'm sure it's just as big as Witcher 3 if not bigger.

sullynathan3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Why did I get disagrees for pointing out a fact? Oh wait, it's N4G with Fallout 4 & Bethesda shills.

@shadowsteal Lets not act like if TW3 doesn't have interiors either. At least, not hidden behind loading screens.

BeefCurtains3096d ago

Witcher 3 is much bigger than FO4. I loved Witcher, but it has to be said that is it HUGE, full of empty space. There is massive distances between areas, and if you took some of that empty space out, it would probably be much closer to FO4 in size.

Vegamyster3096d ago


"Lets not act like if TW3 doesn't have interiors either. At least, not hidden behind loading screens."

Interiors are completely different between games, many of Fallout 4's can take 10-30 minutes to fully explore where as the Witcher 3's are primarily small houses and generic caves. Only a couple of times in the main quest do you actually explore larger building/sewers ect.

sullynathan3096d ago

@Vegamyster maybe you shouldn't be taking 10 - 30 minutes to explore an area. At least, I don't.

CptFalcon3096d ago

But cropping is not always better. I like the beautifull empty plains of the Witcher, it gave me a sense of immersion, truly a large land. Thst combined with automatically growing a beard gave a sense of time.

I enjoy Fallout 4 very much but I still miss the Capital Wasteland from time to time. The recognizable landmarks in combination with huge empty wastes. I still remember the first time going to that odd tower there in the middle of nowhere to find a Ghoul trying to talk his way in. Epic times.

While I enjoy Fallout 4 very much 3 captivated me more. And the color palette of 4 just seems out of place somehow, too happy or optimistic for my tastes.

Vegamyster3096d ago


It's completely dependent on the area I'm in, why would i want to rush through a area that i know has goods that i can use?

N83096d ago

It's a different world though. It depends on what you like. I find it hard to get into witchers universe.

RegorL3096d ago

Doesn't both have "streaming" problems with moving between game zones?

At least I think I have read reports about that for both games.

ShinMaster3096d ago

Fallout 4 is actually smaller than Witcher 3, GTAV, Skyrim and others.

_-EDMIX-_3096d ago

@Sully- Legit, stop getting bring up people disagreeing with you. Many do with me tons of times...I don't care, my view is not fact, its merely opinion. We are free to disagree, its OT and again...stop bringing it up.

On topic. Size doesn't equal quality. Witcher 3 is bigger then Fallout 4 yes, it also has very little interiors compared to Fallout 4, I never felt Fallout 4 was small and 30 hours in, I've yet to see everything I've wanted to see, I have so many more hours to go.

I want density and I really want them and other teams to focus on adding more interiors vs look how much grass we have.

Love both games, but size doesn't mean much, it matters more what you do with that size, then just the size itself.

If you tell me Witcher 4 is 10x Witcher 3......who cares? What does that REALLY do for me? lol What I need to hear is we have MORE interiors, MORE towns, MORE NPCs, meaningful exploration. Its actually why I like exploring in Fallout more then Witcher.

AndrewLB3096d ago


There's no way on earth Oblivion is larger than Skyrim!

DeToX4203096d ago

The land mass is greater in witcher but if you take all the buildings underground areas and the like then f4 is much larger. The witcher 3 had a ton of dead areas where you would just have to ride your horse for ages.

DragonKnight3096d ago

@sully: I think your numbers are way off. There's no way that Daggerfall is 62K sq. miles and Skyrim is only 14.2.

I thought Morrowind was the biggest TES game to date.

JamesBondage3095d ago

theyre completely different games in completely different worlds. I dont understand why people are comparing the two.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3095d ago
Palitera3096d ago

Graphical downgrade for better performance? Count me in!

Hanuman3096d ago

Removing shadows is not funny.

Palitera3096d ago

I played on PS4 before and after the patch and didn't notice any change in graphics.

Performance-wise, on the other hand, it felt much better.

To be honest, to me the game looked bad before, so I don't give much attention to the graphics themselves.

StrawberryDiesel4203096d ago

Framerate is King. Bethesda games never run super smooth on console. You have to be impressed with a game like Star Wars Battlefront(despite the amount of hate it gets) because it's online running silky smooth on PS4 and looks absolutely stunning.

AstroCyborg3096d ago

& the witcher was more broken as well w & the witcher isn't even open world

DarkOcelet3096d ago

What do you mean Witcher 3 isn't open world? Its bigger than Fallout 4.

Paulino303096d ago

I agree the witcher 3 was buggier than fallout 4 as far as my experience goes on PC.

When you say the witcher is not open world, I hope your not referring to witcher 3. If you are then you're an idiot.

AstroCyborg3096d ago

if you can't travel say from the top being ker morin to the bottom say novigrad without seeing a loading screen then its not open world & the world of the witcher is empty compared to fallout

RedDevils3096d ago

It's seem the Witcher 3 will likely wipe the floor with awards over Fallout 4

McToasty2073096d ago

Which it achieves by being much less interactive, it's called a trade off dumbass.

DarkOcelet3096d ago

Mate, respect yourself. What is wrong with you? You could have said the first part of the comment and moved on. Sheesh.

sullynathan3096d ago

yup, hoarding trash is that good interaction.

McToasty2073095d ago

+sullynathan If I want to collect stuff that's my prerogative its an RPG a genre defined by player choice, Christ Fallout 4's biggest fault is that it has reduced some of that choice. Witcher 3 however insists that you play a Swordman/Alchemist who is karmaically good but slightly roguish, in terms of player involvement it's super shallow but really polished.

+DarkOcelot (I assume that's a spelling mistake) I'm sorry but I though people on the internet weren't so sensitive but yes I suppose I was needlessly rude. Point still stands though Witcher 3 sacrifices tons of interactivity to the point it's clearly an action RPG not a proper RPG and even then Diablo has more flexibility with class building.

Captain_TomAN943096d ago


I get that Fallout games are massive - so they get maybe one free pass.

But they are terribly programmed, and have sub par graphics. Choose ONE Bethesda!!!

Ashlen3096d ago

Man, the engine is incredibly powerful for modding. I see people say this occasionally and I know they have never made a mod. There is a reason why Bethesda games have nearly unlimited modability and other games don't and it's the engine.

Also don't act like Witcher 3 ran so good, as I recall people were constantly having problems with sub 30 FPS in that game way more severe than Fallout. And the fact of the matter is FPS/Resolution/Post-Processing is always going to be a balancing act on this gens consoles.

Vegamyster3096d ago

The Witcher 3 does look amazing but you can't look at them like they're screen shots, Fallout 4 has a lot more moving parts going on like NPC patterns & all the objects in the game have there own physics ect. That said i'd still like to see a brand new engine because its pretty clear this engine is hitting its limits in many areas, i don't think it's terrible though.

3096d ago Replies(4)
jc123096d ago

I agree. The visuals are kinda poopy to begin with.

UnHoly_One3096d ago

Just fired it up on Xbox One and went to Corvega. Everything looks the same. Shadows are all there. Runs great, but I never had a problem before (running off external SSD).

I know this isn't what the haters want to hear, though, so just hit disagree and go on about your business talking about that piece of crap Witcher game.

showtimefolks3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

honestly speaking people who will pick up fallout 4 in april or may of 2016 will get a much better game. I feel like we the early adopters are also their game testers

i am tired of this excuse of it's an open world game and those are hard to test. And i am not just talking about fallout 4

one thing we can all agree on is the fact it's time for bethesda to start using brand new game engine built from ground up for their style of open world games

one other thing we can all agree on is the fact bethesda gets a free pass when most other developers would be bashed and talked about as bad developers

but since it's bethesda it's fine

i don't like the double standards of gaming journalists but even more the gamers who defend bethesda

UnHoly_One3096d ago

The whole "Bethesda free pass" argument is getting awfully tired.

People like their games.

Sometimes they have issues.

But people like them so much it isn't a big deal.

The way I look at it, if somebody like CD Project Red wants to get a "free pass", maybe they should make a better game to get people to look past the flaws.

Utalkin2me3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )


Bethesda does not get a free pass with me. I have sworn off their games, i will not purchase another game with their name on it until they start putting out better optimized games. As i have stated before they make some good games, but make some of the worse optimized games in the business on a regular basis.

UnHoly_One3096d ago

And that's fine. Maybe if you get a few million more people to agree with you then they'll do better in the future.

My point is simply that the good so monumentally outweighs the bad, that is why they get a "free pass". It's not really "free", they earn it with a history of awesomeness.

showtimefolks3096d ago


Lol sometimes they have issues?

Fallout 3
Fallout 4

All have same or identical bugs and or glitches

Liking their games shouldn't come at customer of playing glitch filled fames which are also not well optimized

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3096d ago
TwoForce3096d ago

I agree you there. For example, DriveClub and Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection got patched about month ago and they upgraded the visual of their games. Bethesada need a new engine.

AndrewLB3096d ago

They downgraded the PC version because of the Parity clause in the contracts signed with Sony and Microsoft. Typically that clause only applies to launch graphics requiring parity between platforms... but it seems in at least this instance, subsequent updates (downgrades) require it as well.

A sad day for all gamers.

DragonKnight3096d ago

There is no way that such a clause exists. It would be unenforceable due to the very nature of PC gaming. That has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

DanteVFenris6663096d ago

Witcher 3 also doesn't need to memorize and gigantic load of things. Even the enemies will disappear will your still in the area. In fallout I can come a week later and still see some of the bodies. The game is saving so much more info than witcher 3 could ever hope. Witcher 3 has far less physics. Witcher3 also has far less particle effects. Less enemies on screen, less objects on screen..... The list goes on. It's not this linear thing where if one game has good graphics the other should. Plus your comparing fallout to the greatest graphical open world game. So itd still in good standards just not the best.

The engine is not solely the issue with glitches. It's more of the complex nature of all the moving parts that interact with eachother. Which the witcher 3 simply doesn't have as many moving parts going around.

UKmilitia3096d ago

wow,i thought the graphics was dreadful anyway.
as you say when u put it next to witcher the graphical difference is pretty big imo.

donthate3096d ago

Graphics doesn't make the game, but gameplay does. Go play something else, but it is your loss!

Yui_Suzumiya3096d ago

Ocelet.. In my 90 hours and platinum trophy I never had any real issues. I think I had less than 8 frame rate dips in that entire time. Never had any freezing or glitches either. I guess I'm lucky but I never had any serious issues with Fallout 3 on PS3 either.

DarkOcelet3096d ago

Well, you are lucky my friend. Because i had it all, crashes, freezes, glitches etc etc.

MicrosoftMackin3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Yet they have a mod that increases texture quality and performance on pc lol

Need that for consoles when mods are enabled

frostypants3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Witcher 3 also has a lot less to process because the environment isn't half as dynamic. I also has a newer engine. Bethesda can't do much about the engine in a patch.

cell9893095d ago

They really need to create a whole new engine from scratch, look at MGSV and The Witcher, full open world and run way smoother and have superior graphics too.

Dragonking0073095d ago

Was opposite for me witcher 3 yea great graphics but once u completed everything u were done with it unless u did new game plus which didnt do a whole lot other then just continue your quests as u would with stats and armor you previously got

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3095d ago
3096d ago Replies(4)
Satyre283096d ago

So sad that they had to "downgrade" already pretty crap visuals lol. This is exactly what you clowns need to get a new engine and step out of the 2000's already.

MJunior3096d ago

God I can't believe on this.

GreenUp3096d ago

Wait. Why? It ran just fine on PC with my 980ti and 6700k with a 1440p ultrawide monitor. :\

DarkOcelet3096d ago

That is almost my same setup but i have Zotac 980ti Extreme amp and 5930k instead of 6700k, that cpu is overrated.

Pixelart3096d ago

If you're going to be like that, a 5930k is a silly buy if you're only running 1 GPU and not taking advantage of 40 lanes. 5820k is exactly the same except it has 28 lanes and is $200 less.

GreenUp3096d ago

6700k is overated? It's brand new and hardly anyone even talks about it. More people still talk about the 4790k than this one. I upgraded from a 2500k though and understand there are small increases each gen since sandybridge. Needed the i7 for streaming to my only view. Was going to go with the 5820k but power consumption and ghz were the dealbreaker. I play Arma 3 as well, and needed a faster clock cycle. Yeah, I could overclock, but the power cost is what broke it for me. Having to overclock the 5820k, more heat, more power. Meh.

Love the down votes though. Since this is a console forum, I know where they are coming from. ;)

Sashamaz3096d ago

Runs ok on my PC, But I don't need to mention the specs to justify anything.

LamerTamer3096d ago

Because parity. They don't want the xbone to look bad in comparison. MS has this marketing deal with them.

BeefCurtains3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

most fanboy comment of the year goes to...

No decrease in visuals was needed on any platform to clearly see the PC had the best visuals. A downgrade anywhere would not have made a difference vs the PC version.

zidane13413096d ago

Hahahahaha, you fanboys sure are funny. I spent over a hundred hours on the Xbox one version. It was more fluid then a lot of other games. Nice try though :)

LamerTamer3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Sorry bud no fanboy just pure logic. All versions look the same, all versions were downgraded the same, parity. MS does have a marketing deal with Bethesda for this game, another fact. If some artificial parity wasn't used here then the PS4 would look a little better or run a little smoother than the xbone and the PC would be best all around and would have not had the shadow downgrade happen AT ALL.

The only ones that think this simple logic is a fanboy comment are themselves fanboys that are defensive because they have the weakest hardware.

AndrewLB3096d ago


Please, watch this and try and claim they look the same.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3096d ago
WellyUK3096d ago

It should with a 980ti... costs like 3x the amount of ps4/xbone.

BeefCurtains3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

And R9 270x runs it better than PS4 at almost 1/4 the price of PS4. Your point?

3096d ago
BeefCurtains3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )


a quick search, and you are right on the price, they have really gone up in price for some reason. They were $100 with a rebate about 6 months ago. But my point still stands, whenever a new console comes out you don't have to buy a whole new computer, just upgrade the GPU. You don't include he price of a new TV with every console purchase. Why should i have to include the price of every component? It doesn't make any sense. So no, an R9 270x on my current rig would blow a Ps4 away (I had one last year, currently running a GTX 970).

So no corners need to be cut, and my current GPU is better than the PS5's will be.

Utalkin2me3096d ago


You ask why do you have to include your other components? Well cause those components are required to make that video card work. Just use current price of what each component is at current time, and that will give you the price of your current rig. Dont need to mix in monitor, mouse, keyboard etc. Need one full working tower.

BeefCurtains3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )


I have a full tower. It works. I can put any GPU I want on it. I've had it for a few years, and it won't need to be upgraded anytime soon. I've already made the money I spent on it back from the massively cheaper games available on PC.

So again, when the time comes to upgrade, I only need to buy a current GPU that is as powerful or more powerful than the current consol generation. Which in the case of the PS4, I bought an R9 270x over two years ago for $130. For $330 (not including rebate) I have a GTX 970 that is most likely more powerful, or as powerful, as the next generation of consoles. I just have it 5-7 years earlier. And it wasn't any more expensive than a console.

That is why I only include the price of my GPU. When you buy a console, and "IF" it games at 2k or 4K resolution next generation, you won't include the price of a TV upgrade, or extra controllers, or peripherals, or games. And I won't include the price of CPU, MOBO, or RAM, because I'm already gaming 2k-4K resolution.

WellyUK3096d ago

why am I getting disagrees? You people aren't expecting a 980ti (£500) to run this easily or something?

@BeefCurtains I have 270x as well and it runs fine as well... Your Point?

BeefCurtains3096d ago

My point was clear. You said GTX 980 runs it better but that it's 3x the amount of consoles. I made the point that R9 270x still runs it better even at 1/4 the price.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3096d ago
DarkOcelet3096d ago

But if you ran a 3-way SLi then you will definitely need the 5930k.

I just didn't see much difference between 4790k and 6700k so opted for a 5930k.

BeefCurtains3096d ago

Yeah for current gaming, there's not much need for anything more than a 4670k even. But for the sake of having the best available and "future proof", a 5930k would be Nice to have.

AndrewLB3096d ago

I agree. I have an i5-4670k @ 4.2ghz and it's still a great chip and has no problem running with my 2x GTX 780 ti's. With both cards running at 1,148mhz overclocked, it pushes roughly 12 tflops. That's roughly 6.5x more pixel power than the PS4 and 9x more than Xbone.

Utalkin2me3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )


My main question does it play Bloodborne or Uncharted 4 or a whole list of exclusives i could list? I mean you can beat your chest here all day for all i care. But the irony of the whole thing. You come on here claiming 6.5x pixel power, while on paper is cool. But you wont hit that and also it cost 6.5x more.

AndrewLB3096d ago

It runs great on far slower hardware. The vast majority of people having issues with the PC version are typically user error (PC full of malware from watching pr0n).

Check out the performance comparison between PS4 and the "Potato Masher", a $350 PC.


Utalkin2me3096d ago

Which OS is he using? Its required to make the PC work.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3096d ago
Show all comments (190)

Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

Read Full Story >>
Tacoboto18d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx18d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast17d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl23d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis23d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits23d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast23d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast23d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead23d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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