
The Witcher 3 vs. Fallout 4: The Fight for Game of the Year

Jo from GamersFTW writes: "Undoubtedly the two heavyweights of RPGs this year, the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Fallout 4 have both done incredibly well sales wise and have brought fans many an hour of game to play. There is also no doubt that they will both be in the running for Game of the Year. But which game stands out the most?"

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SmallestSteph3103d ago

Great article! Really good points

MyDietEqualsGames3103d ago (Edited 3103d ago )

This years goty is going to be very hard to pick, BB, TW3 and FO4, all three are very strong and deserve it for various differing reasons. This might be the first time since giving a crap about goty, that I lean on 3 games simultaneously.

Anyone else feel the same?

nyctophilia133103d ago

I hear you, but Bloodborne is a masterpiece. Easily GOTY for me.

Army_of_Darkness3103d ago

The witcher 3 cause it's always more fun killing monsters with a sword! I know blood Bourne does the same, but I haven't played it yet so it's tw3 for me.

BG115793103d ago

I'm also on BB side, but got to be realistic, TW3 is going to win best the game of the year. If there is a prize for the best new IP, I expect BB to win it.

BiggerBoss3102d ago

@army. Yeah you def need to play Bloodborne, the combat is way better than in the Witcher.

thekhurg3102d ago

Bloodborne and Witcher 3 are the only two that should have a shot.

If Fallout 4 takes any then it's a joke.

Anthotis3102d ago

No way a game that's last gen in every way like Fallout 4 should even be considered.

nX3102d ago (Edited 3102d ago )

Bloodborne beats both in terms of gameplay. Witcher has the best role playing, Fallout the exploration but nothing this year came close to Bloodborne's combat.

Bansai3102d ago (Edited 3102d ago )

Platinum Trophy in MGSV, Bloodborne and Witcher 3, my pick? The Witcher 3, hands down.

Fallout doesn't even compete.

Bahamut3102d ago

I love Bloodborne, but The Witcher 3 has to be the winner. The game is one of the best I have ever played. Fallout 4 is good, but it's an easy #3.

garrettbobbyferguson3102d ago

Witcher 3 and Bloodborne easily deserve it over Fallout 4. Why that game is even nominated goty is beyond me. But I guess that's what a big enough marketing campaign will get you.

t-hall7853102d ago

nope. rise of the tomb raider
hands down

FATAL1TY3102d ago (Edited 3102d ago )

Bloodborne is the true Game of the Year

Downgrade of the year: The witcher 3

Bughesda: fallout 4

Mykky3102d ago

Why are people forgetting MGS? Honestly I think the battle stands between TW3, BB and MGS. FO4 is awesome but I don't think it is good enough to compete with the other three. The other three games set each their own new standard for how good games could be. Gameplay in BB, Stealth in MGS and scope -including world and meaningful side quests- in TW3.

thorstein3102d ago

Bloodborne because it released as a complete game and the gameplay was solid. It had very, very few bugs.

Whereas the other two (though great games) had too many bugs to really be considered GOTY.

Alexander1Nevermind3102d ago

Why can't all 3 win. I loved Bloodborne and the W3. I can't put Fallout 4 down. 3 excellent games.

mikeslemonade3102d ago

If you don't think Bloodborne is goty then your blind. Witcher 3 and fallout 4 are generic wrpgs. Bloodborne is a more fresh experience. It looks good too. Witcher 3 has clunky battle controls and Fallout 4 is bland.

Fusion_Ninja3102d ago (Edited 3102d ago )

I get full well that Fallout 4 is the 'fashionable game to bash on' right now. That said, I'll bet most of you here saying FO4 is "a joke" and "shouldn't even be considered for GOTY" have NOT played it, plain and simple.

Spend five hours with FO4, actually playing the game rather than reading ill-informed opinion pieces and sensationalized generalization on 'teh internetz' and tell me it doesn't deserve consideration for GOTY.

I spent a lot of time playing all three games mentioned here.

Bloodborne: Fun for a couple weeks, but gets very repetitive, very fast. And yes, I understand it's supposed to be challenging- but personally, that's not the primary motivator for me to play a game in the end. After I put it down this spring, I never played it again.

The Witcher 3: Graphically impressive, interesting systems in place, great voice acting, and awesome side quests. However, the hugely hyped "world" itself is mostly empty outside the main city/town activity hubs, and the main quest is a tedious rinse and repeat of "find Ciri! Find Ciri! Find Ciri!" I found the mechanical experience very similar to Dragon Age: Inquisition in many ways.

Fallout 4: Everything I loved about Bethesda's Fallout formula, pumped up for the new generation. From twitch gun handling, to character progression, to dialogue, to the sheer density of world content, to the outstanding quests (main AND side) to the insane level of weapon and armor customization, and the new robust settlement building mechanic, FO4 is leaps and bounds beyond its predecessor. Yes, load times can be crappy and the visuals are not cutting edge, due to the aging engine. Regardless, Fallout 4 has me more obsessed and immersed than any game has in years. GOTY indeed.

starchild3102d ago

The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne both have excellent combat, but I think The Witcher 3 wins in most other ways, from narrative and characters to world-building and overall depth--not to mention better graphics and sound.

WellyUK3102d ago

Bloodborne a fresh experience? It's a souls game but faster... It's good game and is worthy of GOTY but it's not fresh or new at all. So stop making crap up.

All 3 are good enough to get a GOTY.

UnHoly_One3102d ago

Well said, Fusion_Ninja.

I don't get the Fallout hate, and I equally don't get the Witcher love.

Witcher was so boring and repetitive. You start with every spell, and only gain a slight alternate version of each as you go along. It's like the combat never changes and you're still fighting the exact same fights after 100 hours. It's so terrible. It is easily the worst game I bought this year.

Fallout on the other hand captivated me for 150 hours until I finished it, and then I immediately started over with a new character, different build, and totally different style of play. I'm 50 hours into this new character and I still can't stop playing it, and I'm still finding and seeing new things. This time around I'm focused on stealth and have a lot of the "luck" skils as well. It's a totally different experience.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course. I see the attraction of the world and the characters in Witcher, and in that regard I totally get it. But the gameplay was so horrid I couldn't get past it.

Whereas Fallout has taken every waking moment of my time for over 3 weeks and I'm still not even close to bored with it, and already planning my third character.

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Christopher3103d ago

I feel like a really sad and depressing looking guy who is the only one protesting holding a sign saying "Pillars of Eternity is the best RPG, and game, of the year".

thekhurg3102d ago

Pillars was absolutely great - but GOTY material? Really?

I think it should absolutely be nominating in place of Fallout 4 - but I'm having a hard time trying to justify it winning.

Christopher3102d ago (Edited 3102d ago )

***Pillars was absolutely great - but GOTY material? Really? ***

Abso-freaking-lutely. The best RPG of the year.

Better story, better characters customization, better NPCs, better impact from your choices. About the only thing it didn't do better was "appeal to the mass market by being an action-focused game" since instead it was a strategy game.

nX3102d ago

What's so great about it, what have I missed?

MadLad3102d ago

Pillars of Eternity was incredible.

Allowed for a level of interaction and depth that you simply can't achieve when trying to develop a believable 3D world; what with all the bells and whistles that are expected with it.

What's the better game overall?
This or Witcher 3?

That's up to players to decide.

But the fact it isn't up for game of the year is a crime.

sullynathan3102d ago

because Pillars isn't the best rpg of the year, most polished obsidian game ever? sure. best rpg? no.

Obsidian made a Baldur's gate clone, they need to go back to the drawing board for Pillars 2.

starchild3102d ago

Pillars of Eternity was excellent. Definitely one of the best RPGs for me.

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Spenok3102d ago

Very good article bringing up very good points about both, however it's unfortunate he decided to take the cowards way out and not pick one, even if for himself.

Personally I'm going with The Witcher 3. It was just too amazing with SO much fan service it can't be denied.

andyo133102d ago

I think everyone is forgetting how good metal gear solid 5 is.
I think the witcher and fall out should get game of the year for their genres. But not overall game of the year.

WellyUK3102d ago

no people realize it was badly overrated.

Bigpappy3102d ago

These award things are just a collection of opinions, and should NOT be taken so seriously. In the end, we will all have our own GOTY.

For me personally, a Souls (Bloodborne) game could never be my GOTY. To me they are to focused on combat, where as Games like Skyrim, Fallout and to a slightly lesser extent Witcher 3, are far more complex and immersive. So Fallout for me feels more like I am wondering (living) in the world and making the choices that make me fell more like it is my story and less about leaning fighting patterns and hitting the right button on time.

Having given my opinion, I totally get that many people don't want what I want out of a game. I can appreciate that people have more fun with combat challenges of BB, or the immersion and amazing felling of a great driving game like Forza6,or the trill of stealth and exploration of ROTTR. To each their own. This is why so many games are sold, and most gamers don't buy the same popular games.

Realms3102d ago


callahan093102d ago

Why do they only mention 2 games? I mean, why frame it as which of these two is the game of the year, when really they're asking "Which open world fantasy RPG from 2015 is better?" Metal Gear Solid 5 and Bloodborne are my top 2 games of the year. Not sure which one, or either, is *THE BEST* game of the year, because it's so damn subjective. I just know which games I had the most fun with and for me it is those 2, for others it probably is The Witcher 3 or Fallout 4 (which honestly probably are my #s 3 and 4 this year, great games!). For others still, it might be something else entirely. Halo 5? Until Dawn? I'm sure plenty of gamers would go with Call of Duty. Different people enjoy different games to different degrees. For me, Bloodborne is easily my favorite game of the year. I'm playing Dark Souls again right now, and it is striking to me how much worse of a game in terms of its level designs and mechanics it really is compared to Bloodborne in my opinion. Bloodborne took the formula that they've been building since Demon's Souls and have made by far their best version of it to date. The level/world design is just stellar. Bloodborne has nothing "unfair" ("cheap") in it, while still remaining intensely challenging.

candystop3102d ago

Read here folks. Probably the only comment worth reading in this thread!

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Shillmeister3103d ago

People will say they love one over the other - heck I'm one of them, Witcher 3 for me personally - but both of these games show what can be done when developers take their time and work hard for the fans. Both games and developers can only be commended for this!

seanpitt233103d ago

I enjoyed fallout 4 but it wasn't the step forward I was hoping for witcher 3 blew me away and it beats fo4 in just about every category.

joab7773103d ago (Edited 3103d ago )

When I played TW3, I felt the same way. My only issues were the difficulty being too easy and the crafting being made obsolete by diagrams.

Fallout 4 is different though. It's like you set out and just simply explore. They are different and both deserve recognition. TW3 benefits from having moved to open world, thus a bigger leap in improvement over 2.

That said, I feel like Bloodborne deserves to split the rewards too. They all get GotY for me, A,B,and C.

Omegasyde3102d ago

Agree the wolf/griffin gear made it the obvious go to.Even bear and cat were awesome

nitus103102d ago

For some reason I could never get into the Fallout series even though I loved Oblivion and Skyrim (Still playing).

The author (Joanne Paul) states the following "The Witcher, it must be said, appeals to the fantasy lover in me and I enjoy the creatures and magical elements of it". I do think that is one of the main reasons why I prefer some RPG's over others.

I have not got a PS4 yet but when I do The Witcher and Bloodborne are at the top of my to-do list. Two other games are interesting to me, one is Dragon Age - Inquisition and the other is Elder Scrolls and unfortunately on-line only is a real turn off for me.

I have played Dragon Age - Origins and while I did think it was an excellent game I felt there was something lacking or I did not really like and unfortunately this has coloured my view on DA - Inquisition.

bloodybutcher3102d ago

You should definitely try da:i. Even though it gets repetitive, it's a good game with not-too-bad combat and it looks great.

forager3102d ago

I really loved Dying Light though:(

NerdBurglars3103d ago

hard games to compare really. even though they are both RPGs they are completely different

Yukes3103d ago

Have to respectfully disagree. Yes they have completely different worlds, but they're still subject to the same criteria that one would look at when assessing the merits of an RPG - narrative, quests, world aesthetics, gameplay mechanics, etc.

LTwriting3102d ago

I get where you're coming from with the whole "same criteria" thing, but that kind of thinking doesn't really work. I get that it -should- work, but it just doesn't and trying to make all games meet a certain criteria just doesn't do justice to the games themselves. Not to mention the fact that if all RPG's (or whatever genre) had to fulfill a certain amount of criteria to be considered "good" or considered a part of their respective genre, it would quickly homogenize that genre and then all games would be bland and feel the same.

It happened when CoD became popular. Suddenly all the other FPS makers out there tried to replicate what CoD did and unsurprisingly, lots and lots of bland and crappy FPS games came out.

I, personally, love the Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 to death. I played them both way, way, way too much (still working on my 2nd run through fallout), but they just aren't even close to comparable. They're both actiony-type-RPG's (yes, you can argue to what level they should be considered RPG's - if you're into that kind of argument), but at the end of the day they're just two drastically different games.

That said... if we were to judge all RPG on a set Criteria, let's say, The Witcher 3, then after a while all the big RPG's to come out would play and feel a lot like the Witcher 3, which would be awesome for about... I dunno maybe a game or two? Then we'd start to suffer from Assassin's Creed Syndrome where everyone is just tired of the same old game rehashed and rehashed.

MadLad3103d ago

I don't feel that Fallout 4 much falls into the RPG category anymore.

Set protagonist with an already created back-story, dialogue which boils down to saying yes, or sarcastically saying yes, and character building that allows for player to be a jack of all trades, expert of everything at the end of it all.

Fallout 4 is just a sandbox action game.

Even Witcher, which is based of a character of a book line, allows you to alter the personality, to a point.

MadLad3102d ago

4 disagrees.

Nothing in the way of pointing out how I am wrong.
.. Am I sensing butt-hurt?

Fusion_Ninja3102d ago

I am one of those (now) eight disagrees; I'll be happy to state in clear terms why this is the case.

1) Your argument is that FO4 isn't an RPG because the protagonist has a 'created back-story'...news flash: MOST RPGs, from Final Fantasy, to Dragon Age, to Mass Effect to The Witcher have detailed back-stories. You note as such at the end of your comment regarding the books/ancillary lore that Geralt is based on. The Witcher's back story is actually far more rigid than most RPGs; if you haven't played the other two games or read any of the literature, it's actually harder to get into the world, politics and characters of The Witcher and know what the hell is going on.

[SPOILER] The fact that Fallout 4's main protagonist wakes up 200+ years after being frozen, only to witness their spouse murdered, their infant child kidnapped and the world as they know it completely decimated/altered, makes for the IDEAL role-playing experience. When my wife began her character's turn, many of her initial choices and NPC interactions were fueled by the shock, bewilderment and hurt she felt from witnessing her character's experiences up to that point. It didn't matter that her character was a "wholesome family woman with a law degree" before the bombs dropped. Now she was a ruthless, ass-kicking, name-taking individual out for vengeance. When I started my turn, I took a more pragmatic approach to matters and my turn/choices have been vastly different than hers as a result. I would say this is role-playing at its essence.

2) Your dialogue synopsis of FO4 is way off-base, if I'm being honest. And I'm going to say it: you either have NOT played the game and are basing your 'observations' off hearsay and 'teh internetz', or if you have, you clearly haven't been paying much attention or effort to the system's nuances. Dialogue choices absolutely DO NOT boil down to asinine "yes", "sarcastic yes" or "no". I would argue that conversations in FO4 are deeper than any title in the series since FO2, or ANY BethSoft title to date. What you're forgetting (or don't know?) is that the character's "four response choices" only apply to one specific portion of any conversation; most conversations allow you to reply multiple times over the course of the dialogue, choosing from four replies at each point along the way. Quite often, these choices include shades of skepticism, intimidation, bewilderment, snark/sarcasm, anger, agreement, dismissal, bemusement and other emotional, strategic, and logical choices. Plus, there are a TON of Charisma speech checks along the way, more than I've experienced in any other FO game (including New Vegas).

3) The character building & progression system in FO4 is one of the deepest in any video game ever, of any genre. It's actually far harder to be a "jack of all trades" than in FO3 or even New Vegas. For starters, you only begin with 28 points to spread across your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats and can only access perks once you've unlocked the required tier depth on a given stat track. What I assume you're referring to is the fact that FO4 has no level cap. Well, considering that you'd need to hit Level 264 to unlock every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. tier and every rank of every perk, I don't think the majority of players are going to be a "jack of all trades" at the end of the game.

Fallout 4 is very much an RPG. A full array of morally grey choices (often at cross-purposes), one of the deepest character customization/progression systems in any video game, the ability to build elaborate housing settlements to re-purpose and run (or neglect) as the player sees fit, a looting and gear customization system that is pure RPG fan service, and a deep, varied choice of companions...

MadLad3102d ago

Fallout 4 has the depth of a puddle but, eh.

Fusion_Ninja3102d ago

I love it...you specifically brag how you've been downvoted, yet no one's "pointed out how you're wrong." I then do so, in a very articulate, detailed manner; your reply is "Fallout 4 has the depth of a puddle".

My work here is clearly done.

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DarkOcelet3103d ago

With all the missteps Fallout 4 has, its hard to think its my GOTY.

If i have to choose between Fallout 4 or Witcher 3, i would definitely go with Withcer 3.

joab7773103d ago

The issue is comparison to previous entries. How would we feel if they were both original IP's? If we didn't compare them to their predecessors or Skyrim for example.

I love them both. But come from amazing devs. Very tough. And BB too.

DarkOcelet3103d ago (Edited 3103d ago )

Sorry, but we have to make the comparison. If we didnt, then a game like Call Of Duty should get 9.5/10 every year then but it doesnt because we have been there and we have done that.

Look, i love the both too, i never said they were bad but the removal of the RPG mechanics that were trivial to every single Fallout game was not a good idea.

Witcher 3 took the formula that made Witcher 2 successful and expanded upon it without reducing or dumbing down its quality.

But in the end, i am happy that both games were made because those two games have both excellent quality and quantity and i wish to see more game like those.

nitus103102d ago

I do agree with you but many don't as well and really both are right.

In addition to both Fallout and The Witcher 3 being RPG's, Fallout is SciFi set in a post apocalyptic world while The Witcher 3 is Fantasy set in a medieval world.

R{G players usually prefer one game world style over another although that is not to say that a Fantasy game lover won't play and enjoy a SciFi game and vice versa. Personally I do think the Final Fantasy series has tried to merge these two sub categories with varying success.

madmonkey013103d ago

personally i think its left to witcher 3 or bloodborne.

Bahamut3102d ago

Yep, close call, but I really think The Witcher 3 should bring it home. And I love Bloodborne, but the Witcher 3 man... That game is truly special.

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Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto18d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx18d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast17d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl23d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis23d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits23d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast23d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast23d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead23d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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