
Fallout 4 PS4 Has Severe Frame Rate Issues, According To Reports

It seems like Fallout 4 PS4 has significant frame rate problems with the 1.01 patch installed, according to early owners of the game.

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DarkOcelet3128d ago

If anyone expects Fallout 4 to be a perfect game on day one with no bugs then you are out of luck.

Alexious3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

This is not about bugs, it's about frame rate.

DarkOcelet3128d ago

I got the game early, bugs, frame rate problems, glitches, you name it, Fallout 4 has it.

Genuine-User3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

It's a Bathesda game. What did you expect?

Aside from the excellent Wolfenstein: The New Order,, their games tend to run poorly.

kraenk123128d ago

@Genuine User

Wolfenstein wasn't developed by Bethesda..they only published it.

Genuine-User3128d ago


I know. It was developed by MachineGames.

Testfire3128d ago

Is there supposed to be a day 1 patch, that maybe people with early copies couldn't take advantage of?

Tech53127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

It seems that even consoles get poor optimized games and need patches. The pc version is blessed with 60 fps and MODs.

WellyUK3127d ago

"It's a Bathesda game. What did you expect? "

What kind of lame excuse is that? Just because it's a bethesda game doesn't mean it has to be riddled with stupid bugs, the size of the game is the main reason but there are plenty of big open world games that don't have a tenth of the bugs and issues that a ES or fallout game has.

BallsEye3127d ago

Weird thing is, PS4 is having framerate problems in open world games with lot of simulation going on (example, witcher 3, assassins creed). Similar issue was with ps3. Wonder what's up with that.

thekhurg3127d ago

I find it odd that several of the Microsoft sponsored multiplatform games have framerate problems on the PS4 for a specific period of time.

LordMaim3127d ago

@BallsEye: You really went to some distance to pain the PS4 in a bad light there.

Good news though, tomorrow at 8:00AM EST we're going to know exactly how the game runs. So there's no point in trying to spread rumors, or wondering about random movies posted on Neogaf, or wherever. In less than 24 hours, we'll know the truth about how the game runs.

On both platforms.

seanpitt233127d ago

It cannot be because it's a high demanding game I bet it's that 15 year old engine they need to get rid off.

Mr Pumblechook3127d ago

@TheKhurg. When a console manufacturer enters into a marketing agreement with a developer where they pay for timed exclusive DLC or exclusive voice commands, it's within the realms of possibility they also pay for priority QA.

fiveby93127d ago

@Alexious "This is not about bugs, it's about frame rate." Huh? What are you talking about? Bugs are software defects, errors, or unexpected behavior for any host of reasons. That includes framerate not just game play. I expect some bugs just hoping not show stopping. Unfortunately Bethesda's track record is not all that great on launch bug wise. I own PC, PS4, and X1. I'll pay this title on PC but not having that I would have chosen PS4. Bethesda will make more money off PS4 sales than any platform though. It's a numbers game at this point.

PreAtaric3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

"Just because it's a bethesda game doesn't mean it has to be riddled with stupid bugs"

If you look at their history, yeah it kinda does mean that. For some reason they've always had quality control problems and thus have never been able to shake the well deserved "Bugthesda" nickname.

AngryTypingGuy3127d ago

It's that damn fog again. Fog was also bogging down the Witcher 3 framerate until they patched it. Hopefully they'll fix it sooner than later.

xPhearR3dx3127d ago

I've seen MANY PS4 streams and watched them for quite some time and never saw any frame dips. I'm sure there's people out there that will have issues just like with every game. However, that title is extremely misleading. Severe frame rate issues is like when Dead Rising 3 launched on XB1 and even on PC. Those quick videos people are posting are some frame dips here and there, nothing like what we saw in DR3.

I'm sure most people won't have any issues. I'm getting it on PC anyway so I don't really care, but just trying to inform some concerned PS4 users.

Silly Mammo3127d ago

I wonder if the Day 1 patch with fix some of the issues?

Ratty3127d ago


That's because games need to be optimized to run well on the consoles' hardware. Games run well on PC not because they're optimized but because if a game isn't optimized you can just throw better hardware at it and it'll run better. Either way and whatever you say, that's bad (horrible even) software development.

Basically, if the developer wants to release a game on consoles and it has framerate issues, it's the developers's fault, not the platform. It's Bethesda's responsibility and they should make sure it runs well on all platforms.

Also, it's "blessed" with 60FPS? Are you saying they locked it at 60? Then it's locked. Not blessed xD. I know it's probably locked at 30 for consoles but if you ask me locking at all is a bad call.

kreate3127d ago

Isnt the bugs one of the reasons for frame rate issues?

Im no engineer. Just asking.

BillyCrystals3127d ago

@BallsEye You're wrong, the majority of open-world games (and games in general) have a higher frame-rate on PS4.

Darksiders 2
Star Wars: Battlefront (and higher resolution)
Assassins Creed: Syndicate
Transformers: Devastation
The Witcher 3 (and higher resolution)
Destiny: The Taken King
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5
Dishonored: Definitive Edition
F1 2015 (and higher resolution)
Batman Arkham Knight (and higher resolution)
Project Cars (and higher resolution)
Mortal Kombat X (and higher resolution)
Dark Souls 2
Dying Light (and higher resolution)
Saints Row 4
Grand Theft Auto V
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
Lords of the Fallen (and higher resolution)
Sleeping Dogs
Alien: Isolation
Plants vs Zombies (and higher resolution)
Diablo 3
Sniper Elite 3
Child of Light
Amazing Spiderman 2
Tomb Raider (and higher resolution)
Battlefield 4 (and higher resolution)
Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag (and higher resolution)

Mad Max
Battlefield Hardline (but lower resolution)
CoD AW (but lower resolution)
Dragon Age Inquisition (but lower resolution)
AC Unity
CoD Ghosts (but lower resolution)

sinspirit3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

Some bugs affect framerate..

And, I'll be playing this on my PC so hopefully I'll have no significant issues. I wonder what kind of mods we will see. I've never had mods on a Fallout game.

It does bug me a lot that they have these issues with consoles. I remember how the Skyrim performance was dreadful some times because a dragon was stuck in one spot in the sky and you had to 1 frame at a time aim an arrow at him and shoot and it would fix it for this particular issue. Oh boy I enjoyed Oblivion. The only issue I think I knew of was the orbs you get from Oblivion gates would lag you a little. If you put to many on the ground... or managed to dupe too many it would make the game lag like crazy and I swear the screen had a weird blueish wave effect going on with too many and that it was about to crash the console until I spam picked them up. lol

Ozmoses3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

I expect this game to be riddled with all sorts of crazy bugs and mind-blowing physics..

the game probably will slow down when inventories get super full like most huge RPG games..

there will most likely be clipping with dead bodies going through objects and stuff..

I can only imagine some wild shit can potentially happen in the VATS and when bodies explode and stuff.

the frame rate once you start using HUGE explosives like the Fat Man it's gaurenteed to slow down because of all the shit that's going on...

If you are not expecting at least some sort of bug then

1. you're delirious because it is standard in 2015 to release games that are buggy or far away from actual completion. (regardless of developer/publishers)

2. just look at Fallout 3/New Vegas/Skyrim/Oblivion.... bugs are going to happen... it's a part of Bethesda's track record... you can't deny that fact..

these types of games are so huge and can literally be played in hundreds of different ways, there is no way to catch everything that bugs out before the release date..

I just hope there aren't any CONSOLE BREAKING BUGS!! that's all I care about.

Thomaticus3127d ago

It's the PS3 version all over again!

Ceaser98573613127d ago

Ballseye "PS4 is having framerate problems in open world games with lot of simulation going on (example, witcher 3, assassins creed)"
If memory serves right Both platform received massive patches and not only the PS4. Also are you joking right now? ACUnity was problematic on all three platforms. Funny how you failed to mention open world games like Shadow of mordor, Far cry 4, Mad max , even MGSV which worked well on the PS4..

UltraNova3127d ago

Although there's no way for knowing for sure at this point, I'll let you all impatient day 1 brethren help Bethesda fix the game and then I'll pick it up!

Sorry but I like playing the game not trying to google solutions for making the damn thing run for 30 mins at a time. (If you played any Bethesda game before this you know exactly what I'm talking about).

DOMination-3127d ago

Oh well. I'm sure half of these posters said they wouldn't buy a Bethesda game again after PS3 Skyrim problems.

mEATgrinder3127d ago Show
UltraNova3127d ago

@ above

It might be all that money from MS and their marketing deal though...

See what I did there ^^^?

ThanatosDMC3127d ago

No framerate issues according to streamers that were banned earlier but we did see dogmeat floating in hilarious ways.

Unspoken3127d ago


You are wrong. All those games have higher frame rates on PC. (and at higher resolutions)

What does this have to do with the PS4 having problems with frame rate in open world games?

I don't know but let's do the disagreeability shuffle.


TI_213127d ago

Though bugs can be the cause of framerate issues as well.

Just look at The Witcher 3 which had some dramatic frame drops until recently when they fixed some of the major problems causing them.

k2d3127d ago

As this video shows, the Xbox one version is the one suffering from stuttering, upwards of whole seconds..:


I can confirm this with my experience from playing F4 on XO since Saturday. There are also the occasional pop in of buildings and the fps is an average 25.

LordMaim3127d ago

"On top of this, Xbox One is unique in its suffering of a stuttering issue, halting the game experience for up to a second during play. It's a glaring hitch downward, and matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero) while PS4 turns the same corner at 28fps. Each has their blips, but having tested two separate Xbox One and PS4 consoles, the results are always the same across the world at large; we get sizeable stutters on Microsoft's console that aren't present on PS4."

From the Digital Foundry comparison.

Looks like I was right to suggest that we wait for the embargo to end before having this discussion.

ThunderPulse3127d ago

All you have to do is lower the AA in the options from 4x to 2x and the performance is fine.

Link2DaFutcha3127d ago

Watch the digital Foundry, this article is bunk

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 3127d ago
TripleCs3128d ago


It's a Bugthesda game. What did you expect?*

There, I fixed it for you lol

kneon3127d ago

When I new Bethesda game comes out I'm usually in no hurry to start playing as I know it will just be a bugfest. They have the worst QA of any of the big developers.


I wonder if they should triple their tester employment ? But then again people buy it regardless.

DarkOcelet3127d ago

Not that i encountered but it will happen soon lol :)

Dan_scruggs3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

More like out of their mind. Let me know how it plays after the day one patch. Then we will talk.

DarkOcelet3127d ago

If you really think that small day 1 patch will iron things out, then good luck.

Malacath3127d ago

The article mentions version 1.01 so it's likely to already have the day one patch

moegooner883128d ago

Same here DO. Been getting crashes and game sending me back to the main PS4 menu. Did you encounter this?

DarkOcelet3127d ago

Crashes to the main menu of the PS4, i didnt get that... YET!

Father__Merrin3127d ago

that's gotta be the worst bug, I hate rebooting bugs with a passion. recently traded my ccopy of lords of fallen on ps4 it crashed and reset to ps4 dash after sending error report. what is wrong with testers these days

3127d ago Replies(6)
Hereiamhereibe23127d ago

Been playing since yesteray and it runs perfectly fine.

ShottyGibs3127d ago

Yeah, just at sub 30 fps

bleedsoe9mm3127d ago

If anyone expects Fallout 4 to be a perfect game on a sony product day one with no bugs then you are out of luck.

rocketpanda3127d ago

Nothing to do with it being a"Sony product", I played previous versions of fallout on PC and there were quite a few issues on that platform. Problem is AAA games being released in such states with developers/publishers deciding to patch the game later on regardless of platform.

showtimefolks3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

This is Bethesda after all, look open world games are hard to test so I am sure Bethesda will release patches to fix issues

But it's getting to a point where Bethesda gets a free pass while other publishers/developers would get so much negative feedback

Bethesda is like activision, they both don't want to build a true next gen engine

Hopefully Bethesda will be like Cd project red and be on top of any issues. But usually Bethesda is very slow to release patches

Both Xbox one and ps4 are very similar to pc so they can't use the it's hard to develop for excuse

DarkOcelet3127d ago

I love CD Projeckt but even Withcer 3 had some game breaking issues, like save games randomly deleted.

Falling to nothingness glitch. And the damn stupid AI that is Roach!

showtimefolks3127d ago


That's what I meant when I said big open world games are hard to fully test until it gets to consumers. There is only so much Bethesda can fix

I hope that Bethesda will be all over any small or big issues and revolve them quickly. My excitement for fallout 4 won't go down just because of frame rate issues

I just can't believe we are this close to playing fallout 4

GamingIVfun3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

All Bethesda games, on all platforms has had either bugs, stuttering and frame rate problems when released, at least one or all the problems listed.

Stuttering has always been a problem on PC with Bethesda games.

Bethesda makes great games with great story and game play but technically their games are a mess and to be honest the graphics are good but not anything that should be pushing hardware that hard.

All of us (PC, PS4, Xbox One gamer's) need to push Bethesda to do better, at least on the technical side.

Pete Hines is always mentioning his partnership with Microsoft, how about making a partnership with the consumers who buy your games, doing wright by your customers, all customers regardless of the system they play your game on. Platform loyalty by third party developers is the worst kind of fanboyism. That goes for all developers (Crystal Dynamics, Activision, EA).

DarkOcelet3127d ago

I remember getting Fallout 3 for PC and it took me almost two weeks to make the game run perfectly, seriously that pissed me off.

Bethesda makes good game but the problem is the damn bugs and glitches, if they could get rid of that then all is awesome.

AndrewLB3127d ago ShowReplies(6)
garrettbobbyferguson3127d ago

That's kinda sad. Regardless of platform; having the expectation that a product is a good product that runs well is no longer a valid train of thought? Is this what gaming is about now? Why are you defending these practices?

DarkOcelet3127d ago

When did i defend them? I just meant that Bethesda's games mostly have bugs and glitches that gets patched later.

kneon3127d ago

If you're expecting a Bethesda game to run well on day one, or even day 30, you haven't been paying attention.

garrettbobbyferguson3127d ago


I'm very aware of the quality of Bethesda games. I'm saying it's pathetic that people are lenient/accepting of this.

pringlec3127d ago

There will be a day 1 patch, the version of the game people are playing at the minute will be unpatched.

So try not to judge it before it's actual release.

Phar0ahad33127d ago

Can we finally talk about why this is the only game to have parity on both consoles and not be better on ps4 ? How about we talk about microsofts marketing deal with Bethesda and fallout and how they promised the game wouldnt be broken on ps4 and how about the timed exclusive mods ????? seriously wtf ???????? Why is it every game that has issues on ps4 microsoft has a deal with the devs ????? Witcher 3, ac unity,dragon age and now fallout ? can the community speak up enough is enough most people who buy this game are gonna be on playstation and pc anyways.....

AngelicIceDiamond3127d ago

@Dark Exactly All Fallouts and Elders Scrolls do.

Clunkyd3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

Not surprised coming from Bethesda, I never understood why they have so much trouble developing games on Playstation.

Tsar4ever013127d ago

Day One PATCH incoming, Come'on Bethesda, Stop makin' the PS4 look bad.

Aceman183127d ago

Good job Bethesda even on anew easy to develop system you still manage to release a half working game. Even though I nvr intended to buy this game is did expect them to release a better working game than last generation smh.

3127d ago
mocaak3127d ago

And yet all reviews will be good, and there won't be any articles criticising the games performance. Double standards, because it's Bethesda.

3127d ago
+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3126d ago
MJunior3128d ago

*When the "reports" is actually one report, from one insider.*

Alexious3128d ago

Actually no, there's a link to an entire topic on Neogaf on the issue with videos made by owners of the game. Tidux is just one more voice on the issue.

MJunior3128d ago

Yeah. I see now.

*doing that idiot face*

ritchi453128d ago

Didn't look bad to me, tho I am viewing on mobile

Nivekki3128d ago

One area in the game where a framerate drop happens at a couple of spots. Wow. Apart from that it run great.

Lol, the nit picking from some people. He runs past the same couple of tiny spots where it happens several times, but the great majority of it ran smooth as butter.

ritchi453128d ago

That other vid shows some frame stutter. It could just be some aggressive triple buffered v-sync thing. Not sure, not a techie, just speculating.

Femto3127d ago

@Nivekki bethesda promised you solid 30fps on ps4, does that look solid to you? damage controlling won't fix anything

Vegamyster3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )


Considering there wasn't even that much going on and it dropped as much as it did in those two areas, expect plenty more drops unless they patch it for launch.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3127d ago
Mr Lahey3128d ago

framerate aside, it looks like a ps3 game..

Dragonking0073127d ago

Yea this looks like last gen game sorry guys i know how much your praising the game but its not next gen or good rig material

fallacious3127d ago

man people are either blind or are so biased they can't take criticism because what you said is 100% true. if you told me this was fallout 3 or new vegas i'd believe you.

Mr Lahey3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

It looks better than FO3, but overall it still looks dated.

Game will be awesome anyways i hope!

PhucSeeker3127d ago

Fallout 3 looked like original xbox game. Didn't stop us from enjoying the damn thing tho.

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JasonKCK3127d ago ShowReplies(1)
Aenea3127d ago

Ehmmm, okay, if these are proof of the 'severe frame rate issues' then I'm perfectly fine with it.

The Witcher 3 had worse frame rate drops in certain areas and that still didn't stop me from enjoying the heck out of it!

Sure, it could use a patch or two to make it run smooth and am sure they will, but when I read the article title 'severe framerate issues' I got worried, these vids calmed me the hell down, thanks for posting them!

wsoutlaw873127d ago

I never had a problem with the witcher but i did seea lot of people standing in one particular spot, spinning the camera. Luckily when i play, i dont do that.

Aenea3127d ago


If you ran around in Novigrad it could have quite a bit of frame drops without spinning around the camera, but it wasn't enough for me to call the game broken like many said it was, it was perfectly playable and enjoyable to me. Besides it has been fixed now so....

Phar0ahad33127d ago

Can we finally talk about why this is the only game to have parity on both consoles and not be better on ps4 ? How about we talk about microsofts marketing deal with Bethesda and fallout and how they promised the game wouldnt be broken on ps4 and how about the timed exclusive mods ????? seriously wtf ???????? Why is it every game that has issues on ps4 microsoft has a deal with the devs ????? Witcher 3, ac unity,dragon age and now fallout ? can the community speak up enough is enough most people who buy this game are gonna be on playstation and pc anyways....

str8duval3127d ago

Hmmm.. you could say the same thing in reverse for Sony... you also forgot to mention the countess games that don't have issues..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3127d ago
LavaLampGoo3128d ago

Bethesda isn't known for technically brilliant games, but that doesn't mean it won't be brilliant.

zeuanimals3128d ago

Doesn't mean we can't call them out on their shortcomings. I remember people defending it and saying that it's okay for the game to have the graphics it has because it's so expansive. They also downplayed the fact that The Witcher 3 is expansive, has no loading times between interiors and exteriors, and it's superior graphics because of its framerate issues. Those people spoke too soon.

Still getting it regardless but doesn't mean I should be content with what they're delivering.

akurtz3127d ago

i mean whats there to call them out on?? theyre using the creation engine, and judging by history, it has its limits. not sure why people are disappointed or "calling them out" on the visuals.

cfc783128d ago

I thought it was only XB1 that got extras (Fallout 3,early mods) sounds like PS4 got an added difficulty setting.

I watched some PS4 streaming earlyer in a building and didn't see any problems,hopefully Bethesda get onto it quickly though single digit frame rate drops(if true) is not good.

Ricegum3128d ago ShowReplies(1)
ABizzel13127d ago

"sounds like PS4 got an added difficulty setting."

lol, you'll be marked for trolling, but that was a good one.

bleedsoe9mm3127d ago Show
cfc783127d ago

Don't see why ive seen far worse on XBOX articles every day.

Aenea3127d ago

Is this a The Witcher 3 article or not? I remember the exact same comment then!

cfc783127d ago

If it is were all in the wrong place.

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Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto18d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx18d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast17d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl23d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis23d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits23d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast23d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast23d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead23d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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