
Kojima Productions LA studios closed - Rumor

The rumour comes to us via 3D Worlds veteran George Broussard, who has become somewhat notorious for his tendency to be first with lay-off news – and to freely share his information with social media.

just_looken3133d ago

main source link:

just a rumor but alot of stuff from konami starts a a rumor then becomes true.

what will be the future of mgo on ps4?

DarkOcelet3133d ago

I give it a year. Two years max before shutting it down.

just_looken3133d ago

with konami now i wouldn't put it pass them to shut it down in a year.

Heyxyz3133d ago (Edited 3133d ago )


Yep, because Konami would rather fund their newest pachinko machine than a game loved by millions. It's happened before... *Cough* Silent Hills *Cough*

Nate-Dog3133d ago

Won't be shut down too quick, but will be left without support from an early stage. I guessed initially with everything going on that it would be left in that state shortly after the new year kicks in so yeah, I'm sticking with that. Not much different from MGO2 though if you remember.

rainslacker3132d ago

MGO will keep going if it makes money. Konami can continue on with the MGS franchise, all it's characters, and anything related to it without Kojima productions.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are shutting down the LA studio. Last I recall, they were consolidating their developer base into one place and doing away with the idea of subsidiary studios.

Would be cool if they'd give Kojima the right to buy the studio name though...considering it's named after him, but I don't see it happening. They certainly wouldn't give him MGS rights.:(

Pillsbury13133d ago

Damn it konami, you had such a legacy and decide to defecate all over it.

Insomnia_843133d ago

Didn't they recently open this?? Damn....

generationjeu3133d ago

This title is clickbait though. Source says 35 jobs might have been gutted, title says "all jobs cut." Wtf

Skate-AK3133d ago

35 is all of them. The article is just more descriptive in the number than the title.

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Yoji Shinkawa interview Kojima's art director and about their upcoming project

Exclusive interview with the art director / illustrator Yoji Shinkawa - Kojima Productions, who worked on several games including Metal Gear - Death Stranding. He talked about his beginnings and career, the designs of Death Stranding's, and also information about their interest in the Middle East, Finally, he said that the announcement his next project will be "very soon."

masterfox1163d ago

Bring it on Kojima Team ! :D

garos821163d ago

he certainly has kept us waiting. hopefully it will be a next gen only title as Kojima is the right man to take advantage of cool features. would love to see him work on the dual sense

AuraAbjure1163d ago (Edited 1163d ago )

Someone who plays video games more than just occasionally.


What it was like working at Kojima Productions Los Angeles

Ahead of Death Stranding’s release, former staff look back at Hideo Kojima’s short-lived LA studio.

franwex1674d ago

Ah. Metal Gear Online. I had a ton of fun on the ps2 but that was cut short. Then on PS3 and it was great while it lasted. Then I thought that this final effort would be its swan song it all comes crashing down. I guess it was never meant to be.


A peek inside the offices of Kojima Productions LA

The new Metal Gear Online is being developed by Kojima Productions' brand new Los Angeles based studio. On the official MGO Twitter account, some pictures along with information on the building were shared.

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