
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX Review for 3DS | Nintendo Enthusiast

"Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX is a game packed with so much content, I barely knew where to start with this review. The rhythm game portion is well done, the customization options are nice, and the mini-games and other extra features are all a treat. It may not be an absolutely perfect experience, but it is certainly a very well done one." -- Nintendo Enthusiast

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What should you know about Hatsune Miku?

Hatsune Miku has become an international icon. What began as a singing synthesizer turned into a character recognized around the world that stars in multiple forms of media. In the realm of games, people recognize her as a rhythm game star. But what else do people need to know about her?

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The best of the Nintendo 3DS: a guide

The venerable Nintendo 3DS is entering its twilight years. After a rocky, uncertain launch, the system built a following and a library that allowed it to become one of the most successful systems released, and it certainly has the top-tier games to show for it. Before [people] put the handheld into long-term storage (or if [someone is] just now getting one), check out [Michibiku's] guide for the best the system has to offer!

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Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone for PS4 playable at Snow Miku 2016

The PlayStation 4 version of Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone will be playable at Snow Miku 2016 from February 6 to 7 at the Sapporo Factory Room, Sega announced.