
Batman: Arkham Knight on Xbox One is also broken and suffers issues.

The Xbox One version of Batman Arkham Knight also experiencing issues. There are various bugs that crash the game. There's a video attached that shows the issues on the Xbox one version.

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Ezz20133262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

If this is true

Then i think Rocksteady Games from now on went from
*Day 1 buy*
*I will wait till GOTY edition*

skebik73262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

if it is broken how then me and all of my friends who bought it never expirience neither crashes or framerates issues ?
i playing just fine on my ps4...
i think it was build on ps4 and then they crap-port it to other platforms....

Ezz20133262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

If only 1 version out of the 3 versions is working

Then yes, Rocksteady should no longer be trusted
They delayed the game 9 freaking months
They should have no excuse.
(IF xbox version is indeed broken too)

NatureOfLogic_3262d ago

"If only 1 version out of the 3 versions is working

Then yes, Rocksteady should no longer be trusted"

Maybe for Xbone and PC players. I'm enjoying the game just fine on PS4.

Ezz20133262d ago


Don't be like that man
Everyone should enjoy the game on all systems

What would happen if both PC/Xbox one version were the ones running great and Ps4 version is the bad port
would you say the same ?!

Be fair

xHeavYx3262d ago

Rocksteady games went to "I'll wait for GOT edition" from the moment they announced their season pass price.

morganfell3262d ago

Rocksteady made zero decisions on when to release this game. Rocksteady made zero decisions on picking the dev team that handles which platforms. Those dev teams, such as Iron Galaxy, made zero decisions on whether their version was ready to ship. Those decisions all lie within the purview of Warner Brothers.

A recommendation does not equal a decision. It is about authority.

Some may say, "Well those dev teams should have spoke up." And those dev teams would never has worked in the industry again. People need to put less emphasis on development teams and more on the persons that hold the purse strings. In this case, the Double U B.

Couldntfindasn3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

I haven't had any problems on my X1, my friends haven't either. Looks like an isolated issue.
also the article talks about problems beyond the X1. "There are also other reports floating around that PS4 gamers are experiencing framerate issues." and something about leaderboards.
The fact that you said this was crap-ported over to X1 is kinda hilarious

gninja923262d ago

probably after 7 years of not bribing developers during the ps3's best years , they decided to make business decisons with their wallets, and do what ms was doing and make some exclusive deals.
if only they had done this shit before they lost most of their exclusive games during the ps3 years

rdgneoz33262d ago

"i think it was build on ps4 and then they crap-port it to other platforms...."

With the PS360 games, that was true at times. However, xbone and PS4 use the same architecture (x86), only the hardware is different.

DevilOgreFish3262d ago

xbox version broken too? now i really know which version got the most attention. clearly that money is coming from somewhere.

JackStraw3262d ago

morganfell is the only person who has any clue what he's talking about or what the situation is. More entitled kids looking to blame developers when they have no understanding of how the industry works.

shadowknight2033261d ago

@Ezz2013 well yes early in the ps3 life cycle we playstation fans had tons of multiplatform issue's with games, so we do know what that is like. Thankfully that's not the case anymore for us though.

will3133261d ago

Mines actually crashed during the second Riddler challenge on PS4 last night, all versions of the game have issues it seems

fr0sty3261d ago (Edited 3261d ago )

In this day and age, we can't even act surprised about a game launching broken... unfortunately. The entire industry needs to be put into "I'll wait for GOTY edition" mode.

saposaposapo3261d ago (Edited 3261d ago )

PS4 is really the only way to go this gen...PC for the MOBAs

sonarus3261d ago

I wouldnt say PS4 is the only way to go this gen based on one glitchy game. At the end of the day it will depend on what type of games you like. COD gamers generally flocked to XBox but that might change with PS4 getting timed dlc deal. At the end of the day though, people will still buy Xbox for those who are true fans of their core franchises like Halo and Forza just like people will buy PS4s to play Uncharted and Gran Turismo. Everyone else generally flock to the most popular console and that seems to be ps4

memots3260d ago

Does that means it will get reviewed with a lower score ? ( bayoneta all over ? )

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3260d ago
MasterCornholio3262d ago

Does the PS4 version have any problems?

Ezz20133262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

From what i hear ?!...No

Didn't get the Ps4 version though
Only got the Pc version
Because i only buy Batman games on PC

Ceaser98573613262d ago

only the leaderboard scores don't appear

parentoftheyear3262d ago

I have been playing on ps4 since release. No issues. I dont know anyone that owns it on other platforms though.

jmac533262d ago

@rookie monster Calling someone out on stealth trolling when you are doing it yourself. I would not call a game crashing once you complete the campaign a non-issue. That is a pretty serious game-breaking bug. I would much rather take the leader boards not working than the game crashing.

MasterCornholio3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )


I'm not trolling at all.

I'm a PS4 owner who hasnt bought the game yet and I'm just wondering if there's any issues on that Console.

I'm not going to ask about XB1 or PC since I don't even game on those platforms.

I may seem a bit off topic but i thought that an article talking about issues with the game would be the best place to ask.

As you can see I already had my question answered in a very helpful manner thanks to arji.


My internet isn't working properly today which is why I can't read the article.

You really have a nasty attitude.

P.S OK I may have lied a little. I do play SNES games and NES games on my PC buts that's about it.

MasterCornholio3262d ago


Thank you.


I was hoping that somebody civilized would answer my question and you did.

Bubbles for helpful

Dramacydal3262d ago

From personal experience, yes, but nothing catastrophic. There are animation glitches where Batman will just shake. But...that's been it for me.

Angeljuice3262d ago Show
xfiles20993262d ago

I have been playing it the last few days on PS4 have yet to have a problem.

Rimeskeem3262d ago

never thought I'd see Rookie-Monster calling it stealth trolling

first time for everything I suppose

On Topic: I was incredibly excited to play this game and am now very sad it doesn't work (got it on PC and got the refund)

MasterCornholio3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )


Thank you all for answering my question.


Bubbles for everyone who helped.


I really don't see any problem with supporting a firm that gives you what you want. I just go where my needs are met which is why I started last gen with a 360 and ended with a PS3. Then came the unveiling of the PS4 and XB1 and I merely went with the firm that offered me what I wanted the most. It really is that simple.

I'm not loyal to any firm. As long as they offer me a product that interests me I'll buy it. Heck I own a 2DS and a Vita which proves that I'm not loyal to any one company.

P.S And before anyone asks I bought a 2DS because I want to play games from all regions for the same price as a regular 3DS (newer models). When I go to the states I'll buy a Red 2DS that way I can have access to games from all regions. That's how I get around the region lock problem.

G_V_Black3262d ago

I'm not too far into it, but playback of early cutscenes has been choppy. Gameplay is fine. I haven't downloaded the update though. Maybe that helps.

Disagrees for asking a simple question. Gotta love n4g.

sevilha823262d ago

Apart that i cant acess wbPlay,no..Finished the game in three days and butter smooth...no issues what so ever.

A few split second frm rate drop on more caotic situations but that about it.shame about the other platforms thou.

Pogmathoin3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

Master, if you were indeed stealth trolling, you must doing it real good, as usual, you are normally one of the more level headed guys here..... Simple question, any issues on PS4.....
In general though, gamers of all stripes should be worried about this, as releasing a broken game is becoming the norm..... Put aside all stupid fanboy moments, and stick together, show publishers that broken games are not acceptable..... Not tolerated....

iSuperSaiyanGod3262d ago

Only problem I found so far is when your re catching all the jokers & Robin locks you in the cell & batman mask goes invisible lol . Besides that it's been good .

IIFloodyII3262d ago

Leaderboard don't work, and the occasional frame rate drop in the Batmobile, but besides that, no.

DafunkyRebel3262d ago

yes, I got stuck in a wall while trying to solve a Riddler trophy

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3262d ago
susanto12283262d ago

please GOTY version??? in their wildest dreams....this is not even worth of a 4 year old GOTY award it is just plain garbage..

focusing on one console as your primary meal ticket is bad business this will cost Rocksteady...

I purchased their last two games I am glad I was out of town just got back in and I am reading up on everything...good way to kill 3 days

Letthewookiewin3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

Well DF just did their face off and didn't find any game breaking bugs in the X1 version, I'm sure they would have mentioned it. All they said was the PS4 version was their choice because of its clarity from being 1080p but everything else was equal. So it's safe to get the X1 version if you don't have a PS4 yet.

vikingland13262d ago

I agree plus the versions they tested were before the patch. They said both versions ran even better after the patch.

Ezz20133262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

That's good for Xbox players

Now let's see if they will fix the PC version or not
I want to play it badly
and don't feel like paying another 60$ for ps4 version ...when i own PC version.

-Foxtrot3262d ago

I love Rocksteady and I do feel they are part of the blame here HOWEVER don't forget about Warner Brothers. They are at fault here as well.

Xb1ps43262d ago

I've had it on xb1 since day one by digital although I'm only AR about 20% through the game I haven't experienced anything wrong or broken and I have 2 saves..

Xb1ps43261d ago

Really 3 disagrees... Lmao I guess I'm making it all up.. It's all lies! Lies I tell you! It just all depends on what side you are on...

TheEnigma3133261d ago

Don't worry, I got disagrees for saying I haven't had any problems on the pc version.

smalltowngamer5033260d ago

Yes, if you don't have problems on the xbox then you're not allowed to comment. It's the N4Gaf way

jb2273262d ago

So you said "if this is true", meaning either you haven't experienced any bugs yet, or you weren't a day one purchaser anyway.

I'm playing on Ps4 and it's been a technical marvel for me, no loading screens, amazing draw distances & silky smooth gameplay. We should realize by now that every game that releases from here on out will be picked apart by someone, somewhere. It's a shame about the PC version so I understand their grief, but from my experiences, I've never had an issue w/ a Rocksteady game.

Magicite3262d ago

If this is true, then:
PS4 version is the definitive Batman Arkham Knight Edition.
Sony put bet on a right horse!

smalltowngamer5033260d ago

So the other option was Sony betting on Microsoft or Nintendo?

3262d ago
awi59513261d ago

Rocksteady games have always been broken on pc. MY saves got corrupted on both the first games half way through so i gave up beating them. Also games for windows live killed your save also when they removed support for the game.

Kyizen3261d ago

Rocksteady didn't do the PC port they farmed it out and that's the problem. As for Xbox One i'm not sure...

700p3261d ago

My bother finished the game and is now currently doing all the rest of the side stuff he didn't finish and it has not once bugged out etc. Hes playing it on xbox one too.

Bathyj3261d ago

So wait, even when the game works like it's supposed to, you have to finish the whole campaign before you're allowed to roam around and explore the side missions?

That sound ridiculous, it can't be right.

MagUk3261d ago

You can do the side missions at any time.

MagUk3261d ago

Hold on a minute one person on the Xbox one has managed to fall out the map and the game is broken for every who owns the Xbox one version of the game? Anyone who's has played Arkham knight knows when ever u quit the game and then load it back up it starts you in the same place. So unfortunately this lad has managed to fall out the map and save it while out side the map means the game is broken for every one who owns the Xbox one version of the game?

oasdada3261d ago (Edited 3261d ago )

I have got the ps4 version and havent come across any bugs but thats no excuse to let WB pass with this absurd treatment towards other platforms.. any one who is bragging about how theyre platform is performing better should remmember we are all gamers and not some pack of wolves clawing at each other.. to me all ps/xb/pc are equals and we are paying the publishers money for GAMES not platform specific games so what ever platform it is i think its a disservice towards us if its broken.. no wonder more and more devs are moving towards indie projects and kickstarters, these business practices are being a pain in the butt for everyone

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3260d ago
MLGswag3262d ago

I dont understand. Why delay a game for 9 months for it to still be broken. At this point ill wait for a few months like AC unity.

BallsEye3261d ago

Guy went out of the map on this video and that's what you gonna see in every game when you do that. It has nothing to do with XO, just a hole in model colision box.

Decastis3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

It was outsourced to a studio called "Iron Galaxy".

Also, Iron Galaxy has a history of (re)producing broken products. Apparently the programmers working there are high-school interns only. LOL

RiseofScorpio3262d ago

Hmm they did a sound job on Killer Instinct, maybe the intern pool did this port lol.

deadpoolio3163261d ago

Uh they did the port for the Handsome collection and it works perfectly, they also did Killer Instinct and I dont seem to recall anyone complaining about that either...So they are hit and miss.....

They are also console developers with minimal experience in PC ports

ginsunuva3262d ago

Iron Galaxy.

Who made Borderlands 2 Vita port

Grap3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

Broken POS game.
It's really shame that we people let this pass.

wakeNbake3262d ago

Its actually a pretty good game theres a difference between buggy and bad. Either way Ive encountered no glitches on PS4 other than one time I fell through the world.

Bnet3433262d ago

Not me, I don't support garbage releases like this so I held off. Rocksteady needs to get their shiz together. UNACCEPTABLE.

fallacious3262d ago

nothing wrong with the ps4 version

PaulFiend3262d ago

OMG, that sucks!
Playing PS4 version right now, it's been flawless for me most of the time, except that poor thug who's "dead" body got stuck in the window once. Frame rate is solid 30.

Letthewookiewin3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

I ran a thug through the side of a car and he got stuck! Hope he has good medical insurance. No probs yet on the PS4 version, played about 10hours so far, so we'll see.

Brisco3262d ago

Playing ps 4 version right now. Frame rate is not solid at all. Pretty poorly. But still enjoying the game!

PaulFiend3262d ago

That's strange, the game runs very smoothly for me on PS4. BTW there is Digital Foundry's article on the subject.

Scottyxboxoneandps43262d ago

Erm.. Guess digital foundry must be wrong about framerate then eh expert?

3262d ago
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Batman: Arkham Shadow is another VR game players do not want

Geoff Keighley revealed a new Batman Arkham game is in the works to be released later this year, with a first look at gameplay happening at Summer Game Fest. Unfortunately for just about everyone, Batman: Arkham Shadow is a VR-only game exclusive to the Meta Quest 3. The community reaction hasn’t been great.

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RonsonPL30d ago

What a bunch of nonsense.
Gamers saw 0 seconds of actual gameplay and the author of this "article" says they don't want the game.

Friendlygamer28d ago

Don't even know what is a meta quest 3

abstractel28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Troll post?

On topic, this could be good but no way to know until it's out. Glad that it's Quest 3 exclusive so it doesn't have to run on the Quest 2. If it turns out to be good, I look forward to a eventual PCVR or PSVR 2 port.

Friendlygamer28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

I mean, I know what a vr headset is but I've never heard of this one, I thought the big one was the Sony one. I have a friend who believed Microsoft hadn't released a new Xbox console to compete with the ps5 because series s and series x sound a lot like x and s, that's how apathetic people can be I guess

aaronlif1028d ago

I see the industry is once again trying to bash VR. I honestly think most game companies don't want to have to cater to VR and are doing whatever they can to bury it. Which is a shame because when done right, VR games are absolutely amazing. Half Life Alyx being one of the most obvious examples. But too many people are trying to see it fail. Most of the big companies don't want to spend the extra energy on it. It's much easier to just churn out yet another call of duty that they know will make a ton of money, which from a business standpoint is understandable, but unfortunately they are preventing the evolution of a new way to experience gaming. When I see an article like this, it just makes me think that there's a real effort to cause VR to fail. Has this guy even played the game? Has he even seen any actual gameplay from it? For all he knows it could be amazing. I think the only complaint I have is that it's coming only to meta quest 3 and not PSVR2, which seems like an odd decision. Sony is dropping the ball with PSVR2 so bad. It's a great headset but they simply aren't making any effort to support it. And I think it all boils down to big companies not wanting to put the effort towards VR. But Sony needs to push harder too. How Half Life Alyx hasn't shown up or even been hinted at for PSVR2 since the headset came out is beyond me. Sony should be moving mountains to convince Valve to port the game to PS5 and PSVR2. That is the biggest chance Sony has at convincing people of what VR can do. It's sad really. I love VR games. Half Life Alyx is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. And it wouldn't have been possible any other way. I truly hope these people don't cause us to lose out on such a promising tech. But articles like this certainly don't help. And it's especially frustrating when clearly this person hasn't even tried the game yet.

Michiel198928d ago

if I were a massive company I wouldn't make VR games either. It's so much risk, first you have to nail making a game for VR, which we've seen is really hard to do. Secondly, the vr market is very fractured considering how small it is. Quite a decent amount of headsets for such a small space, all which have different specs, so then you gotta pick the right one. 3rd is needs to sell an astronomical amount relative to the install base for a AAA VR game to pay off. Too much if's and risks and not worth the effort.


Kill the Justice League Is More Gotham Knights Than Batman: Arkham - & That's a Bad Sign

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has more in common with Gotham Knights than the Batman: Arkham games. Here's why that's a bad thing.


Marvel's Spider-Man Is Still The Best Batman: Arkham Successor

Gotham Knights attempts to follow up the beloved Batman: Arkham franchise, but Marvel’s Spider-Man is a much more effective successor series.

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isarai522d ago

Tf are you talking about? Nearly every aspect of the game was built off the Spider-Man 2 ps2/xbox game including the combat, not Arkham

gangsta_red522d ago

I really don't understand how anyone could not see that the glaring similarities

isarai522d ago

Read the article bro, the dev says "in regards to how it handles its characters" the journalist is the one that talks about gameplay not the dev.

Outside_ofthe_Box522d ago

Arkham series set the foundation for all future licensed superhero games going forward. No longer will quick movie-tie-ins be accepted. Rocksteady is legendary for that.

RaveTears521d ago

James Gunn just recently said that DC games are pretty much going to be tie-in to TV/Movie.

blackblades521d ago (Edited 521d ago )

Who dat, we should tell him to F off and get ready for 3/10 scores.
Googled: Oh that guy, DC is dying with all the shake up, lol Harley Quinn musical

WeAreLegion521d ago

Web of Shadows had an excellent combat system. The game obviously wasn't polished, but that combat was fire.

ZeekQuattro521d ago

Yeah it did. Shame its planned sequel was axed.

StarkR3ality521d ago

Some of the best superhero media ever, never mind games. Both 2 of the best franchises in gaming.

Just a shame only one of them is currently still going. Would love a new batman Arkham game on current gen considering how good Knight still looks to this day. Would be amazing.

Notsofast521d ago

even though spider man does take somethings from batman its not as much as some people might think for one spider man 2 and the amazing spider man games were all similar to marvels spiderman its just that when games get to old people forget them so batman actually is also copying spiderman

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