
Outlast: Bundle of Terror available now on Xbox One at a discounted price

Neil writes "One of our favourite digital only Xbox One titles is Outlast. It brings horror and thrills in equal measures and so the arrival of Outlast: Bundle of Terror is something that should excite many."

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lelo2play3292d ago (Edited 3292d ago )

Wasn't Outlast already given away with PS+? Should be much cheaper by now on the X1.

FITgamer3292d ago

Yeah that's not much of a discount. The standalone game was free with PS+, and the bundle i picked up around two months ago for $6.

WolfDevin3292d ago

This game is one of the very best horror games I have ever played! If you have not played it yet, you should definitely jump on this offer.

Automatic793292d ago

Sounds good downloading now.

Zefros3292d ago

The main game was a scary ride, but the DLC, maaaaan that dlc was F***ed up.

IamTylerDurden13292d ago

Pricey for an oldie.

Great game though i got it free on PS4 with plus ages ago and it's terrific. Since xbone didn't get it free i'd suggest buying bc it's worth it. DLC was good imo.


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cthulhucultist3d ago

Very safe list of horror games. I would argue that Amnesia Machine for Pig was not that great. Dark Descent was much a much better game.

Far better games have been released in this genre (Dead Space Remake, Alien Isolation, Alan Wake 2 etc).


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monkey602573d ago

A lot of my favourites are on this list so I whole heartedly approve.
Everything except The Observer. It started out really interesting but quickly unraveled into a train wreck. Including frustratingly dull dives into mind sequences, They neutered the monster with boring on rail stealth sequences and a laughably obvious and cringeworthy ending. Mix in bugs and some wonky controls to boot.
I had really strong impressions with it to start but ended up absolutely hating it.

isarai572d ago

I got 2-3hrs in and couldn't take it anymore, the constant need to switch between the 3 visions just became so annoying and honestly just unnecessary.

monkey602572d ago

I actually agree. At first I thought it was a great idea because the game wasn't holding your hand with the Detective work but it was so unintuitive too. It became a sequence of staring at everything for long enough in 3 different vision modes just to see what stuck.

Yui_Suzumiya572d ago

Soma would be more existential horror than anything but I'll be damned if it didn't have one of the best stories in game that I've experienced. Blew my mind.


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The spooky season is at last upon us, making the next couple of weeks the perfect time for a healthy helping of horror. There's no shortage of options out there, so here are a few suggestions to get the ball rolling!

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rlow1594d ago

I remember the suffering and it was descent game. I always wanted to play Crimson but never got to it.

But honestly, I’ve never played a game that really scared me, like some movies from the past have.

Silly gameAr594d ago

I remember The Suffering 1 and 2. I haven't thought about those games in years. I still remember some parts of the level in the prison where a guy was sucked through a vent screaming. I don't know why that's stuck with me all of these years.

Babadook7593d ago

I'm saving RE VIII for when the PS VR2 comes out.