
IGN: "Why We Love The Order's Length"

Marty Sliva writes: "The new era of Podcast Beyond begins now. Hosts Max Scoville and Marty Sliva are joined by Brian Altano and Jared Petty. Yes, things get as silly as you expect.

We talk about why we're excited that The Order errs on the short side, how hopeful we are about the Assassin's Creed movie, and offer up our idea for a gritty Gex reboot. Oh, also, we debut a brand-new segment.

Until next week…BEYOND!"

LOL_WUT3391d ago

I haven't listened to the podcast yet but i'm willing to bet once the review process starts they'll find something else to nitpick like that one Pokemon game review... ;)

Rimeskeem3391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

I can see it now


Too much black water

Kevlar0093391d ago

9.9 for best facial hair

-0.1 because 5 seconds too short

Dee_913391d ago


My gaming chair smells like farts


FarEastOrient3391d ago

-0.5 for trailers having preorder at the end.

tekksin3391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

@FarEastOrient, ign isn't going - down - the - pooper - game - trailers. They don't let trivial things manage their perspectives like that joke of a bunch do.

Brandon Jones is the only thing on that site worth anything because of his incredibly soothing and articulate voice. ....I enjoy it as much as you think, I guess.

thereapersson3391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

How most outlets will review the game:

-1 point for having a cohesive, well thought out story that isn't a massive jumble of ridiculous improbably survivable Hollywood set pieces ala Call of Duty.

-1 point for the developers being confident enough to own up to the fact that the game is meant to be a cinematic storytelling experience first and foremost, utilizing an AAA budget to provide as much polish as a feature-length film.

-1 point for not catering to every single gamer taste under the sun all at once with an open world and not being afraid to create what is effectively a niche gaming experience.

-1 point for lack of an uninspired, generic multiplayer mode that is only tacked on to appease the longevity freaks and is nothing that we haven't seen before, despite lambasting the single player campaign gameplay for being "unoriginal" and calling out for a multiplayer mode to flesh out the game's potential entertainment value.

Final score:

6/10 (being generous because we like the hipster moustache / steampunk aspect and because the graphics are pretty.)

OB1Biker3391d ago

First review already said 'too much cinematic'
I can see the trend on many reviews even though its supposed to be a fundamental of the game

lociefer3391d ago

- game too linear , we need everything to be open world even if it dosent make sense

-we already downplayed it at previews, we must keep our pride and not give it a fair score

- hard difficulty is hard

- trophies break the immersivness of the game

- i didnt have my morning coffe, so -.5 points

AndrewLB3391d ago Show
gamertk4213391d ago

My girlfriend touches on length and other pressing issues.

ion6663391d ago

@AndrewLB too funny I pissed myself. So so true

KiwiViper853391d ago


Hilarious, perfectly timed.

chrismichaels043391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

If some people want to speedrun this game in 5 hours...thats on them. I plan on taking my time an actually enjoying everything the campaign has to offer.

solid_snake36563390d ago


"Facial hair doesn't blow in the wind"


Unspoken3390d ago (Edited 3390d ago )


Thank you so much for posting that. That video is so true.

Oh, and length matters.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3390d ago
DarXyde3391d ago

I think it'll be in IGN's "Okay" range, personally.

They gave some interesting reasons, one of which was my big one: I totally get people wanting bang for their buck, but no one is offering to pay more for longer games but complain when a game is too short.

Question is...what is worth $60 in terms of length?

I don't know, but I wanted to post this to try and clear the air of negative vibes coming from the length. I think, while short, it's meant to be a cinematic experience, as indicated by the black bars, soundtrack, production quality, linearity, QTEs, unskippable cutscenes, and yes, tapered length. A good movie knows when to end rather than drag it out.

We don't have to like it or even buy it, but I respect the developer's vision enough to let them do as they do. :0)

_LarZen_3391d ago

Bubbles for you good sir!

morganfell3391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

"I totally get people wanting bang for their buck"

Can you define bang?

Edit: I agree with your comments but the definition of bang is at the heart of the matter.

rdgneoz33391d ago

"A good movie knows when to end rather than drag it out."

And that is exactly what the last Alien game was criticized for. It was a great game, but the ending just dragged on and on by several hours.

DarXyde3391d ago


By "bang" I mean substance. And by substance, I mean things to do in game. To reiterate, "I totally get people wanting more things to do in game for their money". This is not aimed at The Order: 1886, but it serves as a general statement regarding any game. We all want enough to do in our games to justify the cost. Unless you're pressed for time or have other games to play, the more the better. Not specifically campaign length, but whatever extends the life of a game.

morganfell3391d ago

I do disagree on that because things to do doesn't necessarily translate to bang. Ask anyone that spent time in Assassins Creed collecting feathers. With the movie analogy you are correct and that is what I want. I want to forget I am in a game. I want to be immersed and transported to another place, another time. I want to be thinking about that game for more than 5 minutes when it ends. I want to be invested in the characters and their fate. Bang is different for various people but with the movie analogy it isn't about things to do but about the existence in the place where the expereince takes you.

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360ICE3391d ago

I love how the Pokémon review is being held up as a universal example of nitpicking and illegitimate arguments.

People will say things like "Of course there's water and many water Pokémon. It's set in an island region"

Yeah. It being set to an island region is part of the problem then, according to the reviewer.

Never mind that having a Pikachu makes you overpowered through 80% of the game, this game's fictional setting is supposed to have an exact amount of water!

Poor whoever wrote that review.

Anyway, I agree with IGN on this. Journey was short, but worth pretty much all the money I could throw at it.

Nitrowolf23391d ago

I remember a review for Little Big Planet that one of the cons and markdowns was it had too much content

360ICE3390d ago

Good thing they added water later on or we'd never see an end to this meme.

joab7773391d ago

This is a great point. Why aren't we clamoring to pay more for games that we play for 1000 hrs. Or even 100 hrs? Should we pay a $1/hr. So 120 for DA and 10 for The Order?

Guess what happens then. Less time is spent in vision and more on time filler.

_-EDMIX-_3391d ago

LMFAO!^ Collectathons!!!! Nintendo would have a field day!

Visiblemarc3391d ago

We can't forget all the criticism this game will receive for not introducing "mindblowing shifts in how we perceive the concept of gameplay itself."

With the exception of a few critic favs, most current gen games are weighed down by the heavy expectation of providing "next gen gameplay." Which, btw, does not exist.

Gameplay has been evolving very slowly for a long time, for a reason, inventing revolutionary new styles is incredibly hard and a major risk.

I don't remember the last time I read a revolutionary game review. Why aren't these hipsters following their own advice and blowing our minds?

PSN_ZeroOnyx3390d ago

The hipsters will make a AAA that has 8-bit graphics and uses no more than 2 buttons the entire game. Consider Mind blown!!!

Bobby Kotex3391d ago

All I know is the game is 2 days away and there are no legit reviews.

Scatpants3391d ago

I think I read reviews are embargoed until Thursday.

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imt5583391d ago

I do not consider reviews valid anymore. But this IGN comments smells like 8 for the Order.

Dhampir3391d ago

Bet it gets a 9.5. IGN has a lot of bloodborne exclusives. Four of their staff just quit. Someone is getting paid well.

lizard812883391d ago

I agree. I shrug off professional reviews now. I'd rather see a review from someone on youtube who isn't getting paid to tell me a game is amazing when it is terrible.

3391d ago Replies(2)
littlezizu3391d ago

RAD did an awesome job with Order. Street date has been broken here in India, it's been available in black market on 16th itself. I'm little more than Half way thru the game and i already clocked 10hours into it. I still can't believe a guy finished this game in 5 hours where as i took 10hours thus far and not completed the game yet.Maybe I'm not that good.
Anyway the Game doesn't have that much QTE's event like in many articles it only was there in beginning after that it was eased out. The game will benefit greatly from photo mode as you want to take pic every time.
Only concern was One button stealth kill, It would have benefit from last of us style stealth kills.

WeirdShroom3391d ago

Good ole IGN. Still got their hands firmly planted in Sony's pants. The defense of this game in light of facts and past behavior of those defending is sickening. 180's everywhere.

3391d ago
Griever3391d ago

Oh yeah! The hate is not sickening but the defense is sickening. :-/ You haters are burning up inside on how the opinions have changed. You people were having so much fun looking forward to having a Sony exclusive flop but now it is ruined with the positive news and defense, right? You are some really sick people. Go have some poisonous shrooms and leave us in peace please.

JoGam3391d ago (Edited 3391d ago )

So its clear you want this game to fail. Lol. I don't understand you people. Why get mad at the fact that ign didn't say anything negative? I was happy to hear what they said. You Just don't make since to me. Backwards.

kenshiro1003391d ago

You're clearly not a gamer.

Why don't you go troll somewhere else and leave the people who ARE interested in this game alone, eh?

Muzikguy3391d ago

180s and Sony..... You really do have some weird shrooms

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anast3h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics1h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX1h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon10m ago

We are on the same team brother!


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RhinoGamer884h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!