
Master Chief Collection like “binging on Netflix” says 343

games™ sat down with Dan Ayoub, executive producer for Halo at 343, discussing the lofty ambitions of Halo: TMCC

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gamesTM_dom3510d ago

"I liken it a lot to binging on Netflix before a next season of something comes out; it’s a great way for people to catch up.” - Dan Ayoub

qwerty6763510d ago

pretty much

i bet theres going to be streamers doing the 1-4 campaign non-stop.

gamesTM_dom3510d ago

Having been lucky enough to see a little of the remastered Halo 3 in action, I'll happily just have some Twitchers on in the corner of my screen as I work: it's amazing how much better they've managed to improve what was already a pretty decent-looking 360 game.

Also, the small changes in the PvP [velocity added to melee, guns on the Mongoose(!)] make the whole thing very fresh and very nostalgic at the same time... it's a cliche to say that, but damned if it's not true

SteamPowered3510d ago

I have never played a Halo game before, but my friends are hyped to the maximum allowable levels for the MCC. So I am pretty excited to play through all the games in remastered glory. Hopefully I can see for myself what all the buzz is about.

gamer_xaf3510d ago

It's got a lot to do with WHEN you first played Halo. Playing the games for the first time now is not going to be the same as playing it back in 2000.

A lot of innovations have come to the FPS genre since then and Halo can feel dated today.

Back in 2000 though, THERE WAS NOTHING LIKE HALO! It was the first time on console that we had a FPS with open levels, 16 player LAN MP, and vehicles. To most console gamers it was there first time with a modern FPS (Doom, Golden Eye, and Turok were what we were used to).

But because you have now played COD, Gears of War, Half-Life 2, Battlefield, etc. Halo might not give you the same wow factor as it did gamers back then.

Well after all that, it's still an amazing franchise and is one of the best shooters of all time. It's also still crazy fun to play!

SteamPowered3510d ago

Ha ha, I hear you there guy. My memories of gaming in my youth do come out rather rosy colored. Luckily I am the type of guy to just play the game and enjoy it. Resolutions and stuff are just icing. I am playing HL2 on my shield right now in fact.
I am a big fan of old school ROMs and such, so I have a feeling this will be a good start. Hopefully I can truck on through all 4 games and be ready for Guardians.

UnHoly_One3510d ago

Well said.

Playing it now for the first time will probably elicit a lot of "so what's the big deal again?" reactions from the first time players, just because they have been playing games for the last 13 years that have borrowed and learned from Halo and they didn't realize it.

gamer_xaf3510d ago (Edited 3510d ago )

I can't wait for this!


Hasbro's $1 billion bet on internal game development

Brendan writes; "Head of digital product development Dan Ayoub tells us about the toy maker's plans to get back in the game."

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Microsoft Appoints Former Forza Boss As New Xbox Game Studios Head

Pure Xbox writes: "Microsoft has appointed Alan Hartman as the new Head of Xbox Game Studios. If you're not familiar with Hartman, he's been part of Forza Motorsport team at Turn 10 Studios since 2005.

Over the past couple of years he's led as Corporate Vice President of Forza and Fable, and before this was the Forza Studio Head at Turn 10."

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hiroyukisanada204d ago

Seems like a solid choice considering Forza and FH have been the only high quality studio, consistently for Microsoft.

hiroyukisanada204d ago

*Forza and FH are the most consistent high quality and this guy ran Turn 10. Playground did FH but still high quality. Let's see if he can get some quality production out of the rest

Obscure_Observer203d ago

He´s been doing an excellent job ahead of both Forza franchises integrating those studios to work together by sharing knowledge, technology and manpower.

The new ForzaTech is amazing and I can´t wait to see what it can do for the new Fable.

Phil Spencer has been promoting a huge shake up at Xbox with new leadership hopefully full of fresh ideas!

I hope Alan Hartman as head of XGS to keep the focus on single player games and RPGs. Fable looks absolutely stunning, so we can expect Forza Horizon´s level of excellence for Playground´s first RPG.

I can´t wait!

Futureshark204d ago

What a nice reward for the latest Forza, which is probably the most mediocre of the lot so far.

amazinglover204d ago

That game was using a new engine and had to be rebuilt from the ground up.

Redgrave204d ago

So that gives it a pass to be a lesser entry than those before it?

amazinglover186d ago

@redgrave not an excuse an explanation for why this game has less features. Not my problem you don't understand how game development works or development in general. When you move to a knew platform some things need to be rebuilt from the ground up.

I am currently migrating one of our services we provide to our customers to the cloud version and having to rebuild a lot of the add-ons we had built for them over the years.

But go ahead and keep criticizing devs when no one here has any clue what it actually takes.

Disccordia204d ago

Still think Rod Fergusson would have been a good shout. He's got a track record of fixing stuff and I assume he's still at Blizzard.

Not heard of this guy but I feel like anyone is better than Matt Booty

I thought Dan Greenawalt was head of Turn10 though (although I noticed he didn't do the on stage stuff at e3 this year). Is he not there anymore?

Barlos204d ago (Edited 204d ago )

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This is the best news I've heard since the last piece of xbox news!

Go team xbox! Xbox will rule the world!

Lightning77204d ago

He's over overlooked The Forza games which have been consistently good through our the years. Hopefully he has the same eye for quality for the rest if the studios going forward.

babadivad203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

How can anyone deny that Forza has been a quality franchise for almost two decades?

Lightning77203d ago

They just downvote just to downvote they have no reason.

Jin_Sakai203d ago

“How can anyone deny that Forza has been a quality franchise for almost two decades?“

Forza Motorsport declined after FM4. And this release was one of the worst in the series.

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Halo Infinite Dev 343 Explains Shop Price Hike, ‘This Isn't Necessarily What Everyone Wants to Hear’

Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries has moved to explain a recent microtransactions price hike following a community backlash.

Jin_Sakai211d ago

You can always count on 343i to make bad decisions.

jznrpg210d ago

Replace 343 with MS and I agree

1Victor210d ago

This smell like passing down the cost of acquisitions down to the consumer at all cost in any way shape or form 🤷🏿

Godmars290210d ago

Given that under best conditions - i.e. no more such spending, it'll take decades, what do you expect?

Hell, they just tried to revoke GP for their employees.

Sonic1881210d ago (Edited 210d ago )

And you can always count on the Xbox fans defending them and the price hike. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Halo Infinite multiplayer

Snookies12207d ago

Yeah, no excuse for this garbage 343i... I haven't played Infinite's multi-player in a long while. Downloaded it again on PC only to find that the PC port is absolutely broken right now with like 3-5 minute load-in times just for the main menu. Now hearing this, I went ahead and uninstalled it lol. Wish they'd stop shooting themselves in the foot with this title.

gold_drake211d ago

so they made several changes how the helmets etc work, however, ive never seen anyone raising prices in a shop due to changes THEY made.

crazyCoconuts211d ago

This is like raising the price on VCR players

XiNatsuDragnel211d ago

343i congratulations yall killing halo mp slowly fr

Gaming4Life1981210d ago

The store price hike is stupid but halo infinite mp is currently at its best. Nobody has to buy the cosmetics as they offer alot of free content.

Crows90210d ago

Fuck that stupid argument. If you pay full price for a game you should get everything the game has to offer.

Last I checked the game released at full price. I know MP is free but then that makes the release highly overpriced.

CobraKai210d ago

It totally was. I got suckered by Halo Infinite. All i got was a data disc and a half assed campaign.

Petebloodyonion210d ago

Does the single-player portion of the game (what ppl bought) offer Microtransaction?
As far I recall the answer is no.
So ppl got what they paid for meaning a complete campaign that is comparable to a lot of AAA games like Resident Evil, Wolfenstein, Doom, Mortal Kombat, etc.

Now regarding the FREE multiplayer part, I agree it's a stupid move that will probably do more harm than good since the game is (despite what several N4G members would like you to believe) in good health, and like Gaming4Life pointed out no one is forcing ppl to buy theses items.

rippermcrip210d ago

Any person who thinks that any game content created and released after launch should be free... go ahead a justify that... I'll be waiting.

I can see the argument for them selling shit immediately at launch, but even still that is weak.

You buy a game knowing exactly what is included when you pay it. You should expect nothing else for free.

CobraKai210d ago

Insomniac released some free costumes for free for Spiderman
Capcom released free next gen upgrades for their Resident Evil games
No Man’s Sky became a new game from all the free DLC
Minecraft has a good amount of free dlc content.
Witcher 3 had some free cosmetics and a mission.
Overwatch has new characters that were free
Arkham Knight had some free costumes and a Batmobile skin

Some people expect free DLC because some companies actually gave free DLC.

jznrpg210d ago (Edited 210d ago )

@Petebloodyonion they were already charging for items and then they raised the prices on top of that. It wasn’t free to begin with and now they want more $$

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Petebloodyonion209d ago

"@Petebloodyonion they were already charging for items and then they raised the prices on top of that. It wasn’t free to begin with and now they want more $$"

And I said that raising the price was a stupid move and even made an earlier post about how it's the best way to antagonize your customers but it still doesn't change the fact that the multiplayer portion of the game is a FREE to Play game.
In this regard, Gaming4life comments stand correct and Crows comments stand wrong since Nobody paid a dime to play the game (the MP part) and no one is forcing you to buy cosmetics.

And again I totally agree with the sentiment and don't defend MS or 343I on this crappy move.

KyRo210d ago

There is absolutely no reason for ever raising the price of cosmetics. They are some of the quickest assets to create but charge silly prices for them. Its greed. There's no other way to spin it no matter what the game is.

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