
Itagaki: Xbox 360 is the Most Powerful Hardware

Ahead of the release of Ninja Gaiden II on Xbox 360 on June 6th, MCV caught up with head of developer Team Ninja Tomonubu Itagaki.

MCV: "Ninja Gaiden II has got some great previews from the press – how proud of it are you?"

Itagaki: "I'm very happy with it. It's not 100 per cent as I think that's not possible to do, but I think that I was successful in making a game that no one else could. This is a game that only my team and I would be able to make."

MCV: "Do you prefer to develop on the Xbox 360, rather than the other consoles?"

Itagaki: "Yes. In my opinion it is the most powerful hardware. I have a lot of friends that develop on it so in some ways I regard it like being at home when I'm working on it. There's no reason for me to go to a strangers house to make games."

Varsarus5846d ago

It seems he is on drugs, well I think he takes them anyway...

Jamie Foxx5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

his tried to compare NG2 and himself to kojima and MGS4,im sorry but thats wishing & retarted!

itagaki and shane kim = LAUREL & HARDY or WILL AND GRACE take your pick

riqued5846d ago

"I think Hideo Kojima (director of MGS) is very much like myself."

This pervert has serious problems...

Jamie Foxx5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

that he wears they get me everytime

Genesis55846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

So thats why the frame rate jumps all over the place in this game is it? Too much power.

Statix5846d ago

He's never even worked on the PS3, how would he be able to tell if it's more or less powerful?

pimpstation5846d ago

Yep it's just so powerful that he can't control it. It's So powerful that the camera has developed self-aware AI and does whatever it wants.

This dude probably dresses up like Kojima and then plays with MGS action figures and pretends he is him.

Kain815846d ago

And he is too Arrogant.
I dont like him personaly

Panthers5846d ago

He is trying to become a legend like Kojima, but he is just becoming an ass.

chaosatom3335846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

Hideo kojima would say other wise

--he would say "it's not 200 per cent as I think that is possible to do with the years of hard work"

mikeslemonade5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

Most powerful hardware? So can you, Itagaki, tell me why your game looks like crap and has frame rate issues?

kevoncox5846d ago

So Komiji says Ps3 is most powerful and he's praised?
This guys says 360 is most powerful and he's crazy?

I look at the Ps3 and 360 as swords.
360 being a Katana and Ps3 being a European broad sword.
In the right hands both can be destructive. However, the sheer power of a Broad sword cannot be harnessed by a person not strong enough to swing it. WHile the katana's power cannot be harnessed by a person quick/agile enough to handle it. Both powerful. Different types of power. I think that's evident by the fact that 360 games still regullary out perform ps3 games. Remember last gen when the xbox would blow ps2 graphics out the water and was limited to just slight graphically improvements in games. Heck the "more powerful" ps3 can't even do that this gen. Different types of poer. If you can't harness the raw poer of the broad sword, what good is it. If you can't move quick enough to swing the katana, what good is it?

gamesR4fun5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

wow he really thinks he can hold up his mediocre drivel to msg4 lol more powerful hardware indeed lol msg4 has him beat in every way real story not cheap grimy hack n slash kicks... real next gen graphics vs his deja vue game...
this guys a joke for putting his game in the same sentence as msg4...

"more powerful hardware" i could take that is if hed done anything to prove his point. His games a mirror of NG and not even up to NGS standards and at that it struggles with even a few extra characters on the screen the cameras a joke in some scenes. This guy is a freaking moron no wonder all he can do is spew out the same old violent cliches.

lsujester5846d ago

I don't know about you people, but I love this guy. His games are nothing but hot chicks and ninjas, and he considers himself to be a god amongst men. What's not to love?

If this guy were a body part, he'd be a perineum.

5846d ago
deeznuts5846d ago

Subordinate: Lord Itagaki!
Lord Itagaki: WHAT?
[Itagaki gathers up his dolls]
Subordinate: You're needed on the bridge sir!
Lord Itagaki: Knock on my door! Knock next time!
Subordinate: Yes, sir!
Lord Itagaki: Did you see anything?
Subordinate: No, sir! I didn't see you playing with you dolls again.

KingME5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

VERY VERY well said and an outstanding analogy. If people read your comment and can actually wrap their feeble little minds around what you are saying, there would be no way they could be disagreeing with you. Perhaps they can, because of their feeble little minds...lol

With analogies like that, I really don't understand how you only have 3 bubbles. Let me help you out a bit.

Bubbles up!

@bishop-br - try actually opening your mind to the analogy for what it is saying, while keeping your hate at bay, and you would have to agree that it's a great analogy.

Perhaps you can understand this one, what good is a high perfomance dragster, in an a race with constant hairpin turns, you will never get the thing up to its top speed. And it will loose in a race against a less powerful car which emphasis on handling and traction. Simply put, the PS3 is probably overall more powerful that the 360 but in some areas, but in other areas it simply isn't.

BattleAxe5846d ago

This guy is getting to be way out of hand.

lsujester5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

Even if his analogy may not be very clear, what kevoncox is saying makes sense. The hardware in the 360 and PS3 are very different, and both very powerful. While CELL may have an edge in raw processing power, the coding required to fully use it is very much different than the coding in which the majority of programmers have been using their entire careers. Granted, it's all C++, but the actual cycle processes and such have to be executed very differently to make use of the very specialized SPU's. The hardware of the 360, although Power architecture RISC chips from IBM, is closer to the traditional x86 development processes that programmers have been using in PC's.

This fact is what has led to the numerous PS3 delays in both multi-platform releases and with exclusives. However, the overall stronger architecture of the PS3 will theoretically let developers have a slightly stronger computing base to work from in time... once they have down the tricks of using the exotic hardware.

kevoncox5846d ago

I am so happy there are some actually gamers and people on this board with MINDs. It's simple to see that the Ps3 is a monster but do developers have the time and resources to use that power.

If you need to make a game from scratch in under 1 year for less than 10 million dollars, the ps3 probally isn't for you. The 360 would then be seen as a more powerful system because all of your tricks work. All of your coding efficently transfer and you are able to put ot mind blowing graphics with little effort. Your time can be used to refine, and further push your coding ability to the limit. If you can dictate a duration of time of 3 years then your developers will have all the time they need to learn the tricks and the trade of the system. Then you can further inprove your game. However, most game developers don't have that amount of development time...

In a 100 hard dash the 360 will win. In a marathon the ps3 should win.
Now the question is...is this gen a marathon or a 100 yard dash? I think it's somewhere inbetween. It's not the 10 years crap Sony is talking but it's not 4 years like people believe it will be. I expect the 360 to last 6 years. I expect a new 360 out in 2011. Sony's Ps3 will have begon to show it's teeth by then but it's superemcy will be short lived. Similar to how the xbox started to pull away last gen but the race was already too far out of hand for MS to win. Sony will be forced to released the ps4 in 2012. Think about how much tech has changed since 1997. Do you really think a console released in 2006 will be able to compete with devices out in 2016? That's like saying my P2 in 2006 could compete with a Dual core processor now.

boodybandit5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

regardless of what you or I think, Sony looks at gaming as a marathon and not a 100 yard dash. They still are supporting and selling a ton of PS2 hardware and they will do the same thing with the PS3 long after the MS "Next" Box and PS4 are released. They didn't drop their old hardware and abandon their userbase the way Nintendo and MS did with the GameCube and Xbox.

As far as Itagaki goes. The man is an obnoxious perverted idiot and an embarrassment to Japan. But I will still pick up NG2 despite what I think of this moron.

dantesparda5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

Can you shut the fvck up? you sound like a clown with your stupid-@ss analogies. And hm, submitted by DC Rider, eh? hm, hmmm, HMMM!!! Big-@ss 360 fanboy, they are just mad (both Itagaki and DC Rider) for the less than stellar review scores they've been getting. The game looks weak, very weak!

But i do gotta say (and sorry PS3 fanboys) he's right, the PS3 has yet to prove itself more powerful. While Uncharted and GT5P are good looking games (especially Uncharted) they still dont prove the PS3's superiority. Although i gotta say, Killzone 2 does from what I've seen and MS has yet to respond yet. Gears doesnt do it. But in the end, i would just say that they are both just about equal. Now later fangirls, have fun killing each other over stupid sh!t

NO_PUDding5846d ago


Let me complete your awful analogy.

These warriors all fight each other constantly, so why are they wastign their time with a katana, when ultimately, you will find the best weapon will be a huge Broadsword.

Sure it's more difficult to weild, but if you aren't already dead, get in there quick, and learn it!

That's why the PS3 is clever, but challenging the developers, it creates a market within itself.

You will find next generation will be the same, Sony create hardware that is ultimately more powerful, but needs to be worked on. It's how developers can seperate themselves and create a HEALTHY market.

Not a stale "let's crack anotehr one out of this franchise becuase it's so easy" ethos.

And really... work on your analogies, that was so difficult for me to spin.

juuken5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

How could you not believe that! The 360 has so much powa that it burned a house down! Come on man, ya gotta believe this guy!

*cough*Itagaki is smokin' that pipe again*cough*

Lol @ kevonkox, you're cracking even ME up. Please, stop while you can...I can't take it anymore!

*falls off of chair laughing*

Bubble Buddy5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

kevonox > i look at the ps3 as a lightsaber that can cut through any sword...

Legion5846d ago

Yes... good analogy. A fictional weapon that is expected to be unbeatable in the future.

Alcohog5846d ago

He also said PS3 is more powerful, previously:


Not that Itagaki contradicting himself would be anything new.

CrazedFiend5846d ago

Ok so, the way you put it, the PS3 is the overpowered dragster and the 360 is the lesser powered car that can handle the hair-pinned turns.

That's a fair analogy. I have no problem with that or with kevoncox said. The only problem is that your analogies are not related to Itagaki's comment. His comment was not about which system performs better. He said that the 360 is the "most powerful".

To place his comment into your analogies, he's basically saying that that underpowered car is actually MORE powerful than that dragster (and can still handle the corners), and that the katana has more strength than the broad sword (this I believe though, was not too far from the truth, but I don't think kevoncox was thinking about that when he wrote his comment).

So basically, I agree with you guys, but I still can't agree with Itagaki, and it doesn't sound to me like you guys do either.

kevin11225846d ago

no pudding, i would have to disagree. The katana is the best sword and japanese swordsman ship is the best. Its off topic but i had to correct you on that.

dan-boy5846d ago

you shouldn't believe every little story you read on the net. especially some of the stuff posted on here.

after playing the demo, i can confirm, that i've not seen it stutter, or the frame-rate dip at-all! the game runs lightening quick, and is silky smooth.

i'm hoping that doesn't rain on anyones parade!

Bloodwar5846d ago

I think the fanboy who created this title wanted to start a flame war. Serious. Itagaki also said he believes that MGS4 or NG2 could both be contenders for the game of the year. That would have been a a cooler more friendly title to this article but some deuche thought it would be cool to place the title we have instead. Sad. Here should be the title, "Itagaki, creator of Ninja Gaiden 2 states that MGS4 could very well be a game of the year." That shows he is not a some fanboy developer but someone who knows games. But wow, the spin. I'm dizzy.

Saigon5846d ago

that you are wrong...sony is the first company to make the step to multi core processing...and i will let you know this now...multicore programming is the future...so devs need to get use to it now or get out of the water...

RobotIsTheFuture5845d ago

"Yep it's just so powerful that he can't control it. It's So powerful that the camera has developed self-aware AI and does whatever it wants.

This dude probably dresses up like Kojima and then plays with MGS action figures and pretends he is him."


LMAO @ the Kojima Poser XD


Its funny how all of you PS3 gamers react it seems that you spend more time defending the console than playing on it.

HateBoy5845d ago

This man is in denial, fanboys can argue about the quality of games and so on but there really is no doubt that the ps3 is the more powerful machine. Anything less would be absolutely ridiculous considering the ps3 came out a year later and hence benefitted from tech-advancements made in that period.

Alcohog5845d ago

And how do you determine that exactly?

godofthunder105845d ago

i've never read so much bias childish remarks.just because someone said that the 360 is more powerful he's a drughead and retarded.if he would have said the ps3 was then they would have said he was smart and knew what he' was talking about.

the truth is that i've read a lot of unbias articles and they were not by the psm or the xbox magazine,or people that like one company more then the other like kojima.they said that the ps3 and 360 were really equal in power because of the way they are made.they also said that the ps3 will do things better in one way and the 360 would do things better in another way.

i've read articles from ps3 fans about a years ago and they said that the 360 has used up all it's power because it has been 2 years and that was all they are going to get out of it.well the ps3 been out almost 2 years and it has about the same amount as graphics as the 360.

i don't understand why everyone is acting like kids saying my game system is better then your system,it's childish.the ps3 been out almost 2 years and the 360 been out almost 3 years and they are the same damn thing(1 system might have 1 more piece of brick flying then the other if a building is blown up ,big f**king deal,who's going to count damn pieces of bricks).i know that some ps3 fan will say that the 360 was out 1 year earlier and they are right.the only problem is that if the ps3 was more powerful then the 360 don't you think that it would have showed it by now.

when the ps3 first came out and the graphics wasn't as good as sony promised,ps3 fans said it will take a year before it blows the 360 out of the water because the 360 had a 1 year head start,when that didn't happen they said wait till 1 more year,well its been almost 2 years and the graphics are still about the same damn thing.the same game on the ps3 might look a little better then the one on the 360 or the same game on the 360 will look a little better then the one on the ps3.and if 360 or ps3 fans disagree with that are just childish fanboys because it's the truth.

i'm also tired of hearing what system has the best games,and i'm also tired of hearing that all the games on the 360 sux just because they have a ps3 or the 360 fans saying the opposite because it just show how bias and childish they really are.the 360 and ps3 both have good games and bad,over rated and underrated games,games that was suppose to be good and they suxed and games that was suppose to sux instead they are good.for exsample before L.O was released on the 360 they gave it a good review but after it was released it was a let down and they gave it a bad or a so so rateing.the same thing with the ps3.before haze was released every mag and web site gave it real good rateings but after it was released,they said that it had to much lag and loading time and the game wasn't anything that was promised to the people and the same people that gave it a 4 out of 5 or 8 out of 10 then gave it a 2 out of 5 or a 3 through 5 out of 10.the last time i checked haze had an average rateing of 4 out of 10.

i'll amit it,i think kz2 will be one of the best gams of the year if not the best but i just don't get mgs.i played the other mgs games and they suxed,they had more cut scenes then game play and the story didn't make any since.now they are saying the same thing about mgs4,they are reporting that mgs4 will have at least 25% to 30% more of cut scenes then game play and that suxs.in another word they are saying that we will be watching mgs4 more then we play it and this is a fact,they said it on g4 and i've read 1 article in a game mag that said it.well we see why kojima was running out of room on a br disc for.

i just don't understand why ps3 fans bring up mgs games when trying to proove that the ps3 has better games when the ps3 has a lot more games that's better then it.if the mgs were so damn great then why did it never break any records,hell people never even made a fuss over it till they announced mgs4.the way you could tell how great a game is by how many that was sold as a single game not the whole franchize.for exsample,look at gta 1,2,3 or 4,halo 1,2,or 3,rockband,almost all the mario games,all these games broke sales records one way or the other,now these are what you call great games that will last forever like pac man did,hell till this day people still play pac man.

LiQuid revOlvEr5845d ago

that is the lamest and nerdiest thing ive ever heard!!

yesah5845d ago

if anyone actually looks at th hardware specs, you would know the ps3 is clearly more powerful.

juuken5845d ago

@1.37, 360 owners should be playing their many, many, *many* games instead of being here in the first place.

Are they doing that?

I think not.

lsujester5845d ago (Edited 5845d ago )

Hey, Saigon... I wanted to you let you know this now.... that you are a fracking retard. What I said had nothing to do with multi-core anything and had to do with processor architecture and coding.

Just so you'll know, the 360 is also multi-core, and has still proven an easier developmental platform than the PS3 has. It has three PowerPC cores, each with two symmetric threads, which is a total of six threads for your ignorant self. The CELL has one general purpose PPU, and seven SPU's (one is disabled on PS3s), for a total of eight possible threads.

It's pretty fracking obvious that multi-core chips are the way computers are ran now, every major chip manufacturer is doing it. But that does NOT mean that every single multi-core chip is the same as another one. And it does NOT mean that more cores are better in every circumstance.

Look at what Intel and AMD are doing, and even what IBM's PowerPC architecture has. Their multi-core chips are in complete contrast to what IBM/Sony did with the CELL. Their chips emphasize latency over bandwidth, and have things like branch predictors and caches to improve code fetching times and the like. While CELL has an enormous floating point threshold, it still requires very specfic coding in comparison to other, more general purpose x86 architectures. While CELL is a monster at things like scientific computation and running servers, if you used it to run Windows, it'd choke and die. That very specific coding is why the PS3 is harder to program than the 360, not because it has multiple cores. But once developers learn that specific coding, the PS3 is a beast with it's beefed up hardware.

So the next time you decide to run your mouth and say that someone doesn't know what they're talking about, how about you first understand what they said... and more importantly, know something yourself?

EDIT: Also, Sony wasn't the first to anything. IBM's Power4 was released back in 2001. AMD and Intel got theirs going in 2005 and 2006, respectively.

skychad22225845d ago

the xbox360 and the wii have much better games.
i cant think of any good reason outside "uncharted" to but a ps3...

KingME5841d ago

NO! what I am saying is that there is a place for a dragster and a track with hairpin turn (Current gaming market) is not it. The dragster is a specialize vehicle that only serves on purpose and that is to blister ahead in a straight line at top speed. Any twist or turns will either greatly affect it's performance or totally destroy it.

+ Show (44) more repliesLast reply 5841d ago
Bladestar5846d ago

ohh wow... this is going to turn very ugly up in here! Itagaki prepare to be stoned! It's ok for a developer to brag about blu-ray and the pS3 this and that.. but not the 360...
[running back and forward like a chicken with head cut off... screaming, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"]

GiantEnemyCrab5846d ago

all those disagree's just prove your point. How many stupid "the power of the cell" article's have we got on this site?

Yes, why listen to a dev that has been involved with both the 360 and in a lesser extent the PS3 with Sigma? Even though he wasn't leading the team he was involved. Or we should listen to a bunch of commentors with no experience making games on either who are mostly not even old enough to buy beer?

Good to see Itagaki not mincing words and telling it like it is.

NG2 next week!!!!!! I can't wait!

Relin5846d ago

Itagaki had absolutely nothing to do with the development of Sigma. He seems to consider it a bastard child and pawned the responsibility on someone else; he has absolutely no experience with the PS3.

Premonition5846d ago

lol I guess you didnt think did you, when you only develop on one system how can you say out right that its the most powerful system? its like some guy saying SNES is the most powerful system and hasnt even tried touching the PS1 or Dreamcast. The cell is already proven a super computer, i dont see how that cant get the point across most peoples head.

GiantEnemyCrab5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

"YH: My position was to challenge Itakagi, (laughter) so in fact there is almost no involvement from Itagaki. Of course he is the Ninja Gaiden executive producer so he was observing, but there was almost no input."

ALMOST no input

The man is the Executive Producer. Of course he had some involvment, even if it was little. I would say that proves your "absolutely nothing" argument wrong.

Relin below:

"I don't claim to know how Team Ninja runs their studio, but there's been nothing to show Itagaki's familiarity with the PS3's hardware and plenty to show he doesn't know anything more than his fat check from MS has told him."

Your right you don't know how Team Ninja runs it's studio, so that quote is all we have. So like I said Itagaki has been involved. Your last statement about a "fat check" shows no matter what truth is provided you already have your mind made up. I wonder if you consider Sony's fat check when one of the developers claim the PS3 superior in the hardware?

Relin5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

Talk about grasping at straws. I have no doubt that he peeked his head in from time to time, like any good manager, but that doesn't mean he got his hand dirty enough to know what the PS3 is capable of. Hell, it's rare for any producer to do any sort of engineering: they're the business/creative types.

I don't claim to know how Team Ninja runs their studio, but there's been nothing to show Itagaki's familiarity with the PS3's hardware and plenty to show he doesn't know anything more than his fat check from MS has told him.


I'm obviously dealing with a master of logical thought and reading comprehension, so I'll just let this one die.

Maverick_5846d ago

He's the one and only guy to say this. Too bad Ninja Gaiden 2 is extremely mediocore and looks like PS2 games running at 25 frames per second.

We all know the truth, the truth is in the game he just made... Ninja Gaiden 2. Xbox 360 has NO WHERE NEAR the amount of CPU, raw processing power of the PS3... and it's not myth... it 150% true and has been proven and said by tons of different developers over and over.

Look at Ninja Gaiden 2 LOL. Look at everything on the Xbox 360 including the "improvement" from Gears 1 and now to Gears 2"

Notice how the 2-3 games on the Xbox 360 even considered to look that great are Unreal Engine games with pop in texturing....

Notice Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted, Killzone 2, Resistance 2(which we will see on June 13), MGS4, Little Big Planet,Ratchet and Clank...there are so many more and nothing has used the full potential of the PS3 processing power yet... though Xbox 360 has nothing that looks like Gran TUrismo 5.

PS3 is also said to be getting an "improved" version of Bioshock.

Don't by the Press Release from one guy who is extremely overrated and has made nothing but a Ninja Gaiden Hack n slash... which is a good game but nothing even close to legendary. Now his sequel has received mediore reviews, mediocore reviews about the graphics, framerate, textures.... everything.

We;ve heard how the PS3 is getting the better textures in Mirror's edge, could have had TWICE as much on screen if there were only a PS3 version... how GTA IV could have been a much larger and more "next gen" GTA if it was PS3 Exclusive....with the CEO of Rockstar saying GTA V just might be PS3 Exclsive(HINT HINT: WE DONT LIKE DUMBING OUR GAMES DOWN)

Go read Insomniac's multiple and countless R & D articles writing about the PS3's absolutely GIGANTIC CPU advantage over the Xbox 360 and how after being on the market 2 years... you would without a doubt start seeing games on the PS3, the Xbox 360 just can't do.

Insmoniac are an independent company and could just as easily makes their games multiplatform and makes tons of money. The like Sony. These are well documented articles.

John Carmack of ID, Todd Howward or Bethesda, Guerilla the developers of Killzone 2 have said for Killzone 3... it will be even more crazy looking... because it just takes time learning custom codes for the PS3 to reall pull it's power out... it will take years to really see what it can do.

We all konw the truth and can see it in the games. NG2 looks like a turd(sorry).

There is nothing on Xbox 360 even remotely competitive graphically except Gears of WAR 2 necuase of bump/mormal mapping texture's laid down over EVERYTHING and its still cant touch the PS3's best lloking games.... GT5, Killzone 2, Resistance 2 we will see soon... even the detail in MGS4.

PR FTL. You can see it in the games. Don't talk crap when your game is a turd and even worse REALLY looks/runs like a turd.

IdleLeeSiuLung5846d ago

Fact of the matter is there is more raw processing power in the CELL that probably will never be unlocked in games. The PS3 might have the mega gazillion FLOPs, but if it is not something that a developer can harness it has no effect on the games.

Sony over-engineered the PS3 for the wrong market. That is why the PS3 was marketed as an all-in-one home super computer instead of a gaming machine. They realized the mistake and albeit the high price point, there is little return in terms of improved gameplay or graphics.

If you spend gazzillion amount of time you will get games that look great on the PS3 and just slightly better than the Xbox 360. Is it worth it? Ask the developers and the gamers. So far, I love my 360 and ordered the PS3 MGS4 LE console. Hopefully, there will be great games other than just MGS4, GoW3 and next FF. Otherwise, I got a $700 limited edition paper weight!


PimpHandHappy5846d ago

look at the guy

unless your not seeing it but ppl are making fun of him and not sh!ting on your system.....

He thinks he i talking from the shadows like a Ninja because of those shades.

You want to know what this is Bladestar? This is aimed at BRAND loyalty people like alot of ppl on this site. Thats all it is

if ppl cant see that or understand why a guy looking like that says something as off the wall as "Strangers house" and 360 is "uber" powerfull then fine

you know this guy beefs with Kojima....his game is going head to head with a great CLASSIC franchise......

Alcohog5846d ago

Itagaki "tells it like it is"? He said before that the PS3 is more powerful. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


dan-boy5846d ago

just reading your post...

it appears that you dont know anything, and just like to repeat the propaganda that sony owned studios like to put out. plus, you've not played ng2, the demo doesn't have the frame rate problems the reviewers have mentioned(only the camera is slightly dodgy).

you prove time and time again, not just in that post, but in all the other garbage posts you write on here that you're a fanboy through and tthrough. killzone2's game engine is top notch, and could well be the best game engine on this gen of consoles! after the financial investment, and the man-hours that have gone into that game(it's been in development since 05), it's expected to look incredible. but, it doesn't prove that the 360 couldn't run it, it only proves that no game engine has been created to match killzones on the 360. you fanboys read the propaganda, and think it is gospel

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5846d ago
Surfman5846d ago

of course it is... This dude made a EXCLUSIVE game for that console. He wants sales.

Legion5846d ago

Hmmmmm.... are we talking NG2 or MGS4? Does it matter...? Both have said similar things about the system they prefer.

fork_at_gamestm_5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

Its well more powerful becuase it has more powerful controller

it has betetr online that lets you play peopel with the comtroller which lets you change batteries and has a friend adding feature which lets you talk to peopel as well like in msn

But on the ps3 you need to install a game to play it

5846d ago
5846d ago
DanteLinkX5846d ago

......Minus Bublues for that Fork guy, seriously wtf?

5846d ago
5846d ago
Skaterboy Tell Em5846d ago (Edited 5846d ago )

"am not a kids im old enough for you to be your dad"

Comment of the week lol,that just reached a new level of stupidity.

Edit: i see he's outdone himself with this....

"your dad is stupider than me anyway

he stels free mini trolleys and sells them for money"

Keep it up lol

lsujester5846d ago

Thank you guys for the biggest laugh of my day.

"your dad is stupider than me anyway

he stels free mini trolleys and sells them for money"


J@D5846d ago

"your dad is stupider than me anyway
he stels free mini trolleys and sells them for money"

Did his said he's actually stupid? or Am I wrong? The stupidity got a highly new level today hahahahahahaha. Most funny comment of the day'


juuken5846d ago

*falls off chair again laughing*

Dude, stop before it's too late.

MisfitSmurf5846d ago

theres something called spell check might wanna look into it

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5846d ago
J@D5846d ago

not, not, not ur a wrong...

His just a drug user... his acne treatments are making blind and hallucinating 4 real. j/k

Now, 4 real this time...

His just desperate to sell some more copies afetr all the "GOOD PRAISE" that NG2 got from the reviews *cough*framedropproblemes*coug h*pop-intexture*cough*makinguse rtobelievetheyareninja*cough*an dothers*things*cough*


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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Team Ninja at its Finest

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 debuted in 2009; ahead of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's launch, it's time to look back at one of Tecmo Koei's best titles.

MIDGETonSTILTS17457d ago


Black > Sigma1 > Sigma 2


The 10 Hardest PlayStation 3 Platinum Trophies

With the release of games now slowing on the PlayStation 3, Twinfinite take a look at the 10 hardest platinum trophies on Sony's older system.

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DarkOcelet3025d ago

I almost got the Lost Planet 2 one, but that get no One in the Leaderboards was effed up.

Many of those trophies are just time consuming, if we are going to talk some seriously hard platinum trophies, put MGS4 in there.

I will never forget the day i got that Big Boss Emblem.

Complete the game in less than 5 hours
Use no continues
Use no health items
Kill no enemies
No alert phases
No special items
Complete the game on The Boss Extreme

One of my proudest trophies :)

skcej3024d ago

yeah the Lost Planet 2 one was pretty ridiculous with the amount of time you had to put in but when I researched the list I found a lot of people saying that the Nom de Guerres were really annoying/ quite tricky to get. I did think about putting MGS 4, maybe it should have got an honorable mention. Impressive trophy to have though dude! :)

kotaku773024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Yeah! specially when you got to play over and over MGS4, when you could be playing, idk, MGS3 or any other game

FallenAngel19843025d ago

I'm only one Trophy away from getting the Platinum in MGS4, but unfortunately it has to be that damn Songs of the Battlefield one that requires me to get all the emblems. It's such an eyesore to be so close only to be set up against such a daunting task

kotaku773024d ago

Mortal Kombat 9
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
Lost Planet 2
Far Cry 2
Wipe Out HD
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Super Street Fighter 4
Persona 4: arena
Raiden IV
NBA 2K16

Knushwood Butt3024d ago

+1 for Raiden IV

What is your best score in Overkill mode (online ranking rules) ?

kotaku773024d ago

I don't know what you're talking about

Knushwood Butt3024d ago

Raiden IV

Shhoting game

High score?


Are AAA Games Too Easy?

"Perhaps extreme difficulties are still here, just presented in different ways. Multiplayer focused shooting games (for the most part), have average (to-below) difficulty within their campaigns. However, jumping online and playing competitively can produce a welcomed contest." KJ of Play Legit Writes

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itsjustexuma3329d ago

From Software thinks differently

bacrec13329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

Real Talk. Wish more companies would get the memo.

joab7773329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

So do I. Unfortunately, it doesn't sell so it doesn't get made. At least it doesn't sell 5-10 million like Assassin's Creed, And all the others. Bloodborne is one of the best games I've ever played, and it ruins other games b/c it expects better of you. It wants you to play it for awhile, instead of moving on to the next big thing a week later.

It's goal is to consume you, and not just your time, but your patience and your will, and it promises, unlike other games, to reward you for that time w/ actual satisfaction.

breakpad3329d ago

eeh ?? have you heard bloodborne or Souls games ? ..no if the develeopers dont seek wide casual acceptance (aka all kids must play the game) no ... are not easy

bouzebbal3328d ago (Edited 3328d ago )

i think western games are getting much easier than ever.
japanese are the only ones who dose difficulty. Games like Ninja Gaiden, Souls, Bloodborne raise the level.

johndoe112113328d ago

Why? That makes no bloody sense. Most games have varying levels of difficulty, if you are someone who likes to be constantly punished and frustrated while playing a game simply start off playing the game on it's hardest difficulty. Why the hell should they make all games with only one level of frustrating difficulty, to pander to a select few who have nothing better to do than spend 10 hours trying to pass one level?

This argument makes no sense and since bloodborne released people act like they've forgotten about difficulty settings. People saying all games should be difficult and punishing are selfish and inconsiderate and don't give a damn about anyone else's time or preferences. if gamers want to spend over a month trying to finish every game then they should not complain when only 5 or 6 games get released every year. It's a senseless foolish expectation.

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rawrock3328d ago

From Soft makes Souls games hard the wrong way. Slow clunky controls and questionable mechanics and design. Anybody can make a game where you die a lot. It takes more talent to make a game with a good difficulty balance and smooth gameplay. I have not played Bloodborne but at least it looks to be step up in gameplay over the Souls games.

3328d ago
freshslicepizza3328d ago

from software became a aaa developer based on expanding its fanbase who often felt neglected to play games where if you die you suffer for it. the first demons souls game was not marketed as a aaa game, it grew from word of mouth and they managed to fill an area that was being ignored.

lots of aaa games are made easy and that makes sense since they want the barriers of people to play them to be as wide as possible. the more accessible the more will play is what they are thinking because aaa games cost a hell of a lot more money to make now than they did 30 years ago.

AngelicIceDiamond3329d ago

The industry doesn't use the word easy but "accessible" so yes games are easy.

joab7773329d ago

It's because they know that you won't be playing long. Only certain games get played over a period of time longer than 2 weeks. They just want your money, and want you to finish it. And they know that if you get the Souls reputation, you are screwed.

700p3329d ago

it depends on the game really.

BitbyDeath3329d ago

Depends on the difficulty setting.

Perjoss3328d ago

I find the souls games a bit too hard personally but I think Bloodborne has perfectly balanced difficulty.

KryptoniteTail3328d ago

Too hard, actually. Well, not "hard" but complicated, with long boring tutorials, and unbalanced sections and they try your patience with collectathons, bulls*** missions and try to make up for it with half hearted multiplayey and/or bitchy trophies.

I prefer more indies these days. AAA can still be the best around but most are boring rehashes and DLC fests.

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