
WCCF: Watch Dogs Review - Not Quite The Hacker We Hoped

WCCF - We are all slowly making our way from GTA V to Watch Dogs, the next generation open world experience. Watch Dogs has a lot going for it – from an extensive story to interesting characters. Singleplayer shines while multiplayer seems a entirely lackluster and disposable. Even then, Watch Dogs is a title which most people will find themselves exploring for hours on end even if part of it is disappointing.

Note - WCCFTech reviewed the retail copy of the game on the Xbox One. No NDA was signed between either of both companies.

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ThatEnglishDude3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

Even though this is based off the leaked copy of the game, there's no way someone could have experienced all this game has to offer. It's more a first impression from an obscure site with no reputation, looking for hits.

JoyiusHammer3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

They got 10 minutes of footage, and there is no leaked copy of this game...so im gonna have to disagree with you on that one. ppl getting it from stores. doesnt seem like leaks to me. u mean to tell me ps4, ps3 all got leaked? lol

seems more than an impression. seems like they did a full review. also based on their facebook likes...dont know about the 'no reputation' part. i think u need to let ur fanboyism go. the game is clearly a dud some parts

LtSkittles3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

No way they got the copy from a retailer like Walmart, or Gamestop. If they did, that store can say goodbye to getting anymore games from Ubisoft for good.

Also, the embargo is likely not gone, so this site could get blacklisted as well.

Wingsfan243668d ago

Yea, uh review copies are either going out this week or the next, so embargo is certainly not up yet.

ThatEnglishDude3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

The story description is this 'review' is very vague and doesn't seem to expand on anything outside of what we already know. The screen shots in the review seem to be from the 360 version of the game. I'm guessing this because I doubt people have found a way to hack and patch Xbox One games to work on their systems. We all know the 360 is renown for piracy.

This no name site might have a lot of Facebook likes, but that doesn't mean shit. They have no real reputation. There's no way they would be able to experience multi-player either, as it would go throuh Ubisofts servers, who wouldn't have them activated until the games release. This is just yet another seemingly middle Eastern gaming site looking for a cheap hit. The review is way too vague to be called as such.

I don't think it'll be an amazing game either, I'm just calling bullshit on this review. Any reputable critic wouldn't post a review during an embargo period, regardless how they got it. Get a clue.

Oh they SAID they got a retail copy? Oh, well in that case, I certainly believe them. /sarcasm. Either way, this is not a good review, no matter how you look at it.

JoyiusHammer3668d ago

I think ThatEnglishDude has a warped idea on what's reputable or not. Bottom line, they have exclusive footage from the game. The game has not leaked on pirated sites. You can say whatever you want but your watch dogs fanboyism is annoying. stop getting super butthurt.

admiralvic3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

This one is very much so on the fence...

According to Exophase ( http://www.exophase.com/gam... ), only 1 person has the game and thats FredEx919. Using some very basic common sense, I would assume FredEx919 is someone named Fred over Ali Naqi (who wrote this review). Even then, if he is FredEx919, then the review is based off the first 1/5th of the game, which is sad considering they logically shouldn't have much / any competition, thus no reason to rush out the review.

The other problem with this review is the person in question. Now, I've written for a lot of sites and I've NEVER seen a site give an extremely high profile game like Watch Dogs to someone that joined a month ago. In fact, the person has written 2 PC articles and this review in the span of 1 month, which makes them very questionable at best. Furthermore, the person has apparently been reviewing since 1999, yet a google search of terms like his name / the fact he worked for PC gamer / etc only point back to WCCF. I mean, I've been doing it for 3 years and when you search my name plus game you can find more of a history (my twitter, google account and all the sites I wrote for are on the first page) than this dude.

The only thing that adds any sort of creditability for them is the video, though that also seems out of place. For starters, if you search the site, you'll see a leak post from a day before, which doesn't feature that video, nor does it seem like the leaker worked for them. So, this brings up the question of why they don't publish more content or even their own content if they do in fact own a copy. This just simply doesn't make sense and seems suspiciously out of place. Anyway, I wouldn't be shocked if the video was related to the aforementioned leak in some way and they simply watermarked it.

Anyway, too many things about this review seem out of place for me to trust it. The site isn't posting a bunch of Watch Dogs stuff, the writer seems to come out of nowhere with this post and I can't seem to find a real history of him, I can't find them tracked like Fred, so I am inclined to distrust this post unless I see some evidence proving the legitimacy of it.

JoyiusHammer3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

A lot of you keep denying it's the real game, but none of you even realize the beta was online decryption modes only. not single player. Sounds like too many people are desperate to not believe this review, or that it is for click bait. but i dont think so.

and so what if they didnt post it a day before? im surprised you claim to work so much for so many sites and dont know that maybe it wasnt ready until today?

come on bro its not that hard to figure out

admiralvic3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

"and so what if they didnt post it a day before? im surprised you claim to work so much for so many sites and dont know that maybe it wasnt ready until today? "

I think you missed my point. In the past 3 days they've posted three articles about Watch Dogs. The first was an explanation in regards to the resolution, the next post was the leak and then finally the review. My issue isn't just that the video didn't go up, but that they're doing literally nothing to capitalize on having an early copy, which is what makes no sense.

I brought up the leak post, since if they consider leaks news worthy, I can't imagine why they don't simply create more of their own content. They could post guides, story details, additional videos, reveal information (like the point about going offline resetting you to zero), yet they only posted a review and it came from a writer with zero posts related to Watch Dogs and only two in general. You do have to admit, it's odd that someone with so little involvement on the site would suddenly and out of nowhere obtain this game and despite having "15 years" of experience, wouldn't do more than write a review and hide some information / video content there. Even more so when you look at the type of things they review, since this past 2 months they've reviewed Watch Dogs, two motherboards, two headsets and then Goat Simulator in that order. So yeah, a lot of things seem out of place. Especially considering they've done 3 game reviews in the past 4 months... http://wccftech.com/review/

HammadTheBeast3668d ago

"WCCFTech reviewed the retail copy of the game on the Xbox One. No NDA was signed between either of both companies."

Mouseketool3668d ago

its from the beta dude. ubi announced three days ago that it went gold. in gameplay all the guy does is look for a gas station to blow up. in reveiw article he doesnt state anything we dont alredy know. open your eyes. y would this nobody have exclusive gameplay. y would he post a leak on his website if he had the game for days. he used to work for pcgamer so he is just a guy trying to promote his site with bogus gameplay. I actually feel sorry for him.

aliengmr3668d ago

They could have scored it a 10 but I still question the credibility of all this.

I'm sorry but the game was obtained under questionable circumstances regardless of whether they walked into a store and got a copy.

For you or me that isn't an issue, but for a site to put out a review of a major release like this then play coy about the details of this purchase, is an issue.

The fact remains, the game is not intended to be sold at this point. Unless Ubi can confirm that the copies on sale are being sold with their 'blessing', then this site's credibility is automatically in question.

If that were the only issue, I would say its no big deal. But if there is even the slightest possibility that what was being reviewed is not the official retail version, then it does become a big IMO. For this site to not be prepared for that, is very strange.

No matter what the review isn't strictly 'on the level'.

I agree with admiralvic, something doesn't add up about this.

ifistbrowni3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

that 15 minute gameplay video is surprisingly mediocre. I wasn't excited for this game, then after the watchdog 101 trailer, i got excited for this game... After watching this 15 minute video, i am now back on the fence.

It's a shame, i was just telling my buddy how good this game looked (based off the 101 trailer). I've had my pre-order paid off, but now i guess i'm debating whether or not i should pick it up at launch.

The 80s action movie music in the background isn't very appealing either.

alexkoepp3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

This game looked like a stinker from the get go, I have no idea why it has been hyped so much. I'd say that score is about what I figured it would get, I'm sure there are a lot more 7's in store for this one.

Based on the screenshots appears to be and Xbox version, or a PC version controlled with and Xbox controller.

Ares84HU3668d ago

Just love it how knowledgable everyone here is. Like everyone works at either Ubisoft or Gamestop and knows all about this thing.

Internet never fails. Everyone is an expert.

morganfell3668d ago

I am still getting the game. However, I am mystified. I visit Live Leak a lot and that video at the top concerns me. It may or may be a lot of things but I do not think that is a steady 30fps as we had been told.

CertifiedGamer3668d ago

Watch_dog is proof of why games shouldn't deserve awards in e3 over cg-footage. Ubisoft uses fake footage and pretends it's real-time to sell a game so they can get praised on e3 use it to hype games up and then not deliver in retail.

Revolver_X_3668d ago

Click bait, who approved this? JoyiusHammer you work for the site? Your defending mighty hard to be an outside party.

memots3668d ago


extermin8or3667d ago

@JoyiusHammer Its a leaked copy. All the screens, videos and gif's were played on a debug machine. Not a standard machine. The game only went gold onf friday its not even going to be on discs and shipoing to retailers as rekease code till later next week.

Shadonic3667d ago

ehh it can be easily leaked or given out before release by a retailer. I myself easily and randomly bought SSX early down here in North Carolina because of one of the workers didn't realize it not to mention that I know a few people who have gotten a number of games early by having a guy on the inside. Knowing the right people can get you a lot of things especially when the opportunity is there. Its happened on major games in the past as well so i wouldn't deny it being leaked as impossible.

SilentNegotiator3667d ago

I'm going to have a hard time believing any reviews. Everyone started acting like the game was horrible the moment that the graphics downgrade was revealed. It's just too perfect for a no-name site to get a massive influx of hits by giving it the middling first and only score that certain people are hoping the game gets.

Muzikguy3667d ago

+1 admiral

I'm glad to see people question things once in awhile rather than accepting everything they read as truth.

I'm not clicking the link to read a review of a multiplayer game when servers are most likely not up yet.

thorstein3667d ago

Common sense check for all the people that believe this lie:

MP servers are not online 1 week before retail hits store shelves.
Game does not ship to retail until Monday.
Reviewer claims he has played the game for a week though the game went gold 3 days ago!


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Bigpappy3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

I am not excited not excited for the game, as many others are, and I don't expect to purchase it. The whole premise seems boring to me. It is simply NOT my type of game.

Having said that, this review is completely irrelevant as to whether on not I decide to give this game a try. I don't know the site or the writer, so I can't take their advise too seriously. What's even more important, is that over my gaming life, I have learned that the only review that really matters is my own. Many games with ulta-high scores are often waaay over rated after I play them. Some with average have been some of my most memorable and enjoyable games.

For example: I enjoyed playing Ryse and PvZ: Garden Warfare, more than Assassins' Creed 4 and Tomb Raider. But that's just me.

MRMagoo1233668d ago

It definitely is just you if you are enjoying ryse more than AC4 and Tomb raider.

Gamerbynight3668d ago

Yes people will have diffrent opinions when the main reviews start coming out but I really am questioning what version he has and if this is even legit. It just seems a little far fetched ubisoft gave this site the very first xboxone review when the game just went gold. Makes too little sense to be true in my opinion.

BX813668d ago

I like how people discredit sites because they never seen the site before or it's " no reputation" site. Good to know big money hasn't brainwashed you.

Revolver_X_3668d ago

I like how people believe reviews from sites that lack a single ounce of credibility.

BX813668d ago

Cool. I like how you like, what you like. Thanks for sharing. Good night sir or ma'am.

jebabcock3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )


so are you in the habit of just believing everything that is said to you? The word for that is gullible... It has nothing to do with money. Credibility comes through building a relationship of trust. You can throw money at people all day long but that doesn't mean they trust what you say... If this site nails this review it will start down that path of building trust and it will have more credibility with its next reviews. This review and not money will convince people to listen or not when the next comes.

When I make any purchase I usually goto credible sources and ignore the rest. No this is obviously not a credible source yet. So like every other sensible person I will put very little stock in what this review says.

Besides, there are plenty of other reviews to come before I actually have to make the choice to purchase...

BX813667d ago

@ Jeb
I'm not referring to this site in specific but the generic response is to say it's a no name site if you don't like what they put out. Also thank you for explaining how trust is built. I'll be sure to take notes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3667d ago
joab7773668d ago

Its crazy that in the wake of GTA V they still had nothing but great things to say about the single player...yet a 7.2. Very odd. Must have weighed the "generic" multi heavily or the visuals.

seanpitt233668d ago

That's why watchdogs got delayed they didn't want gta5 to outshine there game even on next gen consoles.

extermin8or3667d ago

Gta 5 is officially the most overrated game I've ever played. Its good dont get me wrongbjust not as good as everywhere/one made out.

3668d ago
showtimefolks3668d ago

here we go fans who are excited for this game will defend this game and say this review is more of a preview. Fact is look back at UNI's history with new IP's, their first game in the series never lives up to the hype.

Bigger sites who will be getting a lot of advertisement money won't have the balls to low score this game. Their jobs/paychecks depend on it. But smaller review sites and some of the youtube reviewers will actually tell a different Tale

I never expected this game to get high 9's. To me this was always mostly mid 7's to few mid 8's. Not saying game won't be fun but also not gonna call this the best game ever

from what i have seen this is a first step to what future games in watch dog universe will be able to deliver. I am expecting the same jump in quality that we saw from AC1 to Ac2.

still buying this game(perfect time to release this game with not much to play on, so UBI will get its target 6 plus million sales)

Magicite3668d ago

I hope this review is rushed, I am putting much hopes into this game.

Old McGroin3667d ago

Personally this game isn't on my radar but I wouldn't judge a game based on one early review.

gear3667d ago

I knew this game won't be a hit from the start because it is Watch Dogs
Who let the dogs out.hoof! hoof!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3667d ago
mafiahajeri3668d ago

Their kind of knit picking races generic? Care to elaborate?

TIER1xWOLFPACKx3668d ago

looks like someone broke the review embargo

Ilovetheps53668d ago

He claims to have gotten a retail copy somehow. If that's true, he didn't break the embargo because he never signed anything with Ubisoft. But, that's only if this is a retail copy and the review is legit.

Gamerbynight3668d ago

The only way he has a true retail copy is if he took from the press that is currently printing them. This game just went gold.

JoyiusHammer3668d ago

They said in the review that they have a retail copy. I don't believe they have an embargo.

Wingsfan243668d ago

There are no retail copies out yet. Trust me, I run a site and on the request line for Watch Dogs. Copies are going out this coming week or on the day of release for smaller sites. I'm sure sites like IGN, Gamespot have their copies, but there's no way this site has it. There was a small review event for the Multiplayer portion of the game this past week that was part of a beta, but that was it. This review is just looking for traffic, that's all it is.

JoyiusHammer3668d ago

And yet a simple picture of neogaf disproves you. PS3 retails are everywhere so are boxed ones. Please go away

SG1_dapunisherX3668d ago

Right now i can buy watchdog, but I'm more interesting in mk8.

MRMagoo1233668d ago

Im guessing your site doesnt have as much pull as the average jo that can go buy it right now at retail then lol.

DragonKnight3668d ago

JoyiusHammer: You... do know that seeing the case for the game doesn't mean it's on sale right? Right?

It means they are going to have it on sale soon.

You know that right?

Salooh3668d ago

I'm not saying this is true/honest review or not but games get leaked in middle east a loooot . I don't see how is that impossible.

Wingsfan243668d ago

Yea MrMagoo123 that's exactly it "claps" you're spot on. Not really though.

Joyius, your comment doesn't even make sense. Ps3 retails are everywhere so are boxed ones. What?

The game isn't on sale, so either someone broke their sales embargo and GAVE them a copy of the game, or it's just footage from the MP beta, which it is if you haven't heard. This review is a joke, that's all it is. Defend it all you want, the footage being released is from the beta, which was noted in the NDA that the graphics were not representative of the final version of the game. It's misleading and really should be taken down by Ubisoft.

WINMAN3668d ago

A video on YouTube disagree with you comment: /watch?v=MAoI_qddr2k

aliengmr3668d ago (Edited 3668d ago )

If indeed they had a retail copy that they got on the sly, then they should have just said so. Instead of acting like it was "business as usual". They got a major release nearly a month in advance and act surprised that anyone would question that.

You'd think someone with 15 years experience in reviewing hardware and software and claims to have worked for Tom's Hardware and PC Gamer would see how this would turn out.

I really don't care what they scored it, if they want to be taken seriously, they should explain how they obtained a copy of the game so early and provide proof. They, instead, play coy.

The problem is that any issue they are encountering in the game maybe directly related to it being so early.

Its irresponsible to put out a review if there is any doubt about what is actually being reviewed.

Abriael3668d ago

Everyone I'm asking to that has the multiplayer beta tells me, without fail, that the footage is from the multiplayer beta. In fact this "review" doesn't give any information about the single player at all.

Conclusion? this "review" is a fraud.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3668d ago
ritsuka6663668d ago

Can't say I'm surprised. Been losing interest in this game since the reveal donwgrade trailer of 2012 E3.

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The entire WatchDogs series is 87% off and it's not even Black Friday

If you are looking for a bargain, check out the huge discounts across the entire WatchDogs series on Steam.

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Watch Dogs Deserves A Remake, More Than Ever

With the world of information and technology, privacy and security growing every day, Watch Dogs deserves another chance in the spotlight, now more than ever.

RaidenBlack1039d ago

The only Ubi title that deserves a faithful remake right now is Splinter Cell 1.
All 2014+ Ubi titles are just underwhelming. Especially ones from 2016+ are just cancer.

LucasRuinedChildhood1039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )

Seriously, are we so far removed from Ubisoft actually making good games that people now praise Watch_Dogs in retrospect?

"Watch_Dogs has remained one of my favourite games of the last ten years." Jesus Christ.

HankHill1039d ago

I remember being so disappointed in Watch Dogs when I played it at release. It was alright, but I think I fell for the hype and I needed a game to play on my new PS4.

obidanshinobi1039d ago

This is what happens when mediocrity gets praised as good.
Standards are slipping across the whole entertainment industry.
What was once considering rubbish is now considered as OK, what once was OK is now being praised as good etc etc.

LamerTamer1039d ago

Everyone has their own likes. I liked it a lot myself. I played through it twice and liked the car chases and the open world with fairly decent environments and missions. It suffered from the whole downgrade thing where they showed graphics that weren't actually there. No game will appeal to everyone but it was still ambitious for it's time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1039d ago
gantarat1039d ago

assassin's creed 1 should get a remake.

ExBee1039d ago

For certain! AC1 was brilliant at the time but with new graphics and gameplay it would be amazing! Do you prefer old combat or new though?

RaidenBlack1039d ago

I'd say a reimagining of AC1.
I direct AC1 remake would be a bad idea. It'll need better story pacing and significant better world building.

BlaqMagiq11039d ago

Old. Let it play like how it did with AC2-Syndicate style gameplay but refine the setting and story.

Profchaos1039d ago

It would need a lot changed for it to be enjoyable again as even back in 2007 on launch we were all complaining about it's repetitive gameplay go here perform one of three side quests repeat then assassination now do it over and over until a big battle with a unforgiving checkpoint system.

BlaqMagiq11039d ago

Absolutely. It needs it. The only AC I truly didn't enjoy.

chicken_in_the_corn1038d ago

I'd prefer it didn't. Ubisoft would make it so bloated, it wouldn't be anywhere near the original

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smolinsk1039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )

Absolutely, this watch dogs legion was terrible boring.

Profchaos1039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )

As a fan of the franchise legion was garbage and I regretted my purchase for the first time in the franchise the entire thing felt like an experiment in NPC behaviour and released without the writers input on what makes a good story.

I don't think I'm alone in that feeling though as wrench and Aiden are brought back and the campaign was rewritten to fit them.

I am tempted to buy the season pass to play it again with Aiden but fool me twice shame on me I'm waiting for a deep sale

camel_toad1039d ago

Agreed. Despite the annoying hipness of the characters in part 2 I thought it was a really fun game. I was extremely disappointed and surprised at how many steps back they took with Legion. You'd think it was made by an entirely different team. Or was it?

It was just so devoid of fun.

LamerTamer1039d ago

Honestly one of my biggest annoyances with Legion is that they took out the camera views for the driving. I mean the behind the car view that they stuck us with is near unplayable. I always used a first person driving view. After two releases why did they take OUT features? I don't get it.

TheSinsibleOne1039d ago

The fist watchdog game was the best by far
After that they weren't weird and annoying with that hipster stuff. Aiden was a badass.

LamerTamer1039d ago

I thought so at first too. I got used to it and it ended up being good after some play time. I just had to give it a chance.

TheEnigma3131039d ago

Remake the PoP series from xbox/ps2/gc era

RaidenBlack1039d ago

They are remaking Sands of Time.

TheEnigma3131039d ago

That's good news. Hopefully it's done right.

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Inside the Driver game that died so that Watch Dogs could live

From VG247: "When cars slide, they leave tyre marks. In a game like Driver, they’re an aesthetic touch, part of the inherent cool of a handbrake turn. But those dark shadows in the road also tell a story. From tyre marks, you can determine the speed of a vehicle, when it started to skid, and its ultimate direction of travel – long after the car itself has vanished into the distance."

vallencer1104d ago

Different spellings in different parts of the world friend. Tyre is a correct way to spell it.

Pridefall1103d ago

Dunno why you got downvpted when tyre is correct in Australia.

mikefizzled11103d ago

The mystery that is En Fore Gee

neutralgamer19921104d ago

Give us driver San Francisco remastered

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1104d ago

Why did they stop making some of the best games ever? Driver was one of them.

Gameseeker_Frampt1103d ago

Assassins Creed 2 showed Ubisoft how to make money and Far Cry 2 showed them that gamers don't like complex ideas. Now Ubisoft just turns out games that are just variations of the same thing.

WeAreLegion1104d ago

Best driving mechanics ever made. Nothing has come close.

Gardenia1104d ago

A story driven game with pure driving gameplay. I'd love to see a new Driver game or a remake of the first one.

ApocalypseShadow1104d ago

Yes. This one. A definite remake of the first without adding any ridiculous fluff. The first game had great physics and sound for its time. The start of the car in the beginning cinema I watched constantly. My father and uncles were big muscle and classic car freaks. Only thing crazy about the game was the relentless cops in the last level. Insane the way those police cars were and launched at you.

Bleemcast made it look better just like PC emulators. But would definitely take a remake.

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