
Fallout 4 Intel Leaks From Inside PR Agency

Steven Estevez from motoringcrunch.com writes:

"Fallout 4 is expected to be the next big game from Bethesda. With the gaming giant already confirming that there will be no further Skyrim DLC coming, and word that we may not see an Elder Scrolls VI for at least another year, all eyes are on a possible Fallout 4 release sometime early 2014."

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Iltapalanyymi3869d ago

Every time i see something new about Fallout 4, i get more and more excited.

zeal0us3868d ago

Same here hopefully this leak turns out to be true.

Far as leveling goes Bethesda does not need to take anything from Skyrim.

Blacktric3868d ago

Although I don't like what Bethesda did with Fallout 3, I'm liking what I've read so far. But I'd be much more comfortable if they let Obsidian handle the IP and gave them enough time to finish what they've started.

NukaCola3868d ago

I'm hoping for it now.

VGA reveal trailer, E3 2014 demo... then

OCTOBER 2014 release on PC/PS4/Xbone

Preordering as soon as it announces!

MajorJackHoff3868d ago

Possible release early 2014? I don't knowwwwww about that one. They haven't even announced the game yet. Seriously doubt it'll come out in the next 4-5 months.

Pogmathoin3868d ago

For me, Fallout 4 is when next gen has truly arrived!! I cannot wait for this...

FunkMacNasty3868d ago

Same Here! Especially if it is set in my hometown of Boston!!

GO SOX!!!!!!!

Ausbo3868d ago

sorry dude. Go cards.

jrbeerman113868d ago

Would be interesting to see Boston used, We have seen plenty of New York, and Fallout has already touched on Vegas and DC.

Can already see the green monster standing above the wreckage of Fenway Park in the game.

Cant really remember too many games with a Boston location other than Assassins Creed 3.

GO SOX!!!!! 1 more to go!!!!

SirBradders3868d ago

They should explore somewhere else like London.

FunkMacNasty3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Yea, the Only Games that have used Boston as a backdrop, that I can think of were AC3 and The Last of Us. The Last of Us was especially detailed with it's Boston levels, in that the State Street subway station looked EXACTLY as it does in real life present day Beantown. Same goes for the I93-I90 interchange where the highway signs had the legit exit and street info on them, as they hung crumbling from the State Street overpass. Although, Ubi did a great job with AC3 bringing to life Fanuel Hall, Quincy market, Liberty Square, and other Colonial era landmarks that still stand in Boston to this day

Tbh, Although I'd obviously root for Boston to be the setting, I'd really be fine with any settting as long as it's NOT the typical NYC, LA, Vegas, etc. Outside the US could be a cool setting too.. France? The UK? Even somewhere in Spain, perhaps?

SeanScythe3868d ago

Should be somewhere in the South. Swamps with mutated Alligators, Giant Crawfish, Massive Anacondas, Radioactive Mosquitoes, giant Alligator Gars, Giant Snapping Turtles.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3868d ago
BuLLDoG9093868d ago

"all eyes are on a possible Fallout 4 release sometime early 2014"

it would be nice, but keep dreaming. i bet next e3 before we even see ingame footage.

T23868d ago

Ya , early 2014? Surprise to me but def psyched!!!! Dont want to get hopes to high

JunioRS1013868d ago

Well... Yeah?

Lol it's only one of the funnest franchises around!

I can't wait for FO4. FO3 I had a lot of hours with, and loved every second.

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Mr_cheese3869d ago

Fallout 4 will be good but im very excited about a new elderscrolls! I just hope that with te new generation here, we have less bugs and glitches.

zeal0us3868d ago

Oh Elder Scrolls Online is just around the corner


Mr_cheese3868d ago

Unfortunately, its not the elderscrolls i am after. I need the skyrim follow up, the next in the line and hopefully with the new gen they will be feature rich as well as graphically beautiful as they always are.

MAULxx3868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

Not interested in Elder Scrolls mmo.

jrbeerman113868d ago

More likely more experience with the new engine they used for Skyrim will prevent more bugs and glitches.

Considering how the PC versions had problems as well points to the game itself rather than the systems.

Ive heard great things about Skyrims engine and had minimal issues with my copy of Skyrim so I would assume a cleaner product in 2014

Foxgod3869d ago

early 2014, i seriously doubt that.
end 2014 is more likely...

dumahim3868d ago

Really. Who was expecting Fallout 4 early 2014?

The_Fool3869d ago

There are no words to describe how much i need this game in my life. Very fond memories of 2008, playing Fallout 3, ignoring my need to pee, my need to eat and my need to sleep. Ahhhh those were the days, exploring DC with vintage classics on the pip boy radio.

Bring the goods Bethesda!

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Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto18d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx18d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast17d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl23d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis23d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits23d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast23d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast23d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead23d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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