
Xbox One 'Has More Security' On Multiplayer Games

Microsoft's Major Nelson says the company has learned from its experience with Xbox 360 multiplayer games.

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GarrusVakarian3888d ago ShowReplies(3)
iamnsuperman3888d ago (Edited 3888d ago )

Well it is good they will have "more security" on their One games than 360 games but I don't really know what that means. Was hacking online games such a problem? I didn't think it was. Apart from the Call of Duty issue I didn't see it as much of a problem (that is more CODs end than Microsoft's fault)

Drewidian3888d ago

Ask Sony if Security is important.

jmc88883888d ago

That's not what they're talking about.

thechosenone3888d ago

'High-profile' Microsoft employees victims of Xbox Live hacks

SilentNegotiator3888d ago

thechosenone beat me to it.

Microsoft had their own issues with security. Everyone said that it was just people falling for scam sites, but once Major Nelson and other employees got hacked (and also Pachter and others), it was pretty clear that this wasn't the case.

And like jmc8888 said, they were talking about themselves, not competition.

UltimateMaster3888d ago

They mean hackers/cheaters online that can't be killed.

nukeitall3887d ago

Sony: Nope! We still got unpatched software running months old versions. Nobody would hack us, we are Sony!

The angry mob will attack anyone that does Sony harm, and they will always buy our product!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3887d ago
Pogmathoin3888d ago

Wow, that Lukas is bitter... of course he is going to say those things, hes behind it... you expect Toyota CEO to tell you to buy a Honda? Man your stupid...

Elit3Nick3888d ago

I think you commented in the wrong place :P

Pogmathoin3888d ago

I know, but cannot do it in a closed thread... who will see it??? :)

PimpDaddy3888d ago

Getting your password phished and having an entire online service hacked/shut down are 2 different things entirely. I swear some of you fanboys reach way to hard...

P0werVR3888d ago

Hey that was a nightmare for Sony...

Mystogan3888d ago

There were a few hacks. Like quick switch or something like that, I don't remember what's it called. It involves disconnecting and quickly connecting again. Which allows you to make the game lag and shoot people. There was even a special tool for it.

GraveLord3888d ago

Hacking is a huge issue on 360. People hack your account, steal your balance and buy some FIFA crap........

iamnsuperman3888d ago

That isn't what they are talking about though when you read the original question

"Since Microsoft has a matchmaking system in place for Devs, Will we see more security on multiplayer games?"

mhunterjr3887d ago

That's not really hacking... It's social engineering, it's a problem with any acount (banking, credit etc) but has more to do with customer service than technical insecurities.

nukeitall3887d ago


Of course MS isn't going to detail them their latest security enhancements. That is like asking if Sony would release their DRM scheme technology to the public to scrutinize?

Of course not!

In my opinion, that is a stupid question. MS nor Sony will comment much on their new security.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3887d ago
CrossingEden3888d ago

Um, there is nothing to laugh at, how is this not a positive thing? -_- Seriously, get over yourself.

thetorontokid3888d ago

At this point all one can do, is laugh at these articles!

4Sh0w3888d ago (Edited 3888d ago )

Laugh all you want xbl is more secure and reliable than psn.

sobotz3888d ago

At this point all one can do, is laugh at you!

Pogmathoin3888d ago

Sad thing is, you'll get all the agrees for being nothing more than a smart ass... truth means nothing here... PS4 could be Hitler and you fanboys will still drool over it...

thetorontokid3886d ago

That's fine! Thing is, it's all talk at this point, Microsoft doesn't know how secure the ps4, is going to be. It's a new platform! I have all threeccurrent gen systems, and there there all good. The slim xbox360 is a great machine. Doesn't mean I can't call Microsoft out when say stupid st***

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The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!