
Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus Hits PS3 November 12th

Everyone here at Insomniac has been working really hard to bring you Ratchet and Clank’s latest adventure, Into the Nexus, and Insomniac is happy to announce that it will be available in stores and online on November 12th, 2013

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DA_SHREDDER3894d ago

so its a shorter game huh? Thats a good way to maintain your tainted image. Might as well be a xbox exclusive series from here cause the people supported you have lost alot of respect for you, ever since Quest for Booty, everything has felt half assed, and the fact this is a shorter game justifies my angst for what's been happening. FTOD is the pinnacle of the series.

majiebeast3894d ago (Edited 3894d ago )

A crack in time was really good which was after quest for booty. They are treating the IP they are known for as a red headed step child.

I think Brian Algeier(Director of R&C the good games and R:fall of man) should just join Sony maybe join Cory Barlogs new team at SMS. His creativity is only dying at Insomniac.

abzdine3894d ago

good i'll be waiting! i tried this one at GamesCom and it's all good.
hilarious video.

NexGen3894d ago

It was announced as a shorter game, and comes with a matching mini price tag.

DA_SHREDDER3894d ago

you just proved my point shadow. they went from AAA status on ps2 to over priced dlc on ps3. They might as well be a MS first party studio now for all I care.

Shadowsteal3894d ago

No what are you talking about? Have you played Quest for Booty? it was priced at $14.99 and was about 4-5 hours long and was a great experience vital to the story gap between Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time. This game will probably be 8-10 hours long and they priced it accordingly at $30. There are games that are 4 hours long and are sold for $60. Kane and Lynch 2, I agree Insomniac hasn't been themselves lately but please don't be blind. Learn to give credit where credit is due. There are a handful of fans who are craving a Ratchet and Clank. And instead of waiting for a PS4 version we can experience a fresh new title for only $30

RiPPn3894d ago

I agree, I'm not sure why they felt they had to mess with the formula. The original and the "future" series were incredible. Then they pooped out All 4 One and the even worse Full Frontal Assault. I still think this game will be good, Quest for Booty was short but enjoyable, but sad we aren't getting a full game. Starting to see why Sony let them go.

Sevir3894d ago

Lol, Sony didn't let them go, They were always independent! And This game isn't a 4 hour game, in terms of scope, it's bigger Q4B, which is 4 hours and smaller than ACIT, TOD, which clocked in at 12 hours, it's somewhere between 7-10 hours which is more than adequate for an adventure 3-D Platformer... At 30 bucks. That's great for a full featured game.

Glad they got back to the roots instead of the of the game, that crap with A4O and FFA isn't any good

RiPPn3894d ago

By let them go I meant didn't sign them on as a first party like they did Naughty Dog. I agree with you about getting back to the roots, I'm still excited for this game, just being greedy and wanting more. :)

alejandroelputo3894d ago (Edited 3894d ago )

I am really sad, insomniac was my favorite developer at a time. Now they are just a pile of shit trying to get successful as naughty dog is. They went multiplataform to get more fans and money, ND has way more fans staying exclusive. I just want Insomniac to go back and stop making mistakes like going multi, working with EA, and now they working with M$ -_- seriously WTF! They have pissed me off, Sony is a great partnet, when do you see studios leaving sony? That is right, studios love sony, now look at M$ when studios like bioware, bungie, hell even epic games have stopped working exclusive with micro$oft. Rare went to shit. Like fukking come on Insomniac, open your eyes and go back to what make gamers love you.

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Thehyph3894d ago (Edited 3894d ago )

Same. I'm okay with it being shorter as long as it's similar to tools or crack in time.

I only have three days to beat it. After that, I probably wont touch it for months.

WeAreLegion3894d ago

Don't be surprised by low sales, Insomniac. Just warning you.

Dude Dutch3894d ago

They should have stayed exclusiv to Sony. Now they are everywhere and nowhere at the same time..
They now have to regain the respect of many disappointed Sony people and at the same time win over MS people. A daunting task me thinks..

GryestOfBluSkies3894d ago

if sunset overdrive is a good game it will win over xbox gamers. as for playstation gamers.... they sure have done a lot of damage. it wont be easy to win them back

akaFullMetal3894d ago

Can't wait to play a real Ratchet and Clank game.

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Ranking the Ratchet and Clank Games from Worst to Best

From Xfire: "Insomniac Games first introduced the unlikely duo of Ratchet and Clank back in 2002 on the PlayStation 2. Since then, the series has taken audiences on a journey that has spanned not just an entire galaxy, but multiple dimensions, with its most recent outings."

Levii_921078d ago

Best games of the franchise are Up Your Arsenal, A Crack in Time, 2016 Remake and without a doubt the newest one Rift Apart. You simply can’t go wrong with these.

Man what a glorious game series.

neutralgamer19921077d ago

Only ones I don't like as much are all 4 one and full frontal assault other than that all games are awesome( even these are good games just not up to the standard of other games in the series)

victorMaje1077d ago

Nice article, good list, they're all fun & I love this game!
Rift Apart is spectacular.
Insomniac are wizards, I want their next game to be a new Resistance. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next.

DOMination-1077d ago

Ryan Mccaffrey said last week that Resistance 4 was in development but Sony cancelled it due to the high number of post-apocalyptic games around at the moment.

victorMaje1077d ago

Well that’s a shame. I feel they could do something truly special with today’s technology.

chicken_in_the_corn1077d ago

I'm looking forward to playing Rift Apart then the whole series sometime afterward. Up Your Arsenal is my favourite

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10 More Cancelled Vita Games That Should Have Happened

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "The Vita has seen a larger than usual amount of cancellations due to its lukewarm sales and aging mobile hardware, and this topic is something I already looked at two years ago, but I've decided to revisit it given that we’ve seen a number of new projects stall in recent months (likely following the recent news that worldwide production has stopped and the console is now discontinued).

So what I’m aiming to look at in this article is ten of the more high-profile games which were either officially announced or heavily rumored to be coming to Vita that ended up never appearing, with an examination of what we knew about them, what they could’ve been, and what happened to them."

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Several Ratchet and Clank videogames heavily discounted

Several Ratchet and Clank games have been discounted, including A Crack In Time dropping to $19.99, Tools of Destruction to $17.51, Ratchet and Clank Collection to $14.96 and Into the Nexus to $14.79. The upcoming Ratchet and Clank reboot on PS4 can also be preordered for $31.99 for Prime members.

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Retroman3006d ago

Wow!!! what a sale.......to bad i have all those already
even the reboot on sale 31.99 from 39.99