GarrusVakarian3896d ago

A fix for the disparaging cars would be nice, give me a reason to actually spend my money.

b163o13896d ago

Needs to be quick all I got to see was the intro...

I hate when people disagree with facts!!!

mikeslemonade3896d ago

GTA race is fun! Riding a bicycle, able to use weapons, and then there were ramps in that map.

ZodTheRipper3895d ago

And while you're at fixing the game, please fix the horrible character creator ...

SolidStoner3895d ago

I start to hate this "cloud" thing...

also GTA5 online so far is worse than GTA4 was... damn.. why are they doing this? :)

*Occasional "Rockstar Cloud Servers Unavailable" error message

*Freezing sometimes while loading into first race in GTAO with "waiting for other players" on the screen

*Intermittent "Failed to Host a GTA Online Session" error messages

*Race Corona (start area, marker) occasionally not showing up for first race

*Errors saying "Timed out when matchmaking for a compatible GTA Online Session to join"

*Occasional errors about jobs failing to start or load

*Misc. network and server-related error messages, disconnections, or cloud server errors

*Errors saying "Mission Failed" as soon as the mission begins during a session

^^^ WTF is all that above... I was expecting some "issues", due to many people trying to join at the same time.. but this, all this is like children building high end security software making it worse and worse :)

Rainstorm813895d ago

GTA 5 Online worse than GTA 4 online?

I know we are frustrated but let's be real here, firstly we should judge both on gameplay and secondly I STILL cant connect online with friends in GTA4......5 years later!!!

Vaud-Villian3895d ago

Still works better than the US government.

MysticStrummer3895d ago

@Tvensky - That list just shows the lack of QA that went on with this online stuff. That said, I'm saddened by the number of people who are screaming for refunds on the Rockstar update page. GTA5 is a huge game with more content than 4 or 5 average games put together, and GTA Online is a huge free addition... that happens to not be working yet. I really have to call BS on those who say they bought GTA5 just for the online content, though I suppose with humans anything is possible.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3895d ago
camel_toad3896d ago

They actually patched the disappearing cars and customizations today when gta online went live - or dead as it were

SolidStoner3895d ago

I got new "info" sign

"now cars can be stored in garage safely"

I got it after the update.. meanwhile I had some cars in the garage and they are still there!

InFAMOUS13896d ago

According to R* this issue was addressed in the title update that was release today.. I can confirm, that for me, it was indeed working.

naBs3895d ago

Didn't work for me and a few others I know ;(

3-4-53896d ago

I played for about 4-5 hours today and had no problems online at all. Online is awesome.

bloop3895d ago

After about 2hours trying to get around the bug of that first race not triggering I finally got in by starting an online private session. I was on it then for about 5hours too. It's awesome!! But, it's laggy as hell!! I know it's to be expected as the servers are getting pounded but I think the problem is that it doesn't seem to have any location filter when searching for a session. For the 5 or so hours I was playing 90% of the free roam lobbies I was in was full of American players and other times Australian players. I'm in Ireland so it's bound to be laggy as hell connecting to sessions hosted on the other side of the planet!! The search needs to have regions so that you're playing with gamers less than a thousand miles away at least!!!!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3895d ago
xActionBasturdx3896d ago

Yea and maybe do something about the pop ins...when you driving in races they get pretty bad

swishersweets200313896d ago

get rid of that horrible create a character while your at it.. god that shit was retarded..

CaptainYesterday3896d ago

It's not great, I'm not sure what they were thinking just give me a create a character with sliders and the ability to make my character at least slightly good looking my current character is just ugly..

Who3896d ago

Worst customization ever, it took me a good hour just to get a decent looking character that I can't even play as.

LOGICWINS3896d ago

Im 90% sure this create a character mode will be temporary. Rockstar decided to focus their resources on making the game itself work. Thats more important at this point than the cosmetic stuff. The make your own grandparents thing was a desperate attempt to do something unique to mask the fact that they didnt have time to create a comprehensive create a character system like Saints Row.

M-M3896d ago

I agree, you would think that they would make it to where you could customize your character to resemble themselves or someone else. Basing it off of family is just stupid.

Insomnia_843895d ago

The worst thing is that your stats are attached to how the character looks. You set the stats how you like it to then find out that your character looks like sht!! Then you feel "forced" to change your stats to change your character and end up having a character en killset that you don't even want loool so it's like you either care about your character or the stats and try not to give a damn about how the other thing is set up......ugh! so messed up!!! lol

MysticStrummer3895d ago

@Logic - As usual you make me wonder why you're allowed to keep that name.

They may eventually change how characters are made, but the grandparents thing is not a mask. They simply tried to do something unique that ended up sounding better on paper. If time was an issue they could have done something more straightforward, which is what they should have done anyway.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3895d ago
porkChop3896d ago Show
Pintheshadows3896d ago

Well it isn't like they were just going to go 'screw it, we'll leave it as it is'.

Please fix the... let me rephrase, please send the character creator to the deepest depths of hell as that is where the beast created with it belong.

Brix903896d ago

So far my online experience sucks considering I havent been able to play online yet. Character customization isn't good but I finally got a good character made. I just wish they would fix it so I can have the experience It already.

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Take on Freemode Challenges and Events to Get 2X GTA$ and RP - Rockstar Games

The street-level action is heating up, so dive headfirst into the chaos of Freemode Challenges and Events — all of which are paying out Double Rewards.

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Rockstar Games Is Conducting One-To-One Discussions Regarding GTA Online With Select Players

Rockstar Games will be conducting one-to-one discussions regarding its live service game, GTA Online, with a select number of players.

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phoenixwing69d ago

Thar she blows! That be a whale!! Let's talk to them mateys!

phoenixwing69d ago

Didn't have a good rebuttal did you? We all know the select players are whales who waste thousands or hundreds of thousands on the games currency. You expect them to make the same kinds of demands as everyone else? Keep dreaming.

Inverno69d ago

Well that and most likely streamers who have helped harpoon all those whales lolz.


Rockstar Games Is Permanently Banning Players For Account Duplication Exploit In GTA Online

Rockstar Games is permanently banning players for using an account duplication exploit in GTA V's multiplayer component, GTA Online.

Read Full Story >>
GamingSinceForever76d ago

Why is this news? Is this supposed to be some sort of heads up to those involved?

Kombatologist75d ago

Why shouldn't this be news? If you play the game at all, you'd know this has been a problem for a while. Tell me, how is it fair for legit low-level players to be grieved by players using modded accounts with disposable amounts of cash? It's about time Rockstar did something about these losers.

BISHOP-BRASIL75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Not that I really played it in forever, but the way I used to roll on online once I realize I had no interest in actually doing heists and micromanaging property and shit, the moment someone decided to pick a fight I'd just leave towards north, jump the fence of the army base, steal a jet and grief away... Pro tip: they can't really make you pay for other players cars when you have not one single penny to your name.

EDIT: Got carried away... Anyway, my point was, you can grief without money, this is not stopping it.

Kombatologist75d ago


I get what you're trying to say, but it's a false equivalence. Anyone could jump the fence and grab a jet back in the day. The dynamic changed once R* started introducing militarized vehicles, such as flying motorcycles with homing rockets, a stealth helicopter, and most recently, a stealth jet. There's so many militarized vehicles now, you really have to keep up with the latest and greatest in order to defend yourself from that shit, which is really expensive to do. Sure, you could make the argument that Shark Cards give players the same advantage as a modded account. The thing is, they don't. Not even close. A modded account can have ANY amount of money, as well as ANY weapon and/or vehicle, even ones that aren't available in the game yet (as long as they're in the datafiles). Some of them even have glitched characters with invisible limbs/weapons. This is an unfair advantage to anyone who plays legitimately and nobody should have to risk getting their accounts permanently banned from stooping to the same level just to compete. Furthermore, making money is really easy to do now. Which begs the question: Why buy a modded account in the first place? I think the answer is obvious.

Petebloodyonion75d ago

So this is news because a Twitter guy says so :)

75d ago