
Are Bethesda Teasing Fallout 4 Reveal? Set in New York?

"With Skyrim officially in the can in regards to DLC, developed Bethesda Softworks have said they that have turned their full attention on their next new project. Today, Bethesda uploaded a short teaser video using social media app/website Vine."

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Root4064d ago

New York <sigh>

How original /s

London, China, France, somewhere else in the US etc

cleft54064d ago

I get where you are coming from, but a post apocalyptic New York could be really cool and the other games weren't set in New York. So yeah, I get what you are saying but this could be really cool.

SolidStoner4064d ago

well I gues Fallout could exist only in US, since it has that music, deserts, classic US guns, houses and cars etc.. its all about 20 century US culture and dont forget about the music, also alot of US oldies top songs.. 1950 if Im not mistaken..

anyways it can only exist in the US.. in different country it would not be Fallout...

and about new york.. its a cool city and great place for gaming.. but fallout needs New Vegas type deserts, mountains and deserted areas with a lot of lonesome roads and alot of travel from city to city... they should make at least 3 cities and alot of desert and fallout type stuff between!!!

irepbtown4064d ago

I have to disagree with you there Tvensky, though Fallout may be all about 20th Century US culture; it doesn't mean they can't venture out across the world.

20th century Britain? British culture?
There is so much Bethesda can do.

Eyeco4064d ago

American's seem to underestimate the power of their media. Western Europe since the 50's has been pretty much "Americanised", especially in Britain, there really isn't much of a cultural difference, the average European knows more about the US than the average American knows about Europe, heck you could probably even argue that the average European knows more about the states than the average American, bottom line there's not much of a culture shock.

If you look into the Fallout universe they've mentioned, Europe, Africa and Asia but we don't know anything about them, a change of setting would be nice.

But come on New York? there's nothing exiting about that we've seen New York explored several times in games, in fact in any medium, more Song's, Movies, TV series have been made about NYC than any other city in the world, NYC is an over used city it's getting really boring now,

I mean come on, there are other American cities, what about Chicago, L.A, New Orleans I would much rather see a post apocalyptic version of those cities than New York. Don't get me wrong I love the city but it's just really, really, really overused, over referenced, over done in general.

Hueynewton20124063d ago

British and Culture? those two words actually go together?

Kurt Russell4063d ago (Edited 4063d ago )

They do Hueynewton2012... ever since we invented them words. We are all chaps drinking from decanters here :)

Autodidactdystopia4063d ago

Modern Scrolls Elder Warfare.

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Cam9774064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

If I'm not mistaken, it was just America that was nuked in the world of Fallout. I may however be mistaken.

I wish it was FO4, I absolutely love the series.

Eiffel4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

Well according to some intros of the Fallout series, it's safe to say that a majority of the planet was affected. I recall from Mothership Zeta you look down on Earth and see it devastated as well.

Fallout 1:

"In 2077, the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise."

Fallout 2:

"The earth was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing, an atomic spark struck by human hands, quickly raged out of control. Spears of nuclear fire rained from the skies. Continents were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans. Humanity was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the background radiation that blanketed the earth."

braydox214063d ago

although it does say the rest of the world burned according to america in the fallout world they were pretty much considered themselves as the only civlised nation. that and the rest of the world kind of broke down, so you had mad max in Austrlia doing his thing, the vault dweller doing his thing in america, that guy from russia who lives in the metro station or in the shadow of chernobyl(see what i did there?) i have never seen Europe in nuclear devestation (excluding russia) so i can't say anything for them.

ps. watch a movie called Blast from the Past the first part of the movie is very fallout the rest of the movies eh not so much.

trenso14064d ago

i agree New york is so over used and i live here, they need a new setting to pick, and if they are ganna do new york do it right (im looking at you mw3)

ps3_pwns4064d ago

fallout new york wont looking nothing like the real new york lol. and new york would offer the best game world and gameplay.

new york
-subways and sewers
-big monuments statue of liberty/ big buildings
- ocean/ the great lakes for water exploration
_ diverse cast / interesting characters
- gangs of new york
- tons of buildings and computers to hack/pick

set in new york fallout 4 can be the best of fallout 3 and new vegas combined.

other options are
michigan and the surronding areas
down south and the surronding areas do a mix and match type deal.

FunkMacNasty4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

@ ps3_pwns ^^^^^^^
you said:

fallout new york wont looking nothing like the real new york lol. and new york would offer the best game world and gameplay.

"new york
-subways and sewers
-big monuments statue of liberty/ big buildings
- ocean/ the great lakes for water exploration
_ diverse cast / interesting characters
- gangs of new york
- tons of buildings and computers to hack/pick"

Just wanted to point out that these are pretty thematic environments for most major cities in the world, minus the "great lakes and ocean" part where some cities are landlocked. I think these environments would still be boring and overdone in a NYC setting, that's all.

All cities have "big buildings", subways, and sewers.. interesting cast of characters and hackable and interactive environmental objects can exist in any game, it's up to the developer to implement those

Mainsqueeze4064d ago

Alot of major cities don't have a subway system.

T24063d ago

Ya any big city means lots of urban combat which is ok .. Other stuff would be intersting as well... Whats the ocean look like ?!

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T3MPL3TON 4064d ago

When will you people just get over the fact that nobody wants to do a game using Britain that isn't medieval. They keep asking for a GTA set in London even tho Rockstar has flat out said it wont happen again because London is boring.

A post apocalyptic France? Why would you even? Whats the premise? The french got tired of being pansies and staged a 2 second uprising before every other country in the world told them to shut the hell up?

Root4064d ago

LOL....we have a mega patriot over here

You know theres other places out there other then America.

anticlimax4064d ago

Both Britain, with it's raw industrial cities like Manchester and Liverpool and France with it's idyllic countryside to be a contrast to it's dark poverty-ridden banlieu's have the potential to be great locations.

SITH4064d ago

To me asking for Fallout series to be in any other country, is like asking for Metro 2033 to be anywhere but Russia.

klearlyc4064d ago

Every board I have read comments on have this debate. There are IPs out there that has post apocalyptic elements but that is not fallout. If you spend any time googling Fallout you will notice some of the marketing material has the phrase, "America's leading post apocalyptic simulation." If you listen to Brian Fargo and some of the original crew and even Todd Howard describe the IP you will note they view the universe as one in which America and how it envisions the future and the post nuclear future vis-a vis the fifties and post WWII era. All that fear, hope and propaganda of the time. So that doesn't mean the world didn't have those same fear and that you couldn't transpose those qualities and style to another world city but then you lose that je ne sais quoi feel of Fallout. Of course not to mention the wild west elements, the frontier exploration and even manifest destiny of taking control of a harsh environment and then spreading that contol and influence. And then there's all the iconic popular america references that's embedded in the story. It wouldn't fit if you were to tell that from a non american setting.

aliengmr4063d ago

While NYC certainly isn't my first choice Taking Fallout overseas would be like setting Metro or STALKER in the US.

The very core of the series is its satirical looking at the "atomic-age" America. Moving it to another country would ruin it.

I am all for any location as long as its in the US, because that's where it belongs.

1nsaint4063d ago

Good thing its probably gonna be in boston then

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MattyG4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

If you look at some of the following tweet, it sounds like Pete Hines may have been kidding. Him and the guy he is responding to know each other, and he may just be screwing with him. Who knows, maybe it isn't Fallout related but I'd be surprised if it wasn't.

4064d ago
Ron_Danger4064d ago

Someone get the Orkin man on speed dial.

(for non Americans out there, Orkin is a bug exterminator company)

NastyLeftHook04064d ago

fallout 4 is going to be easily one of the first ps4 games i get.

T24063d ago

Oh yes , I would love it to be coop too

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Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto18d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx18d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast17d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl23d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis23d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits23d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast23d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast23d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead23d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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