
Grandia: How a forgotten JRPG solved the problem of repetitive combat

One of the core issues facing most role-playing games is how they deal with repetitive combat. Since RPGs tend to be so much longer than normal games, with a wider scope, it's much more difficult for them to create unique battles like a shorter action game can. So RPGs tend to have constant, similar, repetitive fights. These are often derided by players and critics under umbrella terms like "random battles," "grinding," or in massively multiplayer games, "trash."

Relientk774068d ago (Edited 4068d ago )

Grandia is one of the greatest RPG franchises ever IMO

Nerdmaster4067d ago

For me, the only bad one was Grandia 3.

4067d ago
Baka-akaB4067d ago

Extreme is even worse than Grandia 3 . Grandia3's biggest isue is how bland the chars and story are

princejb1344067d ago

Grandia 1 and 2 were awesome
I would welcome a remake of grandia 2 anytime
It had a great story to it

Grandia 3 wasn't very good though

TheTwelve4067d ago

You guys just motivated me to download Grandia on my Vita...thx

izumo_lee4068d ago

I really wish Game Arts returns to the series eventually. All 3 games were awesome with some of the best battle systems in the genre.

Noriyuki Iwadare ost for the series is also a must have for those who like to collect game soundtracks.

DarkZane4067d ago (Edited 4067d ago )

Technically, there is 4 games, if you count Xtreme, but I wouldn't say it's awesome.

You're right, I really wished they make Grandia 4 or something.

Played the first one after buying the PS1 classic recently and I had forgotten how awesome it was.

AGoodLittleEgg4067d ago

Hearing someone even mention this series makes me so happy. It's such a shame that it has become as forgotten as it has. By Grandia 3 the combat system had become so fluid, it's surprising that no one else has stolen its formula yet (as far as I'm aware)

4067d ago
Nerdmaster4067d ago

It can't be fluid when every enemy spams skills that cancels your commands and makes you sit and watch your characters being beaten while you can't do anything about it.

adorie4067d ago

In Grandia, getting your speed up is key to not getting pummeled by higher-end monsters. By the time I reach Tower of Temptation (fav area) I'm doing to the enemies, what you're stating above.

Nerdmaster4066d ago

I'm not even talking about end-game monsters, I'm talking about the ones on the beginning of the game. They got their turns before me, and I couldn't do anything because they canceled all of my actions. The enemies just weren't very balanced. It was way more frustrating than fun.

AGoodLittleEgg4067d ago

I should say, I still preferred the skill system in the first Grandia when you would have to use skills, magic and weapons of certain types to level them up.

adorie4067d ago

I hear that! It gave you an other reason to use them all! I'm a completionist, so it worked out great for me. :)

AGoodLittleEgg4067d ago

@adorie Precisely! It gave you a goal in fights rather than sticking to a single strategy, plus it just makes sense! Not enough RPGs use the idea of "practising something makes you good at it".

KillerPwned4067d ago

Grandia, you were never forgotten in the true RPG fans hearts.

4067d ago
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This Letter Scene in Grandia Will Break Your Heart Like it Broke Mine

The Nerd Stash: “The letter scene in Grandia is a magnificent, layered early example of the game's wonderful NPC interactions, and a real tear-jerker.”

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darthv72199d ago

Grandia, Klonoa, and Parappa... NICE!

MrBaskerville199d ago (Edited 199d ago )

Grandia is especially nice, as I don't think it's available on psn atm. Wonder if it's a psx port or the Switch version.

If they didn't despise ps2, they could have added Grandia 2-3 as well.

shinoff2183198d ago

It's not a despise. Far as I've read their working on better emulation. It'll come.

LG_Fox_Brazil199d ago


StormSnooper198d ago

Is it good? I never played that.

crazyCoconuts199d ago

Been thinking of getting Teardown on Steam for Steam Deck play. Heard a lot of great reviews for it.

MrBeatdown198d ago

Played the first half hour last night. All I did was wreck a building but what a blast.

Elda199d ago

Nothing of interest for me. My sub is up in 2 weeks & I'll go with Essentials only for cloud saves & online. Having Extra or Premium is a waste for me seeing most games that land on the service are old that I've played already or old games I never had any interest in playing.

crazyCoconuts199d ago

Respect your opinion, just pointing out that Teardown is a Day One Extra release for PS, not an old game in this case. Gotham Knights last month was a year old.

Elda198d ago

I have no interest in Teardown. I bought & played Gotham Knights when it was first released in October 2022. Every month I'm always buying the latest AAA or AA games when they first release to play on my PS5, the very reason why Extra & Premium is a waste of money for me.

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I Wish The Grandia Series Would Return

With one of the best combat systems ever, I would love to see this series resurrected.

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Terry_B222d ago

And I wish the Shadow Hearts Series would return. It had one of the funniest combat systems ever in a j-rpg

gold_drake222d ago


theres a new one coming out. not a "shadow hearts" title, but a similar one. currently in development and for 2025

Terry_B222d ago

Yeah..I know. A spiritual successor more or less..just like the Wild Arms one. Wish success to both of them

jznrpg222d ago

Just saw my Shadow Hearts games the other day in my collection. Going to hook up my PS3 fat and start playing some old games again soon during the winter and they are on my list of must play.

FinalFantasyFanatic221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

It's a pity Sony didn't want to help out with that, apparently the developers of Shadow Hearts (and Wild Arms) approached Sony about doing some ports/sequels, but they weren't interested. At least we're getting those spiritual successors, I also bought the Wild Arms 1 & 2 PS Classics as soon as they were available.

Ugh, give me a Shadow Hearts collection with Kouldeka, Shadow Hearts, Covenant, and From the New World.

gold_drake222d ago

i wish the damn collection would be on ps5 already.

i think the grandia series died with 3. just wasnt good. xtreme wasnt good either.

1 and 2 are the best.

PunksOnN4G222d ago

Shadow hearts needs to come but also grandia collection with 1 and 2 never came to PS4. Still waiting lol till then I play the ones on the PS3 they have them all on there for 8$ each

FinalFantasyFanatic221d ago

I didn't even know 1 and 2 weren't available on PS4, I thought they went to everything since it was on Switch and Steam.

PunksOnN4G221d ago

Yeah idk why it never did... I already payed them again on PC don't think I would rebuy since been out 2 or so years already also staar ocean second story is even on PS4 for Japan only lol but I'm hyped for the new 2d HD one

FinalFantasyFanatic220d ago

Kind of annoyed that the first Star Ocean first Depature wasn't on PC, I bought it on PS4, but I would have preferred it on PC, I think I might buy Star Ocean Second Story R not long after it releases.

Relientk77222d ago

I would love a Grandia 4, but I doubt we will ever get it

Knightofelemia222d ago

I wish Wild Arms would return, I wish Namco would do an HD remaster or remake of the Xenosaga trilogy. I wish the Ar Tonelico trilogy was ported to PS5, I also wish Ar Nosurge and Ciel Nosurge were on PS5. I would jump for a new Grandia game. I wish SquareEnix would bring Xenogears to a modern console.

Snookies12222d ago

I really do miss Wild Arms. Such a unique franchise. It's a shame we haven't gotten a new one. Wild Arms 3 was my personal favorite of the series.

FinalFantasyFanatic221d ago

I would buy all of those, still surprised we never got Ciel Nosurge off-line, back in the day, I really felt like that was going to get an English release.

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