
This is the monster PC that ran the Battlefield 4 demo

DICE reveals a photo of the monster PC that ran the Battlefield 4 demo. It featured 4 GPUs and a massive 12 GB of video memory.

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shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4070d ago (Edited 4070d ago )

How is it a waste? Should I get a console to run bf4 3k 60fps?

I think it's a privilage to be able to experience ps5 resolution and frame rate in the end of ps3 era.

But then again you may have a point since most games won't push pc that hard.

A sony/xbox game can't experience this till say 2022?

can't wait for ddr4 & gddr6 next year! Should be interesting.

I can't wait for the new consoles but if bf4 is 30fps like killzone then I will laugh and buy infamous since u know.. Controllers and shooter are not good for me anyway(I need to check both side a room in less than 1.8 sec and usually that's 4 secs on console). It's like playing under water.

2pacalypsenow4070d ago

Show me a 3480 x 2400 pixels monitor plz?? that can be bought by normal gamers . Not the 1% if not it doesn't matter

rajman4070d ago

oh god, you just had to start a pc vs console war didnt you

just_jeff4070d ago


Dude, calm down. You ripped into consoles for no reason. He just said "waste of money" Did he say "waste of money, get a PS4"? Get that chip off of your shoulder he wasn't attacking PC's.

back to the topic at hand, isn't it a waste of money tho?

it was unoptimized code so they had to go balls out to make sure their unoptimized code would run smoothly. I'm sure when it's optimized you wont need 2x7990's and 12GB of GDDR5. I'm sure you'll be able to run the game with just 1x7990 and 4GB of GDDR5 RAM.

ProjectVulcan4070d ago (Edited 4070d ago )

This PC is designed to run unoptimised pre alpha code with less than optimised driver revisions at some uber resolutions to impress everybody as much as possible. To that end, it needs to be an absolute beast.

The game won't need this sort of machine to run well, because nobody designs even PC games that won't run well on a decent array of current machines.

The game will no doubt take advantage of high end gear, but considering that Battlefield 3 was actually rather well optimised I would expect no less from this new game.

See DICE really built the game well for PC. You could run BF3 on old hardware like the Geforce 8800/9800 series and it looked good. 8800GTX comfortably managed 1080p on mix of low/medium and all low = console according to DICE which also only ran the game at 1280 x 704.

You could run it on top end stuff @ 1080p and ultra with MSAA and it ran great. In other words top end hardware didn't actually struggle with BF3 at the time, they ran it easily and it still looked superb. Still does.

I don't see why BF4 will be any different.

HammadTheBeast4070d ago

The only thing I'm going to say is... lol at the few PC gamers (note few) who were ripping on Killzone 4 for not having Graphics as good as BF4's, while comparing PS4 to this.

ReubenPatrick4070d ago

He was saying that a PC like that would be a bit of an overkill to be honest.

SegataSanshiro4070d ago

I have never heard of Dance Dance Revolution 4

djthechamp244070d ago

dude its just a video game get a life and stop talkin shit about playing video games on a PC

MaxXAttaxX4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

It only served for exhibition purposes, but it IS a waste of money for a gamer when NO game is developed and optimized to run at those specs. Do you realize how much money this set-up costs??
So you can keep pretending that you'll be able to play your imaginary PS5 quality games today.

Why don't you guys quit pretending that PC gaming automatically means graphics and performance leaps and bounds over PS4 as if every PC gamer has a PC of the highest-end, because in reality they're the minority.

ExCest4069d ago


Well, there are other things that use that much power. And btw, Metro 2033 can't run at maximum on a 680 so this rig might be the only setup that can.

Also, imaginary PS5 is imaginary.

darren_poolies4069d ago

"I need to check both side a room in less than 1.8 sec and usually that's 4 secs on console."

Ritsujun4069d ago

Waste of resources. They don't even have talented developers to ultilize those wasted power.

gedapeleda4069d ago

Why do you think it's an unoptimized code?
It's the same engine bf3 runs on with more bells and whistles.

robleroy4069d ago

This setup a about at least $4000 only!!!! (not counting the OS license and other things (gamekeyboard etc etc)

Wauw . Thats really cheap!!!

FlyingFoxy4069d ago

Nothing will run it 3k 60fps constant, have you seen people running just 2 monitors with 2 graphics cards? some of the games have pitiful framerates as low as 20-30.

if you want 60fps almost constantly you need 1080p, or 120fps for those who own a 120hz monitor. You will not achieve a playable framerate with 2-3 monitors any time in the near future, 1080p is the sweet spot and will be for a very long time, at least until graphics cards have a huge jump in performance. That likely won't happen as it's always something like a 20%-30% increase every major card release.

stragomccloud4069d ago


How is he ripping into consoles?
He is just stating facts about upcoming technologies.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4069d ago
KwietStorm_BLM4070d ago

It served its purpose. Therefore, it's not a waste of money. This isn't Joe down the block's gaming rig.

steve30x4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

Its not joe down the blocks gaming rig. Its a gaming rig for the person who has too much money. I have a good gaming rig that runs all current games with maximum settings and it only cost a third of what that thing costs.

Two 7990's arent needed for gaming , a Core I7 is overkill. I have a CoreI5 760 , 8GB DDR3 ram and a GTX680 and I optomised windows to use as little resources as possible.

That computer is a complete waste of money for gaming. It is more suited for video rendering or games development or other stuff most gamers wont use it for.

KwietStorm_BLM4069d ago


So you don't get it either? This is not a gaming rig lol hence why I said it served its purpose. It had a purpose, and it has been served. It is a show off piece of equipment. And a Core i7 is not overkill.

steve30x4068d ago

You cant make up your mind can you? First you said its joe down the roads gaming rig and then you say its not. Also anybody with knowledge of gaming would tell you that a Core I7 is overkill. A core I5 is perfect because there isn't any games out yet that will use more than 4 cores of a CPU where a core I7 is 4 cores with 8 threads and a game only uses 4 of those threads or 4 cores. Its a waste.

KwietStorm_BLM4068d ago


May want to re-read what I said. This *isn't* Joe down the block's rig. I would think that was obvious, given the context of my whole point. Are we done with this?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4068d ago
StraightPath4070d ago

Dont tell me a pc gamer would spend so much money to run one game..waste of money.

Coach_McGuirk4070d ago

Morty: "How could you spend two hundred dollars on a tip calculator?!"
Jerry: "It does other things!"

tubers4069d ago

Because a high end PC only plays one new game.

Fanfuckingtastic logic!

solar4070d ago

But who are you to tell anyone what is a waste of money? I love tech, and it's my hobby to build gaming PC's. If I think it's worth it is it really a "waste of money " if i find happiness doing something i love?

Do you need all that? Of course not. But if you have the money what's the harm? I have yet to get an answer to that question.

hiredhelp4070d ago (Edited 4070d ago )

Well said solar I feel same way been building rigs for going on decade it's endless so is the price. But there's a huge community out there that many n4gs may not realise modders and enthusiasts.
It's a passion hobby lifestyle we enjoy? It also doesn't have to cost the earth like that's shown in the article but it can be easy to go crazy.

tubers4069d ago

If a lot of people here think this amount is ridiculous for a hobby, they're in for a rude awakening for other hobbies..

clue: VROOOMM!!!!

GDDR6_20144069d ago

I agree and I've never spent more than 1000 on a rig, people that can spend 4000, good for you. People spend a lot more than that on other hobbies or vacations

4070d ago Replies(3)
imchuckbass4070d ago

Jeez, it's quite obvious you can't afford it, but if others can afford it, what's the problem?

People who can afford a ferrari, why should they buy a second hand toyota?

People who can afford an 8 bedroom house, why should they buy a studio apartment with half a toilet?

DICE were hardly going to showcase their new title on a console, they didn't want to embarrass themselves!

extermin8or4069d ago

Lol well it is a waste because you cannot actually use the power that rig has-its like buying a ferrari when you'll never be able to drive it.... ever Its an exersize in feeding your own ego. Plus half those features even on a large 4k screen become barely discernable to the human eye...

FlameBaitGod4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

This guy doesn't have money 2 spend ^^^^

BlmThug4070d ago

I always dream of having such a rig :(

TXIDarkAvenger4070d ago

Not a waste of money if your a PC enthusiast.

Jio4070d ago

The way I see it, gaming PCs are like muscle cars. They're not a waste of money because some people prefer having options and more power.

gamer2344069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

at least you can fuck a real girl in a muscle car but what will u do with an expensive PC nooooooooooooooothing oh I forgot, masturbation

Horny4069d ago

Porn with such a high def resolution that it will make your eyes cum.

B-radical4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

On bright side only 48 people needed for petition to be sent to EA FOR BOTS MODE


4069d ago
TheXonySbox4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

Good advice, sadly if consoles were superior to PC gaming i'd be glued to my consoles.

They arnt, they are hard to look at on the eyes; low res, bloom and jaggies. Ontop of that I can only game on them. Like wtf, waste of hardware potential.
PCs do alot more then just gaming, hell they create all the games you play on consoles to boot.

PC masterace.
Consoles poor mans PC.

Technically that system has TWO gpus with 4 cores.
I've seen worse.

Baka-akaB4069d ago

You guys are the one osbessed with consoles and brought it to the conversation .

It is ... very telling

TheXonySbox4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

U mad bro?

Look at the post I replied to.

davidj884069d ago

Nobody ever said consoles were superior to PC's, but why must those people who own a console and not a gaming PC be poor? I for one don't own a gaming rig yet i'm very satisfied with what my bank account tells me.

Fact is if i want to look at realistic and pretty things i'd go outside or go on holiday, i play games to have fun which doesn't require me to spend anything over the price of a console.....so i'll happily play on one even if you don't like it.

JsonHenry4069d ago

I thought the Nvidia Titan was the best GPU in the world??

DeadlyFire4069d ago

Titan is the best desktop GPU at the moment with 4.5 Tflops. AMD's is at 4.3 Tflops, but not far behind. Their new 8000 lineup should push beyond 4.5 Tflops. Server CPUs go up to 5.9 Tflops for AMD and only 5.3 Tflops for NVIDIA so far.

FlyingFoxy4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

it's best but hugely overpriced, if it weren't for micro stuttering i would buy 2 7970's because they stomp all over it and are quite a bit cheaper.

Stop gap card = Titan, price will drop like a rock soon once the next proper series starts.

Plus what's funny is the fact that even Crysis 3 can't run full 60+fps @ 1080p on the Titan and look at the cost of it, what a joke.. not that i like Crysis because it's a mediocre game with flashy graphics. Just tells me that the Titan is hugely overpriced for what it can do.

if they want to release a card like Titan and be taken seriously, it should have been 2x more powerful than it is now and that way be able to compete with proper high end cards 2 years from now, but it's a rip off as it is.

DeadlyFire4069d ago

Yup definitely a waste. To be clear on why they used the most powerful thing they could find. They stated that it was a raw unoptimized Alpha build of the game. So that is why it was used. Final version should run at 30-60+ fps with PS4 specs no problem or quad core PC + decent Video card and 4 GB RAM.

FlyingFoxy4069d ago (Edited 4069d ago )

The 60fps term gets thrown around a lot.. but what a lot of people don't realise is that you need a lot of power to be able to keep 60fps+ under intense scenes, so the game will need above recommended specs to run well even @ 1080p.

This is from experience. Loads of games i've played have run much better way above the recommended spec, which is stupid because they don't state you need a way higher than listed spec to keep 60fps. They won't tell you it's gonna dip to 20-30fps in intense parts if you only have recommended spec.

Disagree all you want but this is a fact.

Mini05104068d ago (Edited 4068d ago )

you have a pretty low expectations in requirements for 60+ fps in BF4. Good luck with your expectation.

DeadlyFire4068d ago (Edited 4068d ago )

I am pretty confident a 2.5 Tflop card can run BF4 at 60 fps. I didn't throw a resolution out there, but pretty sure 720p is guaranteed 60 fps.

I do agree under intense scenes things have always lagged. If they are developing things like the new consoles with GPGPU type development with OpenCL + DirectX/OpenGL on your PC then your GPU cores could numb or stop that. Many cards have been carrying OpenCL for a few years now with latest DirectX/OpenGL adding in OpenCL extensions.

kikoano4069d ago

thats how you need to buy pc and to stop wasting money on console if you didnt bought ps3,xbox,wii u you can get this beast

jcnba284069d ago

PC will always have better graphics than consoles, get over it.

MadLad4069d ago

PC is never a waste of money.
When you want something, you buy it. Gaming is a hobby and you put into it what you want to put into it.

NeXXXuS4069d ago

if almost the entire gaming community can't afford it, then it's a waste of money lol.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4068d ago
BattleReach4070d ago

Everybody prepare yourself for November, wallets ready: computer store.

_-EDMIX-_4070d ago (Edited 4070d ago )

We knew once next gen started, it would be a beast upgrade. Like I said before, your not just making the same assets or features in 1080p 60fps, your making new assets and textures and tessellation run at a much higher frame.

No doubt it took a beast to run such a thing. This is the way of all gaming. The disagrees from people who don't care for PC gaming really just need to understand the tech more.

Whats happening with PC NOW, WON'T be BIGGER then what are in consoles Next, next gen. ie PS5 etc.

When PS3 launched, the 8800gtx came out about a year later. Clearly a PS4 beats the crap out of a 8800gtx.

Its nothing to cower over or feel like PC gamers are showing off. Its just the way gaming progress. This is good for me and you. Why disagree?

On that note, don't build fro this now, I would wait until ending of next year when all the GPU's are out and have been benchmarked right with the first wave of next gen PC games.

I'm getting a PS4 in the mean time just based on that most of those beast PC games won't be optimized right on those new GPU's for a while. I'm upgrading ending of next year.

Look at it as a bigger glimpse into the future of all gaming.

AnteCash4070d ago (Edited 4070d ago )

This chart shows the approximately power/score of the PS4 gpu in Passmark.


7850 being the approximately the power level of PS4 GPU.

7850 average score is 3700 - 180$
680 gtx average score is 5600 - 400$

GeForce 8800 GTX average score is 760

Hate when ignorant/troll ppl say PS4 Gpu is low end.

hiredhelp4070d ago

The PS4 GPU isn't a low end if it was a pc deadicated video card it be classed at a mid level tier card.
That's we're Sony put tere money they've done well

AnteCash4069d ago

@hiredhelp and all of you who neged me , read what i wrote in the last sentence.

Fuck it im done writing comments when ppl cant fuking read and understand what was writen.

Jio4070d ago

Careful. This place is full of console fanboys who hate PC.

CaptainFaisal4070d ago

Since you finished the demo care to give me the PC? :)

Rearden4069d ago

If you're able to run BF3 decently, I don't think you'll need a big upgrade. BF3 and BF4 look very similar, the new engine is more of an evolution than revolution.

xploz1on4070d ago

Holy Moly!... Was mad but then happy whe i saw the part and i quote "the singleplayer demo was an “unoptimized alpha version” of the game"

landog4070d ago


for people serious about gaming!

PygmelionHunter4070d ago (Edited 4070d ago )

Try replacing the word "gaming" with "graphics" and you're good to go.

Are you so insecure that you resort to "try" trolling someone who isn't even bashing PC gaming?

The whole point of my comment was to argue that only PC gamers are serious about gaming.

And if you wanna play dirty then: Did you enjoy Red Dead Redemption, my God that game was so freaking swee... Oh sorry, I just didn't mean to offend you :(

_-EDMIX-_4070d ago

So how was 64 player MP on BF3 for...oh....oh I see. LOL!

HammadTheBeast4070d ago

I dunno, a big old clusterf*** with Op Metro on 90% of the time, and tons of hacks.

Show all comments (124)

Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot795d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250794d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface794d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop794d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno794d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel795d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps794d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888794d ago (Edited 794d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33794d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888794d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH794d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad810d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

KeenGamer: "Sometimes a game starts out as a buggy mess and we all just stop and think, “that definitely could have spent a bit more time in the oven”. This is the case for these 5 games which infamously marked their place in recent game memory."

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KingofBandits902d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"