
Perceptive Podcast: A Discussion on Arcen Games [Game Wisdom]

Game Wisdom: "We’re ringing in the New Year with our first guest designer on the podcast. Owner and lead designer behind Arcen Games: Chris Park joins us for a discussion on game design and his studio’s wide variety of games, including a detailed examination on A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2. Also, he gives us a sneak peek at what’s next for Arcen Games: Shattered Haven."

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Your Guide to Modern LAN Compatible Games

Our Top 15 LAN Compatible Games include Dying Light, Age of Wonders III and Farming Simulator 15 just to name a few. That is if you are ever hosting a LAN Party and want to laugh at others (or get laughed at) in person while playing these games.

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JoeIsMad3384d ago

Even though I don't like the idea of Farming Simulator, there aren't that many LAN games out there any more, and shooters seem to be forcing non-local matchmaking. It's great to see what I can play with my friends at a huge birthday party.

Ranga143383d ago

There are actually a few that we didn't include within this list and of course one could always turn to Classic games for LAN but it is frustrating not having local matchmaking for newer shooters.


Major updates to the Arcen Store, plus Linux releases and discounts on Skyward and Shattered

Arcen Games: "Skyward Collapse and Shattered Haven have both gotten official linux support this week, but that’s not all that’s been going on."

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Humble Weekly Sale Heavily Discounts Arcen Games

Hardcore Gamer: The bare minimum gets you AI War: Fleet Command and five DLC packs, A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2, and Tidalis - a fun puzzler. Spending $5.80 gets you Shattered Haven and Skyward Collapse and its DLC. Everything in the bundle unlocks on Steam and soundtracks for everything are included too.

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