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User Review : Uncharted The Lost Legacy

  • Chloe & Nadine make a great team
  • Jaw dropping visuals and mind blowing action
  • Top notch voice acting

    Naughty Dog has done it again!

    Uncharted: The Lost Legacy follows fan favorite Chloe in a separate adventure that doesn't involve Nathan Drake (at all), you'll be accompanied by Uncharted 4's Nadine Ross throughout this adventure in India, where you'll see the relationship between these two beautiful women grow and unfold into friendship. This is a standalone game which initially was supposed to be an expansion but the guys at Naughty Dog were generous and awesome enough to flesh out the expansion into a quasi full game.

    As anyone expects, every Uncharted game boasts beautiful and vivid visuals and The Lost Legacy doesn't disappoint, not one bit! You'll stumble upon jaw dropping vistas, lush jungles and stunning environments to say the least. Everything is detailed and the animations are once again top notch. The audio is brilliant as always, the musical score fits perfectly, voice acting is among the best you can have in a videogame. Every character sounds perfect and the weapons pack some serious punch especially the assault rifles.

    Gameplay in The Lost Legacy is very familiar and that's a good thing, it's actually a very good thing and I don't mind playing more and more Uncharted games. There are the jumping and climbing bits, the gunplay, the free roam driving, the puzzles, the awesome set pieces, oh man I can't have enough of this series! I really don't want to spoil things, but the story is once again engaging and makes the game even more enjoyable, you'll care about the characters, and the final scenes although somewhat familiar, are just awesome! It even shares Uncharted 4's online multiplayer.

    Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is another brilliant action packed title in the Uncharted universe, it's kind of the 'best of' Uncharted games all rolled into one beautifully crafted adventure. When I first heard that Nathan was not returning I was disappointed, I mean what is Uncharted without our beloved treasure hunter? Right? Well after playing The Lost Legacy I must say Chloe is just as awesome and I want more of her adventures and so I highly recommend this gem. Go grab a copy, it's a must have PS4 exclusive!

    Fun Factor

    Naughty Dog Is Right To Leave Uncharted Behind

    Naughty Dog is changing. It’s about time, but part of fans will miss what the studio has become over the past fifteen years as a pioneer of cinematic blockbusters lined with prestige storytelling that the entire medium now tries to emulate. It changed everything. But now, it is both leaving Uncharted behind and has no plans for The Last of Us Part 3 unless the narrative it aims to deliver is absolutely necessary.

    This is the right move, and the selfless one from a studio that could have milked both these properties until there was nothing left.

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    jznrpg487d ago

    Yep . Another studio can make it if needed . If Sony wants to do it or not who knows ?

    Cikatriz_ESP487d ago

    Uncharted 4 is by far the worst in the series, but I fear Naughty Dog is incapable of redeeming the franchise with another entry. Amy Hennig is gone and Neil Druckmann has more than proven he's not a storyteller.

    Kassanova07486d ago

    A classic series for the ages.

    486d ago

    Best Games Set in India

    India is a culturally rich and beautiful land which is a perfect setting for a video game. Here are some of the best games set in India.

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    UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy Gameplay Ultra 4K - RTX 4090 Looks Fantastic

    CG writes: Naughty Dog released Uncharted: The Lost Legacy in 2017 for PS4 as a spin-off title from the Uncharted series where A Thief’s End released in the previous year. Since then, so much has changed within SONY’s exclusive games policy where now they release them for PC gamers as well, albeit several years later. With the arrival of the PS5, the Uncharted games (A Thief’s End and The Lost Legacy) received some touching-up when it released recently. It also released concurrently for PC also as part of a double package entitled, UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection. Compared to the PS4 original (which already looked pretty fantastic on the PS4 Pro), the game shines in native 4K ultra settings on PC. Increased details, improved lighting, and a solid 60 fps give the game a clean look where the PS4 Pro version would only upscale and run at around 30 fps. Take a look at our opening moments UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy gameplay video using the following rig.

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    phoenixwing586d ago

    Woah dude really? Totally expected it to look like crap on the bleeding edge graphics card. /s

    Flewid638585d ago

    Poorly optimized games come out all the time.

    Good-Smurf585d ago

    Richard from Digital Foundry can't make Gotham Knights stay at 60 fps max settings with his i9-12900H with RTX 4090 rig.
    That's another one poorly optimized mess.

    Blaze929586d ago

    Looks just like it did on my PS4

    lonewolf10586d ago

    Looks way above my PS4 version in terms of resolution and models/graphics, but still lacking in some PC bells and whistles.

    ChubbyBlade586d ago

    It ran at 4k 60 on your ps4? Damn. Where did you get that thing?

    Flewid638585d ago

    Resolution vs Graphics my guy. Besides, the PS4 Pro version did mostly hit 60fps.

    Flewid638585d ago

    That's because the only difference between last gen and this gen is the framerate.

    philm87586d ago

    Very similar to the PS5 version. I don't think you need anywhere near an RTX 4090 to max this out do you?

    lonewolf10586d ago

    Nope, only benefit will be higher frame rates/no upscaling with that card.

    Good-Smurf586d ago

    I mean its a $1600 GPU duh this is way overkill for enhanced PS4 games.
    Maybe try run something like CP2077 at max RT settings 8k 120 fps instead.

    onisama586d ago

    PC is the best gaming platform if you have the money...i mainly game on xbox series X but i play PS games on PC and also i love to play multiplayer FPS games on PC with mouse....now my RTX 2060 is start getting old but can handle any game +60 fps/1440p and im planing to get a rtx 4070 after a year as the DLSS 3 seem to boost the performance so much

    Good-Smurf585d ago

    I'm looking to buy an RTX 3070 gaming laptop do you know which one that have good GPU TDP and overall good temps and cooling?