I play way too many videogames


CRank: 5Score: 6580

User Review : Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Amazing Frontier Simulation
  • Unbelievable Detail
  • Incredible Story
  • Too long to Replay
  • Some Slowness

May I? Stand Unshaken

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the newest Rockstar game released 10/26/18.

I will start off by saying, I totally believe that this is the best video game made so far, in history. The simulation is amazing, it accomplishes everything it sets out to do. I would not say it is perfect, but it is the closest we have seen in a long time.

So this western epic begins at the end of the west in 1899, where the outlaws are fighting for their survival against the new age of civilization. We meet the Van Der Linde Gang, a well established group of self righteous outlaws. They have run into a lot of trouble in the west and are fleeing east. We meet the player character Arthur Morgan, and Dutch, the Van Der Linde Gang leader, and namesake. The storytelling in this game is amazing, it uses subtle, indirect storytelling, instead of in your face exposition. The game makes you feel like you are Arthur, you know what he knows, you hate who he hates. and you love who he loves. You are also the only person who can look in Arthur's personal journal, giving you a great bond between you and him. Arthur is a good man with a bad man's job. He is very conflicted and it makes it a fantastic character, even better than Red Dead Redemption's John Marston. Who also makes an appearance as one of the Van Der Linde gang's newer member's. This is a great prequel to Red Dead Redemption, because it ties in almost perfectly, and has just the right amount of fan service. Want to see how John got those scars on the side of his face? Or how everyone got to where they are in the first game, good, because this game delivers on that.

If you want to experience the west, this is the closest you are going to get in the current year. You can gamble, drink, fight, have a duel, shovel manure, break horses, and even milk cows. The open world is amazing, it feels like a real living world, you feel like you are interacting with the world. Also townsfolk will remember you if you shoot up their town and then come back 2 days later. It makes it feel like people care what you do and creates this feeling that the world wasn't created just for you.

I heard one criticism of this game being that is is long, slow, and depressing. Which could make it less enjoyable for some players. I believe however, that this was fully intentional by the developers, the west was a mostly slow time, with some moments of insane violence, and that's how this game is. But since you are a band of outlaws, you find violence pretty easily. Also, this game is really long, I finished it at about the three day mark, and I felt like I rushed through the story. I also took time to enjoy the little things, like camping in the woods and going hunting for an in game day or two. This game is captivating, even my dad wants to play more.

Let's talk about the depressing part, the story, the story is amazing, and it is definitely sad, just because you are with a group of people choosing to make their life more difficult, but staying pure to their ideas of freedom. This game almost made me cry multiple times. (almost though, cuz real outlaws don't cry) The story makes you hate the many antagonists, and it crushes you when they progress their agenda. The game also has this overwhelming sense of doom, you know that you can't fully win against the US government and their good friends the Pinkertons. The outlaws know their days are numbered, and they will fight to extend that number by just one day. They know being a gun slinging outlaw, is something you are for life.

The gameplay is also somewhat clunky, but they have made it so much smoother, also the gameplay makes it feel like the original, which makes it feel so nice to see updated controls, without taking away that Red Dead Redemption feeling. I never had any problems with the controls being too bad, sometimes I would run into a tree or walk past a door, but most of the time I felt like it was my fault if I tripped my horse, or caved my head in on a tree branch.

The audio and visuals are astounding, the nature and fur almost look real, the face graphics are good, but they still seem a little off. The music is amazing, and it is an original score, so the music feels so good, they have figured it out so the music can portray emotions. Sometimes just riding listing to the score, I felt so isolated in the world. Especially when the music starts playing and you know something is about to happen, and your skin starts tingling, that is when you feel totally immersed in the world.

My one big problem is that I don't want to play it again, it felt completed when the credits start rolling, I don't want to rewrite history, One play through felt perfect. I don't think this is really a problem but it is something I only feel with some of my favorite games.

I do still play because of the excellent online mode, but that is far from finished, so I don't feel it is fair to write about at the current stage.

All of these details contribute to the idea that this is a western epic. Imagine watching 13 three hour westerns, and you would probably see half of the stuff that you would by playing this game. If you love the west, play this game. This game is also 100% worth the price tag. I purchased the $100 ultimate edition and I don't regret it one bit. I would go out and say, I would not be upset if I had to pay $100 for the standard edition, this game is an immense masterpiece, and every little detail is appreciated.

Fun Factor
coolbeans1994d ago

A big yeehaw to this review. I'm not far into it, but I'm starting to lean towards this amount of praise myself.

"This game almost made me cry multiple times. (almost though, cuz real outlaws don't cry)"

Best part of the review.


6 Games That Genuinely Deserve A Current-Gen Upgrade

Games such as Mad Max, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Batman: Arkham Knight desperately deserve a modern-day revisit.

thorstein45d ago

Mad Max is underrated. Such a fun game.

Cacabunga44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

RDR2 still looks astounding on PS4 Pro. i cannot imagine how it could look with a next gen upgrade.

JonTheGod44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Probably not very different.

No idea why this article is highlighting recent beautiful graphically-advanced games and saying they need current gen makeovers. They already look better than most new releases; just compare Arkham Knight and Suicide Squad!

exputers44d ago

I see what you did there.

Yi-Long44d ago

It's obviously never gonna happen since Sony killed the game and studio, but Driveclub. Even in its current state, 10 years after release, it still puts many competitors to shame ...

Demetrius43d ago

I'm not into racing games but yeah I even looked at gameplay of that sometimes

redrum0616d ago

It's a shame they cancelled the game. Definitely the best racing game I've ever played on Playstation. Just got GT7, but it feels so slow and less arcade-y, which is to be expected of a sim racer of course, that I just enjoy it less.
Driveclub also graphically looked insanely good for its time. I wonder what a Driveclub 2 would look like for the PS5.

Demetrius43d ago

Mad max ikr! Far cry primal, it amuses me how ubisoft just left ac unity hanging, sadly most of the good staff left from rocksteady while being forced to make that abomination smh


Red Dead Redemption 2 Wins Best Game Sequel Title in BAFTA Poll

Red Dead Redemption 2 wins 'Best Game Sequel' in BAFTA poll, surpassing Half-Life 2 in a landmark victory.

Read Full Story >>
just_looken62d ago

hmm kinda out there i find red dead 2 a over hyped game i am sure there are other's out there worthy of this award.

Are we saying rdr 2 mp is better than the first one?

The cover shooting better on #2 than #1?

I mean they reused 80% of rdr 1 map on rdr 2

smolinsk62d ago

Red Dead Redemption 1 was better. A better story that's for sure but the world in red Dead Redemption 2 is fantastic. But overall yes Red Dead Redemption 2 is overhyped but with best living World ever made.

just_looken62d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Oh rdr 2 world how you leave tracks what you can do and the npc's are great no doubt

For me its the forced guns one way to play missions and the camp you can do nothing be a ass and there is no change sense none of the hunting/donating.bounty/karma etc even taking care of your horse matters. Then you got the horse inventory along with them bringing in realistic inventory but at the same time have that slomo crap pick a lane is it a wild west sim or a max payne rip off.

shinoff218361d ago (Edited 61d ago )

Plus who cares about the mp. Single player is where it's at.

I don't think it's the best sequel either. I liked it but I can see why some say it's overhyped. That's because it was. Great game still. I'd take xcom 2 as a better sequel. I'm sure there's plenty others.

just_looken61d ago

We care about mp because of gta v even if you been living under a rock you know what gtao did to gta v dlc.

Though rdr 2 mp failed it still put time/resources and budget away from the single player for a subpar experience compared to the first.

lucasnooker62d ago

Hmmm don’t know about that one myself. There’s some good sequels there….

No way last of us 2 was a better sequel than the original resident evil 2. The story of TLOU2 was a huge let down for me!

Assassins creed 2 was a vast improvement over the original and still the very best of the entire franchise imo.

Half-life 2 will always be legendary.

RDR2 is great but the best sequel ever? I don’t think so… just my opinion though I guess

shinoff218361d ago

Shoot down last of us 2 but bring up assassins creed 2. What in the world.

anast62d ago

Last of Us 2 would be mine and Dark Souls 3 has to be up there.

raWfodog62d ago

I also enjoyed TLOU2 but RDR2 edges it out for me. Both hit me in the feels but RDR2 just a little bit more lol.

anast62d ago

RDR2 is an excellent game. One of my top 10 of all time.

SimpleSlave62d ago

Sure, if you started playing game yesterday and just for this series. Otherwise? lol... No.

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