CRank: 5Score: 76950

User Review : Killzone: Shadow Fall

  • Smooth Gameplay
  • Beautiful Graphics
  • Tactical Team Based Multiplayer
  • Certain Changes To Multiplayer Classes
  • A Bit On The Easy Side

This is our home too

Potential Spoilers

Well, Guerilla Games has started off strong on the PS4 with their newest installment within the Killzone franchise, Killzone Shadow Fall.

Set several years after the events of Killzone 3 with the destruction of planet Helghan known as the "Terracide" due to nuclear weapons developed by Jorhan Stahl backfiring on him and his people, due to remaining ISA troop intervention(specifically Sev & Rico) left back on Helghan in their attempt to leave the planet, the VSA have granted the surviving Helghast population to take refuge on planet Vekta. Vekta is now split between two territories with Vekta City on one side, and New Helghan on the other. This is where the story and lore of Shadow Fall takes inspiration from the Cold War with the Berlin Wall, referred to as "The Wall" in Shadow Fall, and espionage as you play as the new protagonist, Lucas Kellan, a Shadow Marshal within the VSA tasked with black ops type missions such as spying, sabotage, assassinations, recon, search and rescue, etc.

If you're like me, who has been a long time fan of the series since its PS2 & PSP days(Killzone 1 and Killzone Liberation), the story is only getting better. You once again get to fight back on planet Vekta, reliving the days you got to play as Luger, a female Shadow Marshall. Shadow Fall delves more into the culture and mindset of New Helghan's civilian population and culture, whereas in Killzone 3, it concentrated more on the power struggle between 2nd in commands racing to take Autarch Visari's place after his demise in Killzone 2.

Throughout Shadow Fall you will of course, fight the Helghast, but not just the New Helghan military, but a new faction called, The Black Hand. They are a terrorist group within the Helghan population who still hold onto their past extremist values and seek the destruction of the Vektans. They are also a bit at odds with the New Helghan government as they are not pleased with how they have handled the Vektans since moving back to the planet. You'll be fighting in both Vekta City and New Helghan, where both have a very different look and mood to them, witnessing how the population lives. You are also introduced to Echo, a half breed Helghast, daughter to Hera Visari(yes, the same daughter of Scolar Visari from Killzone 3's opening intro), who seeks peace between the Vektans and Helghast, so it's your job to work with her to help stop a 3rd Extrosolar War from starting. I'm pleased with Guerialla's approach to the story with this. Many fans have been craving a Helghast campaign because they think they're the "good guys", but this is better. It's not black and white as to who is the good guy. You are essentially, a third faction to help even the playing field. The comradery that existed between Lucas and Echo, Vektan and Helghast, will hopefully forward the Killzone universe towards peace between the factions as they are both guilty of wrong doing to one another.

Now, onto the gameplay. What can I say? It plays fantastic, it's smooth, and it's fun. The weighted controls from Killzone 2 and 3 are gone, which is good and bad depending if you liked 2's controls. Me, I can adapt to either one, but I also enjoyed 2's controls. It handles more like Dice's more recent Battlfield games. Controls are responsive and tight, but also new to the series, thanks to the PS4's new DS4 controller, is the touchpad controls which are used to control an AI controlled robot buddy called, the OWL. This little drone is a very helpful little tool, used to hack into enemy alarm towers and computers, but also as a offensive and defensive gadget. Don't think of the OWL as an overpowered weapon available anytime, but more of a diversionary tool used to open your enemies up to attack. This drone can stun enemies(which will be VERY USEFUL in the later part of the game for shielded enemies and attack drones), it will fire upon enemies to divert enemy fire away from you and an energy shield that, well, shields you from incoming fire. Another handy ability of the OWL is its zip line function, which I highly recommend to those who plan on playing through the game using stealth tactics, as it helps get you down to levels that can help you gain a tactical advantage over enemies for recon or sniping.

Gunplay is satisfying. The sounds of the weapons firing, the way they feel, they feel powerful. However, that also means the Helghast troopers you fight are powerful. They'll do anything to flank you as most them are well equipped with miniguns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, shotguns, spider mines, the Armadillo Troopers have automatic energy shielding. Yeah, the Helghast are very well equipped. Although, the AI does make some pretty dumb moves such as running out into the open or climbing a ladder that you're looking down towards.

Coming back to Killzone's gameplay is the choice in how you play. Levels are more open, which presents you some opportunities on how you wish to go about. Like Killzone 1, Templar, Rico, Luger and Hakha are essentially molded into one character with Lucas Kellan. You can choose to use heavy weapons, hack into enemy computers to stop enemy alarms and weapons, or use stealth tactics. Shadow Fall offers more compared to recent FPS games. Also back is secondary fire attachments for your weapons. Turn your rail sub-machine gun into a rail gun sniper rifle, use grenade launchers that fire spider mines, or use grenade launchers that fires EMP missiles. The choice is yours.

Single player is very enjoyable. I highly recommend listening to the audio logs and read the newspaper headlines to fully enjoy the story and explore the environments. A big plus for single player is the length. One of the few games that I didn't beat in 5 hours. Although, some downsides to the single player is the difficulty. I'm sorry, but I don't understand how some people had a hard time with this game. Even on the hard difficulty, it's still pretty easy. Just some advice, play tactically. Don't spray and pray and don't rush objectives and enemies head on. The OWL will be the tool to use in the later chapters. However, I know I won't be alone on this though, but admittedly, the only times you will get frustrated with is the free fall section. Not because it's hard to navigate the terrain, but because of the weird controls used to control yourself as you fly through a ruined Helghan city. You'll see what I mean.

Sound has its good and bad. Music is beautiful, the gun effects are awesome, the voice acting is... eh. Well, no, not really eh, but some voice actors' performances are better than otheres. It's not the voices themselves, but the delivery of their lines that's not so great at times. Lucas Kellan is an example. His voice sounds fine, but his delivery is monotone and dry most of the time. Echo's voice actress though, is very well done. You can feel the passion in her character as she persuades your character to help her.

Multiplayer is a blast. If you're looking for a multiplayer game that involves teamwork and skill. Shadow Fall is one of the next gen FPS games you need to play. This is by far one of the most balanced games I've played, but also one of the smoothest ones. Almost no lag, no drop outs, and no glitches on launch when I played this. Weapon and class balance is nearly perfect with this Killzone's multiplayer. Remember the mess that Killzone 3 became with the Marksman class? And I love the sniper class. Weapons do the right amount of damage and have the right amount of recoil. Each class ability serves its purpose to help your team. No aim assist in this game. It's all skill. You need to play the objective, use teamwork, and not worry about your K/D ratio. Team play comes first. A big plus is the level progression in this game. It's not based on the amount of xp you accumulate, but the number of challenges you complete. All weapons and abilities are available from the start(you still have to unlock attachments for weapons though) and this really takes out the hassle of grinding to such and such level. It only leaves the core gameplay, which helps in being able to concentrate on the objective and how to effectively play.

You're free to customize your weapons with various attachments such as combat scopes, laser sights and flashlights, etc. Each class, of course, is limited to certain weapons, so sniper rifles for the Scout, assault, sub-machine guns and shotguns for Assault, and the big guns for Support. Each class has a primary ability that cannot be changed, but can equip different abilities in their secondary ability slot. Something that may upset fans though is the lack of classes. What I mean is, the 5-6 classes that we got in Killzone 2 and 3 are not in this game. They have all been integrated into 3 different classes.

Warzone is still back from 2 and 3, with the objective changing every so and so minutes or until it's completed. The standard team death match is always available, but a big plus for the multiplayer is being able to create your own games. The amount of control to what weapons you want, what modes to put into it, how much health players have, how much damage is dealt, what abilities are available, the amount of lives, you have complete control over it. This makes for some very competitive and fun game modes such as a knife only cloak on game. Unfortunately though, Operations is gone. So, no more awesome cutscenes throughout the match. One thing you need to give Guerilla Games credit for is their support for the multiplayer. Soon, they'll be releasing most DLC for free such as maps later on.

The graphics... do I really need to comment. It looks amazing. Lighting is beautiful. As you look out towards the deep blue of Vekta City and the red lights of New Helghan, it really is just amazing to look at.

I highly recommend Killzone Shadow Fall to anyone who has been a long time fan and to anyone looking for a team based FPS experience.

Fun Factor
SweetIvy3808d ago (Edited 3808d ago )

I only read the part regarding the multiplayer, because I haven't played the single player campaign and I don't want any spoilers (I am that romantic :)) but couldn't agree more.
In KZ teamplay is always at the core of it, even if you don't want to be a team player and the classes are all extremely cool and well balanced. Some abilities are more versatile than others (no problem about that) and I also like very much how you can update/change your loadouts on the fly.

Excellents menus as well, slick and super-stylish and the "new", more sci-fi style is absolutely awesome!

Also thumbs up for the party-system, warzone-join experience.
With Battlefiend having no party system (eh) and Assassin's Creed: Black Flag being still a pita for multiplayer (these are the other MP I'm playing), Shadow Fall delivers a totally smooth experience, which is something that should be a no-brainer at this point in gaming history, but that is not yet so (especially with Ubisoft games it seems)!

ChipChipperson3805d ago

It's no problem and thanks for the comment. I did the same when this game was coming out by avoiding single player videos and stuff to not spoil the series' plot. I definitely agree on you on the multiplayer experience.

MastaMold3807d ago (Edited 3807d ago )

@ ChipChipperson, I see someone understands the Killzone universe great review looks like you enjoy the game very much as i do.

Sent from my PS Vita

MadLad3805d ago

Someone had to say it.
I am all about personal opinion, not to mention I have not played the game myself.
That said, I have read enough reviews and have seen enough gameplay to know that this game has its fair share of lazy design and shouldn't warrant a perfect score from anyone.

N4G is one of the few places where such a score would be congratulated and not questioned.

thereapersson3797d ago

Don't mind Evil_Abed. You'll find his personal opinions slant negatively against anything Sony related.

360ICE3800d ago

Yup. Love the Killzone universe, but this is maybe the weakest entry in my book. That includes KZ: Liberation.

LightofDarkness3805d ago

Look, I enjoy the game quite a lot, but it is so far from a 10/10 that I could never take another opinion of yours seriously, following this review.

It's a solid 7-7.5, and everyone I know who owns a PS4 agrees and the majority of the gaming press agrees. The multiplayer is very good and keeps you entertained, but the singleplayer is very mediocre and mired in poor design choices which plagued many standard FPS games last gen. It is clear that the game was hurried along as it got further into development, with the first few missions feeling quite good and well-paced while the latter 60% of the game felt slapped together hurriedly and without consideration.

Personal opinion is one thing, but reviews are about CRITICAL opinion more so than personal opinion.

ChipChipperson3805d ago

Notice how I don't have comments next to my review scores. If I was you, stop taking the scores and final score seriously because for my reviews, it's not about the numbers, it's about the content that I've written out and whether I recommend a game or not. The numbers are there just because I thought N4G required them. If you wanna keep using the "but ME and the majority and big gaming news outlets think this" argument go ahead, but you will respect the effort and honesty(something a majority of the gaming press lacks) that I put into this review for gamers who want a different FPS experience on a next-gen system, people who enjoy games for what they are, and most importantly long-time, Killzone fans.

"Have your opinion, but don't let your opinion have you"- Patrice O'Neal

MadLad3805d ago

That's the thing though, you still have the scores, yet not the words to justify them.
You obviously thought about what you wanted to score each separate element of the game, therefor you yourself are taking the scores seriously. If not, you would do what a lot of people do and set each part of the game to either .1 or 10, and then just rate the game, overall, to what you feel is most accurate. You decided to write a review on a site with this system, and in doing so you are abiding by the rules of the scoring system. You still decided to give the game a ten based on the site's metric, and you are then allowing yourself critique of your critique.
I wish there was a way to write a review without scoring the separate elements or the game itself, but there isn't. I would have done so for my Outlast review but, considering that's not the case, I used the system in the best way I could and reviewed the game based on the system.

I don't recall anything stated in the review where you ask people to not take the scores you assigned seriously, so I can only assume you yourself took them seriously.

jaseo3805d ago

As someone who just finished singleplayer and started playing some MP, it was good to get someone else's opinion (regardless of what score they gave). I enjoyed the content. There are first impressions, and there are lasting impressions. The latter more valuable.

It's a game that has got some mediocre reviews. I can understand the reasons given (especially around the SP portion), but it also lowered my expectations. I think this actually increased my enjoyment and appreciation of the game.

I also like reading review of reviews on N4G. I just wish N4G implemented a scoring system for these reviews :)

Ridiick3804d ago (Edited 3804d ago )

Great article, I have enjoyed a lot Killzone SF, the story is the best one that I have ever played, I'm a little tired about the CoD and Battlefield wow moments with no soul in the characters, the ending is really brilliant but probably so much European for US taste.

The graph, sound and everything related to techncial is the best in the market now.

The multiplayer is really great with match that can be done in 15 minutes even less (similar to CoD) but with the usual weight of the KZ (I loved but I understand some people prefer fighting in skates like in CoD). The only point is that the multiplayer should have better short term/long term rewards for casual people

But for me is a clear 10/10, good review

CrossingEden3800d ago

Killzone shadow fall is the best story that you've ever played? Um, sorry but you REALLY need to play more video games if something as poorly done as this game's story is your idea of the best story you've played.

edgeofsins3800d ago

And you think 343 changing art style in Halo is because of a firmware upgrade and think that nano technology can sprout thrusters out of a suit and provide fuel. They don't explain any of it for a reason. It wasn't changed because of a firmware upgrade it was changed because they felt like it and they like it that way.

Master Chiefs suit has nano bots for automatic repair of both the suit and the user. That is it. A few cosmetic differences can be okay.

You have 1 bubble. Next time you PM someone and try to argue don't block them after leaving a very loose regurgitated argument.

Benchm4rk3797d ago


Master chiefs armor is the Mjolnir mark VI varient. Only the Mark VII had the nano bots for repair to the suit and user

Show all comments (20)

Killzone After a Decade in Hibernation

It's been 10 years since Killzone: Shadow Fall arrived for PlayStation 4 early adopters, and there's no sign of another sequel.

Obscure_Observer199d ago

Sadly it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer.

Vengeance1138199d ago

lmao sadly? Are you pretending to have actually played the series lol Sorry bud, no Killzone on Xbox.

Cacabunga198d ago

With the downfall of COD and BF, Killzone def. has a chance to make a groundbreaking comeback

198d ago
Notellin198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

What a low-functioning reply here typical of the fanboy N4G community.

Rimeskeem198d ago


I think it’s called moving on.

Barlos198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

They brought out 4 main games and 2 spin offs: one on PSP and one on Vita. That's a decent run for any series. I also understand that Shadow Fall wasn't a success commercially despite it coming out at PS4 launch, and as a big Killzone fan even I couldn't get into it, so I think Sony/Guerrilla could see it was time to move on.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love another Killzone game in the vein of KZ2 but it's just not happening. Hell, I'd even take a remake or remaster of the first 3 games.

I'd hardly say it was "dumped" though, it spanned 3 console generations and 2 handheld generations.

1Victor198d ago

@obscured:”Sadly it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer”

Happily it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer( edited to reflect the writer true feelings and allegiance)
Kill zone was a FPS far ahead of its glitched competitors with nauseating bad camera angles, 10 years old screaming curses like a drunk sailor and bot aiming assist.

ChasterMies198d ago


The Horizon games were among the best games of all time. Killzone Shadowfail wasn’t.

Shane Kim197d ago

True, but damn the memories of KZ2 multiplayer. Still no MP as fun as that to this date.

Mr_cheese198d ago

Dumped and shelved are two different things

Tacoboto198d ago

And Sony as a whole dumped the FPS genre so they wouldn't have products competing with COD and (until purchase) Destiny.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 197d ago
GoodGuy09199d ago

I loved the KZ2+3 campaigns and MP in 2. There could be so much more done with the franchise. Horizon although good, I wish they'd go back to this wonderful IP. Take a break from Horizon please.

Flawlessmic198d ago

Agreed dude, I would absolutely love a reboot of the series, one can only hope that either resistance or killzone makes a return.

Have nothing but great memories, especially of the first 3 games, but all 4 were show stoppers graphically.

blackbeld198d ago

To making it a successful reboot they have to change that buttons layout! Make it playable like the cod button layout. Otherwise I’ll skipping it again.

Rynxie198d ago

And that's the reason why many fps games failed. Instead of being original and catering to it's fans, they tried to make it like cod. No, kz doesn't need cod button layout. It needs to be like it was on kz2 or balanced liked kz3.

Lightning77198d ago

I think Kill Zone would do great in Sony's LS push. As well as MAG reboot and bring back Resistance into LS.

Sharky231197d ago


I think WarHawk would have been a great Live service game.

thorstein198d ago

Killzone games were so polished. The gameplay was just simple joy. MP was one of the best experiences.

I remember KZ3, just staring at how awesome they animated the water and then getting wasted because of it.

P_Bomb198d ago

It’s been a decade? Now I’m sad.

LiViNgLeGaCY197d ago

I hear ya bud. We're due for a revival.

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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

Read Full Story >>
SullysCigar389d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor389d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar389d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg388d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149388d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138389d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim389d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC389d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.

So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138389d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle389d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76389d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 389d ago
REDGUM388d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730389d ago (Edited 389d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger388d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca389d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy389d ago (Edited 389d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal389d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright389d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

Show all comments (47)

Guerrilla Announces Shutdown of Servers for Killzone: Shadow Fall and More

In August, online servers for several PlayStation games will shut down, leaving their multiplayer functions unplayable.

purple101680d ago

whrere on earth is the next killzone, im soooOOO thirsty for some proper weighted, (but still fast when running/sprinting) fps gamplay, it felt sooso so good on ps3, with that, lets be honest, very small, quite uncomfortable sixaxis dualshock controller, that was just too small for western sized hands, ok for japanese kids i suppose was the point>??

now with PS5 controller, it would be totally masterfull.

ClayRules2012680d ago

I hear you. I want some NEW Killzone, especially on PS5, with the PS5 DualSense controller with that ever so impressive DualSense of an experience Haptic feedback!

Knowing how far Guerrilla has come since Horizon: Zero Dawn, Killzone can only benefit greatly from their ever growing talent!!

Bobertt679d ago

I think Sony has given up on their exclusive shooters. They haven't released a remaster for the Resistance series or a new SOCOM game either. I don't think Guerilla is in a rush to make Killzone since they have Horizon now too :(.

680d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box679d ago

All I want is for them to build Killzone 2 with multiplayer included from the ground up, keep the gameplay the same, and I'll be happy.

GG with KZ3 and Shafowfall haven't been able to match KZ2 so I don't really have faith in another sequel.

Unfortunate that KZ2 came out during COD era where every game that didn't pay like Modern Warfare was deemed garbage. KZ2's multiplayer is definitely an all time great.

Michiel1989679d ago

since when was kz2 deemed garbage?

MizHDTV679d ago

Right on dude
KZ2 was just a special game to me

sinspirit679d ago

I'd love KZ2 multiplayer again. I also think they could easily incorporate a mode to compete with Battlefield style game modes

Seraphim679d ago

KZ2 was one of maybe a handful of games I actually put time into online. What a blast!! And the campaign was excellent as well. I certainly miss that dark world. Still ashamed I never buttoned up that Platinum.

Storm23679d ago

A remake of Killzone 2 with the same grittiness and feel on PS5 would be f*cking incredible. The SP and MP were just perfect. I played the sh*t out of that game. Would happily pay a lot of money for that.

DarXyde679d ago

Honestly, I don't like FPS games. They're not for me, but I do agree that there was something about KZ2 multiplayer that even someone like me enjoyed.

Sony really needs to get better about tearing down servers. I don't like that they shut them down.

shadowT679d ago

agree, KZ2 was a masterpiece

Muigi679d ago

KZ3 multiplayer was better imo.

Outside_ofthe_Box679d ago (Edited 679d ago )

"since when was kz2 deemed garbage?"

As with anything, things don't get the appreciation it deserves until way after it's release.

KZ2 got a lot of flak for it's weighty controls that many mistook for input lag. People didn't like that it wasn't a twitch shooter like CoD. You also had people saying things like "it feels like you're controlling a midget", "enemies take too long to die" (you can't pray and spray in kz2. You have to shoot in bursts for your shots to be more accurate), people complained about the sniping, etc.

This led to a lot of changes in KZ3 that turned the vets off like reducing the amount of variables for bullet damage, getting rid of spawn grenades, etc.



I don't think there's much Sony or any other company in that position can do much different about it... Keeping servers running simply cost money, these gomes don't generate none anymore, so eventually they need to pull the plug.

Astrokis679d ago

KZ2 was definitely better then KZ3, but the third one still had strong suits. It’s been many years but I remember something about Shadow Fall being made by a team at GG that did NOT do KZ2 and KZ3 multiplayer which is why it felt different. I remember when I found that out it made a lot of sense about Shadow Falls multiplayer feeling so off.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 679d ago
elazz679d ago

Horizon zero dawn sold more copies than all of the killzone franchise combined including spin offs on handheld. I guess that's the reason why won't see killzone from guerilla soon. There is at least one more mainline horizon coming out and their second team is working on horizon VR I believe. So it's gonna be a while unless another studio takes over.

Profchaos679d ago

I've been playing a lot of Killzone 2 on rpcs3 with a duelsense combined with the ability to remap controls to a modern standard and bump the game to 60fps it shows that we really need a remaster to probably the best killzone game to date although shadowfall technically beats it in the graphics department art style was so different that they are incomparable

MizHDTV679d ago

I’d be happy with a release of KZ2

John_McClane679d ago

Killzone went to the same place as Socom and Mag, more money in 25 hour single player games with no servers to maintain. Socom was literally the reason I bought a PS2, Resistance FOM the reason I bought a PS3, all gone now.

senorfartcushion679d ago (Edited 679d ago )

Killzone has never been weighted correctly, the jumping never worked.

A new properly-weighted shooter in the Killzone series would be great. More like Killzone 1 and 2 than SF.

I think the issue comes from the fact that the Helghast side is sympathetic while looking like Nazi stormtroopers. The Trump age has led artists to avoid this look entirely.

ironmonkey679d ago

I feel something may be announced soon

ManMarmalade679d ago (Edited 679d ago )

The sixaxis felt fine in my hands since they're small, but the ps5 really made me feel the difference. So ergonomic.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 679d ago
Gardenia679d ago

Killzone 2 was/is so good and it still looks good today. The multiplayer was fun as well. If they make a new Killzone I hope it is the style of Killzone 2.

Hauntedasylum8679d ago

I wish Sony didn’t abandon Resistance and Killzone. Those are some of my favorite series on PlayStation. If they’re not gonna make anymore, then maybe a remastered collection of each could be negotiated.

DefenderOfDoom2679d ago

KILLZONE 2 was my reason for buying a PS3. If a new KILLZONE or RESISTANCE was coming out in 22 I would try to buy a PS5 immediately.

Lightning77679d ago

SSOD2 would be big for Sony. The only reason they would be interested in it is if they can turn it into a live service game.

In which I can see that happening.

Hauntedasylum8679d ago

Hell yeah, brother. You and me both.

VanDamme679d ago

For anyone trying to understand @Lightning77’s comment, they had a typo, this should clarify:

Superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial, also known as manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase, is an enzyme which in humans is encoded by the SOD2 gene on chromosome 6.

Profchaos679d ago

After 5 killzone games including portable Sony felt it needed a break I wouldn't say its abandoned however I believe we may randomly get a ps5 remaster with improved lighting to test the waters and eventually a full blown new game after all you can't just leave shadowfall on that ending

SeTTriP679d ago

Horizon is priority now its a mega franchise for them maybe after Horizon they might revisit.

Imalwaysright679d ago

I refuse to play for online play but there is one game that would make pay for it and that's Resistance Fall of Man. That's the only game that would make me throw my principles out of the window without feeling ashamed of myself.

jBlakeeper679d ago

Remember in the mid 2000’s when nearly every developer started to do FPS or linear third person? Now nearly every developer wants to do open world exclusively because it’s the easiest type of game to leave things out and then expand upon the world with DLC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 679d ago
deleted679d ago

So many fond memories of both Shadowfall and Mercenaries Vita online! Shadowfall's SP may have been weak, but the MP was still a ton of fun. I had a lot of time in both, and it's especially tough seeing the Vita's best mp experience get shut down.

RIP my old friends.

LoveSpuds679d ago (Edited 679d ago )

In my opinion, I thought the single player games was really decent too and was treated quite harshly by the critics, but then, I think the Killzone franchise as a whole was kinda under rated by the critics. I always enjoyed the story in these games and I liked the slower, more deliberate gunplay too.

I remember getting my PS4 on day 1 and the first game I installed was Killzone Shadowfall, my workmates and I would play it for hours on end, the mode whish switched between game modes was brilliant.

P_Bomb679d ago

A world without Killzone Online. That it’s come to this…

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