N4G Admin & Community Manager .::. I read every PM, I just may not respond to every PM.


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N4G Push Notifications and You

Hello everyone.

We wanted to let you know that we are using push notifications for those who want to sign up for them via your browser.

We know people are wary to sign up for them and we understand and respect that. We will be using them to push notifications for 1 to 3 stories a day to make sure you get notified of the latest important gaming news. For example, we pushed out the latest news of Final Fantasy XVI going gold earlier today. Each news item will be manually decided and not just randomly or heat-based decided. The stories we hope to push through will also be gaming-specific, and not general industry news or opinion pieces.

We're hoping to keep you in the loop with our push notifications. If you're interested, try them out. If you're not, we're still going to be here as we always have been.

Thank you all for building the community we have and for loving games the way we do. If you have any questions, ask them below.

427d ago
jznrpg427d ago (Edited 427d ago )

It not a bad option for those that want it .

Personally I only have notifications for one email account that is for my kids school and work and that’s all I can have or I’ll miss something important (I have before and won’t allow it again) so it just isn’t for me but more options isnt a bad thing.

closed_account427d ago

This is a good take. It's not for me, but having the option for those who want it is cool.

Jin_Sakai426d ago

I use Safari on iOS so I’m out of luck. Have you guys ever considered making an App?

EvertonFC364d ago

Off topic: @christopher
How do I report to the mods about the mobile version of N4G playing sound every page I open regarding adverts even though it has am X though the mic.
I have to press it twice to stop the advert sound playing every article I read or when looking at comments.
It's so annoying.


Duck Detective: The Secret Salami Review - Quacking the Case - MonsterVine

MonsterVine: "Duck Detective is short enough to feel a bit lacking, and some of its mystery-solving gameplay could be polished into a more satisfactory experience."

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Princess Maker 2 Regeneration Delayed on PlayStation After Sony Demands Changes

Bliss Brain has announced that Princess Maker 2 Regeneration is being censored on PlayStation owing to changes demanded by Sony.

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jambola5h ago

Sony can keep their censored garbage

Snookies125h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Complete BS. I hate their recent censorship crusade. I used to back Sony pretty heavily, but I am not cool with any censoring. Let art be the art it was intended to be. I'm an adult. I promise I can handle gore, boobs, cussing and anything else thrown my way. If Sony continues down this route, I seriously doubt I'll be purchasing their next console. Hell, it took me until just recently to buy a PS5... I bought PS1-PS4 pretty much the day they launched. I just don't like the direction Sony is going lately.

VersusDMC16m ago

Apparently they are removing the 2 endings where you marry your father and your caretaker. And boob slider.

Reading that and seeing that thumbnail...do platform holders have to allow anything to be in a game?

H93m ago

Sony: Stellar Blade can have sexualized outfit it's alright, The Last of Us Part 2 can have rape that's treated as romantic
Also Sony: Wait this game is Japanese, CENSOR IT RIGHT AWAY


Command & Conquer: Legions Begins Pre-Registration

While most would prefer a new one for the PC; this is not a bad option. Level Infinite and Electronic Arts have begun pre-registration for Command & Conquer: Legions, a mobile strategy game coming to the App Store, Google Play.