
A Sneak Peek Into The PS4, Courtesy of the PS Vita

GR's DeShaun Zollicoffer writes:

Do you remember the first time you used the XMB interface? Unless you imported Sony’s failed PSX, your first time tinkering with it probably came via the PSP. The XMB would later make its way into the PS3. Well–what if the PS Vita’s operating system was a sneak peak into the PS4’s? Here are a few features that should (and in all likelihood will) make it into Sony’s next console, and a couple that should stay exclusive to the PS Vita.

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Nitrowolf24527d ago (Edited 4527d ago )

PS Vita shows promise for the next PS Home console. I only hope Sony doesn't ignore some things like they did for PSP and PS3. Like I remember when we didn't have the date and time displayed on the XMB where the PSP had it until update 2.40 or something like that.

moparful994527d ago (Edited 4527d ago )

Regardless of how imperfect sony UI's are they do something that not alot of companies can claim.. THey actually listen to the userbase and make efforts to satiate them.. Just look at how far the PSN has come all thanx to user feedback...

BrutallyBlunt4527d ago (Edited 4527d ago )

You mean like offering cross gaming chat features on the Playstation 3? That is the number one requested feature asked by the PSN community and Sony has yet filled that request or talked about why they won't be offering it.

It is true PSN has improved dramatically but let's not pretend they are any better or worse at listening.

Guwapo774527d ago

It's not that Sony didn't want to add it, it couldn't add it. Not enough free ram to make that a reality.

BrutallyBlunt4527d ago (Edited 4527d ago )

@ Guwapo77

That's fine but the point is did the people at Sony ever tell us? The person above was talking about listening, a major part of listening to the userbase is fulfilling their wishes and if those wishes can't be met then explain why not.


Can you provide any comments from an employee at Sony making an official announcement that there isn't enough RAM to do it? If so I will immediately retract my statements.

LakerGamerEnthusiast4527d ago

do you know what your saying dude? what do you mean Sony has not talked about cross game chat for ps3? they have clearly stated that the issue is not having enough ram. And IMO psn has improved ever since the first time I got to use it. and now it has become a great service with just minor things that it does not have..

Nitrowolf24527d ago

here you go, though a simple google search would have been easier

moparful994527d ago

It sounds like you are aiming your crosshairs at sony like alot of media sites... Sony has been trying for several years now to implement cross game chat but they came clean and said that no matter how much they would like to they cannot due to ram issues..

I'm sorry but they had the bravado to say "Hey we know you want it but we cant deliver because we didnt have the foresight to have enough flexible onboard ram" Lesson learned lets move on..

You can't honestly sit there and tell me that anytime a fairly damning complaint is aimed at sony they dont answer in some way...

People complain about ads being shoved down their throat on Live despite the fact it's a paid for service, and sadly it has only become more aggressive...

Or how about the absolutely ignorant "friend code" system on the wii that people have abhored for years yet it lives on...

BrutallyBlunt4527d ago


Thank you for that. Nice to see after almost 5 years they finally came clean about it.


The problem was for years Sony never said a word while customers asked about it. There were even rumours it was coming with PSN +, remember that?


Even then they still gave hope this feature was coming. It wasn't until the pre-release hype started with Vita that they finally admitted why it wasn't coming to the Playstation 3. They want to talk about it now because it's a selling feature and they know people still wanted to know if it was ever coming to the Playstation 3. They had to come clean and that is the only reason they finally talked about it. You can't market the feature on Vita without answering if it's coming to the Playstation 3.

Sony has done a remarkable job at improving PSN while keeping the core of it free to us. For that they should be commended on.

No FanS Land4527d ago

All I hope is that Sony produces the console with hardware based (os based) multitasking functions, unlike what the PS3 currently does, relying on individual games to implement custom soundtrack, screenshot etc.

blumatt4527d ago (Edited 4527d ago )

I recently wrote an article on what I thought the PS4 would be like:


In that article I explained how I thought the Vita was a sneak peek into the PS4's possible pricing and ease of development. The PS4 will hopefully be Cell-based again to capitalize on Sony's investment in the technology and to ensure full PS3-backward-compatibility. It would also make it incredibly easy for developers to move to the PS4 and make games without having to learn new technology. Increase SPU's and RAM and give it a better GPU.

The Vita has a party system and cross game chat, so it's a no-brainer that the PS4 will too.

@No FanS Land
Yeah, the PS Vita has multitasking so I'm pretty sure the PS4 will too, in some capacity. In-game music will probably also be there next time around.

Please explain your reasoning and don't just click "disagree." lol It's super childish and immature. All it takes is a couple sentences to tell me why you disagree. PM me if you want or message me via PSN (blumatt) but at least explain. I swear the agree/disagree system on this site is abused. I'm glad we got rid of the thumbs up/down system on our site at www.dlb-network.com

hazardman4527d ago

can't be from user feedback because we still don't have cross game chats or invites and we stil can't listen to any music in game. im part of the userbase and they haven't been listening to me. Im a PS+ subscriber the least you could do Sony is hook us up with that.

moparful994526d ago

@harzardman If you bothered to read our comments you would have seent that we explained why the ps3 doesnt have cross game chat, despite sony trying to bring it to us... Also the ps3 DOES have custom music in game, its optional however.. They let the developers choose whether to implement it whereas microsoft forces developers to have that feature... If you want to blame snyone for not having custom music during your favorite game just flip over the box and find the developer.. Blame them not sony....

_Aarix_4521d ago (Edited 4521d ago )

They couldve freed enought ram by removing dynamic themes and maybe removing and optimizing lauch dameons but I doubt they would want that to happend. I wouldve like the option to choose in a setting but im happy with mine.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4521d ago
MsclMexican4527d ago

Im not ready for the Next Gen.... it seems to soon

Tapioca Cold4527d ago

Dude, stfu.

Not soon enough.

Sy_Wolf4526d ago

Too soon? The 360 is 6 years old and the PS3 is 5 years old. The consoles are severely underpowered when compared to modern PCs. If anything they should have been phased out already.

WitWolfy4526d ago


A part of me agrees with you, but another side wants the current generation just to last a bit longer...Like a year or so!

ziggurcat4527d ago

i've no doubt that people will still complain about what's not in the PS4's XMB.

BrutallyBlunt4527d ago

And I have no doubt people will complain about the horsepower in the Wii-U and the XBOX Live fees if they are still around on the new XBOX. Welcome to reality where complaining is a fact of life. Just look at it this way, because of those complaints Vita has improved and implemented features people wanted on the PSP and Playstation 3.

Is it not reasonable to still want more and still want better products?

ziggurcat4527d ago

"Is it not reasonable to still want more and still want better products?"

sure, but there are reasonable ways of going about requesting that rather than crying like a whiny little baby.

SlyFoxC4526d ago

@ziggurcat seems to me that you are crying like a whiny little baby about people crying like whiny little babies......

you are on the internet dude...you should be use to this by now...and if you're not(clearly you're not)unplug the internet...problem solved

resistance1004527d ago

Going by the Vita is nice to know there's cross game chat running on it. Should mean its on the Ps4 from Day 1.

Guwapo774527d ago

You beat me to the comment but I agree 100%

andibandit4526d ago (Edited 4526d ago )

Dosnt matter, PS3 owners have argued long and hard why they dont want cross game chat. I've heard stories about how Ventrilo is easier, even heard stories about people using their cell phone instead, claiming it was just the same, LOL.
I say leave it out.

WitWolfy4526d ago

A thing some gamers dont understand is, this is the social generation, nothing beats a couple of friends playing as a team in a party chat. sure game chat serves the same purpose. But CGC just makes it more hassle free

ExCest4526d ago

I agree that Vent and a cell phone would be as easy as CGC but!

Not everyone has their pc right next to their PS3 (I do but that's besides the point) ((Some people are complete Compu-tards))

I don't and many other people don't have unlimited minutes

cell phones can't conference chat

These are good reasons why I definitely want CGC and they will put it. I mean, with the PS4's definite power, it's gotta be able to support it.

Guwapo774527d ago (Edited 4527d ago )

I know one thing PS4 will have regardless...cross game chat.

Neckbear4527d ago

Video game journalists, the paid writers and editors that don't know the difference between "peek" and "peak".

brbobcat4527d ago

hate to break it to you but a lot of these "video game journalists" and "paid writers" are actually just gamer blogs...

it's not hard to get a domain, hosting space, and start talking about games.

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Hardest PS3/PS4 Platinum Trophies

Neocrisis - Here are some of the hardest platinum trophies to get on the PS3 and PS4. These are the ones that I was able to get myself.

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IamTylerDurden12254d ago (Edited 2254d ago )

Some of the hardest platinums imo.

Orcs Must Die Uchained

Enter The Gungeon

Max Payne 3

Nuclear Throne

Super Meat Boy

bouzebbal2254d ago (Edited 2254d ago )

Velocity 2X
DJ Hero
WipEout HD
...are among the toughest and 5 plats i am most proud of

jerethdagryphon2254d ago

Kz 2 the online was a stupid requirement

Knushwood Butt2253d ago

Congrats on Velocity 2X

I got the silver for 25 perfects...

joab7772254d ago

For me, in my run, it’s Lost Planet 2 and Killzone 2 before it’s patch. But about 3 yrs ago, I stopped chasing pointless trophies that are just wasted hours.

jazzking20012253d ago

i am not a plat hunter but i will try to get them.....if they do not require a ton of work to do.

jerethdagryphon2253d ago

Out of the 90 i have gt5 and sport are probobly high on the list that and sports champions

2pacalypsenow2254d ago

MGS 5 is not a hard platinum, it's just time consuming.

How is Killzone 2 not on this list?

jazzking20012254d ago

I have never played K2, thus not on the list.

kuraki_dan2254d ago

This list is trash.... infamous took me less than 24 hours to plat and resogun only a few days.... so many much harder/actually time consuming games. Warhawk for example...

Sniperwithacause2254d ago

OMG dude! You beat me to it. As soon as I started scrolling thru comments, and didnt see Warhawk yet I was going to post it.

the worst2254d ago

Warhawk is no joke. I have a championship blade. But flying all that time in the air. I just couldn't do it

franwex2254d ago

Still working on the mgs v one. So far I’m about 130 hours in. All I need to do is collect all the damn animals, beat the target tests on mother base, do the secondary objectives on the campaign. Phew.

Gameseeker_Frampt2254d ago

Killzone 2 is super hard now that the servers shut down yesterday.

joab7772254d ago (Edited 2254d ago )

That’s is my hardest before Radec was patched. I spent 9 straight hrs fighting him on Elite. And finally got him! Lost Planet 2 is also absurd!

And Dead Space 2 was tough, going through with like 3 saves for the whole game.

And is MGS 4 harder? I haven’t played 5, but going through 4 without alerting or dying is tough.

Knushwood Butt2253d ago

Radec was patched?

I admit I gave up.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2253d ago
IamTylerDurden12254d ago

My most enjoyable platinum was 2016 R&C. Most plats get tedious towards the end but R&C was fun the entire time.

dariux322254d ago

I am working on it right now. And game is stil fun to play in challenge mode.

jazzking20012253d ago

i also got it as a plat...trophies were mostly easy...thanks to a bug i was able to get the final racing trophy

jerethdagryphon2253d ago

You dont need a bug just need to practice a bit

SonyWarrior2254d ago

Socom confrontation is the true hardest plat they made that dumb hard to ever get the plat i doubt any one in the world besides the devs got the plat

2pacalypsenow2254d ago

Oh yeah that def was the hardest trophy prob out of all the games released on the Vita,Ps3 and Ps4

DaBudSmoka2254d ago

I got the socom platinum...so yea

AKS2254d ago (Edited 2254d ago )

That's the one that people seem to notice most. Several people have commented about that when they've checked out my trophies. I was more proud of getting the Big Boss Emblem in MGS4 in terms of gaming accomplishments, but alas there were no trophies when I got it.

jazzking20012254d ago

i beat MGS4 but that was before it got trophy support. If it had when i played it, i may have it now

AKS2253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )

The Big Boss Emblem was from a "perfect" run with no kills, health items, or alerts in under 4 hours on the most difficult setting. I feel like I should have a trophy for that.

jerethdagryphon2253d ago

Demons souls was pretty easy only pure bladestone was hard

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The 10 Best Selling Gaming Consoles Of All-Time (As Of December 2017)

PS4 just earned a new rank as it continues its journey to 100 million.

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PhoenixUp2367d ago

I could’ve sworn the Genesis sold 40 million

kevnb2366d ago

i thought so too, the xbox one is probably already past 31 million as well.

badz1492366d ago

Best selling PS4 game is UC4 at 4 mil+?? WTF? It's not the best selling game on PS4 but it still sold like 10mil copies already by now.

kevnb2366d ago

ya, that uncharted 4 bundle sold like crazy.

Lime1232366d ago

I thought Uncharted 4 had better first week than Halo 5 in UK (where Xbox One is strongest, next to US), and it wasn't bundled then.


FyBy2366d ago

Wow ps4 shows its strenght. After 4 years is already in top 10. Surprise for me was og ps. I didnt knew it surpassed wii. And 62m for NES. Wow!

kevnb2366d ago (Edited 2366d ago )

sony is the only console maker that seems to be able to do really well in the entire world consistently. Xbox has troubles outside the west, Nintendo sometimes has problems in Europe, but Sony is killing it everywhere.

FyBy2366d ago

Yeah exactly! It was surprise for me, that every gen of ps is on the list. Nintendo is saved by its software and uniquenes. They have extremely well accepted first party titles.

Aceman182366d ago

PS1 didnt surpass Wii, it's just the Wii fell short of PS1 lol. Assuming we have another 2-3 yrs of the gen Sony will be only gaming company with 3 systems selling over 100 mil units. That is just inssne.

2366d ago
joab7772366d ago

Wow! Sony has 3 of the top 4 and the PS4 looks to be moving up into one of those spots. Crazy after all the issue with the PS3, it outsold the 360. And they turned it around by taking MS's lead. They focused on 1st party titles and making the gamer their top priority, like MS did for the 360s first 3-4 yrs. Then they started thinking too far ahead like their PC division.


PS4's Latest European Commercial Goes After Kids

This is interesting: a PlayStation 4 commercial targeted squarely at kids. Sony’s spent the past few years marketing the machine mostly at adults and core gamers, but it has hinted in recent interviews that it wants to widen the reach of the console as it pursues that all-important 100 million units milestone, and this is an example of that.

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C-H-E-F2475d ago (Edited 2475d ago )


andrewsquall2475d ago

I like the way PES is the hardcore footballers choice of game for the kids. Even though we all know FIFA is on their Santa lists and the never heard of PES lol.

Sir_Meowface2475d ago

Lol, totally true, I dont think ive ever seen a kid even mention PES.