
Gears of War 3 Tech Demo

TMC: Gears of War creators showed their latest upgraded to their Unreal game engine at GDC. Take a look at some footage featuring a brumak famous from the Gears of War series.

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5193d ago Replies(12)
Raf1k15193d ago

Nice water effects on the Brumak. Looks really cool.

socomnick5193d ago

I would love it if they did more with the cool destruction they showed off at GDC in 2008. That destruction on that tech demo was more impressive than that on BC2.

Chubear5193d ago

... you guys remember the uber Gears2 tech demo?.. then the final game came out looking like a spit shine version of Gears 1? .. uhm, yeah >.>

fr0sty5193d ago

there's only one issue I have with this demo... there's is hardly any light, and little to no color. such conditions could easily hide poor resolution textures, aliasing (not as many objects visible), etc.

It had some good looking vegetation, but we've seen as good in plenty of games by now, and it definitely wasn't on the level of Uncharted.

jwatt5193d ago

After seeing GOW3 and Alan Wake this demo didn't wow me but it looks very promising though. I just can't wait to see the game as a whole at E3.

Reibooi5193d ago (Edited 5193d ago )

Personally I don't think this looks all that great. Still has the plastic like look the unreal engine made famous.

There are MUCH better looking games out there both on 360 and PS3. I really don't get the fuss over the Unreal Engine. It's really showing it's age yet alot of people used it and before it was old alot of people still used it despite the fact that it was a buggy mess. I mean there was a reason gears of war online gained the nick name Glitches of War.

Harry_Manback5193d ago

I actually like the style. They need to do something different, especially after Gears 2.

Anon19745193d ago

I've always been a huge fan of the Gears series. If they can pull of this kind of thing with the in-game engine, that'd be outstanding.

captain-obvious5193d ago

low quality video
we cant judge anything with this

vhero5193d ago

Tech demo.... Well okay.. no doubt 360 fanboys will get wet over this thinking end product can be anything like this which if they do they will be lying to themselves. No console can probably do anything like that right now. Pc could probably manage it.. They used Gears so what?? This was probably running on PC.

5193d ago
Hoggy19835193d ago

are here to slate another great 360 game. I would take their opnions seriously if they ever said anything positive.

5193d ago
N4Flamers5192d ago

it didnt look bad, but i kept thinking it was going to be a tech demo. I was waiting for the brumak to knock down a tree or something and have it splinter. Oh well, guess I have to wait for the hd video.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5192d ago
iMad5193d ago (Edited 5193d ago )

Hey Sonydroids you think if you report this story the WORLD will not know about new UNREAL ENGINE updare for Gears of War 3?

you are so desperade...:)

and yeah..keep dreaming it can be possible realtime on PS3...

mrv3215193d ago

A new unreal engine wouldn't upset PS3 fanboys BECAUSE Unreal Engine is ALSO on PS3 :P

You fail.

carreirabr5193d ago

Yes, PS3 owners have the unrealist static lighting, all the (way way too) shinning surfaces, crap jumping in your face texture loading, block models and crap animations too.

TROLL EATER5193d ago

unreal engine is on ps3 too but not the new gears 3 wen its announced xclusive to 360!!!!!!!

cyborg69715193d ago

Does this new tech include online host advantage? If so I'm not interested. For a online community that touts its supposed superiority I find it funny that there is such a thing as host advantage.

Chubear5193d ago

Wow, after 2 sequels and five year span... still looks the same lol

SonySoldiers5193d ago (Edited 5193d ago )



NateNater5193d ago

So everything you see every single day is just....gray? That's you're perspective of real life? Man you should see a doctor about that.

iMad5193d ago Show
cyborg69715193d ago

Imad, I would love to live in the fantasy world your currently in. Answer me this. If the 360 that has been out a year longer than the ps3, why have they been holding back these supposed great graphics? I have the answer, it's because they can't produce them. Otherwise we would have seen them already.

Natal is a bust just like the move. Waggle is for old folks and noobs. So that's not gonna move systems.

A slim 360 obviously would be a mistake, I mean if anything they should make a bigger model with fans and make it liquid cooled so that's not gonna happen.

A new driving sim with day night driving and weather better than gt5. Once again gt5 has that. Not a biggie.

Halo best open world graphics. I doubt it. It'll be with fog all night maps and flashlights to hide the lack of good graphics like alan wake.

360 dev community pull the trigger. What 360 dev community? What do they have like 2 1st party devs. You made me LOL with that one.

Greenburg playing all of his cards. I think he's played them all back in 07. The only thing he can do now is bluff, or fluff which he is better at anyway.

avengers19785192d ago

While the video is impressive you must realize that this is cgi and not game play footage, Gears 3 probably won't be out until 2011, and I'll wait until they show gameplay footage. Standard DVD will most likely limit the game. Gears 1 was far better then Gears 2, If this video is showing gameplay then what would you expect but an hour long game, and gimped multiplayer.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5192d ago
5193d ago Replies(5)
SOAD5193d ago

This looks impressive. I wonder if Gears of War 3 will be on 360. Amidst the quotes,there is a confusion about whether it will be on this gen of consoles or next generation.

SOAD5193d ago

I have one of those faces.

tripewire5193d ago

Saw him solo a few years ago.

SOAD is better....

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anast84d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


Gears Of War 3 And Judgement Servers Are Brimming With Life Once Again

Gears of War 3 and Judgement servers have returned to their "updated" condition, adding several features, such as increased XP and more.

346d ago
346d ago
KicksnSnares346d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure345d ago (Edited 345d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


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dazzysima503d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits505d ago (Edited 505d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto504d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned504d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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