
VidZone Expanding to 11 New Countries.

EU PlayStation Blog writes - I am so excited I have almost lost bodily functions!!

You have all been screaming for these dates and we finally have everything finalized, it's felt like a lifetime but the day is finally here… You have no interest in anything I have to say apart from these dates so I'll shut up and get on with it ;)

The dates that the new VidZone Countries will be live are……….(Long X-Factor style pause)……

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WildArmed5310d ago

lol I dont know if its a system seller (really doubt it)

but I'd love it to come to US :)

I might actually proxy my ps3 to europe for Vidzone soon. Shouldnt take too much effort

whothedog5310d ago

I Don't think it's a system seller either but its a nice feature to add to the features already available. I don't think you can use Vidzone unless you have a PS3 from Europe because I tried to create a Europe account a download Vidzone and everything went fine till I tried to start Vidzone and than I got an error.

Sizzon5310d ago

For Sweden! :D I love you Sony.

hakis865291d ago

in Norway :):) Another free awesome thing from sony! My 360 is starting to collect dust now ;)


Create, follow, share, compete… VidZone just got social!

Your journey to music video Nirvana can be very rewarding but potentially just a little bit lonely. We here at VidZone think that this journey would be better shared with friends and fellow music lovers. What if you could break out and explore other people’s MyZone to discover someone else’s perfect playlist, follow a fellow Rock Lover or RnB Fan or even follow your favourite artists. Well guess what? Now you can, and a whole lot more.

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VIDZONE Update: New Patch Alert!

It’s been a little time since we have updated the application, and what better time for a spring clean than… well spring! We have been once again listening to you and subsequently tweaked, sped up, prettied and smoothed over the whole application to make you experience an even better one! We hope you like what we have done! The patch is available now so see below for to see exactly what to look out for.

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Updated VidZone Launches On PlayStation 3 Today

PushSquare: "T'is almost the season to be jolly -- and Sony's online music video streaming service, VidZone, is preparing for the holidays in style. Knowing that its best chance of getting attention is running in the background during those holiday get togethers, Sony's announced a full reboot for the service, including a snappier interface and a bunch of new features."

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