
Bungie Caught Playing Uncharted 2 Among Thieves

A couple of Bungie guys making their way through the crowed to play none other than, the Critically Acclaimed!, Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Multiplayer Demo. When asked, "How could you play a PS3 Exclusive in public?" they responded...

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The_Darkest_Red5376d ago

And they are currently thinking, "WOW I really hope people don't get the wise idea of comparing the quality of this to our latest product... This game actually has lots of content.... Strange... It all appears to be new as well... Not sure I follow the logic..."

sonarus5376d ago

I'm pretty sure every developer has played halo

5376d ago
iChaos Amongus5376d ago

lol weak attemp at flaming. All developers play other developers games, especially the good ones. Everyone plays Halo and Naughty Dog's games.

meepmoopmeep5376d ago

you're missing a few Marlbes there, Mr.

evrfighter5376d ago

ummmm...so a bunch of developers who enjoy making gaming play games

are they forbidden from playing games?

kornbeaner5376d ago

Says the angry Xbox fan who hates on everything PS3 related.

Winter47th5376d ago

Hope they learn a thing or two from playing it.

IaMs125376d ago

Ah but soon enough Bungie will be "Coping" from Sony just like everything else. lol no but seriously, thats good that they play other games, i mean, personally if i made a game, i wouldnt be playing it lol. I would want to be playing someone elses, kinda of trade off you know.

SeNiLe9115376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

I just got my first PlayStation, ever, a few days ago and played a little MGS4 (fell asleep durn one of the cut scene last night) and just got Uncharted in from Goozex today http://www.goozex.com/tradi... and liking it a little more, but Halo 3: ODST, tomorrow and the rest of this month or longer.

Nothing wrong with having a Xbox 360 and a PS3 and enjoying all games!!!

I even have a Wii, more so a paper weight but now have all 3!!!

gamesR4fun5376d ago

they make games and like em too i know it dont fly at actvision but hopefully bungies a bit cooler.

I did not murder him5376d ago

Bungie specializes in games that last, are fun and have replay value packed with features, not games that will be forgotten about after the hype dust settles.

calis5376d ago

This isn't news.

If people think developers only play their own game or their own console, I got some land to sell you.

Heck even Greenburg admitted to having a PS3.

I did not murder him5376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

Major nelson has a PS3 and Dave Jaffe has a 360 and Dave said before E3 Gears Of War 2 was his favorite game overall even though he enjoyed MGS4 just as much in ways(story).

Sad attempt by SDF of making a big deal out of this trying to bait people in starting a Pro PS3 fight.

PrimordialSoupBase5376d ago

News flash, developers aren't nearly as demented as the majority of N4G users.

Godmars2905376d ago

Dude, they've only made one game technically.

Narutone665376d ago

about a game developer playing games not made by them?

meepmoopmeep5376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

you know in iRobot when he said "i did not murder him"

basically means he lied, so are you a liar or just in denial?

Traveler5376d ago

This is a big 'so what?' moment. What's weird about one group of top developers wanting to check out what another top developer has created? I swear, fanboyism is ruining gaming. Why was an article like this even written?

shadow27975376d ago

@I did not murder him

I hope you're not insinuating that no one remembers Crash Bandicoot or Jak & Daxter, because that would be silly.

kalebgray925376d ago

bungie doing a ps3 game would be epic

Elimin85376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

you must realize they are gamers at heart... If they didn't they wouldn't be creating it... :)

beardpapa5376d ago

@ i did not murder him

You know there are some horrible PS3 fanboys and there are also some horrible 360 ones, but dude you need to stop trolling. You make xbox fans look bad, just like that Turn 10 Studios guy, who's making the company look bad with his asinine comments. We don't need fanboys and trolls influence the opinion of others on a game. Play these games and let them speak for themselves, not someone's review or someone else's ignorance.

dreamcast5376d ago

Clearly, Uncharted 2 is the superior game because of this /sarcasm

Is this really news?

vhero5376d ago

Lets be honest these guys are gamers and they would be mad to miss the opportunity. This isn't about fanboyism or marketing or anything else just a bunch of guys enjoying a great game. Wouldnt surprise me if you saw Naughty Dog devs playing Alan Wake or Mass Effect 2.

Sarcasm5376d ago

And what says they cant play other games? It's not like they're bound in contract that says "Cannot play on a competitor's console."

Heck, Aaron Greenberg supposedly has a PS3. Even though he has it just to bash on it, but oh well.

Rock Bottom5376d ago

The few days before a major gaming events, we got no real news and have to settle with these cheap articles.

Also, what's all the fuss about? they played Uncharted, so what. I remember when there was an article about Kazanuri yamachi playing Forza in E3, except, Xbox fanboys weren't so much against this kind of articles back then.

5376d ago
pixelsword5376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

...a chef eating at a restaurant, or an actor watching television.

It happens.

Get over it. :)

Odin7775376d ago

To anyone who was angered by the premise of this article, I think you need a break from the internet.

5376d ago
callahan095376d ago

The article was kind of fanboyish, but at least it's cool to see Bungie playing Uncharted 2. Bungie are a bunch of stand-up guys! I like them.

5376d ago
Blaze9295376d ago

Why is it like developers of a certain platform cant be regular gamers like the rest of us. Bungie plays Uncharted, Polyphony Digital plays Forza, Kojima played Gears of War, list goes on.

I dont see what is cool, shocker or anything about this. Its NORMAL

Chubear5376d ago

People actually tried to "report" this story? lol priceless.

syanara5376d ago

so somebody is supposed to care? i guess the really hardcore fanboys will but if u listen to the full moon show u would know insomniac always plays 360 games lol.

Mr Logic5376d ago

They weren't "caught" they did it in public.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing a good game when you see it.

Foliage5376d ago

I work for a developer and a group of us just got through analyzing Arkham Asylum, Assassins Creed, and Uncharted. If you want to make good games you need to understand what makes other games good.

Bungie playing Uncharted 2 means nothing more than admiration for the product, with the glowing reviews this is expected. I'd be worried if they didn't play the games from other publishers.

Look at Jaffe for example, the guy has been behind some of the best Playstation titles, he avidly plays games from every platform.

AntoineDcoolette5376d ago

David Jaffe has professed his love for Gears of War and Kojima has stated he likes Left 4 Dead and Assassin's Creed so what's the big deal? Developers of good games like to play good games and act less fanboy-ish than the masses who purchase their products.

mfwahwah5376d ago

Mr. Marbles seems to have missed the first few year's of the console war.


DaTruth5376d ago

These guys are paid to be fanboys, and still they are not fanboys!

What is your excuse!

Shame on you!

TheBand1t5376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

"Using words such as Xbots and Sony droids, or other words from the console war vocabulary, is strictly prohibited in this Zone."

Reported. SDF would fall under console war vocabulary.

GCNSean5376d ago

What is the point of this article?

Wow, what is next? Miyamoto playing a PSP Go??? Oh wait... he already did that at E3...

Developers are fans of GAMES... Maybe you fanboys should learn a thing or two from them... At the end of the day the only thing that matters are great games... not what the system name is...

Pika-pie5376d ago

Lol, so what. No doubt ND will play Halo from time to time

blackmagic5376d ago

Developers that love playing great games also make great games... weird! lol

ShadowCK5376d ago

What's wrong with that? Are they not allowed to play other games or something?

RememberThe3575376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

MS needs them more than they need MS. They can do what they want.

starchild5376d ago

This has nothing to do with whether they are independent or not. It's normal.

indysurfn5375d ago

every company does this it's there JOB HELLO! Retard alert!

+ Show (47) more repliesLast reply 5375d ago
KingKionic 5376d ago

“How could you play a PS3 Exclusive?” they responded. “We Play everything!"

"Bungie 1: Can you here me?, Bungie2 : Yeah! Sony's headsets dont break as much as ours."

Bungie just owned ms .

sunil5376d ago

its more about mutual respect amongst developers... awesome to see

infamous_275376d ago

"Bungie 1: Can you here me?, Bungie2 : Yeah! Sony's headsets dont break as much as ours."

I think that was a caption the site made up for the photo.

XKRUCI85376d ago

Yeah, that was definitely only a caption made by the site. Who the hell talks like that?

gidzilla5376d ago

"Bungie 1: Can you here me?, Bungie2 : Yeah! Sony's headsets dont break as much as ours"

People who wrote this article: Can we spell correctly?
Me: No

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SpitFireAce855376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

Thats the difference between a gamer and a fanboy.I believe Polyphony
digital makers of GT series played Forza3 at E3.Nothing wrong with
that either be a gamer not a turd.Agreed

DaTruth5376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

"They think this piece of crap racer is as good as our game" J/K

For anyone who doesn't know what J/K means; Just kidding!

i_like_ff75376d ago

Well duh. Bungie are gamers not fanboys...

Obama5376d ago

Although ODST is mediocre, I give props to Bungie being honest and truthful. Even they realize UC2 is a masterpiece.

sack person5376d ago

good for theme,they now that gaylo 3 ODST is i flopy game and they

wanted to try some real AAA GAMES.

nightelfmohawk5376d ago

Can't blame them. After finishing up working on a game getting a lot of 6s and 7s, they wanted to see what a real 10/10 SSS game was like.

Tr10wn5376d ago

Do you realize that Halo is a AAA? or you are just another fanboy that think every not made by Sony's partner suck? Halo 3 is the only Next Gen Game that sell more than 10m so unless you reviewed some games on some major gaming site like Gamespot, IGN, Gamestrailer well GTFO now lets the disagree rain ill give you my reviews for some PS3 games uncharted 1/10 killzone 2 -1/10 Little Big Planet 5/10 MGS4 10/10.

P.S. love the 3rd photo saying that "Sony's" Headphone don't break as much as theirs lol funny because the PS3 don't even come with one ugh

Developers plays each others games so they can make some new ideas i really don't understand this site... kojima was playing GoW2 in E3 and there were no article ugh.

AngryTypingGuy5376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

Every true gamer knows that you go by multiple reviews, not just one review that suits you simply because the game is on a console you don't like, which is what those above me are doing. The game is also scoring between 9 and 10 in many places too, or did you guys not happen to notice? Every Halo thus far has been AAA, and this looks to be good to, although not quite as good as Halo 1-3. The Metacritic score is at 85 right now...above "mediocre". 85 shows that while there's room for improvement, it's a good solid game. I would say the same thing for a PS3 title that gets the same score.

Which brings me to my second point. Bungie makes great games and they recognize other great games. A great game is a great game no matter which console it's for. If I eventually get a Slim, Uncharted 1&2 are both on my list, as well as MGS4 and possibly Killzone 2.

Chubear5376d ago

Ok, who's betting we see some sort of similar gameplay element taken from UC2 and put into halo:reach lol

So far we've seen halo:reach will likely have gameplay elements from UC2, KZ2 and MGS4. Watch the 360 fans blow their minds when they finally experience current gen gameplay in halo lol

BX815376d ago

@Obama. I agree. This site is full of young kids who wouldn't understand any thing other than " my 360/PS3 is the best system". It's all about gaming. If you limit your self to one system then you're not getting the full experience. Plus who really wouldn't want to a play a game like Uncharted, Mario or Gears?

AngryTypingGuy5376d ago

@BX81 - I've never heard Obama say anything even remotely positive about anything having to do with the 360. He's 100% biased toward the PS3, as are most retards on this website.

Xlll5376d ago (Edited 5376d ago )

"P.S. love the 3rd photo saying that "Sony's" Headphone don't break as much as theirs lol funny because the PS3 don't even come with one ugh "

Hes talking about the sony blue tooth headset. You know the one without wires and doesn't look like a toy headset even a telemarketer wouldn't use. Also Sony makes a lot of great headsets. Oh about PS3 not coming with one, the PS2 headsets work on PS3 along with any bluetooth or USB headset.

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Abnor_Mal1500d ago

Currently playing Drakes Fortune on crushing, next will be to replay Among Thieves, but I'm sure it still holds up today.

P_Bomb1500d ago (Edited 1500d ago )

Recently re-platinumed 1-3. Uncharted 2 aged better than I even expected. I enjoyed it more now than I did a decade ago. It’s more polished than 1, tighter than 3 and Yemen in 3 was gorgeous. Shambhala out-prettied Ubar though. 60fps w higher res’ made for a damn good rerun.

Abnor_Mal1500d ago

Question: When you say Uncharted2 aged better than expected, are you talking about the original PS3 game or the remastered collection on PS4. I ask because I think that a remastered version of the game would look and play better than the original.

I doubt that the original ran at 60 frames, how many years old is the remastered collection anyway.

I need to replay the original trilogy along with the collection, not a fan of the collection trophy of beating levels in a set time and don't think the originals required that for platinum.

P_Bomb1499d ago (Edited 1499d ago )

It’s true that the remasters have upped the resolution and given it 60fps, but the base game is the same. The art design and base textures/physics/ animations are the same yet still look contemporary. More-so than UC1 which isn’t as tight, or UC3 in some cases which I found a bit clunky in close quarters.

UC2 level design was a great evolution in bringing the verticality from the jungle into rural/urban settings while maintaining smooth animation transitions. Drake still moves better than the ginger in Star Wars Jedi. Outdoor areas are better lit.

UC2 also has more action and better pacing imo, which helps when replaying a game 10 years later. Kept me engaged.

You don’t need to time trial for platinum. They stuck the speedrun trophies in a seperate extended dlc category so have no fear.

MadLad1500d ago

I thought the originals were good, but not great. I understand that puts me in the minority here. That said, Uncharted 4 was freaking fantastic.

Profchaos1500d ago (Edited 1500d ago )

Yeah I understand the hate for 4 prior to playing it I was firmly against it and felt like 3 wrapped things up already but now after playing it I think it was the best in the franchise.

Now I look back at two and I feel like I'm playing an on the rails shooter everything is so tightly scripted including the infamous train scene you simply can't make a mistake

Rimeskeem1500d ago

I think Uncharted 2 is a lot like AC2. Both games took the idea and basically improved it in every single way.

Movefasta19931499d ago

Uc2, AC2,Halo2, Soul calibur 2, Killzone 2, Infamous 2 , Dishonored 2 and a few more. The only negative thing I have against uc2, and imo it annoyed me,are the blue apes, uncharted 1 handled the super natural far better.


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Imalwaysright1536d ago

My favorite is the building collapsing on Uncharted 2.

goldwyncq1535d ago

The entire final chapter of The Lost Legacy is the best setpiece in the series and it wasn't even mentioned.