
Rise Of The Ronin Sales Are ‘Surpassing The Nioh Series,’ Reveals Koei Tecmo

Koei Tecmo has revealed that Rise of the Ronin has gotten off to a solid start, with sales of the Team NINJA-developed PS5 already eclipsing the Nioh franchise.

Speaking in its latest financial report, the publisher revealed that “sales are surpassing the Nioh series” and noted that it has “high valuation by players.” No sales figures were divulged during the report, but clearly Rise of the Ronin is performing well just over a month since launch.

helicoptergirl39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

But I thought Rise Of The Ronin was a failure because it was an exclusive?

Gee wizz this is strange. It's outperforming the "Nioh" series in sales. I thought it was all doom and gloom on the sales front. I mean the Nioh series were considered a 'sales success' in the past. So how can this be with Ronin? /s

thorstein39d ago

I can't trust any journalist any more. And I trust the corporate press releases even less.

Eonjay39d ago

Public companies can't just lie when it comes to financial disclosure.

thorstein39d ago


Hollywood Accounting. It's done all the time and it's been happening in gaming for awhile now. It's not new.

The statement I made said I don't trust corporation's press releases.

Not about how they use loopholes to manipulate tax codes and are technically "not lying."

Cacabunga39d ago

Journalism is the most corrupt thing ever..
Mind control at its finest..

i am very glad to hear RoR is a success because Nioh sold a few millions on PS4 and PS5 combined.
I still want and hope to see Nioh3.

Team Ninja please do not forget Dead or Alive!

CantThinkOfAUsername38d ago

Data from Circana already shows the game debuted at number 5. We shall see if it continues the momentum in the soon-to-be-released April chart.

Ra303038d ago


I get what your saying but just to be clear you don't believe "Rise Of The Ronin Sales Are ‘Surpassing The Nioh Series"?
I purchased Rise of Ronin and I'm enjoying the game but i liked Nioh and Nioh 2 much more and still play both and TBH I was hoping Rise of Robin was off on sales in hopes it would push Team Ninja to work on
Nioh 3 asap. Now I concede that's very selfish but I'm a fan what can I say and if you're a Souls game fan and have not played Nioh and Nioh 2 stop whatever your doing and purchase Nioh and jump in today. IMO I'd say Nioh is more difficult of the 2 only because in Nioh 2 you have more and better tools to plot through the game...... Nioh 3 can't come soon enough for me.

thorstein38d ago (Edited 38d ago )


No. Read the comment I replied to. That's what made me say what I said.

I believe that the game sold very well. There were articles trying to claim that it had failed. I am agreeing with the OP.

I too love the Souls games. I still own Demon's Souls PS3.

I want Rise, but I have such a backlog. NiOH, I was intrigued befits it launched and got out on Plus.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 38d ago
repsahj39d ago

Actually, both FF16 and FF7Rebirth got decent sales. 3.5M+ millions sold is great, not as high as expected but still high. Haters really just want to look like they failed because it's exclusive to PS5.

ravens5239d ago Show
Swervecity39d ago

I swear people on this site live in the smallest bubble. I've been doing this gaming thing for over 20 years. I'm almost 40. I've never once in my life heard a single person hate on one console or another. I've known plenty of people have preferences, sure. But never ever hate on it, or wish for a game to fail because it was an exclusive. That is just not reality. The only place that is reality is a few websites in forums on the internet. I guess if arguing and pledging allegiance to an electronic brand helps you pass the time, then so be it. But in the real world most people just want to play fun games.

anast38d ago (Edited 38d ago )


I wouldn't take this stuff that seriously. Hating on things and picking sides is fun. It's not the truth of a person and if it is that person might need more help than we can muster on a forum.

39d ago
Ironmike39d ago

Gee whiz lol games sold well of word of mouth it really is good

anast38d ago

They say all sorts of things.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 38d ago
purple10139d ago

In related news:

“Koei Tecmo To Launch New AAA Studio To Develop Console Titles”

So yeh did ok I suppose!

robtion38d ago

Hopefully single player titles.

phoenixwing39d ago

I bought rise of ronin over dragons dogma 2. Glad I did.

robtion38d ago

I bought both but much preferred Ronin. Great game. Would be my GOTY so far if Stellar Blade hadn't come along and just completely blown everything else away.

anast38d ago

Stellar Blade looks like insane fun.

Ironmike39d ago

Great game makes u feel like a bad ass

robtion38d ago

Yes. I love the open world Tenchu vibes. Also enjoyed the blade twin though would have liked to switch back and forth between them both throughout the game (obviously couldn't for story reasons).


Rise of the Ronin Releases Big New Update

The latest update for Rise of the Ronin brings huge changes to the game by introducing new content, adjusting the gameplay, and fixing bugs.

Read Full Story >>
ZeekQuattro18d ago

Gotta get back to this. I took a break for a while.

H916d ago

I started this yesterday, it's like Ghost of Tsushima but with a actually fun combat, I don't like the Assassin's Creed world design in both tbh

EnViiDisnuCCa16d ago

Ain't nothing like ghost of tsushima rise of the ronin is way different from ghost

H916d ago

Same open world design which is the biggest chunk of the game, the biggest difference are the combats which is great and the souls style interconnected dungeons

Elda16d ago

I just beat the game & it does remind me of Ghost Of Tsushima. It has some Ghost Of Tsushima influences, though Rise OF The Ronin is its own game.

notachance16d ago

I had a blast with it, AC style open-world with Nioh gameplay, and the combat was way easier than their past title so you can actually chill while playing it and not raging all over the open world.

Demetrius16d ago

I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game, it felt like fromsoftware made it, it would be nice if most devs knew they don't have to copy souls game for success, cause most of every game that copies them I rarely hear about those titles again and people I've talked to rarely know about em, but they know of darksouls, elden ring, can't beat the originals, not saying ronin a bad game I'm just not into souls like games I like for devs to be creative and copy less, it's so many ideas games could use nowadays

Einhander197215d ago (Edited 15d ago )

"I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game."

You can change the difficulty and make it more like a hack and slash. It doesn't need to be a stressful playthrough.

Psychonaut8516d ago

Good to see them continuing to support it, good game but definitely needed some love.


Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

Read Full Story >>
purple10118d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple10117d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO17d ago

The new update is so good...


Rise of the Ronin—A History of Music With Composer Inon Zur

CGMagazine had the opportunity to speak about the soundtrack of Rise of the Ronin, Starfield and more with composer Inon Zur.

Read Full Story >>