
Xbox is on track to knock Sony PlayStation down to third place for the first time in history

With combined Activision and Xbox revenues, Sony PlayStation may be looking at a third-place spot behind Microsoft for the first time.

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Jin_Sakai195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Sure thing windowscentral.com. We all believe your biased nonsense. Microsoft will never beat Sony or Nintendo at making great games. And that’s what matters to gamers, not revenue.

195d ago
PrinceOfAnger195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Is the order , days gone , death stranding, better than gears 5 or Quantum break ?
Is knack 2 better than Ori ? ..
Is driveclub better than Horizon 5 ?
is any killzone game better than Halo in sales and metacritic score? Nah..

"Forza M7 wins TGA award for best racing game over GT Sport."

Still no sony game got 97mc like halo

TheLordOfStuff195d ago

Days gone was great, you obviously never played it lol

But yeah, just very selective with your titles there, no God of war, spiderman or tlou for a start, that you jez??


P_Bomb195d ago

“Still no sony game got 97mc like halo”

What’s the argument here? That Uncharted 2’s 96% is suddenly dogshit 🧐?

Hofstaderman195d ago

Which Halo and how long ago was that? Because Halo in its current state is dogshit.

Rimeskeem195d ago

No MS or Sony game has beaten Soulcaliber on Dreamcast sooooo

ChasterMies195d ago

“Is the order , days gone , death stranding, better than gears 5 or Quantum break ?”

What a strange comparison. If comparing Sony studio games versus Microsoft Studio games, yes, Days Gone is better than Gear 5. And Spider-Man 2 is better than Starfield. And Horizon Forbidden West is better than Halo Infinite. Unfortunately, I can do this all day.

PapaBop195d ago

That's some serious copium.. name me one Microsoft developed game that was a genuine GOTY contender in the last decade.

Vengeance1138195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

How's Redfall working out for you kid? Hahahaha 🤣 $7B buys you Redfall. So well spent.
I guess you're living under a rock, cause Halo as a franchise is 6 feet under DEAD.

shinoff2183195d ago

Soul caliber was good if your into fighting games but how long could you seriously play that over and over. Idk I'm just not a huge fan of fighting, enjoyed mk in its early years when I was new etc

GhostScholar195d ago

Knack 2 is definitely not better than ori

GhostScholar195d ago

Days gone is one of the most underrated games of all time. It’s my favorite PlayStation exclusive. I think it’s better in every way than the last of us.

Crows90195d ago

The order not so much but the other yes...by a mile.

Knack 2 isn't a Sony focused platformer. That would be ratchet and clank...overall different games regardless. Ori is great. Stop comparing the small half ass attempts to Xbox heavy hitting attempts which barely reach.

Drive club and horizon...you'd have to ask a gamer who cares about racing games.

Killzone is overall much better than halo...maybe not the multiplayer though. Halo infinite sucks ass.

Halo...the original one was already in development by Bungie before acquisition. Halo is a Microsoft bought IP...not a Microsoft made IP.

__SteakDeck__195d ago

@PrinceofAnger You really had to go back to a game that released 22 years ago. 😂 It got a 97 Meta with only 68 reviews, I bet that it released today as a brand new game it doesn’t get that.

ThePacemaker195d ago

The order was only published by SIE, the team behind it now belong to Meta. Why being selective with titles? Why no mention of Uncharted 2? TLOU? GOW? ICO? shadow of colossus? Ghost of Tsushima?

Xbox fan girls at it again 😂. Be a gamer for once and think out of the box. A Blindfolded xbot.

Binarycode195d ago

Never been into Halo, First was ok. But same old sht different day.

GTSport spanks every Forza game end of. Forza isn't a sim. never will be, and this years version is worse.

But those top games are soo old it's comical.

Metacritic is an average, nothing more. Some sites are more xbox, some more sony, ninty.

To have fair scores all round you'd have to the exact same sites, the same reviewers and see what scores you get.


TLOU, Uncharted1,2,3,4 are better then 99% of games on that list, Then there's the quality of Spiderman, Horizon, GT, etc.

Mentioning Knack was funny though.

LBP was better then most Platform games and is up there with Mario imo.

Driveclub is a great game and has higher quality car models then most racing games today.

Angyobangyo195d ago

Halo hasn't been good since Bungie left and will never reach a 97 on MC ever again. Enjoy mediocrity under 343.

Everything you mentioned is from year ago. Please insert some current gen Xbox titles into your argument and let's see where that goes. Is Redfall better than......well the only thing it's better than is Gollum and King Kong.

jambola194d ago

"critics like my game more than yours"
Good job bud 👍

PrinceOfAnger194d ago

"Days Gone Director says that Metacritic scores matter more than sales to Sony"

X-23194d ago (Edited 194d ago )

Oh god, just stop. The amount of delusion there is just mind numbingly bad and outrageously bias.

193d ago
Iceman_Nightmare193d ago

As someone who owns an XBOX and Gaming PC, meaning I have no reason to be called a Sony fanboy. I will tell you that comment is full of SHIT.

Microsoft will never make games that are up to pair with Sony and Nintendo exclusives. And even if they have some straight up bangers, is because they are going around buying all the big multiplatform game studios.

I personally don't mind, since I get most of them on XBOX game pass.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 193d ago
Babadook7195d ago (Edited 195d ago )


And to answer the biased claim of windows central directly; how long before Microsoft passes Sony in gaming revenue when subtracting publisher purchases? 10 years maybe?

PhillyDonJawn195d ago

Idk about that. Ps fanboys bring up numbers constantly

ApocalypseShadow195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Yeah. Because those real, factual numbers are the ones that are whooping Microsoft's ass. Not those bullshit player metrics Microsoft comes up with.

9 million consumers downloading something to try isn't the same as 10 million gamers buying games.

Only thing Microsoft has beaten Sony on is lies, misleading statements and misdirects.

Your disagree won't change the facts. Microsoft has gotten their ass whooped 4 times. Microsoft has never won a game generation. But keep bullshitting.

LoLCryBabyGamers195d ago

Xbox fans praising xbox for what? they spent roughly 80 billion on studios and so far, all they produced is straight trash... they need a service to even be remotely competitive. Xbots praising them like there gonna rule the gaming marklet buuuut yet game pass doesn't grow much and console sales are meh.. But nintendo and sony continue to sell at high rates......

Chevalier195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Yeah, but, this is the equivalent of having your family buy you an expensive car you don't deserve and pretending you earned it. Except you didn't work for it.

Aloymetal195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

The green camp never disappoints, soon you'll be hearing...''Great GOTY contender games are not important, only how much money my preferred platform has in the bank''
You can't make this shit up lmao.
On a side note, it ONLY took 20+ yrs for a trillion dollar company and 80 billions to have a shot, and hope of dethroning PlayStation... Let's dream....

195d ago
MrNinosan195d ago

Xbox doesn't do more revenue and profit than Playstation.
However Microsoft does, but always did, so nothing new.

195d ago
Rocketisleague195d ago

It might not matter to gamers, but it matters to sony abd thus should matter to gamers, since in the end it affects us all.

S2Killinit195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

And they forget that the majority of Activision sales were on PlayStation.

Also: “windows central” yes we can believe those guys Im sure there is no reason they may twist numbers…

thesoftware730195d ago

Haha, so all the revenue and sales articles that you and a few other here flock to over every single week is now irrelevant?

Revenue don't matter now?

You need revenue to make good games right? That has been said many times by people on here ..now it don't matter to you?

Andrew336195d ago

Actually revenue is what people on here seem to worry about more than games. Especially the fan boys.

jambola194d ago

But xboxworld.com and Microsoftnews.org also agree 😤

Rynxie194d ago

Yeah, took Xbox (and daddy Ms) close to a hundred billion just to try and compete. That's Ms stragey. Can't innovate? Can't buyout your competition? Then monopolize the industry.

itsmebryan194d ago

Never say Never. Remember they said revenue not console sales.

What is the next great title from Playstation. TLOU2 again? How old is that game now ?

With all of Microsoft 's studios they can produce a lot of revenue. Is the new COD selling poorly ?

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 193d ago
Obscure_Observer195d ago

Xbox is already making more operating income (profit) out of revenues than Playstation according to FTC documents, now with both Bethesda and Activision, the gap will grow even bigger.

This is nothing but expected.


Sony is making the more revenue out of the big three, but at the same time seeing less profit margins.

shinoff2183195d ago

It would make sense for ms to make more money. They own more. Even before the acti deal they so desperately supposedly needed.

195d ago Replies(5)
Sephiroushin195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

you talking about profit of xbox dividion lol how cute.. if that's the case they have to break even first smh 69b, that will take a few years to break even, at least 10 years and that if the activision do not decay like everything MS touch

Miraak82 195d ago

I know right haha ...and Sony's still getting a 30% cut off those CoD sales which is where it sells most lol

killacal13195d ago

I always say that Microsoft has the reverse Midas touch, everything they touch turns to sh1t, look at Rare, do they do anything anymore? I personally love Sony because they always provided me with games I enjoy, Microsoft on the other hand just comes to try to monopolize the industry, they won't be able to BTW.

195d ago
Gamingsince1981195d ago

Azanar no one is even playing sea of thieves

195d ago
crazyCoconuts194d ago

@azanar, saying that everything Naughty Dog touches turns to sh@t really doesn't help your case

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 194d ago
Babadook7195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Microsoft combines different markets into gaming to hide how bad they are behind. Playstation is far ahead, but you knew that, didn't you?

shinoff2183195d ago

Hence the like of any actual real numbers from ms aside from hours or how many spacecraft have been boarded.

TheLordOfStuff195d ago

Yeah hate to break it to you but this was made up on twitter and already disproved 🤣

The fact you got any upvotes for it it actually wild.

derek195d ago

@obscure, that nonsense claim has been debunked countless times.

Obscure_Observer194d ago

Talk is cheap.

Bring your sources.

sparky77195d ago

Yep if anyone would be leaving gaming it would be Sony

195d ago
Gamingsince1981195d ago

It's really gonna hurt you inside when xbox is a publisher in a couple years huh, better get those excuses ready though because we all know it's coming and so does MS.

sparky77195d ago

How? Everyone will be a publisher only in about 15/20 years time, consoles won't be needed forever.

Sony better hope they get acquired before that happens because it's Game Over for them at that point.

BlaqMagiq1194d ago

Ah, yes Sony the company destroying Xbox in console sales and amount of great games is going to be leaving gaming before Xbox. You keep thinking that. Get ready for 2027 when Xbox leaves the game industry, there's gonna be a lot of crying over here. And I will be here for it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 194d ago
ChasterMies195d ago

“Xbox is already making more operating income (profit) out of revenues than Playstation”

This is also bogus. Microsoft can use profits from Windows and Office to buy game studios and then say they are an asset to Microsoft and not count the $80B cost against profits from its Xbox game division. Microsoft has been floating Xbox from the beginning, and it’s possible the Xbox division has never actually made a profit for Microsoft. To be clear, Xbox is not a separate company. It’s not a subsidiary. It’s all Microsoft and Microsoft won’t profit from the Activision and Zenimax purchases for a long time.

Melankolis195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Well yes, just as you said. Xbox will always be profitable because every spending is done by Microsoft, yet they include the revenue/profit for Xbox.
I don't know what the real financial report showed, but many people are misled by the narrration that Xbox profits 2nd largest while at the same time, buying Bethesda and Activision for almost 80b. That doesn't make any sense.

Gamingsince1981195d ago

All that money MS has and they still can't even buy a good game 🤣

195d ago
194d ago
CombatEmu194d ago

That actually makes Xbox look worse. So even with this supposed greater "profit", the Xbox brand is still doing far worse than Playstation. You're basically arguing that Microsoft is an extremely inefficient spender.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 193d ago
Einhander1972195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

It's not really in a meaningful way, Microsoft obviously already had more revenue than Sony. And if xbox actually reported it's finances properly and included the loss from buying Actvision it would be in the red for the next 20 years.

Get back to me when Microsoft is selling more consoles or selling more software.

BeHunted195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Microsoft has billions in cash for acquisitions and investment, it wouldn't make sense to include the losses. They always put money to one side.

EasilyTheBest195d ago

In the red for the next 20 years?
That's not how it works. They now own Activision, Blizzard etc. They haven't lost money by buying them. It's an asset that is still worth Billions.

Hofstaderman195d ago

Sigh. XBOX is not MS. The mother body bought Activision. Dont you think they would want those billions back? This is the final push for GamePass. If theres no growth....well 2027.....

S2Killinit195d ago

They are in the red, as in, they have not made 70 Billion in revenue during their entire time in the industry. Not profit, Revenue! Let that sink in for a second.

EasilyTheBest195d ago

Hofstaserman, well if that's the case my point is still valid. The mother body as you put it needs to make the money back not Xbox.

Hofstaderman195d ago

@EasilyTheBest no corporation keeps a non profitable division around. Not indefinitely. It appears the XBOX division has been given a deadline. MS has been known to spend billions before and pull the plug on entire divisions when they do not perform. See Zune, Nokia etc. Remember XBOX was already on the chopping block and Satya threw them a preserver. Boards do not govern a company on goodwill, they govern on profit. XBOX obtaining Activision is their last chance. Mark my words you are seeing its final years.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 195d ago
Snookies12195d ago

Income, sure. I seriously doubt they're going to be beating Sony in sales.

195d ago
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shaenoide5d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos5d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb5d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly5d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6385d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly5d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6385d ago

Read the article. Same question.