
Starfield preview – it is incredible how little you’ve actually seen | Loadout

Xbox presents an extended look at the Bethesda space RPG at Gamescom, as the Starfield preview shows off the game's opening and overwhelming scope.

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MaximusPrime_287d ago

It's incredible how overhyped this game..

4Sh0w287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

Nah, about typical in the lead up to a big release but aahhh you would never say that for a ps exclusive....but nevertheless here you are= Jelly

On topic, it's just one man's impression:

"It cannot be understated just how ambitious Starfield looks content-wise.The levels of immersion ready to be absorbed are gigantic and my brain hurts just thinking about where to start. I haven’t even begun to consider paying the rent on my Starfield houses.Whether Bethesda can pull off the seemingly impossible feat of ambition with Starfield is still the question spinning around my head, but what I can say is that the stars are aligned for greatness."

-Nothing overhyped about that, he didn't say its great because he hasn't played it BUT he is hyped about the potential he has SEEN with his own eyes, well me too, Im following all the spoiler-free Starfield news, and loving every bit of it.

287d ago Replies(2)
Flawlessmic287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

Lol the starfield salt is real.

Normally it's the xbox fanboys that exhibit this behaviour but now the Sony fanboys are at it.

All I'll say is guys, it's incredibly lame to try and downplay games from other systems just cause you can't play it.

Grow up and stop behaving like your brother just stole your toy.

Either wish is the best so gaming goes from strength to strength or if it bothers you so much that you need to downplay it at every turn, you clearly want to play it so I suggest you go buy a pc or xbox.

Do something other then behave like 3 yr olds

Lightning77286d ago

"Normally it's the xbox fanboys that exhibit this behaviour but now the Sony fanboys are at it."

Not really. Where's all the articles where they were getting salty in GoW news? Or FF16 and Horizon news? Sony fanboys always exhibit this type of behavior in all Xbox related stuff like clock work. Not sure what you've been looking at.

Other than that the rest of your post is pretty accurate.

Flawlessmic286d ago


Your not one of those people I'm talking about, your a solid xbox guy unlike a lot of the others on here.

But you know full well it goes on here from xbox fanboys just as well.

Gt7 online requirement and so called bad mtx which it really wasn't? ragnarock as dlc? SMM dlc? Ff16 performance mode 720p? I mean I could go on and on, point is they are both as bad as each other. I'm just saying the pettiness of both sides is lame AF.

Anyways, let's look forward to starfield being great and leave the others to drown in there tears 😂

InUrFoxHole286d ago


Agreed. Both sides do it. The only thing wrong with it... As consumers we should want sony, Ms and pc to be able to play this game. The brand loyalty bs is for the corporation's pockets. It's not for the consumer or dev

esherwood286d ago

You think there’s a difference between Xbox and ps fanboys lol? They’re both losers, I have zero loyalty to either since there both competing for my money. especially Xbox since I own one and now they’re doing a social credit system so I’m switching to ps after starfield

Lightning77286d ago

I don't like titles. I like PS and Xbox. You'll see me in Xbox related stuff more because there's more fanboy activity going on than there is in PS ones.

"Gt7 online requirement and so called bad mtx which it really wasn't?"

There's many articles on some of the things increasing car prices and and MTX. Being offline for long periods aa's they do maintenance. Forza is starting to share some of these bad practices but yet little backlash so Forza isn't doing much better here imo.

"ragnarock as dlc?" what about it? Nobody bashing that let alone Xbox fanboys? It hasn't been announced yet.

"SMM dlc? Ff16 performance mode 720p?" Again I don't know about any DLC being trolled.

That's on Square They were overhyping and over marketing the PS5 capabilities. When you over hype for that long only to have it dip down to 720p during combat is not a good look. In terms Xbox guys trolling of course you'll see them in there.

You're pointing out low points on PS5 of course those will bring the Xbots but on average PS articles or even praise worthy articles you won't find them there. Maybe one or 2 ppl again MAYBE. Vs a positive Xbox article the usuals flood it and ruin the those articles every single time.

It's definitely not the same.

MrDead286d ago

Why wouldn't people be upset? The worlds least played on system who's owner has added nothing to it's own platform in a generation and a half has decided to spend a combined $80billion on games that it was already getting and banning them from gamers. Why can't MS make games like every other platform holder? Why is one of the wealthiest companies in the world unable to create it's own content and decided it would be better for gaming to ban systems and gamers from entire multiplatform publishers?

I'm a PC gamer and I think this MS buying spree is the worst thing to happen to gaming. A company that has cut off one of Bethesda's biggest profitable markets and has shown no talent in running a gaming platform is the last place I want any gaming company to be. Bethesda only has PC paying full price for it's products now, before MS hit gamers with the ban hammer it had three, I can see Bethesda being shut down by MS at some point they'll just absorb the valuable ips such as Fallout, Elder Scrolls.

Dfooster285d ago

It's not hard to play it if your playstation only. All you need is a tv and play it through xbox cloud for £10 a month. I will give it a go for sure using this method but from what I have seen from the trailers I get the sense that it may become repetitive after a dozen hours or so. I really hope there is more to do than just turn up at a complex and shoot people though. This is why I loved mass effect because of the deep impactful choices you could make really affected the story, and it's a similar reasons why I am having such a good time with balders gate 3 right now.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 285d ago
Snookies12287d ago

Overhyped? Don't know where you're going to see all that. I see a lot of negativity about it. Which is funny, because no one other than people who have early copies know if it'll be good or bad. I'm cautiously optimistic about it. Never was hyped from the start, but I'm sure it'll be a decent or good game at the least. Bethesda games tend to be pretty fun, despite all their jank and bugs.

goldwyncq287d ago

It's the first new Bethesda IP in nearly three decades. I'd say the hype is more than deserved.

343_Guilty_Spark286d ago

Aweee you jealous. It’s okay. Us Xbox fans finally get a must own exclusive. Let us enjoy our time. Sony has had plenty of these high profile games.

Flawlessmic286d ago

Cant believe I'm agreeing with you for once, but I agree hahaha

Traecy286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

It's a Bethesda bought exclusive, basically a game that was originally being developed as a multiplat from a multiplat developer that MS bought . A true XB exclusive would be from XB 1st party studios that weren't originally 3rd party publishers & studios.

neutralgamer1992286d ago

This is why a PlayStation guy like me bought XSX. I really hope it’s a lot of fun. Fun is missing from so many games for the sake of realism and the whole reason for gaming as a hobby is to have fun

As far as hype is concerned I could careless because after cyberpunk I don’t get hyped for games anymore. These journalists who are overhyping now will be releasing negative articles later. That’s how the cycle goes

Get preview coverage from publishers and say most positive things

Give the game a good score

Few weeks later write an article stating negative things this way you have both sides of the coin covered

SyntheticForm286d ago

Nothing was as overhyped as the FF7 Remake with its awful, low texture visuals and modern "quests."

ModsDoBetter286d ago

Accurate or FFXVI that came and went with all the hype of a wet fart.

spicelicka286d ago

Incredible how salty you are lol

ModsDoBetter286d ago

So when God of War was overhyped or when SpiderMan 2 will inevitably be the same, will your opinion be consistent or does "overhype" only apply to non PS titles?

mjchitown286d ago

It's incredible how you haters talking about this game..

CrimsonWing69286d ago

It’s one of the big AAA games for the year… why can’t there be a lot of hype for it? Oh wait, because it’s a fanboy thing and Xbox can’t have a hyped exclusive? 🤷‍♂️

Game looks great from their last direct on it and I actually feel this will be a GotY contender, so… why can’t there be a lot of hype for it, again?

OptimusDK286d ago

And incredible how every Sony fanboy is trying their hardest to downplay it

anast286d ago

Okay, 76 down is impressive.

MaximusPrime_285d ago

Thanks for your votes. It's even/even. It's down to the game if it's lived up to its hyped, congrats. It'll be a long gap for Microsoft's next overhyped game.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 285d ago
anast287d ago

I agree. I heard it has to be played for a 150 hours before it gets fun.

OWCY286d ago

You moan its over hyped. But here you are again like clock work commenting on it. You've commented on every single starfield post since it's revel...

ModsDoBetter286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

This clown also did the same thing with Texas Chainsaw, they're just negative for the sake of being negative.

Traecy286d ago

Though you may not agree but this is a public site & folks can comment on any article as many times that they want.

anast286d ago

I'm trying to. It looks like you are getting involved too. Welcome to the party.

kindi_boy286d ago

wow how salty are you?! lol love to see it

anast286d ago

That's the spirit. We got to start somewhere.

execution17286d ago

🙄 like how the Bethesda higher ups says the world's are fully explorable but all have invisible barriers if you walk out in 1 direction for 10 or so minutes

Rocketisleague286d ago

I heard 40 mins? Not that ut makes a difference point is still the same

Soileh286d ago

It varies based on the zone/planet you're in as far as I know. E.g. in this video (warning, spoilers) it only takes 10 minutes to reach the boundary: https://youtu.be/G22mp7mwDG...
Second, per Tom Henderson (see the quote here: https://twitter.com/TWTHERE... planets have "landing spots with terrain limits" and you "can't run all the way around a planet or...run to another landing spot."

So it appears all the planets have a varying number of playable zones on them, and it's not open world on each planet, and invisible barriers must exist for all of these zones. Makes sense in the context of no land vehicles, so you're not expected to be travelling large distances on planet surfaces. This is also contrary to what Todd Howard said, which I quote "You can land and explore anywhere on the planet [referring specifically to Jemison] and it's not just this planet, it's all the planets in the system...and it's not just this system, but over 100 systems." (Source for this quote: https://twitter.com/DoWhatY... So the take away is you can land anywhere in Jemison, and anywhere on the planets in the system, and anywhere on the planets in 100 systems. But this isn't the case at all, as each planet only has a set number of landable zones and barriers.

Pretty disappointing and seems fairly deceptive if true.

Rocketisleague286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

Well, what would you expect from Mr Howard. He is the most quotable liar in gaming. Going all the way back to his marketing and BS about oblivion. You need to pay attention to the demons and videos to see the lies.

Some companies *cough* ubisoft release fake cgi trailers as gameplay. Bethesda just cuts from scene to scene to hide the reality.

'You can damage an enemies ship and board them' *skips*

Means, you click a button and you have a loading screen into the enemies ship.

Fly and land anywhere...if you consider a loading screen from space as flying and landing anywhere

Stanjara286d ago

Soileh - When they said there is a loading screen between going on and off planets I knew there are no planets at all. It's a Mass Effect model which works I guess.

gleepot286d ago

nobody in their right mind is going to be walking out in a beeline for 10+ minutes in normal gameplay, this is such a dumb thing to get up in arms about

Rockstar286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

I think the point is people are calling Todd Howard out on his BS. But I also agree, I'm not sure why people are losing their sh!t over something this minor. I assume it's mostly the FB's. I'm reserving my opinion until I give it a go. Space isn't my favorite setting but I really enjoyed TES 3,4 and 5 and the fallout series.

Soileh285d ago

That's irrelevant. Todd said it was open world and you could land anywhere. Pete Hines said you could walk across the whole planet. You cannot. We also don't know how big the zones are for each planet, it was 10 minutes in the one shown above, how do you know some planets aren't smaller than that?

Regardless of any other factors, BGS lied about the game. The first time we here that each planet has individual zones with boundaries, in a self-described open world game, is from leaks less than a week before consumers can get their hands on it. If you don't think that is malicious I don't know what to say.

ModsDoBetter286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

I heard 40...

CBaoth285d ago

c'mon man you believe that? The original EQ I could walk from end to end in 25 minutes with SOW on my druid. No way a RPG developed in 2023 will be 40. Todd Howard is the OG snake oil salesman. I'm not saying Starfield can't be good, I'm just saying to expect a game with half its promised features replete with bugs that won't get fixed until PC modders take the reigns.

roadkillers286d ago

The games not even out yet and people are trying to trash it... because its only on Xbox/PC? Grow up, anyone can play the game to decide if its worth it. Have a crap PC, get a free month of Gamepass (or pay the $15 fee) to give it a go on the cloud. It's not a game that requires fast reflexes.

Lets wait to see what the reviewers say and then get the public opinion from all sides you weebs.

Rocketisleague286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

I have a pc and might even play this. No issues with MS here. My problem is Bethesda. Bethesda being ****, not making a good game in over 10 years and cursing some great development companies such as obsidian.

They're going the way of bioware! Can you not see it??

Funny enough bioware also screwed obsidian over. Mark my words, look forward to obsidian next game in 2024. Not Bethesda and Todd's boring ****

RedDevils286d ago

Most if not every of their games are full of bugs. Without the community Game like Fallout would be dead.

jwillj2k4286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

Can’t have your cake and eat it too. Bethesda = Microsoft. Wins are celebrated as Microsoft, losses should be too.

wiz7191286d ago

@Rocket Obsidian been doing great , they released one of the best survival games I’ve recently played with Grounded ..

Rocketisleague286d ago

Yeah that's right, despite the difficulties they faced in the past they always delivered top notch rpgs. When given thr resources and Time Bethesda and old bioware have, they dominate. Ms are lucky to have them..aony dropped the ball on that one

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