
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Review - Thrill Of The Hunt | Gamespot

The adaptation of one of the scariest movies ever made becomes one of the scariest games I've ever played.

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anast300d ago

I'm keeping my eye on this. I think the game will be forgotten in a few months, but some other posters think this game is going to have a consistently high player count average over 3 months. We will see.

TGGJustin300d ago

I mean Friday the 13th still has a pretty good player count even 6 years later and despite not getting new content.

anast300d ago

It has an average of 314 players in the last 30 days. It's not good.

ModsDoBetter300d ago (Edited 300d ago )


I'm sure @anast is the person I had this exact disagreement with on another thread.

For some reason they only think F13 is played solely on Steam and a thriving community in a year's old game where support was stopped is a bad thing.

They seem to compare that to this new title and that this will be dead within weeks or months, zero logic.

This game will do just fine.

TGGJustin300d ago

@anast So you're only looking at PC? I play it all the time on PS still and I'm always finding matches and new people. Pretty sure it was in the top selling ps4 games in July too once again. It may not have 100,000 people playing but who the hell cares. Point is you can always find people to play with 6 years later and that's all that matters

XxSPIDEYxX300d ago

About time Dead by Daylight got some serious competition.

anast300d ago (Edited 300d ago )

I hope so. But keeping an average 30k like Dead is going to be hard to do with a game centered around one niche and specific IP. TCM would have sold well if they went in the single-player-survival direction, but of course it would have been way more work to come up with unique survival mechanics and so on.

LabRat300d ago

@anast it doesn't need 30k lol. As long as everyone can consistently find a match and the game is fun, it will be playable for a long time. I think you are the only person stressed with this.

anast300d ago

@ lolLabrat

Thank you for offering your quasi-phycological slant, but it is useless to the argument. Then again it does match your "lol". So, there is some consistent markers in the way you think more so than what I feel.

Once again, I am saying this game will be forgotten in a few months, which I will be correct. The argument isn't whether or not 1 or two people will enjoy it. It is that it will be a dusty ghost-town of an always online game. Yes, people can enjoy ghost towns, but more people enjoy cities.

TGGJustin300d ago

Exactly. People acting like these games need to be topping the most played charts to be relevant. All that matters is enough people are playing that you can find a match to play when you want. You can still do that on F13 so this game could go that route too if people dig it

anast300d ago


People are acting like games are cheap to make and maintain.

LabRat300d ago (Edited 300d ago )

@analst - I admit I had to look up your vocabulary, and phycology is the study of algae, so I was even more confused. Good job though on trying to sound smart.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 300d ago
PaleMoonDeath300d ago

Got mine pre-loaded on my PS5.. Finally, I only play multiplayer games like Evil Dead or DBD, so I am extra hyped for this! LETS GO!


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Hands Reveal Trailer

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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Black Tower Studios Tapped to Help With New Content and Support

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104d ago
Nicholas185Smith104d ago

Shacknews reports that Black Tower Studios is already well underway in the onboarding process for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The studio has a history of co-development with Gun Interactive, having previously worked on Friday the 13th: The Game. While it may not be the absolute best asymmetrical multiplayer game, the fact that it maintains a steady player base for nearly a third of a year is impressive.


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