
Final Fantasy XIV Announced for Xbox Series X|S; Square Enix Plans to Bring More Games to Xbox

Today Square Enix and Microsoft announced that Final Fantasy XIV is finally coming to Xbox with cross-play support with existing platforms.

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sparky77305d ago

Good guy Phil strikes again.

I bet we will be seeing FF7R, Rebirth and FF16 announced soon too.

Vengeance1138305d ago

lol keep dreaming. It makes sense for FF14 as it's online and needs players to run but single player games? Nope.

sparky77305d ago

This is coming from SE's new CEO who clearly is done with keeping games exclusive. You can laugh now, but those games and future FF games are a matter of when they come to Xbox not if they ever do.

blackblades305d ago (Edited 305d ago )

They were never exclusive, FF7R was a time exclusive so is FF16. So i wont be surprised if they did get FF7R sooner or later and FF16 maybe in 3 years or so.

Also @Sparky shut up with Good guy Phil strikes again nonesense.

Elda305d ago

Those games have been on PS forever now & most PS owners have played those games already, nothing wrong with XB finally getting those old games.

wesnytsfs304d ago

@Elda, agreed, I hope Microoft releases Starfield and Elder Scroll a few years after release when xbox owners have already played it so PS fans can enjoy them too.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 304d ago
KwietStorm_BLM305d ago

What would make you think Rebirth would be announced soon on Xbox when it's not even out on PS5? Or 16 for that matter when it's all of a month old.

sparky77305d ago

FF7R I expect soon, the others will likely come after Sony's deals have expired.

Christopher305d ago (Edited 305d ago )

***This is coming from SE's new CEO who clearly is done with keeping games exclusive.***

Which is it? Good guy Phil or Good guy new SE CEO?

Personally, this is why third-parties need to stay third-party. In the end, players win and decisions are aimed at mass market and not supporting their own hardware and platforms.

sparky77305d ago

It's both obviously, Phil for starting the conversation and the new CEO for not being Sony's lap dog anymore.

305d ago
tay8701304d ago

So it's OK for MS to buy up bethesda and abk, but somehow it's not right sony has exclusive 3rd party games? Yah that makes alot of sense

derek304d ago

Blah blah blah the new ceo blah blah blah. Only recently did square stop putting ff on Xbox because it's a console nobody wants who's player base doesn't buy games. They give the xbox community a 10 year old game and suddenly ff is great again for xbox fans, lol. I suspect all the trashing online of ff16 with suddenly die down.

wiz7191304d ago

@Tay I don’t think ppl have any issues with Sony buying studios or times exclusives .. the problem comes when Sony fans pretend that they don’t and they build up all their studios or games. At lease that the problem with me , honestly some deals needs to happen to help fund some of these games and studios that couldn’t afford it otherwise.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 304d ago
Flakegriffin305d ago

Probably after 13 years like FF XIV.

ironmonkey305d ago

Those dreams have been lasting quite a while huh?

shinoff2183305d ago

Relax sparky I think your getting ahead of yourself. My guess is ms went over there with a big ass apology for whatever they did to piss off square

Here's an idea xbox guys , buy the fking games now if they come

Gamerscore2077304d ago

It’s business, so it definitely was a check cut.

I’m interested to see whenever (if ever) titles like FF 16 will run on the Series S?

wiz7191304d ago

@Shinoff why is it the ppl assume that Xbox gamers weren’t buying their games in the first place ?? Maybe they didn’t apologize for anything .. No company is going to do a thing if money isn’t involved , so Sony making it lucrative to keep current FF games exclusive is most likely the situation. The situation is the fact Xbox has to sell more consoles to make it lucrative for square to make the effort to develop on Xbox , also given the extra work for Series S development.

neutralgamer1992305d ago

More good games for gamers


Abracadabra305d ago

Square received money from Sony... now they receive money from Microsoft.

gold_drake305d ago (Edited 305d ago )

they're exclusive.

so no. probably not

Remake maybe.

but lets be real for a sec, Phil probably pumped them with money. that doesnt mean that the games do well. the fanbase is on ps and nintendo. just what it is.

Gamerscore2077304d ago

There definitely was some money involved, it’s a business after all. We have to see how the Xbox fans are going to respond to this title.

At the end of day it’s going to come down to how much units they’re selling on Xbox platforms.

304d ago
Sonic1881304d ago

I agree unless Sony buys square Enix in the future

Gamerscore2077304d ago

I know you’re excited, but don’t jump gun here. Rebirth & FF16 will come on PC way before it comes onto the Series X|S. Also, MS forcing devs to make titles for the Series S is going to be incredibly difficult for SE, so taxing games like FF 16 may not come at all.

I think we may see FF7R (maybe), but you have to keep in mind that FF 14 is decade old online MMO. So SE, bringing this over to Xbox makes since. We may also see the original FF games come over, but who knows.

This is test for the Xbox community, SE is going to see how well the community responds to FF 14. Keep in mind that there’s a monthly subscription, on top of the asking price for this game. So it’s high possibility that may turn a lot off ppl away from the Xbox side, especially the ones that are obsessed with Gamepass.

Muigi304d ago (Edited 304d ago )

Lol PS5 has doubled the sales of Xbox this gen…again. Y’all need all the games you can get.

1Victor304d ago

@sparky:”I bet we will be seeing FF7R, Rebirth and FF16 announced soon too.”
Seriously when did you started gaming?
Square don’t care about any console they’ll jump ship faster than a rat on a sinking ship if a console is favorable to their game like they did to Nintendo for FF7 when they jumped to PS for the disk storage or for money during the 360 era and now this 🤷🏿 but yeah “ good guy Phil” get the credit for everything good and the pass for anything bad.

zekk304d ago

I'm not sure they'll be able to optimize it for the series s. And if they could who know if the cost benefit would be worth it

neomahi304d ago

Not soon, but with Xbox flashing around Microsoft's money, anything is possible at this point. Phil Spencer is tired of losing. His gaming division has been going down the toilet because Xbox are all incompetent, notice I said he's spending Microsoft's money, because Xbox on their own wouldn't have that kind of money but, you could be right at this stage. Microsoft doesn't want to lose so, they'll do whatever it takes. Within the next year? Probably not, for FF16 or Rebirth, but you could see Final Fantasy 7 Remake about 6 months after FF14.

Responders to Sparky77, you guys can't be ignorant enough to think that Xbox won't spend money at this point and money talks. The development community just watched Xbox spend $70 billion and they want a taste of that. That's what this has come to and what we're going to see from here on out. That's the precedent the world set. The FTC saw a huge amount of money spent and said: This isn't right, something needs to be done. But they presented their case as Call of Duty, which was the problem, NOT "Hey, nobody has this kind of money to go into a bidding war with Microsoft. Nintendo doesn't have $70 billion to throw down like that, that's not good for competition if you're going to lose over and over because you don't have the money, that doesn't promote competition, that leads to a monopoly because nobody else can compete. Activision wasn't even worth that, but Xbox knew neither Sony nor Nintendo could compete with Xbox's bottomless pockets. Sony couldn't have even competed with that, that's the problem, but the precedent has been set now. Everyone applauded Microsoft, whose known for being the schoolyard bully that produces defective everything but, you can't compete with bottomless pockets. Apple gave up challenging Microsoft when Jobs died so..... Here we go. Now its about who has the most money

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 304d ago
Abriael305d ago

Funnily, I am positive I was the first to ask Yoshida-san about an Xbox version of Final Fantasy XIV in an interview all the way back in 2014. Happy to see it's finally happening.
Fairly sure he's happy he has revealed it now, at least that means I'm gonna stop asking.😂

Soulsborne304d ago

Imagine trying to flex with this.... go outside.

Abriael304d ago

Imagine thinking that a fun memory is a flex. Go touch grass.

Vx_304d ago

I believe it was a problem by Microsoft because they refused cross play with other systems, but Finley the bowed down to SE demand for this to be on the Xbox.

305d ago Replies(7)
PunksOnN4G305d ago

Great now we have to deal with xbox kids port begging more for FF16 and 7R LOL. What was the saying. If you want to play the Title buy a Ps5.. If i remember from the xbox kids.

Aloymetal305d ago

Don't worry, I think 200 xbox players will be playing these games.

The3faces305d ago

Why should Xbox players have to buy a PS5 for FF16 and FF7 remake? Square Enix is a third party publisher after all.

GeeEssEff304d ago

The exact same reason I had to buy an Xbox to play Bethesda games.

Lightning77305d ago

What's wrong with Xbox gamers wanting to play Final Fantasy games?

ironmonkey305d ago

Because you'll prob get like 5 people playing it?

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a304d ago

"Xbox kids port begging"? Talk about projection. Ive never seen xbox fans start "change.org" petitions to bring sony 1st party games to xbox, like sony fanboys have done with starfield. I've also never seen xbox fans start petitions to make a developer stop developing a game because "they don't deserve it", as sony fanboys did with Hideo Kojimas new xbox exclusive. Games like FF16 and 7R aren't 1st party exclusives that sony had anything to do with developing, and never have been. They were 3rd party multiplats until Sony approached SE and did a backroom deal and paid to prevent release on other consoles. Something that ps fanboys were up in arms about when xbox signed a similar deal with SE for ROTTR timed exclusivity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 304d ago
ocelot07305d ago

Only took like 12 years lol. If only Microsoft would of just agreed to crossplay all those years ago hehe.

Magic_Spatula305d ago

I dunno why you got downvoted but that was one of the reasons why it was never on Xbox. Microsoft back then when they were market leaders didn't want crossplay between Xbox and PlayStation players. On top of that, Microsoft wanted people to pay for Xbox live while being subscribed to FFXIV too and that didn't fly with Yoshi P. He didn't want people to pay two different subscriptions just to play a game.

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