
Series S is a “Nice Option” for Customers, but Can be a “Bottleneck” for Devs – Trine 5 Developer

Frozenbyte marketing manager Kai Tuovinen believes the Xbox Series S' less powerful hardware can be an issue for

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Christopher328d ago

With all AAA devs I know, it's the one thing they hate having to work around. It just creates more unnecessary work for them when they'd rather focus more time on bugs and the like.

--Onilink--328d ago

Its not like they aren't already designing for PCs with similar or even lower end specs than the Series S for the Minimum Recommended options.
Of course its more work and they need to go around the limitations of the hardware, but they were going to do it anyway

Christopher328d ago (Edited 328d ago )

***Its not like they aren't already designing for PCs with similar or even lower end specs than the Series S for the Minimum Recommended options. ***

I mean, they still say they hate having to work around it. It's easy for you to think "Oh, it must be just like PC" but for them to point that out specifically seems to say otherwise, or at least something notable in their day-to-day job. I could go on about my guesses as to the hows and whys, but I don't do what they do, so I just accept what they say and move on. Perhaps armchair devs should do the same?

4Sh0w328d ago

Xbox fan here but I always hated the idea of the Series S, of course it's a bottleneck for devs and I knew since day 1 Microsoft should have went all in on the Series X.

"bu, bu S is more affordable next gen" Yeah, yeah but is it worth the headache?...pffft if you can't afford to go next gen, Im sorry, how about wait until you can.

--Onilink--328d ago

They were literally asked about the Series S … of course they specifically talked about it

Christopher328d ago

***They were literally asked about the Series S … of course they specifically talked about it ***

Read my first comment above again. This isn't about the article, it's about people I know.

darthv72328d ago

You know.... not to nitpick, but does a 'marketing director' really count as a "developer"? I get that they work for the developer but they [themselves] are not a developer. Maybe he was... but now he is part of the marketing team who's job it is to promote their product.

So in essence he is just sharing his opinion, and rightfully so. We all have opinions on the Series S and where it fits in the grand scheme of things.

-Foxtrot328d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if that's why it's easy on Square Enix to keep FF16 console wise on PS

The work to get around the Series S because everything has to be about parity

Imagine spending time trying to dumb your games down when you could be making it better or working on a new game altogether

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 328d ago
Stanjara328d ago

S is primary MS console. X is mid generation at the beginning of th.... I can't.

RpgSama328d ago

LOL, the sliders, you just need to hit those sliders.

JEECE328d ago

Remember when Albert Penello claimed that the Series S would outperform the PS5?


Lightning77328d ago

I remember the other engineer did the same thing defending the XB1 bottlenecks back in 2013. Not once but twice do they eat those words now lol.

Rhythmattic328d ago

The comments on that link are so truly classic fandom..... Talk about eating crow.

DarkZane327d ago

What's funny is that the PS5 outperform even the X most of the time.

1Victor328d ago

Damn lazy developers can’t slide down the light dimmer switch and blame little Microsoft for their laziness/SARCASM

GamerRN328d ago

PS5 is garbage!

I'm testing to see how long before I get flagged as inappropriate versus the original comment...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 327d ago
shadowT328d ago

Xbox should stop feature parity across the Xbox Series X and S.

darthv72328d ago

If you mean features like ray tracing and having quality / performance modes... the S certainly doesn't have those in every game where the X does.

shadowT328d ago

also gameplay features like split-screen co-op or maybe even overall multiplayer mode. Some developer already struggeling on Xbox Series S and have to delay the Series X version.

RpgSama328d ago

I mean, the X does not have that on every game neither, as Starfield proved, LOL

purple101328d ago

when street fighter 6 runs better oblast gen xbox and ps4, you know you' gon' dun' fuk'd up

babadivad328d ago

Didn't even know it released on last gen systems.

Good-Smurf327d ago

Yeah PS4 ended up have higher graphics settings in certain areas over Series S.

JEECE328d ago

Someone should tell them about scalability.

Sonic1881328d ago

This is the reason why they delayed Baldur's Gate 3

Stanjara328d ago

Baldur's Gate 3 is... anomaly (X files music)

Goosejuice328d ago

It's not though. It has to do with split screen coop. Something halo cancelled as well...a first party studio. It just dosnt work on series s like it should

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God of War Creator: "The folks at PlayStation are gonna have to have a serious conversation"

God of War creator David Jaffe is fascinated with the Xbox Games Showcase and has special advice for PlayStation as well.

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GaboonViper6h ago

Jaffe is spot on, PS has been a shambles recently, why they wasted the time and money on that God awful looking Concord amd $Fairgame is beyond me but thats this new Sony, remasters remakes and GAAS is their goal moving forward, meanwhile MS just delivered a stunner of a showcase with massive variety and SP greatness, something I EXPECT from Sony..

RpgSama3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

I mean, we do have to factor than MS spent 60+ BILLION dollars to be able to have a showcase like that.

We also need to factor that regardless of how great the show was, a large % of those games including COD and DOOM are coming out on PS5 day and date.

Still kind of incredible to think they are giving all those games day one on GP, if they do not increase yearly it is an incredible value.

CrashMania2h ago

'MS spent 60+ BILLION dollars to be able to have a showcase like that.'

Yep, this is key. It was a solid showcase no questioning that, but Sony can no longer show off any Bethesda or Activision games ever again at any of their SOP/Showcases, this is a big slice of the industry MS just bought up and slapped their logo on. This isn't excusing Sony from a sub-par SoP, but it's to add context, they should still and hopefully need to do better next time.

Most of the games shown off at the showcase are coming to playstation and will obviously generate much more revenue than on xbox consoles, this whole doomerism surrounding playstation is ridiculous following just one good showcase from MS in like, what, several years, more? PS5 first half of the year so far has blown Xbox out of the water with Rebirth, Ronin, Steller Blade and the super popular Helldivers 2. PS5 will continue to sell strongly, not sure about Series especially after the ridiculous price point of the new SKU.

Stanlittle2h ago

Woah $60 billion if they tossed in another $40 Billion they could have just bought SONY

4Sh0w2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

lol, this was an interesting exchange

Aren't all these games going multiplatform?

David Jaffe:
Not all but many and even if they all are, the point is actually stronger: IMO, you put out great games and charge people 70 bucks/SINGLE game or 15 bucks for HUNDREDS of games (including the ones they showed) then GAMEPASS is going to soar.

-It was M$ best show in a long time, seemed like more games I want to play, instead of all the "we love everyone" talk, Indies, filler etc, while lacking actual AAA gameplay= No, Just show us great games, not concepts, and they did just that. B+ imo, would've been an A if they had more hard release dates, add another Gears level reveal and it would've been an A+.

wiz71917m ago

@rpGSama LOL all the games that made a big splash were xbox exclusives and theyre not going to PS5 ..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7m ago
Crows903h ago

I guess you could say he is spot on if you cant critically think for yourself.

First of all there is an audience for live service and multiplayer...everyone kept saying how Sony doesnt cater to that audience unlike MS with games like Halo and now they release multiplayer titles and everyone is bitching.

Secondly Concord looks like a typical hero shooter fps title and in that regard it doesnt look like crap and Fairgame has not been shown but if it is anything like payday I would say there is an audience for that as well. If Sony can launch another 2 succesful live service games like helldivers 2 then I can understand that push. It would also compete in a very competitive landscape but Helldivers2 managed it. We shall see with the other two.

And lastly ...yeah thats it...those are their only live service games and multiplayer focused titles they got in the works...everything else is single player oriented so nothing has changed...not to mention none of their major 1st party are really focusing on live service...once again NOTHING has changed.

As a bonus...pretty much everything people are really excited about from the showcase is releasing on playstation as well. And the games that may not release at launch will likely release later on. Perfect Dark, Fable and Avowed are the only really interesting titles they have and 2 of them have unknown release dates and have not been shown in a way where we can confidently say how they will play.

Until Sony has an actual showcase Id say it is best to mind yourself with loose speech.

3h ago
shinoff21832h ago


Sony went over board with the sht though. Also bot everyone was saying it. I was thinking good. We don't need that sht.

3h ago
shinoff21832h ago

That new sony(Jim ryan) was likely fired cause they weren't feeling it either.

Jaffe has had a hard on for Sony for quite some time let's be honest.

Also far as Sony remastering, remaking, pretty sure Xbox did and would be doing the same thing if they actually had something from the Xbox one Era worth it.

Tacoboto2h ago

Sony's certainly beating them to the punch on selling upgrades to and remaking games from a generation still getting new games.

Gosh I hope the Zero Dawn Remake is a fake rumor.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7m ago
Friendlygamer3h ago

This guy is irrelevant and has been for years

S2Killinit3h ago

Yep, he has been mad that he is no longer a major player in gaming industry.

Elda3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Every generation PS always has the best AAA 1st,2nd & 3rd party exclusive games, in that regard I know PS has something great cooking in the kitchen for the near future but after the 2024 XB great E3 style showcase it's really time for PS to stop being so secretive & show PS owners what they are looking forward to when it comes to first-party exclusives. I've seen many disappointing XB showcases but this year for the first time in a long time XB brought it to the table. After 2018 E3 Sony just doesn't reveal their first party offerings like they used to & hopefully Sony/PS starts to listen to the feedback & bring PS owners a great showcase.

Goodguy012h ago

It's been an odd couple of years. I do hope we see it pick up next year, sooner or later. 4 years and there simply just haven't really been much games that make most want to upgrade their ps4 to the 5.

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Is Xbox Going Multi-Platform The Right Decision For The Console Market?

Shahmeer from eXputer: "The new Xbox strategy to go multi-platform could eventually change console gaming as we know it, and I am concerned."

Bathyj1d 16h ago

Can we stop pretending that Xbox has any great influence over the console market?

All they can do is try and steer their own Destiny. They have very little to do with what the other players in the console market are doing.

And yes, going 3rd party is pretty much their only option and is good for them.

RaidenBlack1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

Still whatever little direct competition they're offering against Sony ... that'd be gone, which is never good for consumers.
I know Sony will continue to apease the gamers but without any proper competition in same space, they might not work at the fullest efficiency.
(Taking into account, thats generally been agreed here, that Nintendo has long been not the direct competitor to either MS or Sony)

xHeavYx1d 12h ago

The " without any proper competition in same space, they (Sony) might not work at the fullest efficiency" narrative has been proven false for years. Let's stop pretending that, in terms of games, Xbox has been any competition to Playstation.

fsfsxii1d 11h ago

Sony had 0 competition for most of its playstation business, and they still succeeded, the only thing xbox introduced was paid online and dlc

maniacmayhem1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

Sony had little to no competition during the PS2 era and they have an iconic catalog.

I don't think Sony needs competition in the console space to still release great games. It would be the games that would be competing against each other.

Einhander19721d 10h ago

Xbox does not need to exist for PlayStation to have competition.

They compete with Nintendo, PC, streaming and countless other devices.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 10h ago
neutralgamer19921d 10h ago

Yes release games on other platforms

Your own gamers still get the games day one on GP. So GP will grow and stay stabilize

By releasing the games on PC,PlayStation and next switch they can get $70 for their games.

MS didn't invest 100 billion for nothing. This way Xbox generates way more revenue

GhostScholar1d 2h ago

And Sony is doing the same thing whether you want to admit it or not.

anast1d 15h ago

The show was like a sub-show for Sony. All these games are coming to PS5.

1d 15h ago
outsider16241d 14h ago

You gotta admit though..xbox showcase was actually really great.

RpgSama1d 14h ago

I mean, yes, it was an Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda presentation, they just so happened to buy all of those publishers, nothing we would not have seen on any other award show if they had not bought developers that were and STILL are developing multiplatform games.

If you remove them you are left with Microsoft game studios, another Fable, Another Gears, Perfect Dark which for me didn't look all that great, Avowed, Age of mythology and south of midnight (might be missing something I guess)

anast1d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

No better than any other show. There weren't any major new announcements, which is what everyone has been complaining about. The bar shouldn't get lowered for a trillion dollar company.

crazyCoconuts1d 13h ago

"another Fable, another Gears, Perfect Dark"?
That's a lot of pretty great "anothers".
I could use a few of those "anothers" from Sony right now.

helicoptergirl1d 12h ago

Yes it was a really great showcase that Xbox had. Multiplats and all. Overall it was really cool

Terry_B1d 11h ago

for pc and playstation..yes it was. Not a single reason was given to buy an xbox.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 11h ago
thesoftware7301d 13h ago


"All these games are coming to PS5."

Very disingenuous statement... Some, but not all.

Oh, so that is the new narrative, "sub-show for Sony." lol, wow.

The sad part is that you are clearly and fully aware that it is very unlikely for any 1hr and 30min gaming presentation show to showcase ALL Exclusives, it just doesn't happen.

And don't you think it sad that MS had a better Sony showing than Sony? If I were you, I wouldn't consider that a flex, lol.?

anast1d 10h ago

They are coming to PS5, the ones that matter of course.

There is nothing sad here. You might need to start your argument without an emotive.

I don't think they had a better showing. Unless we lower the bar for only Xbox.

crazyCoconuts1d 13h ago

None of us really know how much they're going third party. They're still ACTING like they want to protect the platform - no mention of PS5 in their show, still marketing the console, still using the Xbox logo.
Yeah Phil acknowledged more is coming to PS5. But is that Indiana Jones? Perfect Dark? Gears?
If they keep those key properties in their stable it's not accurate to label them as simply 3rd party.
They may very well still be in the game after all...

anast1d 10h ago


Sony did the same in their last. They showed games that were already announced.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 10h ago
Giga_Gaia1d 15h ago

We need to stop pretending like Xbox matters and has any influence in the industry.

By entering the industry, Microsoft made it worst, everything bad in the industry can be tied to them (like paid online and DLCs). The industry would be better off if they had never been in it.

Before you say Sony would have no competition, they would still have PC and Nintendo. As they are right now, Microsoft are not competition, they don't actually matter.

crazyCoconuts1d 13h ago

I think you're mostly right. They've been failing on console and will most likely drop out.
But the concern a lot of us had was that they would use their $ to win monopolistically. They've already bought a huge number of big studios. Going multi-platform would alleviate that concern.
But they could still turn the screws, this game isn't over quite yet... They're sending mixed signals.

CrimsonWing691d 15h ago

I think in Xbox’s direness it is, but let’s not pretend like they don’t understand the value of exclusiveness to their platform. Not every damn Xbox game is coming to PS5 and the stuff that has hit have either been GaaS games or games that didn’t exactly sell gamgbusters and are extremely niche.

When Halo, Gears, Forza, Perfect Dark, Fable, etc. start coming to PS5 then that’s pretty massive and also diminishes any reason to own an Xbox.

LucasRuinedChildhood1d 15h ago

Doom isn't niche. It was heavily implied that all Bethesda games, outside of games with contractual agreements and the existing multiplayer games, would all be exclusive to Xbox.

CrimsonWing691d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

Ok, sorry, Doom is the exception.

My point is Xbox is still keeping exclusives for their bigger games. What’s been released are GaaS: Sea of Thieves, Grounded aka Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and then niche stuff like Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush. Then you got Doom coming out, which is an outlier, I suppose.

crazyCoconuts1d 13h ago

It's not niche but it's not everything.
MS has got a HUGE cache of IP and studios now

Scissorman1d 15h ago

It's the only decision. Hardware sales are on a sharp decline and Game Pass growth has stagnated.

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Phil Spencer Confirms More Xbox Games Will Come To Other Platforms

Phil Spencer confirms that more Xbox games will be available on new platforms during a new interview after Xbox Showcase.

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shadowT1d 21h ago

Starfield, Hellblade 2 and Halo...

Cacabunga1d 18h ago

Perfect Dark and Gears and the game with the girl and the huge croc

Eonjay1d 17h ago (Edited 1d 17h ago )

That last article where everyone is having a baby over a showcase is ridiculous because the Xbox showcase was really a multiplat showcase...

MrBaskerville1d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )


I think people are just happy that they gave us something to be excited about. It being multiplatform stuff makes it even easier to rejoice as everyone gets to enjoy it. This show was really what Summerfest should have been, just with less of an xbox focus obviously.

These shows are fun to watch because we get to be excited about new games.

With that said, I imagine Perfect Dark, South of Midnight and perhaps state of decay 1-3 would be possible candidates for ps5. Doom might also be a given. They didn't really try to hammer home its exclusivity.

Eonjay1d 15h ago


Totally agree. I did enjoy SGF though unlike the majority. My personal taste is more eclectic than most. I found stuff at each show to enjoy.

Cacabunga1d 13h ago


Come on man, yes it’s multi but as a PS5 and switch owner i enjoyed the show yesterday far more than i did with State of Play.
Most announcements came from nowhere to me, and MGS was a massive surprise to finally see some gameplay.
I’m excited to play some of the games on PS5 one day!

Like i said earlier credit where credit is due.

CobraKai1d 11h ago

That’s something i have to get used to. I have to see it more like when Ubisoft does their showcase vs Days of Play or Nintendo Direct.

I wished some of these games stayed exclusive. Make it seem like my Series X was a more worthwhile purchase. I use it more for backwards compatibility now so it’s not entirely bad.

fr0sty1d 7h ago

Where y'at Obscure? https://ibb.co/qWLK4Zp

You sure have been quiet lately! https://ibb.co/Xk7Y5qj

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 7h ago
MajorLazer1d 16h ago

Elder Scrolls 6 for PS5, please. Also I'd like the Forza franchise, I owned all four of the OG motorsport titles and FM4 is still one of, if not my favourite racing game ever.

VenomUK1d 6h ago

NO. This can’t be true. The Xbox influencers on X/Twitter & YouTube who got angry at Phil Spencer then forgave him, guaranteed no other Microsoft games would come to PS5.


ocelot071d 3h ago


I have seen that colteastwood on x. If you look ul embarrassment in the dictionary a picture of him as a example would be there.

I think people deservidly give obscure a bashing on here. But Colteastwood makes Obscure look like a PS5 cultist haha.

RaiderNation1d 16h ago

The two Ori games as well. I have a feeling those will get announced too.

RaidenBlack1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Why forget Sunset Overdrive?
Also there are older titles like Dead Rising 3 and Ryse Son of Rome.

gigoran81d 14h ago

they can keep their starfield. yawn

RaidenBlack1d 6h ago

Single-player Bethesda games usually gets better over time with future patches and DLCs

just_looken1d 3h ago

Why not xbox is the new sega a direction they should go towards.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 3h ago
italiangamer1d 20h ago

Satya Nadella wants that PlayStation's money, Phil Spinster now is as relevant as MySpace

purple1011d 19h ago

Phil Spencer (February 15th 2024):

"Looking forward so 4 games no promise beyond that, so if you're on those other platforms and you see these four games coming please don't take it as some signal that everything is coming, it's not."

Phill Spencer (June 9th 2024)

'Our commitment to our Xbox customers is you're going to get the opportunity to buy or subscribe to the game, we're going to support the game on other screens. And you are going to see more of our games on more platforms and we just see that as benefit that the franchises we're building and we see that from players and the players love to be able to play'

Jingsing1d 19h ago

I won't be buying any Xbox games anyway, Not going to subsidize their vision of changing gaming industry into streaming everything via a netflix subscription and they are the only choice. Remember when it comes to Microsoft "It's us or no one" You can't complain after they have taken over either.

Shane Kim1d 18h ago

Especially when they "give" it to Xbox users and expect playstation users to pay full price for it. Like second class citizens.

Ironmike1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

U won't be missed

Einhander19721d 7h ago


He will be missed, if he wasn't going to be missed Microsoft wouldn't be putting the games on PlayStation.

Make up your mind xbox guys, do you want to brag about Sea of Thieves success on PlayStation or do you want to cry about all your games going to PlayStation?

neomahi1d 18h ago

So, the benefit of having an Xbox is the option of a subscription service that's more like a buffet and not a deluxe plate. By staying loyal to Xbox means day 1 "free" games of your choice. Xbox is a service.

If rumors are true Xbox is going the 3DO route, Xbox is basically a PC. I mean, since PlayStation caved and started using off the shelf parts to "make it easier on developers", which is a croc as were how far into this console generation and the only devs to really support PS5, kind of, is Insomniac, San Diego, and Santa Monica and we've seen nothing from other devs. PS4 was supposed to be easier so PS5 would be even easier, right? But what've we really seen from Sony first party when it comes to PS5 games? Nothing, they're all still possible on PS4. Xbox? Same thing. Hi-Fi Rush was possible on at least Xbox One X (another lie from Xbox with No one gets left behind). Wow

MrBaskerville1d 15h ago

The original comment still stands, as long as they withold one or two series of games on xbox. Most could come but that still wouldn't mean that you could expect every game to arrive.

I suspect they want people to speculate, because then you don't know whether you should wait for a ps5 port or buy an xbox. Every game is Schroedingers exclusive.

Eonjay1d 15h ago

The interpretation of his first comment is not to expect more than these 4 games. The interpretation of the second comment is not to expect any game to be exclusive to Xbox.

His communication is all over the place. The fact that we can't decipher what he means is what people are complaing about. He should simply say, games are coming to PlayStation but we don't have a set policy that applies to all titles. Sometimes less is more.

Crows901d 15h ago

Well seeing as most Xbox games aren't worth it then it's probably fine

ChasterMies1d 11h ago

You can go back further to last year’s Kinda Funny interview with Phil. Microsoft has been slowly getting the Xbox user base ready for this. It’s like the parable about putting a frog into a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat. We will be at boiling when Halo comes to PlayStation.

gold_drake1d 11h ago

thats what i mean when i say hes a big bullshitter, girl doesnt rly know what hes talking about.

Yang_kai1d 1h ago

@purple lol that was a nice 720 doughnut, spin around for a month only to turn his back after the heat died down a bit

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 1h ago
-Foxtrot1d 19h ago

There’s this small part of me which wants to think that the reason for Sony being so calm lately, especially after Microsoft’s showcase, is because they know this themselves, and they could know more than what’s being said publicly.

neomahi1d 18h ago

But, Lego Horizon is on the Switch. Why is Nintendo the only comfortable one here. They're not even on PC

Extermin8or3_1d 17h ago

Stupid take. The Lego game has been made by a Lego studio with advice on the IP from guerilla games. So part of the negotiations/requirements to make it happen will clearly have been done kind of multiplatform release.

LucasRuinedChildhood1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

That Lego game definitely exists to get kids to want to buy the proper Horizon games on PS5/PS4 (plus the multiplayer game). It's basically a giant advertisement. And kids love the Switch.

gold_drake1d 11h ago

nintendo is comfortable because their first party games sell in the tens of millions.

Extermin8or3_1d 17h ago

They definitely know more than is being said.

italiangamer1d 16h ago

Sony gives them the PS5's development kit so they know exactly which studios are making games for their consoles, or at least they can make an estimate based on the number of kits requested.

People just loves to talk but in a couple of days this showcase will be already forgotten, and by the way 90% of the stuff shown is multiplatform.

just_looken1d 3h ago

If they wanted xbox cash they would allow gamepass on PlayStation 5

Or just let microsoft buy sony as they could without any issues to there bottom line.

just_looken1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )


Are you still in your pre 2010 bubble?

Microsoft is a trillion dollar company without playstation sony would have gone bankrupt years ago that is just facts.

Microsoft q1 2024 made 23.3 billion

sony all of last year without buying a entire company remember q1 2024 for mircosoft as in spring so sony all 12months made 85 billion.

Microsoft after buying various companies including acrtivison made 212 billion for 2023

Sony has not made any big purchases were Microsoft continues to do so in the ai space and gaming space even in the military.

So yes microsoft could easily buy sony and not bat a eye.

romulus231d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Their bottom line is irrelevant a Japanese company like Sony is not going to sell out to an American one so you can go ahead and let that little dream die. Kind of ridiculous to make comment such as yours in an article about the fact more xbox games are coming to other consoles, so who is it that's really hurting for cash here? It's rhetorical you don't have to answer, everyone already knows the answer.

just_looken23h ago


Hurting for cash? blinder on maximum

There doing this to make more cash like the court leak that showed ms wanted gamepass on PlayStation to expand its customer base its all about making more cash.

Right now they are losing out on the full pie by having it on the playstation store but if they buy sony then ms get's 100% of the sale.

Also a japan company not being owned by america? LOL you really do not know what happened after the 40's do you

Or want happened to Toshiba recently

If they toss a bag of billions at sony japan they will accept it

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 23h ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 23h ago
truthBombs1d 18h ago (Edited 1d 18h ago )

It seems the idea is to have other platforms(PS and PC) offset the cost of game pass.

Xbox users get the games on game pass while others pay full price.

Gamepass seems to be Xbox's idea of "exclusive".

These guys are so inconsistent with their messaging. It's difficult to know exactly what they want to do with their games. I've stopped caring. I just focus on the games.

Hofstaderman1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

This. When I saw day one on gamepass for every game I asked myself how will they make money? Answer: release on PS5 and get your sales from there and if lucky leople will sub on PC and XBOX. To ensure consistent subscriptions, space out the games. Either way MS has well and truly effed itself and Phil is a snake standing there pretending they all exclusives.

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