
Diablo 4 Review: Unleashing Hell - Game Revolution

Blizzard Entertainment has delivered a Diablo that’s good but not great. After years of development troubles, harassment allegations against Activision Blizzard (which resulted in the firing of its game director and lead designer), and reports of crunch just to hit the Summer release, Diablo 4 is finally here.

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Rutaprkl335d ago

I played it as single player and got bored mid chapter 2, maybe should've just played with a friend. I remember playing Diablo 3 with a friend years ago and it was super fun, maybe my preferences has just changed a lot.

1nsomniac337d ago

I’m not a die hard Diablo fan but I think it’s a great game. Really addictive. Hate Blizzard as a company though. They’re underhanded sly tactics to block and monetise under false pretences are the worst in the industry and really didn’t want to give them money but I was having a bit of a stale gaming period. Not really enjoying any of the games I was playing and really wanted to go back to this style of gaming. So gave up, used multiple hacks and codes to get about £25 quid off. Like any game it’s not worth £70 by any stretch of the imagination. To think it is, is just stupidity.

Si-Fly337d ago

Weird take … there’s plenty of games I’ve played that I’d consider a bargain at £70 given how much enjoyment and hours of entertainment I’ve got out of them. D4 is heading that way too tbh, really loving it:

1nsomniac336d ago

Genuine question… How is my take weird but yours is not!?

You’ve based the cost of an item on your hours of entertainment which is subjective to everyone yet price remains the same for everyone. So in your theory it would be perfectly acceptable to charge say, £500 for Tetris or Super Mario considering they must be the most played games of all time and have lasted decades.

People are being coerced into believing that the cost of making a product is no longer a valid argument in how much that same product should be fairly sold at. It’s stupid corporate ideology that is taking advantage of a young consumer base that doesn’t really know any better.

lio_convoy335d ago

I had no intention of buying this game, but a friend of mine highly recommended it. I sit down and play for an hour or two most days and a few weeks later I've hit character level 51 and sunk about 30 hours into it. I find it a pretty chill game to play and I really appreciate the graphics and sound design. As someone who DOESN'T have a history of playing any Diablo games, I think it's great. It's not something that I'd want to sink 6 hours at a time into because I've never been able to do that into any kind of game where you grind it out for experience/loot, but it's gameplay loop is fun and I feel like I got my money's worth. The overworld is absolutely massive and then when you take in all of the crypts, caves, etc, you realize just how much there is to explore. I'd give it a 4 out of 5, so the reviewer's score isn't far off from mine. The difference for me is 4 out of 5 is great and 5 out of 5 is perfect.


Celebrate the Diablo Anniversary with March of the Goblins

Come celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Diablo IV and the 2-year anniversary of Diablo Immortal! There are heaps of rewards to mark these celebrations with a bounty of devilish goods across both games.

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anast8d ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics8d ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX8d ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon8d ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie8d ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.

just_looken7d ago

The only thing i enjoyed in D4 was the mp side but after they gutted my hunter build then again wanted me to grind for over hundred hours each season i too quit like you.

Its insane though a year has already passed.

Daeloki6d ago

Hard pass, gave it a chance on launch with a friend, but we made it a bit past act 1 only to realise how tedious it was.


Diablo 4 Season 4 Turned The Tables on Helltides

Diablo 4's Helltides have undergone one of the best glow-ups in the game in the span of a single season thanks to some balance adjustments.

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Diablo 4: The Argument For and Against Returning to the High Heavens

The High Heavens is an important location to the Diablo franchise, but whether Diablo 4 should return to the location in the future is controversial.

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Tapani19d ago

Is Diablo IV worth it for the Single-Player experience today? I understand it has got many patches and improvements.

Daeloki19d ago

I honestly don't know what they could have changed/patched to make the game enjoyable since last summer. I played the campaign a bit past act 1 with a friend and it just becomes incredibly boring and repetitive. I uninstalled shortly after and haven't looked back. However, with me it may just be a case of that it's not my kind of game. I just didn't enjoy the endless cycle of going into a dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle, teleport back to dungeon, collect loot, teleport to town, sell/dismantle... rinse and repeat. That cycle was about 80% of the game back then, completely drowning out the story for me. If there is a demo, or you have a chance to test a friends copy then I'd recommend that before spending any money on it.

Kosic19d ago

I loved D3 and would play a season for weeks.
D4 came out I reached level 60 ish and grew bored, I tried again in S1 and got to the same level and quit. I heard about the loot revamp, and briefly tried season 3 before jumping into the new season.
The game is better because it's easier to feel this progression smoothly increase, without hitting such a large road block, but I am level 61 and in Torment 4, and again I just don't feel the urge to continue.

I found a lack of direction of what to do, the thing that puts me off is the bland world, hell-tides are rather boring. Kill a non stop spawn of demons and summon a boss...

If you can get it for cheap, give it a try, or do a Gamepass trial and play it there.