
Final Fantasy XVI’s Success Proves FFXIII Never Deserved the Hate

The black sheep of modern Final Fantasy shares the most DNA with 'Final Fantasy XVI’s successful design choices.

-Foxtrot330d ago

Huh? XIII was just terrible

Even something singular like characters in XVI are better

luckytrouble330d ago

Even as someone that actually kind of likes 13, probably helped by the fact I expected to absolutely hate it, man it could not be more different from 16. There isn't a single element I can more than loosely correlate between the two titles.

banger88330d ago

The main difference for me is the characters. I love the characters in FFXVI, I HATED the characters in FFXIII with a passion. F****** hated them. Every. Single. One.

RpgSama330d ago


Every single character sucked.

babadivad330d ago

I liked Lightning, didn't mind Zhaz and Vanille. I HATED that kid. I don't even remember his name. I never bothered touching his stats to upgrade him. I hated him.

Flawlessmic330d ago

I really dont get this comparison at all, outside of them being linear that's where the comparison starts and ends for me really.

Ff13 is a weird one for me, it's actually one of the only mainline ff games I havent finished and didn't even bother with the sequels.

I don't remember even hating it at the time, like i thought it was ok, just yea never got into it like I normally do with a ff game.

Ff13 isn't on the same level as 16 not even close though.

Even if you hated 16s combat the story, world and characters are so fantastic you will push through just to see the story's end

SegaSaturn669330d ago

FF13: Mash X button - win battle. Walk thru straight corridor, repeat.

Harkins1721330d ago

I remember 13 having some thinking involved and not just mashing X.

jwillj2k4330d ago

The FF 16 demo was similar in that aspect. “Smash square to win” it’s why I didn’t buy the full game.

MrBaskerville330d ago

I wouldn't go that far, battle system does have it's moments. But maybe mainly in later boss fights. Start of game is pretty braindead though.

goldwyncq330d ago

XIII also has setting up paradigms in advance and switching to the most appropriate one during battles, but of course people who haven't played it think spamming Auto-battle is the only thing you ever do in combat.

MrBaskerville330d ago (Edited 330d ago )

While the paradigm system was cool, I do think it takes long before it amounts to more than spamming auto battle. And while I remember a great deal of good fights, there's also an awful lot of auto-battle spam fights in between which is easy to forget because of the more memorable moments.

Same might be said about older FF games, but I still think they had a little morr flavour in basic fights. XIII has the issue that you can choose between a couple of actions, but they all feel like they amount to the same outcome.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 330d ago
shinoff2183330d ago

Even if you hated 16s combat the story, world and characters are so fantastic you will push through just to see the story's end

Me in a nutshell

andy85330d ago (Edited 330d ago )

@jwillj2k4 it doesn't work in the full game though, have to remember that's the very start of the game and all final fantasies are the same. If you do that throughout it'll take 10x longer to finish the game, the combos and eikon abilities are what's used

jwillj2k4330d ago

I’m sure there’s more you can do. My issue is that unlike FF7R there’s no reason TO do it. In 7R the game creates a feeling of making you want to do other moves since you’ll die if you just spam. In 16 winning just takes longer which makes it feel broken.

Hofstaderman330d ago

No, it does deserve the hate. This game left with such a hollow feeling after I first booted it up. The ONLY Final Fantasy game I have never replayed.

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LordoftheCritics37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

I don't know about ''great'' rpg.

Most epic fight sequences and presentation? Yes

Worst side quests ever? Yes
Boring traversal? Yes
Empty worlds? Yes
Demo is infinitely more mature than the actual game? Yes
FF16=MMO side quests + Devil May Cry Lite

Alos8837d ago

I'd give it the great part, it's the RPG part I find dubious.

EternalTitan37d ago

There is no Roleplaying/decision making in this game.
No crafting there isnt even character builds because just like Dante/Bayonetta Clive has all skills and loadouts available to him.

CrimsonWing6936d ago (Edited 36d ago )

What do you mean there’s no role playing? Also, I’m fairly certain I made builds with Eikon abilities and I’ve gone to the blacksmiths to literally select craft weapons and gear. 🤷‍♂️

EternalTitan34d ago

How many 'builds' can you make?
Weapons and gear only increase numbers. Tell me about elemental weaknesses and status.

CrimsonWing6934d ago (Edited 34d ago )


Elemental weakness isn’t an RPG defining end-all-be all element.

What statuses are you asking about? F*cking status buffs and debuffs? You talking about stats that increase with gear crafting? Because all that’s present in the game.

The fact that you even admit there’s builds and RPG elements contradicts your claim. No matter how limited they may be, they exist in the game, therefore it is an RPG. I think the correct critique is instead of claiming it’s “not an RPG” you really mean to say it’s an RPG not as in-depth as it’s contemporaries. Regardless, it’s an RPG nonetheless even without “elemental weakness” playing in combat.

EternalTitan33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

"Elemental weakness isn’t an RPG defining end-all-be all element"
Why not?
Where is your source for this?

CrimsonWing6933d ago


So you’re telling me if a game has all the elements and mechanics of an RPG except elemental weakness exploits in combat that they’re not an RPG?

C’mon man, how about you show me where it says an RPG must have elemental weakness mechanics?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 33d ago
CrimsonWing6937d ago

Let’s be honest, this isn’t a “great” RPG. I am in the camp that it IS an RPG, no DMC game I’ve played is designed like this… but in terms of being a great RPG… well, I much prefer the RE-Trilogy over this.

That being said, I do think the DLCs have probably the best boss battles I’ve played in a game. Omega was crazy and the battle theme just amplified that for me. In the other hand, I’m struggling to think of a game that has a boss battle as great as Leviathan. Like, I played it on FF mode and it was sooooo intense and just a gorgeous and fun experience. The music was also top notch!

However, I really disliked most of everything of FF16. The Benedikta arc was fantastic, but after that the game was boring and a slog to get through. I think the boss battles were the best parts, but also inconsistent for me. Bahamut was peak for the base game, but everything else didn’t surpass that experience until you play the DLC bosses.

VersusDMC37d ago

The 2 DLC's were great. 2 new eikon ability sets (leviathan and...) and a survival/bloody palace mode with Rising Tide were great as well.

repsahj37d ago

The Base game is already great for me IMHO and the 2 DLC will even make it better.


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