
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Review | CFG Games

Being the 9th entry in the series, The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie has the task of bringing all the sagas together and giving it a closing before moving on to new stories. Max dives in and experiences the climactic conclusion of this epic series.

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320d ago
shinoff2183179d ago (Edited 179d ago )

Hands down. Star ocean 2 remake. Shame it didn't make it to any of their lists. One other thing imo sea of stars was better then chained echoes.

VideoChums179d ago

Excellent choices! Both are great games that we considered but Chained Echoes edged out Sea of Stars by a hair and Star Ocean 2 almost made the cut. There were so many phenomenal RPGs this year that some tough decisions had to be made; that's for sure! 😅

shinoff2183178d ago

Appreciate the reply. I didn't expect that.

Zeldafan64178d ago (Edited 178d ago )

No mention of Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed. That's ridiculous. One of the best dlc ever.

VideoChums178d ago

Absolutely! And thanks for your feedback - we will consider an award for DLC next year.


The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Review [Capsule Computers]

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

"When someone talks about a piece of media being basically impenetrable to newcomers, usually it involves a movie or book that is part of a long running series. That generally doesn’t happen when it comes to video games but if there was ever a game that would serve as the benchmark for continuous storytelling, it is The Legend of Heroes. For the most part, previous entries in the franchise may have been a way to step into the series in some regard but now with The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie all of that comes to a head in one final hurrah for a storyline that has spanned over the course of six large RPGs. Centering itself solely as an RPG for fans that have seen what the Cold Steel and Crossbell series has had to offer, does this culmination serve as a worthwhile send off to this immense cast of characters?"

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