
Microsoft is hiking the price of Xbox Series X and Xbox Game Pass

Microsoft is increasing its Xbox Series X prices in most countries in August apart from the US, Japan, Chile, Brazil, and Colombia. The Xbox maker is also increasing the monthly prices of its Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscriptions for the first time next month, which will see the base Game Pass subscription for console move up to $10.99 a month from $9.99.

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italiangamer346d ago ShowReplies(5)
potatoseal346d ago

Well they said they were going to do it. I guess it's about time for them. I don't think it's a big deal

S2Killinit346d ago

Hmm they cooked them like a frog in a frying pan.

VenomUK346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

Compare this to the outraged responses when Sony put the the price up of the PS5.

Jin_Sakai: “Ridiculous! $70 for games and now a price increase for PS5. Sony is on a role this gen!”

KyRo: “Jim Ryan needs to go.”

Orchard: “Outrageous - no one else is increasing the price of their console and Sony could obviously afford to not do this.”

TheEnigma313: “I don't understand why they are ripping off consumers. It will backfire.”

StarkR3alty: “ Bet my left arsecheek that if this doesn't get revered, Xbox will do a price cut on their consoles to eat into that market share”


shinoff2183346d ago

Damn start

Gonna feel odd without that left ass cheek

Outside_ofthe_Box346d ago

Orchard quit N4G right on time lol. Would love to see how he would spin this into being justified compared to the Outrageous Sony price hike.

repsahj346d ago

petition for bringing orchard back. XD

Jin_Sakai346d ago

“Orchard quit N4G right on time lol. Would love to see how he would spin this into being justified compared to the Outrageous Sony price hike.“

What happened to Orchard? I noticed I haven’t seen him in a while.

TallDarknWavy346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

Did someone forget they spent billions acquiring Bethesda and now Activision Blizzard?
They need to get some money to remain cashflow positive or the gaming division will go broke.
No, Microsoft will not continue its gaming division if it loses money every year, they will cut their losses, so they do still need your money and will charge extra in any way they can now.

bunt-custardly346d ago

@VenomUK, lol, how long you waited to post that rogues gallery?

VenomUK345d ago

@bunt-custardly It's been THREE-HUNDRED days! 🤣

FinalFantasyFanatic345d ago

Venom never let them forget, or any of us for that matter.

shinoff2183345d ago

I'm pretty sure orchard aka onisama aka kingkionic are all the same

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 345d ago
Zhipp346d ago

The gamepass price increase is not bad -- especially when compared to how other services have increased their prices over the last 1-2 years.

Xbox Series X price hike is ridiculous, though. How is it that they can justify raising the price of a 3 year old console when component prices are finally actually coming down? This is the point when you would expect to start seeing price cuts, not hikes.

Lightning77346d ago

Everyone was saying they same thing with Sony last year. Prices increasing for these consoles is definitely a weird move.

wiz7191346d ago

@Zhipp just like with Sony , manufacturing these consoles had went up usually production gets cheaper .. inflation is in the way

Outside_ofthe_Box346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

Phil chose the right time to save this price hike right after the showcase just so that you guys defend it unlike when Sony did it.

DarXyde345d ago

Inflation should be explained with caution.

It is true that some companies, as a consequence of the pandemic, had their supply chains disrupted. As a result, prices increased.

It is also true that many companies went full Rahm Emmanuel and didn't let a good tragedy go to waste, and increased their prices just because. It's why you're seeing record profits for some companies.

In my opinion, Sony and Microsoft are taking advantage of the situation. I think Sony may have been honest in the beginning when the increase happened because it was still pretty difficult to find a PS5 at the time. I don't think the prices have come down despite PS5 having a pretty healthy supply now, so I think they're taking advantage. Conversely, Microsoft held off and supply issues don't seem to be a thing for Xbox. Following a showcase showing off a lot of XGP content and the buzz generated around Starfield, the increase now definitely seems like a push to take advantage of the situation.

S2Killinit345d ago (Edited 345d ago )

Gamepass increase is worst because this will continue. They are going to get everyone hooked and then keep increasing the prices. GP is now at almost twice the price of PS+.

Also, at these prices, if someone ends up purchasing 1 or 2 games per year outside of what is on offer on GP, then they end up paying much more than they would have had they just purchased all their games instead of being subscribed.

FinalFantasyFanatic345d ago

I don't know about other people's countries, but there is definitely some profiteering going on, my phone plan increase by 10%, that's more than inflation and more than the phone company's cost of doing business. I'm real salty about that atm, also, I thought the PS5 recently had a price drop? Or did I mis-remember that?

DarXyde345d ago


Not sure, honestly. I hadn't heard about any price drops.

I totally hear you on the increased costs. It's really gross that companies and corporations are gleefully taking advantage of a crisis. I see that kind of ugliness in corporations and it really makes you aware of the profound capacity for evil. Essentials are getting hikes. Petrol prices have been really uncomfortable for a while, but then you add tech, healthy food, and even domestically made products. Utilities and rent have also ballooned and everyone's getting in on the heist. It's bloody foul.

I hope you're managing well and keeping on, mate.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 345d ago
crazyCoconuts346d ago

That brings GP ultimate to over $200/year.
That's over double the price of PS Extra.

got_dam346d ago

In my region it is only $1 increase, so basically only $12. Nowhere near $200. Assuming the price increase is proportionate in most regions then it will still not be as aggressive as that comment inferred.

crazyCoconuts346d ago

@got, it's already $180/year. With the increase it's $204/year

Jin_Sakai346d ago

The console isn’t selling good compared to the competition yet they decided to raise the price in different parts of the world. Makes no sense.

neutralgamer1992346d ago

Mine so sat renew till 2025 and I don’t think few dollars more is that big of deal. Starfield at full price or GPU is a great deal

And if you know where to look you can get GPU at under $25 for 3 months. So $100 for whole year is less than what 2 brand new AAA games cost at launch

S2Killinit345d ago

Its now sitting at almost twice the price of PS+ at $204/year. You are misinformed I think. At this rate you are limiting yourself to what is available on GP because if you end up buying 1 or 2 games outside of gamepass per year, you are paying more for the same amount of gaming. At least for me that would be true.

CornholioX346d ago

It will happen someday. Besides, those prices aren't that bad

S2Killinit345d ago

Its now almost twice the price of Ps+ at over 2 hundred dollars per year. Not sure what you mean by “it will happen someday”, it just happened.

CornholioX345d ago


Then don't pay. It's everyone's choices what they want. 550 euros in my country is not that expensive for a console. Everything will be expensive and now for Xbox too. i said "it will happen someday" because they were rumors about it when the PS5's price went up last year and became anti-consumer and that for Xbox, they won't change the price and look what happened? jup, it just happened. And lol the dislikes.

1Victor346d ago

@potato:” Well they said they were going to do it. I guess it's about time for them. I don't think it's a big deal “
🤔I remember when Sony raised their prices it was a big deal and anti consumer 🤦🏿

jlove4life346d ago

Of course not a big deal price going up

InUrFoxHole345d ago

Big deal? Sure. No one likes price hikes

Smok91345d ago

Not a big deal?!? Get off the internet ;) lol let’s watch grown men complain together

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 345d ago
Lightning77346d ago

It's only matter of time until they hike Gamepass in the U. S. I still suspect it'll be at the end of the year.

Of course MS will increase prices in the lime light of Starfield releasing soon. Especially gamepass subscriptions being increased.

They're milking it pretty hard now.

crazyCoconuts346d ago

The GamePass prices are going up in US, right?
Hardware prices in US stay the same, but GP goes up in US and other markets

Lightning77346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

Gamepass will go up. I suspect at the end of the year. After Starfield and Forza release. Mainly if they score high on meta or open critic. Hardware won't go up on the X (but did on the S with 1 TB) of course but gamepass will. Especially if they plan on releasing around 4 1st party games a year. Guaranteed that price is going up Phil said as much last holiday.

With the slight increase with the S and and gamepass price inevitably going up they're once again banking on the S and GP combo.... Again. Despite it that back firing of over flooding the market last holiday with the S and no Series X. They said they increase supply of X now yeah we'll see on that.

Mr Pumblechook346d ago

If the reception to Starfield and its showcase hasn’t been so positive I suspect Microsoft would not have raised its prices.

darthv72346d ago

Uhh... they are going up. By $1 for gamepass regular and $2 for gamepass ultimate. And I'm betting you didnt even read the article, otherwise you would know this....

"If you’re an existing Game Pass monthly subscriber, then these new recurring prices won’t take effect until August 13th, or September 13th in Germany. New Xbox Game Pass members will see the new prices immediately on July 6th. If you’re subscribed to Xbox Game Pass through a yearly code, the new pricing won’t take effect until you go to renew your subscription."

Crows90346d ago

Obviously didn't read it but don't blame him. Most people don't or won't to avoid giving clicks...it's a habit at this point.

Lightning77346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

I know I was making a general statement of how things will be in the U. S. The S price already went up now Gamepass will be next. They're banking on the S and GP combo again? Didn't that backfire last holiday? IMO MS need to double down on the X and should of made a Starfield themed console like they did with Halo if they really wanna sell big.

blackblades346d ago

It'll also increase a second time one day hell maybe third time like what netflix did.

shinoff2183346d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if it's right before starfield releases

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 346d ago
KingKionic 346d ago

Microsoft dodged the inflation increases as long as possible. Out of there control.

Xbox still is a premier system and game pass a fantastic value.

Aloymetal346d ago

''Xbox still is a premier system and game pass a fantastic value.''
For xbox fans which are the minority around the planet.

ChasterMies346d ago

For the consoles, the price hike is inevitable. Why not the US? Because the US dollar is so strong.

For GamePass, the price hike is b.s. The cost of storage and broadband only goes down. This is a profit move.

Golfcoachh346d ago

So you assume there is no cost in having games on GamePass? Of course it is going to go up. All Streaming services have price fluctuations. I mean come on, fanboyism aside, still a great value. When Sony eventually raises their prices I will evaluate and if it is a great value I will happily pay it.

crazyCoconuts346d ago

I mean, they've increased expenses by buying these big publishers/studios and paying their salaries only to give it away on GamePass. They have to compensate somehow

shinoff2183346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

No it's because it's their biggest market. Wanna keep that down as long as possible because you have more potential customers in the u.s.

There we go release starfield on ps so you make profit on it so xbox prices can stay lower. Fking genius


Have to pay back that $3 billion to Activision somehow.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 346d ago
anast346d ago

3rd place is the opposite of premier.

crazyCoconuts346d ago

They are the Premier Third Place System with a Premier Most Expensive subscription plan

346d ago
Nacho_Z346d ago

Here's your zero dollars for your unpaid PR work.

346d ago
shinoff2183346d ago

O bs kionic

There one of the richest companies in the world. Back when you were orchard you were gunning on Sony for it. Return the animosity please

Nacho_Z346d ago

I don't think anyone is Orchard, I honestly think he's gone to the great Xbox in the sky.

I'd recognise his writing style because I saw it most days on prominent PS articles and I've not seen it for a long time.

anast346d ago

Good 'ol Orch. I haven't been banned since Orch left.

Rimeskeem346d ago

I personally would never pay $10 for Redfall

TheTony316346d ago

Xbox a premiere system? Tell that to Europe, Japan and the rest of the world outside of NA.

Longadog345d ago

you have a very interesting definition of "premier system" and "fantastic value"

mind telling me what you're smoking?

S2Killinit345d ago (Edited 345d ago )

Gamepass is at almost TWICE the price of PS+, and it is NOT justified at all. At this rate you are paying way over what you should he paying for this service. Especially with their track record so far.

345d ago
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 345d ago
Deathdeliverer346d ago

Those acquisitions aren’t free. They want to piss off American games LAST. That increase is coming.

Aloymetal346d ago

No doubt, MS will try some ''PR'' and ''stealthy'' approach when they 're ready to make the increase here in the U.S. because they know more than half of their fan base is here.

S2Killinit346d ago

They do it like this to divide and conquer. They don’t want everyone speaking out all at once. So, they break it up into phases. Frog in a frying pan sort of tactic.

crazyCoconuts346d ago

The GamePass increase is happening in the US

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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's Scope Was Impacted by Xbox Series S Limitations

Wccf tech writes: "Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's scope was impacted by the Xbox Series S hardware limitations, as developers could only make a game that was 25% bigger than its predecessor."

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-Foxtrot13h ago

This is the issue with things like this

Xbox Series X is apparently to MS the worlds most powerful console

However the Series S is obviously a limitation because it’s underpowered and developers have to go for parity.

So what’s the point of the world’s most powerful console if you are holding third party developers back? They aren’t going to push themselves if they have to think about the weakest console.

The issue wouldn’t be as bad if it was just Xbox but you are also affecting the PS version aswell

I think developers need to start just taking advantage of a console and if one of them can’t do X Y and Z then f*** them…why should the others suffer. What’s MS going to do? The bigger the franchise the least chance MS are going to tell them to f*** off. Baulders Gate 3 seemed to have stood their ground and suddenly their “strict” parity rule didn’t really matter. We suddenly got super optimisation efforts for the Series S that got things sorted.

anast9h ago

I agree, and the sad part is use normal folk saw it the second they announced their plans.

Abear215h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Agree 100% this is why I didn’t want the M$ Monopoly, now PS5 version will be held back too.

If PS5 Pro comes out and Series S is still a thing it’ll be interesting what differences and what devs choose to do. Really hoping Rockstar pushes the PS5 pro with GTA6 and we get the best version possible.

outsider16243h ago

Good ole S indeed. Everyone knew this all along. S was holding games back...Now where the hell is Orchard i want a word with him.

MajorLazer15m ago

I ****ing hate the S. The tragic thing is withour the S MS doesn't even threaten 10m units sold this gen 🤣

LucasRuinedChildhood13h ago

More info from the author of the article, I think: https://www.reddit.com/r/ki...

"1) I was told this info from the producer of the game Martin Klíma.
2) He specifically said the game will have only one mode.
3) And this mode is 4K 30 on PS5/XSX and 1440p 30 on XSS.
4) He said that the game is already running north of the 30 FPS cap so the performance should be stable on launch, much better than KCD1.
5) The limitation was XSS because of the 10GB memory. He said that's why they wanted to make the game 25% larger.
6) Speculation on my part: the output resolution is probably upscaled and the reason why there won't be a 60 FPS mode is because it'll most likely be very CPU heavy, like Dragon's Dogma 2 for example."

Doesn't seem like they're adding a 40fps mode on PS5/Series X for launch even if they can handle it.

Sgt_Slaughter9h ago

I'd much rather have 1440p/60fps or even 45fps. Having just one, even with the Series S in mind, is disappointing.

franwex8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Remember when xbots were adamant that the series s won’t hold back the gen?

Microsoft just needs to let go of the mandatory parity. Who cares if your grandma doesn’t understand that a game cannot be played on the S. It’s not like it she can buy you a physical game for it anyway. Before buying the game put up a notice that it only works on series X. If you’re buying for a friend-allow for a refund.

Bam. Everyone is happy. Most series s owners are for casuals that want Game Pass anyway and most likely don’t purchase most games.

If the developers want it to run on S, let them figure it out.

Chocoburger2h ago

If it were Series X only then they'd only be selling to 25% of the Xbox Series userbase, and that's certainly not worth the time and effort into doing a port. Could just do PS5 & PC instead. No compromises needed.

Jin_Sakai8h ago

“During the event, the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 producer also revealed that on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the game will run at 4K resolution and 30 frames per second“

Another “creative decision” right? 🤦‍♂️

IHateNate7h ago

Amateur hour. Very incapable developer.

Outside_ofthe_Box7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Since you're not an amateur and clearly know more than them, can you over there and help get the game running on the S without having to sacrifice their true vision. Us gamers would really appreciate you using your wisdom for good 🙏

IHateNate7h ago

Thousands of games run just fine on S.

But Kingdom Come is the game that can’t. Must be one hell of a game!

franwex5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Thousands of games run on PS4 and on Switch. If developers want them to run on those systems. Fine. Those two platforms still get new games. Sony isn’t making studios also make a ps4 pro version, or Nintendo a wiiu version. Microsoft technically is.

IHateNate4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

If games like Alan Wake 2, GTA6, COD, hellblade all run on S, no excuse for this 100x smaller and 100x worse looking game to be held back.

outsider16243h ago(Edited 3h ago)

"Thousands of games run just fine on S.

But Kingdom Come is the game that can’t. Must be one hell of a game!"

Kingdom come 2 runs just fine alright. Its the SCOPE that they want. They had to cut it because of the stupid S series. Hellblade2 ran just fine too..but im pretty confident if it was just the X in mind, the scope of the game would have been much bigger.

IHateNate3h ago

So their scope is greater than that of GTA6 and warzone? Wow. Crazy

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Celebrate the Diablo Anniversary with March of the Goblins

Come celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Diablo IV and the 2-year anniversary of Diablo Immortal! There are heaps of rewards to mark these celebrations with a bounty of devilish goods across both games.

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anast14h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics13h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX13h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon11h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie8h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


Tales of the Shire Stands at a Fork in the Road Regarding Magic

Tales of the Shire has many hurdles to jump to live up to the J.R.R. Tolkien masterpiece, and magical elements might be its most pertinent one.

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