
Microsoft Says "We Haven't Pulled Any Games From PlayStation" Amid Redfall PS5 Discussion

"They said, 'No PlayStation 5. Now we're gonna do Game Pass, Xbox, and PC.'"

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Eonjay435d ago

Apparently, they are saying they didn't pull it from PlayStation because it never released on PlayStation. Of course they can't release and pull it from PlayStation if they cancel it during development... This is one of those PR statement where they attempt to confuse you with wordplay.

darthv72435d ago

It was never announced for Playstation, therefore it can't be taken away. If the game had been announced (like deathloop was) then that contract would have been honored (like deathloop was). Just the fact it was being worked on doesnt mean it was obligated to come out. These things have to be formally announced by either the publisher or the platform and neither of them said anything.

A good example of announced and then taken away would be Stellar Blade. Announced for Xbox and now exclusive to Playstation. I get that many may be disappointed but thems the breaks.

Eonjay435d ago

I didn't say it was announced for PS5. I was implying that it was being developed and development was pulled after Microsoft acquired the publisher.

darthv72435d ago

^^okay... to use your analogy we can look at Kameo. It too was in development for the Gamecube but then MS bought Rare and it was canceled and moved to the 360. Now in that example it wasn't announced for the Cube either but at that time Rare was owned by Nintendo so they didn't really have to announce it, it was implied as coming to the Cube.

We could pull countless examples of titles that start development on one platform and then get completely moved to something else as a result of a corporate buyout or just 3rd party exclusivity deal... it happens. No sense worrying about the what could have been. (I'm not saying you are "worrying", it's a figure of speech).

crazyCoconuts435d ago

Semantics. MS is purchasing companies that intended to release games on PS and instructing them to no longer do so. Is that surprising? No. The things people find objectionable are a) these are really big companies they're buying and it's beginning to look anti-competitive, and b) they said in writing that they wouldn't do this

Eonjay435d ago

Please note it is Microsoft who is claiming that the reason for capturing more of the market is to provide games for more players. Acquiring and then terminating development of a game on a competing platform goes against what they themselves have been promoting.

shinoff2183435d ago

Stellar blades probably timed exclusive anyway. What you crying for Darth.

I'll never get starfield on my ps.

darthv72435d ago

@shin... in your case, that's okay. You said it yourself just a week ago that you have gamepass... remember?

Crows90435d ago

Completely false. A game can absolutely be taken away if it's removed from development due to the purchase...all those games currently in development for PS5 stopped being developed for PS5. Guarantee you there's still a PS5 build most likely.

sinspirit435d ago

Can we stop twisting things that obviously would have happened if not for them buying them or even a third party contract? How can someone go years in denial over common sense and deductive reasoning? What help does this do for you? You haven't convinced anyone. People reply less to point the same things out to people trying to push this logic because it's a waste of time. Not because we're convinced and see logic in the argument.

Flawlessmic435d ago

Ms took away redfall and Sony took away stellar blade, it's really that simple

S2Killinit435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

The problem is that MS is saying this to imply nothing has changed. Its a lie by omission, at the very least.

What MS is doing is plain and simple, they are taking from everyone and limiting who plays previously multiplatform games.

badz149434d ago

"It was never announced for Playstation, therefore it can't be taken away."

gee, then I hope xbox fanboys would STFU about FFVII Remake already because that too was never announced for the xbox!

OptimusDK434d ago

@Eonjay - it is 2 anda half years since MS bought took over Bethesda - and the game is not on the way out. There has never been any reasonable expectation that Redfall should come out for Playstation.

It is the same as SONY bought exclusive rights for 2 Bethesda games at the start of the generation - should XBOX players not have the right to play these games when they had been developed for xbox from the start. When have SONY ever done a deal where they brought a game to xbox - and please dont mention Destiney.

Theres is so much hypocrazy here that it blows my mind.

Deathdeliverer434d ago

You mean like Naraka Bladepoint got pulled from PlayStation? Devs had a the box and played it on YouTube. PlayStation version just disappeared and it was the lead console.

UltimateRacer434d ago

But Stellar Blade hasn’t released so you can’t take away a game that you’ve never had.

jambola434d ago

Or we could use examples that are the same instead of finding different ones

IamTylerDurden1434d ago

They literally pulled the in development game from PS. To imply that bc it wasn't announced means you can't pull it is silly. U can certainly pull the devs off and cancel a version and that's what they did. Same with Starfield. This scramble to spin this as "not pulling the game" is a joke. The game was planned and being developed for PS and MS literally pulled development. They pulled the in development game from PS. That is fact. Idek why u are trying so hard to defend MS i play more XB than u. Be real about ffs it's nauseating how ppl can't ever admit anything unsavory about MS. Is Phil Bill Clinton right now and we are questioning the definition of the word pulled? Gimme a break.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 434d ago
-Foxtrot435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

Thing is if the director at Arkane says this

“We got bought by Microsoft and that was a huge sea change. They said, ‘no PlayStation 5. Now we’re gonna do Game Pass, Xbox, and PC.”

Then MS did pull the game regardless if it was officially announced because the director literally confirms that it was in development

No one is really bothered it was cancelled, they were bought, it’s just how it goes but to lie (surprise) about this sort of thing is just really sad in my opinion.

I think MS is only angry because they’ve went on for ages about how they are “for the gamers” and how they want unity, bringing players together but everything they’ve done goes against that. If they just shut up and did their things then no one could call them on anything where they’ve contradicted themselves

Neonridr435d ago

a 3rd party studio assuming their game would release on multiple platforms isn't exactly out of left field. The point is, some people act like there was a working prototype on PS5 when the game could have still just been in the planning stages when the acquisition was made.

Lightning77435d ago

"I think MS is only angry because they’ve went on for ages about how they are “for the gamers” and how they want unity, bringing players together but everything they’ve done goes against that. If they just shut up and did their things then no one could call them on anything where they’ve contradicted themselves"

Where's the contradiction?

They said games won't only be on one box. It will be on other places and services. Surprises those don't include PS or Nintendo naturally unless it's contractual or they have some sorta agreement to do.

Your statement sounds like you're just mad because said games aren't on your favorite console.

Phil said this year exclusives is important for any platform holder that's plain and simple. He's been clear and consistent for Two years now when it comes to this stuff.

-Foxtrot435d ago


" Your statement sounds like you're just mad because said games aren't on your favorite console "

Oh look the typical, standard "LALALALA not listening to what you have to say, you're just mad / a fanboy / a hater" supposed counter point

How...fresh I guess

"Phil said this year exclusives is important for any platform holder that's plain and simple"Example...talking about exclusives


“I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about.”

- July 2020

Three Months Later

*buys Zenimax Games*

- September 2020

And you wonder why people say he contradicts himself

gangsta_red435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

How about leaving the complete story and not just a snippet to justify your narrative.



“As a player you are the center of our strategy. Our device is not the center of our strategy, our game is not the center of the strategy. We want to enable you to play the games you want to play, with the friends you want to play with, on any device.”

It then goes on to your actual quote...

"Sorry, I am a bit soapboxy with this one,” Spencer continues, “I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about.”

That quote is when Phil was addressing cross platform devices, it was during the time Halo Infinite was announced to be cross platform and the net including this site was going crazy because Halo I wasn't an exclusive to Xbox Series S|X. He is addressing playing their games from any device, not exclusively on one platform. Absolutely zero to do with what you and others on this site wants it to be. See how actual context changes everything.

"If they just shut up and did their things then no one could call them on anything where they’ve contradicted themselves"

Except that still wouldn't be true because people actually just want to be constantly angry at MS. Which is why we always get these out of context "Phil said this" blown out of proportion. Just like the whole single player and cross play fiasco.

Lightning77435d ago

"Oh look the typical, standard "LALALALA not listening to what you have to say, you're just mad / a fanboy / a hater" supposed counter point"

Well you are angry. You're always angry.

"Phil said this year exclusives is important for any platform holder that's plain and simple"Example...talking about exclusives


Meeting contractual obligations. Updating existing games with parity and content. Saying New Bethesda games will ship only on Xbox and where ever else gamepass is at and supporting store fronts like Steam and Epic store.

Yes now where's your proof of...I guess none of that happening?

You're either not too smart or you're purposely taking that statement outta context. Let's quote the rest of the statement.

"Gaming is bigger than any one device, and that is something as an industry that we’ve embraced all up as we bring more and more players in. I think it’s vital to the role that gaming can play on the planet.”

Many devices that does not include PS or Nintendo unless contracts and other obligations are in place like o. Said before.

Put everything single piece of information together that I said in my first comment, and this comment figure it all out yourself because it's not hard. I'm not repeating myself again.

1Victor434d ago

Well I hope for Microsoft sake they when scorched every hon those files and buried them in the desert and covered the HD’s on concrete so no hackers can find them but we all know Microsoft is not as detailed as Atari

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 434d ago
gangsta_red435d ago

"This is one of those PR statement where they attempt to confuse you with wordplay."

How is it confusing or word play?

It's about as simple as even you explained it. If something was never coming to Playstation, never announced and never there to begin with then it was never pulled off of Playstation.

darkrider435d ago

All those games were coming to ps5. If starfield was going to be a timed exclusive.... They even got other timed exclusive from beteshda this gen ... Damn, how hard it's to understand...

Being a Fanboy of Microsoft is one thing, but is scary when you can even accept something so clear....

Microsoft destroyed all the games beteshda was gonna launch on the ps4 and ps5... Facts

gangsta_red435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

"Microsoft destroyed all the games beteshda was gonna launch on the ps4 and ps5... Facts"

They sure did, you know why? Because Bethesda/Zenimax is a Microsoft first party studio...FACTS

Is that clear enough for you? Or is this too hard for you to understand?

Crazy how they didn't destroy Deathloop, Tokyo GhostWire and such, you know the games that were actually announced and contracted with time exclusivity to appear on PS...Facts

Obscure_Observer435d ago

"Crazy how they didn't destroy Deathloop, Tokyo GhostWire and such, you know the games that were actually announced and contracted with time exclusivity to appear on PS...Facts"

They´ll continue and cry about Bethesda games for the eternity! Lol!

rippermcrip435d ago

You know you're full of shit.

Same for the "our first 2 releases were Playstation exclusives" as if they are some kind of heroes. Let's ignore that they were contractually obligated prior to the purchase.

Terry_B434d ago

As I said 2 days ago. Some of your comments are really bad lol

IamTylerDurden1434d ago (Edited 434d ago )

But it was intended to come to PS because they were developing the game for PS. Microsoft is challenging the definition of the word "pulled". Arkane admitted they were working on a PS version thus obviously it intended to come to PS. Did Dishonored, Prey, Deathloop release on PS? If they were developing it for PS and their previous games were on PS why wouldn't it have come to PS? If MS never intervened Redfall more than likely was coming to PS. Arkane literally admitted this by saying MS pulled the development for PS ffs. You try too hard to defend anything that can be perceived as negative. This is cringe PR speak from MS and your defense is embarrassing.

gangsta_red434d ago


Nobody is saying it wasn't going to come to PS. I don't know why this is the argument you and others are trying to make. You and others are laying it on thick about something that is way too simple to comprehend.

But let's be honest, this is just another reason for you to have a problem with MS. You guys throw temper tantrums with everything MS does and in turn give Sony a pass when they do the same and then have the nerve to tell others to "stop defending MS". Maybe we wouldnt have to if you would stop making up complete asinine complaints in every MS article.

"Did Dishonored, Prey, Deathloop release on PS?"

Yes they did. Did MS pull any of those games from Playstation? ...No, okay.

Did a previous Redfall release on PlayStation? Was there an announcement it was coming to PS? Did Sony have a timed exclusive deal with Redfall? Was there any contracts stating Redfall was supposed to release on PS? ..NO...then MS didn't pull it off PlayStation did they.

Is Arkane studio a MS first party developer? ...Yes.

Again, you can whine and complain about what could of, should of, would of, what if, might have been and maybe's, but here's the actual reality... Zenimax and all it's developers underneath them are first party developers for Microsoft. MS honored all contractual agreements with PS. Redfall, Starfield and all future titles do not fall under any of those contracts. Now each developer will focus on Xbox and Xbox's ecosystem. MS owning this studio is well within their right to cancel any project outside of their own interests.

Absolutely not hard to understand and grasp. It's just that some here are trying desperately hard to make the obvious into something overly dramatic.

I mean it's not like they're paying a third party studio for Redfall to stay off of PlayStation, like Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, FF Remake, or Stellar Blade.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 434d ago
Obscure_Observer435d ago

"This is one of those PR statement where they attempt to confuse you with wordplay."

The ball is in Sony´s court.

It´s time for you PS fans, to ask them for clarifications.

Jin_Sakai435d ago

They didn’t pull games from PlayStation but instead kept them from coming to the platform. Nice PR Microsoft.

Aloymetal435d ago

Hype, PR and BS is what Microsoft specializes in. That's one department Sony/PS can't compete with MS.

Lightning77435d ago

You're absolutely right. It's what happens when you own those games now.

DarXyde434d ago

Yes... But objectively, you can't be too upset about something that wasn't formally announced for your platform. It's like Final Fantasy VII Remake where it was never announced for any platform besides PC, so can you really be that upset about something that was kind of always only expected to hit PlayStation since PS3 (which, funny enough, was a tech demo and people took it as verification that a remake was coming)?

Redfall and even Starfield are new IPs. I have a hard time with people feeling sore about that. Even if we know now that PlayStation versions were cancelled.

I think a different conversation can be had about Elder Scrolls, Doom, Fallout, etc because there was a clear precedent for that... But we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

For now, I still believe that Microsoft would gladly bring all of their games to PlayStation if* Sony allowed XGP on their platforms. I don't think they should, but I suppose we'll see.

IamTylerDurden1434d ago

Ppl aren't arguing the right for MS to do it they are upset that MS is challenging the definition of the word pulled and attempting to be the good guy when they clearly pulled the development of the game from PS. And it's funny u meantion FFVII because regardless of whether FF has more of an affiliation with PS than XB or whether an XB version was ever announced XB fans have cried about it for years and continue to cry about. They use it to demonize Sony yet can't even admit MS pulled the development of Redfall from PS after Arkane admitted it. Nobody claims MS didn't have the right to do it but to not even acknowledge they pulled it is troubling. "Pulled" or "cancelled" it's all semantics. We all know what happened and the fact that fans are trying to help MS spin this ridiculous "it wasn't pulled" PR is beyond me particularly a day after Arkane admitted it.

DarXyde433d ago


Sure. It's a flexible interpretation and I don't dispute that at all. You're also right that Xbox fans have been crying about Final Fantasy VII for ages (which, if you REALLY want the game, either get a PC or buy a PlayStation—same thing PlayStation gamers are told about Starfield and perhaps soon, Call of Duty—and it's fair enough).

It's pretty unfortunate to have a game pulled when it was verifiably intended for more platforms, but I suppose I don't really care when it pertains to be IPs. It's certainly one less game than PlayStation should have gotten, but new IPs are unlikely to generate the outrage needed to force a relaxing of policy. I am very curious to know what will happen once we get to Elder Scrolls/Fallout territory, but I guess we'll see.

I've said this before, but Microsoft might really be poking a bear with these acquisitions and removing content. I wouldn't underestimate Playstation's capacity to put together an exclusive competitor to many of these games, minus those "charming" Bethesda bugs. As much as I love From Soft's entire catalog, I'd say Demon's Souls and Bloodborne were the best (though I like Dark Souls' lore the most). Insomniac has also had a rough time with projects unsupported by PlayStation studios. Anecdotes largely, but if it's any indication, I would think these occurrences are just going to force 'em to do what they do.

IamTylerDurden1434d ago

MS spin at its finest. They just admitted they pulled the in development game from PS. This is why i can't stand MS PR.

InUrFoxHole434d ago

What they should say is... its our game. Play it on gamepass/pc/Xbox or don't play it at all.

Neofire434d ago

Yup, MS is masterful at semantics.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 433d ago
435d ago Replies(7)
435d ago Replies(3)
lelo2play435d ago

I'm sure Square had FF7Remake and FF16 planned for Xbox, and pulled away when they made a deal with Sony ...

darkrider435d ago

They are exclusive to Sony? Where that news? It's a major news.

BehindTheRows435d ago

FFVII Remake never had any Xbox version. If they did, prove it. Otherwise you're blowing hot air.

Can't speak on XVI, but both games are irrelevant since Sony never made any claims top the contrary. The issue isn't games being pulled. It is Microsoft claiming they wouldn't do it.

lelo2play434d ago (Edited 434d ago )

Where did Microsoft claim they wouldn't do it?

Like you said, if they did, prove it. Otherwise you're blowing hot air.

BehindTheRows434d ago (Edited 434d ago )


They didn't want exclusives.




As I noted — people take issue with Microsoft tripping over their own words (Phil Spencer specifically). This is bigger than Redfall itself.

I agree that exclusives are important, but that's not the sentiment Phil has always taken. So, they're getting called out for it here. Of course, once you acquire a company, all of their assets become yours, but if you're taking the stance that exclusives are "Completely Counter To What Gaming Is About", and then literally starting buying multiplatform publishers and making all (or some) of their games exclusive, people are going to highlight what looks like hypocrisy.

The main reason you can't compare this to Final Fantasy (either game) is because a. Sony has never taken an anti-exclusive stance and b. there is absolutely no proof either game was ever in development for Xbox.

434d ago
lelo2play434d ago (Edited 434d ago )

You're still blowing hot air.

He's personal opinion about liking or not liking exclusives is irrelevant. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. Did he actually claim Microsoft will bring all their games to Sony's platform?
If Jim Ryan offers an opinion about something, will that automatically become valid for Sony?

You still haven't figured it out? ... Microsoft's main objective for the future is to bring Gamepass to every platform, every console, every smartphone, everywhere!

BehindTheRows434d ago (Edited 434d ago )

I don't have a horse in the race. I'm pointing out what people are taking issue with. Had you not made the baseless FF claim, I'd have no issue with you at all.

To what's relevant — when Jim Ryan DOES have an opinion, particularly one he backtracks on, he'll be called out for it.

Regarding "figuring it out" — you simply listened to Phil Spencer telling you he wants to bring all their games to every platform, yet, has exclusives coming out. Until they bring everything to everything, it's the exact same thing as him saying he doesn't want exclusives. Sure, they don't HAVE to do anything (I agree with you there), but then, he should choose his words more carefully. As the main exec, what he says will always have a magnifying glass on them. He talks more than any exec at either Nintendo or PlayStation.

Otherwise, we're good man. I simply have a difference of opinion. I'm happy to agree to disagree.

lelo2play434d ago (Edited 434d ago )

Final Fantasy 15 likely sold one/two million copies on the Xbox (yes, it sold less then the Playatation version, but there's still money to be made). Do you honestly believe Square wasn't planing to bring FF7 Remake and FF16 to Xbox before the Sony deal? ... You can't be that naive...

BehindTheRows434d ago (Edited 434d ago )

I could be just as critical and ask if you are that naïve to really think Phil and co. want to bring everything to everything (this includes PlayStation). As they create exclusives from the multiplatform publishers they've purchased, it gets harder to believe that. Again, I know why, business is business, but goose → gander in regards to the question of naiveté.

In the meantime, yes, I can believe Square would be willing to skip Xbox regarding FF, as they would likely make those sales up on PlayStation considering its monstrous lead over Xbox in EU & JP. All speculative regardless, because no one here can prove Sony threw a single cent at Square for exclusivity, but even if they did, I get it due to those variables.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 434d ago
masterfox435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

in the long term (10 year period) this is what is going to happen imo:

* xbox console will disappear
* xbox will go like a netflix service
* all this MS adquisitions are meant for mobile gaming bussiness , sees The mobile Doom game
* lots of Activision / Bethesda IPs will disappear cause MS doesnt know how to manage IPs, they only care for the name brands that make money.
* Playstation will remain as the best gaming device due to they will keep making new fresh IPs and thriving technologically with Playstation hardware.
* A probably deal between Sony and MS so Playstation gets the xbox netflix service, Sony will go f×=#ukOff to MS due to Sony doesnt forget lying business corporations, like Sony and Nintendo.

this is just an opinion

Lightning77435d ago

Too bad MS said they're working on their next console lmao.

So much for your little wet dream.

masterfox435d ago

lol I knew about that information too before I wrote this.

BandarHub435d ago

Actually it's the opposite.
Ms will establish the that streaming service through gamepass.
Its madness to think that the games from the acquisition is for mobile. It's the opposite as mobile users will be attracted to the gamepass console quality games on their phone which will be streamed on the cloud.
Consoles will disappear and PC device where you can natively play video games.

Gamepass will be the place where all publisher's release their game, including playstation and Nintendo.
They will use that service because playstation will not have the infrastructure to build a sustainable cloud service to compete. I think Nintendo might survive this as their market is more handheld, they don't thrive to create the most graphically best game but pricing for them will be a tough one.

People might think that streaming games is a bleak future but the era of home consoles is soon coming to an end. The dedicated gamers will all shift to PC for that console experience.

Streaming will not be bad because by 10 year time the technological improvements will be vaste and with the advent of AI there will be lots of problems being solved at a rapid pace.
The input controls would have been improve drastically but the best experience would always remain on Pc as it always will be.
The devices that people will stream on will be their phone and tablets for the casual. But for the traditional console gamer, the service will be built directly onto your TV and all you have to do to acces it would be playing a subscription.

Aloymetal435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

''Gamepass will be the place where all publisher's release their game, including playstation and Nintendo.''

Damn. This comment should go straight to psychology class about delusions. This is the main problem with you guys on the green side, when it comes to Xbox, so many of you have such a false sense of relevancy for your platform. Same goes for your games and services. Just so you know, gamepass is already 6 yrs old and it hasn't changed anything for the brand. Nada, zip, nothing!

BTW, I'm collecting comments like yours to review again at the end of this gen and possible the next one. Thanks for the contribution.

shinoff2183435d ago

Yea and jackasses like you will have ushered it in by sucking up everything ms does. Congrats u ruined gaming.

At no point should gaming should ever be tied to streaming only. That's the dumbest sh I ever heard. What happens when there's a storm , no internet. Happens quite a bit. Sure in 10 years maybe internet will be better throughout helleven the u.s. alone. Even if it is why would you want streaming only. Doesn't make sense. Nevermind I see. Ms told you it was the future and better for you.

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Redfall's final update, which adds an Offline Mode, is available and it's 16GB in size

Arkane Austin has just released Game Update 4, the final patch for Redfall which is 16GB in size and adds an Offline Mode.

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PassNextquestion2d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv721d 3h ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood1d 21h ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis0071d 4h ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

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Profchaos20d ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

darthv7219d ago

their biggest mistake was showcasing it as being a 60fps game only to release it at 30. That really soured the taste so that when the real 60fps mode was released, many still didnt want to give it a taste. i tierd it at 30... it was okay, but playing it at 60 is a much better experience and a better overall game. Its really not that bad once you get past the drama surrounding its initial release and just play it for what it is. It has some pretty decent aspects but nothing groundbreaking. It feels like a typical fps from the ps360 days... of which there were many.

jwillj2k420d ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

Profchaos19d ago

Pretty much no game in Bethesda stables makes cod numbers instantly even fallout 4 Bethesda's best selling game sold 12 million at launch and over the next 10 years climbed to over 32 which cod would do rapidly

CrimsonWing6920d ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex20d ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Eonjay19d ago

Helldivers 2 realistically has earned about half a billion which is definitely a success considering it probably cost Sony $50 million to make.

However you would still need 140 releases to at least be that successful to break even on a ACT purchase.

This is how you know the goal for Microsoft was to reach those crazy subscribers numbers. Without them the whole plan falls apart.

Exvalos20d ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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A Flawed Game Till The Very End, Redfall Deserved To Die, But Not Arkane Austin

Hanzala from eXputer: "Redfall was a bland, repetitive game with no post-release support; it deserved to die, but why kill Arkane Austin over one mistake?"

z2g23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

What short memories everybody has. According to the internet they became “the worst studio” after redfall… the internet made redfall a bigger deal than redfall just being a shitty game becaus *gasp* Xbox bought them and” just wanted shitty gamepass games so quality wasn’t a priority”.
(The reality was it was just rushed to market to fill a release hole).

Everybody wants Xbox to fail but as soon as closures start happening suddenly that was never the hope at all and Xbox is just evil.

What has happened to humanity. Being so extreme with viewpoints paints everybody into a hypocritical corner where the side of the story your on depends on which side makes Xbox look worse. Read the internet. Your disagrees are lies.

Shame. Gamers never want to accept their role in all the shit.

My heart goes out to those laid off. Not sure why those studios had to close but I suspect they were costing more money to operate than they were brining in revenue. It does cost money to fix games. Cyberpunk’s road to redemption was prob approaching the price of the original game.

That sucks and I’m angry about it but that’s also business and I’m in the same boat myself at my job as we speak… so it’s not like I don’t have sympathy. But I’m tired of the short memories, the lack of true empathy and opinions being driven by branding. Disgusting.


People wanted Xbox to succeed, especially after THE biggest media acquisition in history and effectively owning the entire existing Western RPG genre; but we knew they would fail, and they’d drag down an entire genre with them.

Nobody wanted this, but it was foreseen.