
5 Big Improvements Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Makes to the PSP Original

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is a huge upgrade from the original PSP release. Here are the biggest improvements that’s noticed.

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RPGer534d ago

Indeed this is 5he best remaster exist yet, the visual improvement, the added textures, the gameplay tweaks and and some HUD enhancements are just top notch and should be the standard of how remasters get handled.

jambola534d ago

Is the limit break with triangle new too?
I could've sworn it was automatic ok jn tbe original

Syphos534d ago

I really had a rough time playing through the OG CC it was just awful imo (as a big FF7 fan, there was just 0 combat initiative just mashing 1 button and the old DMW system was horrible).

Now it's almost hard to believe that I'm actually really enjoying this remaster, it feels like this is what the original vision of the game was but done properly this time around, combat feels intuitive (especially on hard which I'd recommend starting, it makes you have to use your abilities/materia and dodge more etc.) also there's some new mechanics, especially if you get a bit further into the game there's a nice little new mechanic in there that I really appreciate and enhances the combat even further.

Basically, everything that they changed and/or added makes this game way better then the OG CC, the OG at best gets a 6/10 from me and this remaster is easily a 9/10, extremely enjoyable and would recommend it to anyone who loves FF7

CBaoth534d ago

good to hear they did a lot of QoL improvements. Hoping for more PSP/Vita remakes of popular titles. Peacewalker deserves a big screen enhancement amongst others. I'll buy this down the road to support Square's decision to update a classic most people don't have access to

Syphos534d ago

Dang I totally agree with the peacewalker statement, would require a certain company to actually give a sh*t about MGS and not F it up though, I don't see Konami handling it even close to how great this CC remaster has been done which is a shame :(

VariantAEC529d ago

Freedom Wars for PS5 when!?!
One can dream

shinoff2183534d ago

9 is to high. Like injust said in another article. 9s and 10s should be reserved for special games. Ff7 special game. This spinoff not quite. 6 to 7 for me. It's worth playing but not a must

Syphos534d ago

I can see where your coming from, tbh though, the OG CC suffers from bad dialogue/story, bad gameplay, bad mechanics, bad janky graphics etc. basically all was fixed except for of course some bad story parts, they did add some new dialogue/story here and there to make it come off somewhat better but it's the only thing holding this game back from being really special, the missions are actually fun to do now with the new combat system, the DMW isn't annoying but a nice addition to combat now etc.

So maybe a 9 might be too generous but the old one is about a 6, this one is easily an 8, probably 8.5 (only being held back by the first half of the game story wise, the 2nd part isn't that bad and does actually add onto FF7 lore nicely)

Side-note; I give OG FF7 pretty much a 9.9 (at the time of it's release of course) only a few games in my book score really high and unfortunately some of them have issues like Bloodborne's framerate or MGS having some bad dialogue parts but they are pretty much near-perfect games so I rate them really high.

antikbaka534d ago

it's a very good remake... but not worth 50$
Buy on any sale


Square Enix Switch sale: lowest prices ever for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, DQ I-III

Square Enix Golden Week 2024 Switch sale has lowest prices ever for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, Dragon Quest I-III, and more.

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Final Fantasy 7 Games: A Deep Dive into Every Spin-Off

The hugely popular Final Fantasy 7 universe shows no signs of slowing its expansion, so here's all the spin-off games released so far.

TheBrainZ93d ago

The gift of FF7 keeps on giving.

kevco3393d ago

Some serious misfires in here, but a lot of good stuff too.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth vs Crisis Core Remastered Graphics Comparison

YouTube’s “NeoGamer” shared a cool video in which they compare Final Fantasy 7 Remake Rebirth and Crisis Core Remastered. It looks pretty interesting, so be sure to check it out.

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Cacabunga105d ago

Is it a troll comparison? A PSP game vs PS5?

RaidenBlack105d ago

How well the crisis core still stacks up to the next gen Remake ~ that's the point of the remake
And as Digital Foundry pointed out after playing the demo, the Rebirth has flaws and is not much an upgrade from Integrade and still has texture problems

RaidenBlack105d ago

* that's the point of the comparison

Babadook7104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Remake had the same type of texture flaws (rare ones at that) as this game and I disagree with DF in both cases. Rebirth is easily the best example of RPG graphics in 2024 just like Remake was in 2020.

Snookies12104d ago

Rebirth not looking much better than Integrade is perfectly acceptable. Considering it's now open world where the Remake was completely linear. Remake still looks amazing to this day, and Rebirth looks even better.

They did do an amazing job on Reunion though. Never thought I'd see the day we'd get a return of Crisis Core, lol.

fsfsxii104d ago

Digital foundry always nitpicks ps5 games, but will look the other way when it comes to literally anything nintendo. They could put out a 240p game and DF would still praise it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 104d ago
dumahim105d ago

it's Crisis Core Reunion on PS5. I don't think anyone is expecting the graphics to be compared, but the design and to compare the same scenes between the two games.

Knightofelemia105d ago

A cleaned up PSP version vs a game built for the PS5 really? I can see the Tomb Raider trilogy remaster vs the PS1 versions. But using this is like night and day.

northpaws105d ago

Of course rebirth looks much better... but I am surprised how good crisis core reunion looks too, I have never played that one.

RaidenBlack105d ago

Thats the point of the comparison

Soy104d ago

IMO shows how great of a job they did with Crisis Core to bring it up to the Remake's standards/style.

MeteorPanda104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

I really enjoyed Crisis core remaster - the only thing l hated was the easy to miss side quests. like legit if you didnt run out and talk to a woman on your first HQ visit you missed on the optional final boss cause no 100%. like cmon. let us replay chapters to get the content.

Which is why lm glad they took that feedback and confirmed that nothings missable or timelocked in rebirth.

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