
Crash Bandicoot 4, Man of Medan, and More Leaked For PS Plus Essential July 2022 Lineup

PS Plus Essential will get new games in July 2022. The upcoming games lineup has been leaked revealing the games coming to PS4 and PS5.

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Amplitude705d ago (Edited 705d ago )

Brave move, Sony. The ending of Man of Medan will make anybody cancel the subscription that made them waste their time with it

MaximusPrime_705d ago

It's a rumour, Sony hasn't revealed anything. So list could change at last minute. You can't blame Sony for something not revealed yet..

Amplitude704d ago (Edited 704d ago )

Im not ripping on Sony my dudes i was just roasting the end of Man of Medan and exaggerating a tiny bit. PS+ is pretty sick.

Tbh though as much as Medan's ending was also pretty dumb, i mixed it up with Little Hope anyway. Little Hope is the game that had the worst most mind-blowingly poorly written ending of all time lol no spoilers but no matter who lives or dies the concept is the same and it manages to actually be worse than "and it was all just a dream". Kane and Lynch 2 tier. I honestly recommend playing it when it comes to PS+ just to experience it yourself

F0XHOUND704d ago (Edited 704d ago )

1 of 7/800 or so games, but this one apparently has a bad ending does it? lol

TheExecutioner704d ago (Edited 704d ago )

Seems you like Mario games endings

gangsta_red704d ago

Lol, Man of Medan had the worse pay off , it felt like a Netflix movie that starts off good and then just completely crashes at the end.

Dandizzle704d ago

Pretty sure its a choose your own ending type with multiple endings.

ChasterMies704d ago

This is rumored for PS+ essential, the base service you need to play games online.

potedude703d ago

You should play SOMA, the ending of that blew my mind...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 703d ago
purple101705d ago

Oh wow. Arcadegeddon only releases on 5th July so it's a brand new game and looks great.

Also never played crash 4. Did play the first 3 on ps1 so il take it for free.

Looks like Sony pumping out some Activision games, before the Microsoft deal goes through next year....?

704d ago
EvertonFC704d ago (Edited 704d ago )

Edit: whoops ps plus essential

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Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Sales Have Surpassed 5 Million Copies

Sales of Activision and Toys for Bob's 2020 platformer, Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, have surpassed 5 million copies.

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CrashMania49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Loved Crash 4, that's more than I thought, I had a feeling that releasing at full price, right before current systems was a bad move, so 5 million is pretty good. I shudder to think how poor Rumble sold though.

Spyro apparently at 10 million, would be interesting seeing the platform split for these.

-Foxtrot49d ago

Oh look at that, and people were trying to say it was a flop.

We need more 3D platformers

Sony should bring Jak and Daxter back, Ubisoft with Rayman 4 and maybe Microsoft can work something out with Playtonic to do Banjo-Kazooie since most of the ex Rare members are there.

neutralgamer199249d ago

Jak and Dexter along with sly. I would love even remakes man since Sony now a days don’t want to take chances of smaller single player games it seems

1Victor49d ago

@fox: “Oh look at that, and people were trying to say it was a flop.”
Correct me if I’m wrong this was released in 2020 for all major platforms except for mobile as far as I can remember and PC a year later, and only sold 5 millions copies in 4 years?
Yes I would consider it a flop I seen games on PlayStation and Xbox sale 2 millions in a year and be called a flop.

Asplundh49d ago

It doesn't matter how many platforms it's on or how long it took to get there, 5 million sales is a great number period.

1Victor48d ago

So where’s crash 5 ?
It’s been 4 years and nothing and it’ll be another 6+ if lucky.
I love the franchise and was one of the few ones that purchased 4 but I didn’t like it, it felt empty and no fun.
Remember activision/ Microsoft is all about the money if a franchise don’t perform it gets shelved no matter what we think or want.

0hMyGandhi48d ago

@Asplundh,Victor isn't wrong, though.
5 million *is* a great number. But it took awhile to get there...And it was on PS4,XB1,PS5,XBX,PC and Switch. Movies and music will often gauge the commercial success of their respective products by "first week" sales and usually the first two weeks of a theatrical run. Shawshank Redemption, widely considered one of the best movies of all time earned only 16 million during it's theatrical run, against a 25 million dollar budget.

Most AAA games need to sell roughly 1.5 - 2 million copies to just break even these days. I tried to look up what this game's budget was, and couldn't find much.

I should state that I adore platformers. Love these games, love Jak and Daxter, Love the Sly games etc...But this wasn't exactly vindication for the sub-genre. I hope they were able to turn a profit and I wish more of these games were made.

Wretchedstain48d ago

Or go back a bit further...

An updated Commander Keen, Jill of the Jungle, Crystal Caves, Bio Menace, or Jazz Jackrabbit would be pretty cool.

Skuletor48d ago

Hocus Pocus, Halloween Harry, Monster Bash, Xargon OG Duke Nukems
Remember when Bethesda announced a new Commander Keen for mobile at E3 2019 with an animated trailer?

Jill of the Jungle being from Epic Games is funny to me.

ocelot0748d ago

Is flop the word of the month or something. Every time I come here lately all I seem to read is this games a flop that games a flop your a flop I have a floppy flipity flipity flop.

I don't keep up with final fantasy but apparently one of the new ones it's a flop for selling 2+ million in a few months on a single platform.

Now crash is a flop? Yes it releases on all platforms but in this day and age 4 million in 4 years seems fine by me.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 48d ago
ravens5248d ago

"Congratulations Microsoft"

CrashMania48d ago

Yeah, very low quality bait when Xbox probably accounted for 10% or less of those sales.

Inverno49d ago

Platformers never died out, THQ just flooded the market with licensed crap and the industry shifted to copying COD cause gaming was "maturing".

Profchaos49d ago

Exactly gamers grew up mature games took off but many players who grew up on the nes, she's even Mario 64 are having kids and introducing them to platformers again so I can see a renewed interest in the genre.

andy8549d ago

Platinum for this killed me. Ended up quitting it 🤣 one of my only failures

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Best Kids Games on Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Gift Guide

Some of the best kids games on Nintendo Switch include Crash, Kirby, and a little Italian plumber named Mario.

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badboyz09552d ago (Edited 552d ago )

I bought a switch lite last year just for when I travel with a few games like CTR and okami HD. But the best game so far is easily Spyro Reignited Trilogy.


Best Early Black Friday Canada Deals - Nintendo Switch Games

The Early Black Friday Canada deals for Nintendo Switch games are surprisingly great this year.

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