
Cotton Reboot! Review | CFG Games

The classic Cotton shoot 'em up video game is back and remade in HD! Vincent provides exciting details in his latest review.

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Video Chums Interview - The Past, Present, and Future of Cotton

"The iconic shoot 'em up franchise Cotton is becoming more popular worldwide and I had the honour to discuss the series with its producer as well as Cotton Fantasy's director. If you love Cotton as much as I do, stick around and learn some interesting tidbits." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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Cotton Fantasy Interview: Developers Share Insight on New Cute-'Em-Up

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Known as Cotton Rock 'n' Roll in Japan, Fantasy follows series heroines Nata de Cotton and Silk as they embark on yet another colorful adventure. It promises new shoot 'em up mechanics, 6 playable characters (each with different mechanics and attacks), cut-scenes voiced entirely in Japanese, and 16 stages with a mix of vertical, horizontal, and 3D movement.

Ahead of the game's western launch, two of the game's senior developers shared their insight into the game and the Cotton franchise in general with us."

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Cotton Reboot! review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "The X68000 computer was released by Sharp in 1987 and was exclusive to Japan. The graphics were on par with the Sega Genesis and the Yamaha YM2151 sound chip was decent too. Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams came out initially in 1991 and utilized the X68000 nicely. You can play the original game in the X68000 mode to see how far it has come along in the HD Arrange Mode."

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