
Horizon Forbidden West - PS4 and PS5 Differences Explained

Horizon Forbidden West's director has explained how the PS5 version differs from the PS4 one.

waverider1093d ago

The game is the standard to beat in term of graphics. Amazing stuff.

sho0ok3601093d ago

This, R&C.. and kena... Are like a Pixar movie.. even better.

TripleAAARating1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

The fact that this game was being developed as a PS4 game and what they showed looked like it couldn't even be run on a PS4 has me flabbergasted 🤯...

If this is an example of what cross gen based exclusive games would be like in the near future on PlayStation, I'm not perturbed at all about this short cross gen phase...

1093d ago
waverider1092d ago

Dude ratchet is crazy good game. Insomniac is on fire.

1092d ago
DOMination-1092d ago

"The fact that this game was being developed as a PS4 game and what they showed looked like it couldn't even be run on a PS4 has me flabbergasted"

I have to disagree - Horizon already looked fantastic on PS4 and whilst there are some improvements, suggesting it is night and day is pure hyperbole. Don't get me wrong, I think it looks amazing, but my comment is more of a testament to how GG pushed PS4 on the original.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1092d ago
medman1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

Look....the game looks great. My only issue with Sony at the moment is the fact that some of its biggest franchises are being forced to run on a weak for 2013 jaguar cpu. That means many, many things will have to be scaled back that these talented teams would otherwise be able to innovate with. It's sad. You take many of the tools away from what is Sony's best asset, the talented and creative people who make these great games. You're limiting what they are able to achieve with their vision for the game right from the start. You lose with that kind of thinking. Sure, Sony will make money from the games ps4 sales, but they will lose gamers like me who despite owning every sony console since the ps1 except for the handheld, see this as a big let down for what we love the most about the Sony platform.

If Herman Hulst is the kind of studio head who doesn't push the platform forward, he has to go. What is the damn point of producing a new console if the teams are not going to be allowed to push what is possible on it? No game designed to run on the ps4 will push the ps5, and that is truly sad. Think about how different the upcoming Ratchet and Clank would be if it had to run on ps4. It would be a different game, a completely different experience. What would a truly next gen Horizon or God of War offer us? That is the crime here...the lost potential. If the next Naughty Dog game, or the next Spider-Man is cross gen, that man Herman has to go. That is not leadership.

Vengeance11381093d ago

As if you of all people know any better on what leadership is? lmao, don't kid yourself, Hulst knows far better than you.

medman1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

Apparently not. And if Sony ends up suffering next gen just as they did early in the ps3 gen because of their choices and greed, you will make the same excuses. That is what people like you do. You can't see the forest for the trees. Typical.

If you have a games company who depends primarily on it's gaming division for profit, you need to keep innovating. Developing games for 2013 tech on 2020/2021 new machinery is not innovation. Good luck. Short term gains for long term failure. You smell like the guy who argued with me in this forum that Scalebound would demolish Horizon Zero Dawn. No vision. No clue. That's you.

Ninver1093d ago

Don't mess with the Guerilla mate

waverider1092d ago

Really? Did hzd2 trailer look like halo infinitive trailer? After 5 years in the making? It look terrible by last gen standard, much less next gen...

Robodrake1092d ago

"Apparently not."

You'd get fired within a day working there. Dont act like you know what you are talking about, its embarrassing.

medman1092d ago (Edited 1092d ago )

You're the type of imbecile who probably thought dandy Don Mattrick was doing a bang up job. Typical. Embarrassing indeed, lol. Poor thing.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1092d ago
Ausbo1093d ago

Yeah most likely. Until god of war

LucasRuinedChildhood1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

60fps Performance Mode confirmed so no need to worry about that anymore. This is fundamentally a PS4 game though which is very disappointing. There doesn't appear to be any design differences between versions. Probably the same for GOW2 and then we'll have to wait 4 years for these studios' next games.

We could have wider environments, more enemies on screen, bigger bosses, etc but the PS4 is holding these games back. Rift Apart and Returnal are the only Sony games so far that were designed exclusively around the PS5 (Demon's Souls is great but it's a remake of a game designed around the PS3). It seems like we'll be waiting a while for most Sony studios to have officially ditched the PS4.

Would not be surprised if Jim Ryan mandated this, and this is part of the reason Shawn Layden was ousted ("We believe in generations" - probably something Layden).

ShadowWolf7121093d ago

The game was being developed AS a PS4 game. A PS5 version was added later.

Maybe get some facts, broski.

CS71093d ago

Why was it designed as a PS4 game when they knew a new console is coming?

Why be so dumb to say “We believe in generations” when they are no first party PS5 exclusives scheduled for 2022.

LucasRuinedChildhood1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

Quote me where I said that this didn't start development as a PS4 game. I never said that whatsoever, so what's the point of your comment? Use your head a bit, lad.

If Guerilla transferred development fully to PS5 they could have removed certain limitations caused by the PS4's CPU (weak even when it released, while the PS5's CPU is strong). For example, we could have had wider environments (less need to add geometry to aggressively cull out scenery), more destructible objects, more bosses on screen, etc. These additions don't need to be designed from the ground up - the extra power of the PS5 would have just allowed the level designers to do more (e.g. 9 mammoth robots on screen against loads of riders trying to take them down). In GOW2, we're still going to be crawling through walls even though the PS5 has an SSD.

It didn't need to be a PS4 game. PS5 dev kits were rumoured to be available shortly after Frozen Wilds was released for 3rd parties and before GOW even released. https://www.vg247.com/2018/... Rift Apart was CONFIRMED to have started development with a PS5 dev kit so they've been around for many years.

ShadowWolf7121093d ago

@Lucas Because they WANTED to make a PS4 game. They envisioned it on PS4. It's that simple.

Orbilator1093d ago

Erm I don't care about your life at all. Sorry hear about your parents but I don't care, especially due to your tone and Language. Language like that doesn't need to be used or belong in a family gaming site. however, when you do use it, just makes you look butt hurt. And Listen if you can't handle the replies then don't post comments. We all entitled to our opinions.. Never has so much been written for a comment.

I hope you get help in life mate cause your reaction means you need some serious help. If ever there was an over reaction then this was it.

I would ask you to never speak to me again like that.

Sunny_D1093d ago

The entire planning of Horizon including its sequels were already set years ago. They started developing the game long before any details on PS5 specs would have come out. So their vision wasn't affected since they were never planning with the PS5 in mind. Otherwise, if they truly waited for PS5 specs, the game would not be coming out this year.

Robodrake1092d ago

"Erm I don't care about your life at all. Sorry hear about your parents but I don't care, especially due to your tone and Language. Language like that doesn't need to be used or belong in a family gaming site. "

Uh oh, uh oh. Looks like someone has lost their marbles.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1092d ago
TheKingKratos1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

I already knew that would be the case
Pretty much the Same graphics/4k as the ps4 Pro but higher fps
And maybe better draw distance and RT

Same thing with GOW ... really glad i waited and didn't buy ps5

1093d ago
TripleAAARating1093d ago

"Same thing with GOW ... really glad i waited and didn't buy ps5"

I'm sorry, where did you see the GOW gameplay footage to make that assessment?.... we have yet to see Horizon Forbidden West PS4 gameplay so it is impossible to make a statement and say its "pretty much same graphics"... lol.... The gameplay showed looked far beyond anything running on PS4 in terms of fidelity and effects.

purple1011093d ago

improved lighting, on all scenes, ps4 just on cutscenes
improved underwater effects,
bow tension felt through controller trigger.
60fps mode. ps4 will be 30fps.

etc etc..

did you read the full thing??

TheKingKratos1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

""improved lighting, on all scenes, ps4 just on cutscenes
improved underwater effects,""

I did read it... and i was quite angry about it tbh ... because i was going to buy ps5 next month ... but after the annoucment of GOW/GT7 coming for ps4 ...i got pissed but at the same time felt happy that i didn't do it and didn't sell my Ps4 Pro

the difference in graphics will mostly be slightly better light and slightly better water effects and that is it ... it will be the same graphics in 4k as the pro when all said and done... and will remain the same in gameplay... you guys forget that they said the game was developed first for base ps4 in the same interview ... and i have no doubt GOW/GT7 will be the same deal

Higher fps and the feel of the bow ... is not what i would pay 500$ for

I want a true next gen game and GOW was the game that would push me to buy it
But since it will come to ps4 as well ... i expect the same thing like Horizon/Spiderman MM etc of all the cross gen games so far

I will buy ps5 when the next ND game hit the system ... that would be the true next gen game

Orbilator1093d ago

Yeah your right you waited to buy a ps5 and missed out on so much already, I think it's more like your mum won't buy you a ps5 till the school season of is over lol. Buying a ps5 was a great decision even just for the haptics and the faster loads

TheKingKratos1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )


listen you fucking idiot you watch your tone when you speak about someone else life when you know nothing

My mother/father are dead and i am 33 years old {been a huge fan of Playstation since i was 10 years old and never missed a system and i don't buy anything but Playstation and PC } and i am married and i can buy anything i want when ever i want unlike you no one give me anything ... but i worked hard to earn my keep and i don't waste my hard earned money on things that are not worth it

So instead of attacking others for saying things you don't like or agree with
why don't you grow a pair or you can just go cry in the corner if i hurt your feelings

glennhkboy1092d ago

@OneGreenMRAJ Breath of the Wild? Assassin' Creed Odyssey (since you just asked about the graphic & environment, not the game play)?

garos821092d ago


i cant believe you still think cross gen is NOT a handicap!!

i mean seriously man , just spend some time to think about it a little. the fact that you have so many limitations in your actual game design in order to allow it to run on last gen for one.
You literally cannot take advantage of the next gen bells and whistles to actually design the game from the ground up. you are splitting your development team to make sure its running on ps4 also so that takes resources away from next gen development further. there are so many variables holding this back. ive said it before and ill say it again, the game looks great and i will be buying it as a fan of the original, but it is really sad to sony not going all out on ps5 yet.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1092d ago
oldenjon1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

This happens at the beginning of every new console cycle, and is one of the disadvantages of console vs. PC development. It's not that big a deal IMO, better to have games that are enhanced for PS5 than no games at all as PS5 release would surely happen later. Also, Horizon 2 looks incredible.

CrimsonWing691093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

I'm sorry, but what!?

Please tell me the launch cross-gen PS1 games with PS2 or N64 with Gamecube.

Better yet, what were the PS2 cross-gen games with PS3?

The only time I remember a cross-gen title fist showing up was Peter Jackson's Kong on the 360 and even then cross-gen was barely a thing. It made sense during the transition period with game releases and a console release, but at release there were plenty of titles only available on the new console and it wasn't some 3 to 4 year cross-gen support scenario.

I don't remember Killzone Shadow Fall or Infamous Second Son on PS3.

We now have a PS5 and Xbox Series S|X and one barely has anything specifically next-gen and the other has nothing next-gen. The whole cross-gen being a thing for several years is kind of a new thing to this gen. I've honestly never seen a generation like this and I've been gaming since the NES days.

I can only speak for myself, but I want next-gen titles on my next-gen system that can't be played on my last-gen console. Sure, with backwards compatibility I can pick up a last-gen game, but when we're getting more cross-gen games than next-gen games it kind of diminishes the mystique of having a next-gen console. Like, what, I have to wait 3 or 4 years before I get to see what most Sony IPs can do with these next-gen consoles? That's kind of disappointing.

CS71093d ago

It isn’t. Uncharted Drakes Fortune came out 1 year after PS3’s release and was built from the ground up for PS3.

NeoGamer2321093d ago

To me, a great game is a great game no matter how you slice it and whatever generation it was built for.

This looks like it will be a great game.

1093d ago Replies(3)
The-Matrix-has-you1093d ago


I’m starting to think that this generation will be much different from last gen. With so much focus on last gen consoles when it comes to game development (makes sense financially and reputation wise) we probably won’t see mid gen upgrades. By the time PS5 is the primary focus and PS4 starts getting left behind developers will definitely start taking full advantage and design games around the much superior hardware. Therefore we will reach a point (probably 3 years) where games will look, play and feel much more advanced and what everyone is expecting.

nickanasty2061093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

You know why its going to hit 60fps for performance mode though right? It will be 60fps in PS4 Pro mode and enhanced mode will be the PS5 version. So yes, essentially you will be able to play HFW at 60fps, but will play 60fps in essentially what is the PS4 pro version, which will likely run at 30fps on PS4 Pro. Expect 1440p at best for 60fps mode.

mike32UK1093d ago

Incorrect, both devs have multiple teams. It's highly likely they have other projects ticking along in the back ground that are PS5 only

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1092d ago
wolf5811093d ago

For the ps5... . “Visually we can add a lot more detail. Graphically, the rendering technique for the underwater scenes is special for the PlayStation 5, it has extra details and extra systems, like the wave technique is better on that system.”

As well as improved water and environmental details, the PS5 version is able to make use of a cinematic-grade lighting system that the PS4 can only use in cutscenes.....

So even after that statments from the creators.. Many People try to make Sony to look bad for cross gen games and justify the xbxs s... Which is irrelevant... Horizon and gow on ps5, ps4 its like... Comparing. how crysis was on pc and ps3 or xbx360... It Will be much much better... And defentily games that look next gen.. Even Lou2 on ps4 its looking like an early next gen game.. Thats the talent of sonys studios
Plus Dont forget the Game play after all in the end of the day its the Game play and the perfomance that matters the most

CS71093d ago

My god. I am the biggest Sony fan but please stop defending this and saying it doesn’t matter. It does!

There will be no flying mounts because of the PS4.
There will be unnecessary long windy round about ways to get to cities so that the PS4 can load.

GOW will have those stupid squeezing through rocks sections.
No realm switching.
Smaller Bosses.

Imagine a GoW boss fight that takes place across 7 realms with absolutely massive scale! Sounds epic right? We’ll see it in GOW 3 in 2026!

The gameplay is sacrificed to make it playable on PS4.

chiefJohn1171093d ago

Multi realm boss fight would be freaking dope. I never thought about that. They should do an exclusive chapter for the cross gen games so we can get things that would only be possible on os5 such as the flying mounts and giant boss that switches realms

Antnee5341093d ago

I think you need to remember that sony realized as they made the ps5 they will not be able to make enough to me demand. Not in the sense of the ps4 where is was inconvenient at best to find at launch. They knew the ps5 would be impossible to find for at least 2 years so they told all there devs to think about the ps4 version for more sales. Cause as it stands the ps5 games can't sell as much as the ps4 Brothers because of install base.

Teflon021093d ago

So you think every game is going to pull a ratchet and clank now? Nah I'd rather not have every game play the same. Also multi realm fights can happen on PS4 with GoW. Since they go about things different than Dimension skipping like Ratchet. Like if you're fighting and say something is trying to eat you while shooting off to another place, they'd be able to do it and stream in what's needed as it jumps through say a QTE section. They'd have to go out of there way sure. But they can make it work. Next is while yeah it 100% changes how a game can be built. If you can move through Spiderman like that, They can have flying mounts in Horizon, just not at bullet speeds or it would have to be a cutscene for quick travel. Which I'd rather not have flying mounts if it essentially makes it travel so fast it goes across the world in 5 seconds.

It's like people can't be happy some games are PS5 games like Ratchet & Clank and Returnal. Not every game needs the same treatment. But they do it on a case by case bases. Returnal is fast pace jumping around etc. It makes sense to skip PS4. There are other PS5 only games in the works, Ratchet Can only be done on PS5. So if a game was planned to take advantage of PS5 in a way that makes the game undoable on PS4 they'd have had it as a PS5 exclusive. Games can be big jumps. Even with the last gen if it doesn't use any SSD related things as must needs. You can always cut down graphics and call it a day like, Sackboy, LittleBIGPlanet 3, Spiderman Miles Morales (that muscle deformation really does make the game a decent leap and the way loading works across the 2)

Like damn they got Demon Souls, Ratchet and Returnal as Next gen (current) exclusives and people are crying like they abondoned the idea of PS5 exclusive because some games aren't lol. I never understand this overexaggeration for anything Sony. Like damn, they're giving a mix. GT7 literally makes sense as what's really not possible outside graphical detail? GoW, is generally slow paced so that's possible on it. Horizon can be an argument either way but was always known to be crossgen and the look was still extremely impressive so I really don't get this

Popsicle1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

@CS7 Agreed and perhaps in 2026 we will be complaining that the PS5 is holding back the true potential of the PS6. With game development times continually extending through each generation, GoW 2 being cross-gen is not good news.

Saaleh1093d ago (Edited 1093d ago )

Exactly, PS5 tech can do even more than what ratchet is doing [streaming so much data really fast[feels instantly] allows for movie assets and advance game designing ]. All of it is held back, anyone saying otherwise is just hiding their pain[adapting] or clueless to how games are developed. and cpu features like next gen AI system are also held back. So it is a shame that sony is doing this, but not the end of the world. They still have that wow factor that feels like coming every now and than, end of 2022 is when next gen starts. We at least get a taste of it with ratchet..etc

Screw MS, their failure/mistakes are far worst than sony to the point that xbox became a subscription service, so it has nothing to offer to this conversation, xbox is irrelevant so their fanboys trolling in here is just pointless. the "exclusives" it is offering from launch to end of 2022 is a joke compared to Sony's.

Seriously, feels like PS5 cycle is extended to 7-8 years.

garos821092d ago

100% agree @cs7 . 1st party devs need to be set loose on the new hardware to learn the ins and outs of it. focusing on cross gen for their new games, delays the process of optimising for new hardware far longer

DOMination-1092d ago

"I think you need to remember that sony realized as they made the ps5 they will not be able to make enough to me demand."

This argument is nonsense because even with the supply issues, the PS5 has outsold the PS4.

Sony made a brave statement last year, which showed they were willing to focus on next-generation games and throw away potential revenue from an 80m userbase. They were rightly praised for that. And now they are rightly derided for this move. Their PS5 showcase made it clear from the start (after GTA was shown) that all games were for PS5 only yet almost immediately after SM:MM was revealed to be cross-gen and rumours persist to this day that PS4 ports of DS and R&C are at the very least being explored. Then they wait 8 months to quietly reveal the two biggest games are also cross-gen and hope nobody is going to notice or remember.

The irony is that after they made MS look silly, its rumoured that MS took the feedback on board and as a result some of their titles have shifted to next-gen only.

Robodrake1092d ago (Edited 1092d ago )

"GOW will have those stupid squeezing through rocks sections.
No realm switching.
Smaller Bosses. "

Im.begging you, please prove this to us. Show us ragnarok footage, im assuming you are a developer /QA tester from SSM with the level of confidence youre speaking with? How's Cory doing? What's it like working there?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1092d ago
Aussiesummer1093d ago

You realise all those graphical "features" are out the window if you decide to play in 60fps, THAT is why cross gen sucks.

garos821092d ago

it is bad no matter how you spin it. im what some people would call here a "sony fanboy" . i want whats best for the system, and cross gen isnt it. im sorry it sucks for ps4 owners but if you dont have 1st party companies going ham on the new hardware and going all out on it, who will? 3rd parties?

DJStotty1092d ago


"Many People try to make Sony to look bad for cross gen games and justify the xbxs s"

Think you have them mixed up, xbox has received countless criticism for supporting a previous generation for its exclusive games, Sony should expect the same level of criticism. The difference here, is xbox told its fanbase what to expect in cross gen games for at least 2 years, Sony made its fanbase assume to play their games they will need a PS5, therein lies the issue at why some are angry.

Does it hold PS5 back? not at all, they can still utilize whatever systems they want to in the PS5 version.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1092d ago
Paleblood1093d ago

When I'm enjoying and playing this game on my PS5, the least I will be thinking about is if this game is or not on PS4.

garos821092d ago

not the point but thanks for that weird flex

JEECE1093d ago

Lol this completely shatters the "well cross gen games are made for PS5 then downscaled to PS4" nonsense. As was obvious, games like this one aiming coming to multiple platforms are developed around the weakest platform. When they aren't, you end up with last gen console Cyberpunk.

bestofyou1093d ago

For the ps5... . “Visually we can add a lot more detail. Graphically, the rendering technique for the underwater scenes is special for the PlayStation 5, it has extra details and extra systems, like the wave technique is better on that system.”

As well as improved water and environmental details, the PS5 version is able to make use of a cinematic-grade lighting system that the PS4 can only use in cutscenes

Lionsguard1093d ago

Sounds to me less of a PS5 and more a PS4 Pro 2. None of this utilizes what the PS5 could truly have pulled off if it didn't have to be shackled to a base model PS4. Instead of having something truly remarkable and next-gen we'll only have slightly prettier graphics.

garos821092d ago

whats the point if you are building a game around limitations of last gen tech. i dont care for better lighting and wave effects if at the core game will have to revolve around specific coding architecture to be able to run on both. let loose the shackles of last gen and let next shine on its own merits

Show all comments (93)

5 PlayStation Exclusive Games That Look Better Than Hellblade 2

The Nerd Stash: "Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has some of the best graphics on Xbox, but there are PlayStation games that look even better."

Read Full Story >>
PrinceOfAnger7d ago

Lol some sony fans now disagreeing with DF !?
They said :
Hellblade 2 is a defining moment in the evolution of real-time graphics".

(The Next Level in Real-Time Visuals)

Takes advantage of everything UE5 offers
- Final game 'lives up to the lofty expectations' of the 2019 reveal
- Character rendering sets new standards and nearly resembles movie sequences with actual actors
- Leverages Unreal's Meta Human 5 to bypass the uncanny valley feel
- DF were left guessing whether some cut-scenes were in-game or real life footage (photo mode shows they're all real time)


Right now nothing on PS looks better than HB2.

PrinceOfAnger7d ago

5 PlayStation Exclusive Games" also on PC..
so what Exclusive? No one here confesses and accepted the word "Console exclusive". they were making jokes about it!

PrinceOfAnger7d ago


Sony fans were making jokes first about the word " Console exclusive" here and on other sites.
Now they use the word by themselves.

P_Bomb7d ago

I write console exclusive all the time. I use it in Xbox’s favor too. Those are the games I generally go after over there.

MrDead6d ago

Now I understand who these articles are written for.

Just buy and support the game so MS doesn't shut down Ninja Theory.

S2Killinit6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

You cant really talk when xbox has all its games released elsewhere. Not a good look.

Cacabunga5d ago

HB2 on PS5 will look better than HB2..
And even with that i won’t buy it

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
PrinceOfAnger6d ago

This article says Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima has better graphics than Hellblade 2 i'm done! 🤣

VenomUK5d ago

Of course! But that doesn't make it invalid.

I haven't been playing too much recently except a bit of Dave the Diver (retro pixel art). But if this has the best graphics then I definitely want to see so will download it for my XSX and start the game. If I had more time I'd play through the first one first.

S2Killinit6d ago

DF can talk from its arse all it wants. I’m sure they are spending their advertising money wisely.

DivineHand1255d ago

I was under the impression Microsoft didn't have any marketing for this game. I also don't need to be paid to say Hellblade 2 is the most photo realistic game on consoles ever made.

Nacho_Z6d ago

People are free to disagree with DF, it's debatable how impartial they are.

The article is a bit of a stretch though. Hellblade has an open goal graphically because it's using the latest tech on small areas with crap framerate so the fidelity is through the roof. It's not impressive to me personally but it's an achievement that shouldn't be denied.

S2Killinit6d ago

Yes. But then a picture can be extremely beautiful but you cant really play it. Hellblade must be beautiful but it has low frames, and its pretty much on rails so it does not really impress me personally.

Information Minister5d ago

I've been subscribed to DF's YouTube channel since before their videos were even narrated and I tell you no debate is necessary about how impartial they are.

DF has clearly had some level of proximity with Microsoft since the launch of the Xbox One X. They haven't exactly tried to hide either. Their coverage/damage control for Starfield was quite blatant.

So yes, people on all camps are free to disagree with DF's opinions.

That aside, this particular article is complete flamebait.

neutralgamer19926d ago (Edited 6d ago )

what good are graphics when rest of the game is a walking sim (coming from a pc fan) if it's only about graphics than any game can push the boundary but that's without much gameplay

to me gears of war 5 is more impressive because it had the graphics and gameplay to back it up, just like uncharted 2 back in the day. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is also up there.

SGT_Squirrel6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I don't understand people. Both the PS5 and Xbox one X are great machines. I own both and could care less which system has a game that is marginally better looking than the other. Yes, Hellblade 2 is the best-looking console game right now, but it isn't a huge leap over what the PS5 has. Since I am not tied to one company's console, I see things differently I guess.

Abear215d ago

Agreed, plus traditionally all PS exclusives are third person action and everything on Xbox is usually FPS.

Let’s talk gameplay people, you know, that thing that actually matters? I remember Gamepro would rate “Fun Factor” in their reviews—is the game actually fun to play?!

If this was the judging method, and not resolution and “bespoke tech” that digital foundry wants you to be obsessed with, than Dave the Diver is my GOTY so far (ps5)

itsmebryan5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Grasping at straws to make a positive Playstation story. Too bad they can't talk about AAA first party games. Because "PS5 has NO GAMES!!!" Why can't people just be honest. HB2 looks amazing.

Abear215d ago

Woah there little fella, you are way lost in what is no longer reality, hope you left bread crumbs

Sonic18815d ago

Horizon is West definition looks better than Hellblade 2

VariantAEC3d ago

This comment doesn't even make sense and I agree with it.

purple1015d ago

Digital foundry recently said ps5 ports are holding back Xbox

You can’t really take them as gospel anymore

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
darthv727d ago

Okay, I've played all of those, and they looked good for their time. This game just takes realism to a whole other level. some would even say uncanny valley-esq at times.

Maybe that's why people are having a hard time with this game... its almost too real and makes them uneasy about it.

Bathyj6d ago

I doubt that's it. The game has woorde problems than that.

darksky5d ago

The game is a walking simulator with tech demo graphics. Nothing special at all.

Flewid6384d ago

Next gen graphics are always special, even when the game is bad.

rlow17d ago

lol, really???? The title sounds so desperate. Those games are excellent but not in the same league.

ravens526d ago

..."not in the same league graphics wise*" Fixed it so you don't sound too crazy. Also not sure its in "another league" but I haven't seen it in person so 🤷🏽 idk.

ravens525d ago

All of those games on that list are literally objectively BETTER GAMES than Hellblade 2.

S2Killinit6d ago

I would say those games are on a much higher level because Hellblade is a game made to look great but its not on par when it comes to how it is linear with small playing areas and low frames. Anyone can do that, but is it a good game? No.

JackBNimble5d ago

If this is an argument, then yeah , this is desperation. Why do you sonyboys even care? The market always dictates, besides last I checked (as a ps5 owner) sony exclusives are few and far between, at least anything worth playing that is. And if I can play it on ps4 I'm not too then I'm not calling it exclusive.

Chevalier5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

You make it sound like Xbox has so much more games than Playstation, but, they have far fewer. Playstation has far more better 3rd party exclusives filling the gap too.

Chirping about Playstation when Xbox gets a game ever like 3 years worth talking about is idiotic. Would take the most recent FF, Gran Blue Relink and Stellar Blade over Xbox poor offerings any day of the week. Death Stranding 2 and Silent Hill look more interesting than HB2.

JackBNimble5d ago

No, that's not what I'm saying. The point is this is such a petty non argument yet you sonyboys just take the bait and bitch regardless. Xbox is dying but you gotta keep claiming how great your corporate brand is.

Must be another zero news week

Chevalier5d ago

Then why feed the fire then? Lol. Hellblade 2 is barely a game. The 1st one we literally had a ton of Xbox fans call it a walking simulator when it was timed exclusive to Playstation. Now people are reiterating similar sentiments about the 2nd game when it's much of the same with minimal 'gameplay' and Xbox fans are offended.

Ironically the very same idiots chirping said that all Playstation games were just 'cinematic' experiences as a slight and now we got guys like you with the oh whoa is me like it wasn't expected?! Lol. Seriously idiotic

MrDead6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

...now I remember why I hate gaming media, it's because 99.9% are like this article.

purple1016d ago

yeh, probably gonna have to wait for 'Death Stranding 2: On the beach', to get better environments and facial animation than this.

Yusi-D-Jordan5d ago

I honestly think Uncharted 4 was more visually impressive than Hellblade 2

purple1015d ago

Yeh there was a lot going on in uncharted
A lot of moving parts
Jumping from planes
You could say it was the more accomplished game. Hellblade looks like god of war, but without the sick fighting,

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