
First Xbox Series X Retail Console Has a Manufacture Date of September 15

The first official retail console for the Xbox Series X will have a manufacturing date of September 15 according to a hands-on with the console.

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Bathyj1346d ago

This thing is coming in hot I'm sure of it

lazyboyblue1346d ago

Any logic there or just pure fanboyism?

Bathyj1346d ago

The writings on the wall mate. If you haven't seen it you haven't been paying attention.

IRetrouk1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

There is a video of a dude with a preview unit saying how hot the system is, and that its been on standby, burns himself with the removable ssd too, they gloss over it with some pr talk but its on video man.


Bathyj1346d ago

I heard about that video but I couldn't find it. So the SSD was burning up in standby mode? Something definately going on with this thing

. A month to release and no gameplay shown? C'mon man, that's ridiculous.

IRetrouk1346d ago

Its the ssd that he mentions first and how hot it is in standby, then says about the whole system being hot in standby, I dont like how that bald dude instantly damage control's..... its almost like they are not supposed to mention it, it really is the strangest launch lead up ive been part of, no next gen footage on the systems so close to launch is weird, showing bc only is weird, only allowing so many bc titles to be tested on preview units is weird, its just a bizarre launch to me.

xxShadow-Shockxx1346d ago

@IRetrouk that bald dude jumped in so quick to try and shut the negative talk down

Sirk7x1346d ago

It seems pretty obvious that it's going to sell much greater than the Xbox One, during the first year at least. As long as MS is happy with sales, devs are happy with making games, and they sell well, then that's great. Doesn't have to outsell PS5 to be a success. Competition is good.

lazyboyblue1346d ago

Thanks @IRetrouk I'll check it out.

gravedigger1345d ago

Someone from giantbomb podcast noticed the expansion SSD card gets really hot, as well the console box around the port. According to him, it happened during stand by.

1345d ago
IRetrouk1345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

Seems to just be a warm running system🤷‍♂️

"I don't know if we can talk about this but, we have the Series X here and the Series X is hot, it is hot. It makes 0 noise but on the other hand it gives off heat, it's violent. I mean it's violent... yeah, yeah it's violent. You can warm up thanks to the Series X, clearly. From a sound point of view it's good but from a heat point of view, it's something."


+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
StarLink1346d ago

Yep, it is dropping in hot like the Master Chief on a drop pod ready to show its furry as the most powerful console.

1346d ago
lifeisgamesok1345d ago

Where's the games that show said power?

thejigisup1345d ago

Master chief furry, yip yip ill stay away thanks

S2Killinit1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Maybe MS going back to the red ring of death to boost sales numbers again?

Obscure_Observer1346d ago


"Maybe MS going back to the red ring of death to boost sales numbers again?"

No really necessary. For the past week or so, Sony has been making things pretty easy for Xbox.

S2Killinit1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Arent you the one who’s been saying essentially the same thing all generation long while MS been getting demolished in real time? Keep up the good fight I guess.

1345d ago
Obscure_Observer1345d ago


"'Arent you the one who’s been saying essentially the same thing all generation long while MS been getting demolished in real time?"

All I know is that 23 > 13. This gonna be a very different generation no matter how hard you try to spin. XD

S2Killinit1345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

Oh yeah very different. Im sure this time will be great for you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
DJStotty1346d ago


"This thing is coming in hot I'm sure of it"

Or maybe it is just a malfunctioning 1. There will be some on both manufacturers at launch.

I do not think anything electrical has a 100% success rate, there is always defective products, that is why they provide a manufacturers warranty of at least 12 months on everything you buy.

Bathyj1346d ago

Obviously all hardware has failure rates. Xbox more so than others. And Microsoft are not above rushing to market

I'm not basing my opinion off one overheating SSD. Dev kits were said to be delivered late. Microsoft has no games ready. They won't show anything running on the hardware. All they talk about is Gamepass.

They are obviously not prepared for this launch and are just going to steam ahead anyway. It's starting to look like a train wreck. The only thing they have going for them is they've managed to distract their fan base from all those issues by buying Bethesda, a deal that won't bare fruit for years and won't break even for a generation.

But as long as their fans keep making excuses for them and feed their subscription services they will continue to under deliver.

DJStotty1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )


"Obviously all hardware has failure rates. Xbox more so than others."

You mean 1 console out of 5? the xbox 360 RROD

"I'm not basing my opinion off one overheating SSD. Dev kits were said to be delivered late. Microsoft has no games ready. They won't show anything running on the hardware. All they talk about is Gamepass.

They are obviously not prepared for this launch and are just going to steam ahead anyway. It's starting to look like a train wreck. The only thing they have going for them is they've managed to distract their fan base from all those issues by buying Bethesda, a deal that won't bare fruit for years and won't break even for a generation."

But yet we know more about the Xbox Series X as opposed to the PS5... so....

"But as long as their fans keep making excuses for them and feed their subscription services they will continue to under deliver."

Again Sony have similar subscription services on all levels, so are those ones ok?

We still need to know the following about PS5 :-

Load times on BC games/PS5 games
Supported SSD external drives to run PS5 games
UI layout
Games supported on BC

StoneyYoshi1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )


"You mean 1 console out of 5? the xbox 360 RROD"

Is this supposed to dismiss the atrocious failure rate they had for the first 2-3 years of the systems existence? Sorry but 1 in 5 still doesn't sound good to me at all! And thats only for RROD. Don't forget about all of the disc tray issues they had on top of the RROD issue. And if RROD wasn't as bad as you try to make it then why did MS need to set aside over 1 billion dollars to support repairs and replacement of 360's AND extended their warranties due to these issues that they didn't really get resolved until halfway through the 7th gen. Face it.... RROD almost ruined the XBOX brand.

"We still need to know the following about PS5 :-

Load times on BC games/PS5 games
Supported SSD external drives to run PS5 games
UI layout
Games supported on BC"

1. We have already seen fast load times on Demons Souls side by side compared to the PS3 version. We have also seen fast load times from respawning after a death on Godfall as well as Astrobot.
2. Cerny has already stated information during the "Road To Playstation" event that 3rd party internal SSD's supported for PS5 will be months after launch once they have tested and approved them for PS5 compatibility.
3. UI layout news expected this week.
4. Jim Ryan has already stated that 99% of PS4 games will be supported on PS5.

You know "more" about the XSX yet you still haven't even seen a single new game running on the XSX besides BC games. 🧐

In the end, all companies play their cards differently. Its your choice which strategy you prefer.

Sunny_D1345d ago

1 in 5 Xbox 360’s? They WISH it was that low. It was more like 50% failure rate. It was that bad.


DJStotty1345d ago

Obviously people can not read and understand.

I said 1 console out of 5. Not the failure rate itself, simple version :-

OG Xbox - no mass failure
Xbox 360 - Mass failure issues (RROD, DVD Drives, etc)
Xbox 360 slim - no mass failure
Xbox One - no mass failure
Xbox One X - no mass failure

1 console out of 5 had a design/failure issue.

I hope now people understand my initial comment.

I did not try to dismiss any of the overheating issues on the 360, that is what RROD was, the x clamp was warping on the mainboard, could be fixed if out of warranty by a tech-savvy person, or wrap the towel trick. (only worked for some)

"We have already seen fast load times on Demons Souls side by side compared to the PS3 version. We have also seen fast load times from respawning after a death on Godfall as well as Astrobot."

I understand that, but we have not seen load times from dash, to playing in game. Loading from a death in Godfall? really? And a remake Demon's Souls?

Again, saying 99% of PS4 games will be supported, is vague as they have not confirmed all will be supported on launch day. No mention of PS3 etc :

"The PS5 has only been confirmed to be backwards compatible with PS4 games."

Source : https://www.eurogamer.net/a...

" Cerny has already stated information during the "Road To Playstation" event that 3rd party internal SSD's supported for PS5 will be months after launch once they have tested and approved them for PS5 compatibility."

So the short answer is no, we still do not know what External SSD's are compatible, like i said.

"UI layout news expected this week."

So the short answer is, we have not seen the UI, like i said.

"single new game running on the XSX besides BC games."

You may need to watch the reveals more. Or have a quick glance at series x gameplay on youtube.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
shabz6661346d ago


That’s from this weeks giant beastcast from giant bomb.com, CNET’s Jeff bachalar is the one with the series x test unit. But the bald guy “Alex Navarro” is right though, it IS a preview unit. Let’s wait and see what the actual retail system thermals are.

IRetrouk1346d ago

So because its a preview unit then any problems with it should be ignored? I dont think so, the system heating up so much even in standby shouldn't be dismissed just because the unit is a preview version, thats stuff that should be discussed, if the good gets pointed out, so too should the bad.

1346d ago
subzero19921346d ago

Microsoft said the metal casing of the Seagate external SSD acts a heat sink. So it will get warm. It seems he was downloading data to the SSD while in stand by so the one fan turns on to keep the system cool. The One X does that also.

morganfell1346d ago

He said the entire thing was toasty. Not just the SSD.

IRetrouk1346d ago

Watch the video, the ssd and console were both hot in standby, he didn't mention downloading anything, it may be a problem, it may not, but its 100% a thing that happened to this dudes xbox, no need to make excuses for it.

subzero19921346d ago

IRetrouk what happen to his xbox? Did it shut down? Was there a blinking light? It seems you doing a lot of concern trolling. I don't know if you have an Xbox One X or not but it does the exact same thing in stand by just like the other guest in the podcast mentioned. It will update the console in standby mode and you feel hot air exhausting out the back of it.

I'll just add MS has sent out dozens of Sereis X consoles to media/youtube people all over the world. They seem very confident in the system to do that. Nobody outside of Sony's controlled environment has even touched a PS5.

IRetrouk1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Hold on im concern trolling? How?, its legit a thing that happened to this xbox, it wasn't the vents the heat was coming from, it was the whole system and ssd, listen to the video again, you can scream concern troll all you like, but so far I've shown proof of what I've talked about and you have made excuses. Why feel the need to mention the ps5?
Why feel the need to defend and make excuses for this one xbox?
Damage control springs to mind.....

subzero19921345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

IRetrouk, you keep saying something happen to his Xbox. What malfunction happen? You're extrapolating that something is wrong when its pretty much what the One X does. Yes the One X case, vents will get warm and hot air will blow out the back in standby mode if the system updating or whatever. In the video he said it was doing something while in standby mode. If the system was completely off and started to heat up that would be one think, but he said it was in standby.

I'm not defending anything I just know that the One X does the same thing because I have one sitting on my desk by my computer as I type this.

IRetrouk1345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

The thing near enough burnt him on standby, thats the problem lol, nobody said malfunction..... but something hot enough to burn is an issue, how you don't get that is kinda unbelievable to be honest, I know the xbox can get warm and the fans can kick in to cool it when in standby, I own one too, but it does not make the whole system "toasty", or anything hot enough to burn you.
In the video he said that maybe the xbox was doing something in standby, not that he himself was doing anything, like I said in an earlier post, it may not be a problem for all xboxs, it may not be an issue at all, but it did happen to his system and it should be discussed, there is no need to downplay🤷‍♂️

subzero19921345d ago

Well I think you should look at the full podcast video on Youtube.

At the 26:30 point he goes to unhook the Series X and has no issues with touching case. He's holding the console for several minutes while showing it off to the rest of the panel. Only when he pulls out the external SSD and touches the metal part that functions as a heat sink he mention that its hot, yet it wasn't hot enough that he couldn't continue to hold it in his hand as he showed it off. Also he never said the console was hot. He used the word "toasty" then elaborated on it when talking about heat radiating from the exhaust vents, " it must of have been doing something where in needs to exhaust heat". Then they both recognize that the One X does the same thing. Then he went on to praise the quietness of the unit and said he would get into more details at a later date.
I understand you have agenda though so you keep fight the good fight.

IRetrouk1345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

🤦‍♂️ I watched the whole video lol, He literally says "actually the whole things toasty" while holding it, and no matter what way you try to defend it, the ssd was hot enough that he winced at it fgs, nobody said the console burnt him or was too hot to touch.....his system runs hot, that much is obvious, how much warmer you think it will get actually running next gen games?, just because you don't like hearing something about your favourite piece of plastic does not mean its not real🤷‍♂️

You can throw out excuses and whatever else you like, it won't change the fact that his xbox was "toasty" in standby and the ssd was hot enough to make him react to it.

Agenda?, good fight??🤣 How old are you 15 or so? Grow up lol, I can almost guarantee i have supported xbox just as much as yourself, probably even more... I've been an xbox owner since the original🤷‍♂️ my agenda is games, whats yours?

badz1491345d ago

you guys are panicking over nothing. the SX is equipped with very advanced AI. the system is going to be launched in November when it get a bit chilly. it's just preparing a warm welcoming room for you to game, that's all! in the summer, it will turn into a watercooler its predecessor was destined to be. the AI knows everything and is ready for everything.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
Obscure_Observer1346d ago


"This thing is coming in hot I'm sure of it"

Don´t worry, we´ll be calling you out on your FUD BS very soon. ;)

badz1491345d ago

why wait? why not call the guy that already said his preview unit running hot a FUD right now? go on. call him a fraud too while you're at it!

hiawa231346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Given how well the X1, 1S , 1X have performed almost whisper quiet, unknown heating issues, under load I expect the same reliability out of the next gen consoles.

Saijahn1345d ago

The video was about the expansion card being hot but people clearly don't understand that SSD's run hot.

Just more false information running around.

Believe that but disregard the one months ago about PS5 heat issues and the one from a couple weeks ago about ps5yield issues.

But let it be even remotely negative about Xbox and people sounding the alarm ? 😂

IRetrouk1345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

One has video proof of a xbox being "toasty" in standby along with the ssd being hot enough to make him wince, the other was made up by known fanboys with no proof.. lol which one would you believe quicker🤷‍♂️

As for the yields again, no proof from anyone, and amd and sony both rubbished the claims, but ms actually mentioned lower yields in one of their hot chips slides...

Sunny_D1345d ago

Incorrect. He was also talking about the consoles being “toasty” while in standby. Loos like we got a heater on our hands.

StarLink1345d ago

Not its not but I won't stop you from making up lies to feel better about yourself so keep at it.

CaptainObvious8781345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

He's not lying, he's speculating based on past history and evidence.

So unless you have inside information disproving his prediction, you're the one lying by 'stating a fact', only it's not a fact because you don't know.

But, keep at it.

StarLink1345d ago


Lol keep trying, his speculation is is based of the Xbox 360 which MS fixed with the Xbox One and every other version of it. Man all thos positive Xbox news has you PS fanboys on full damage control/downplaying. Keep at it.

scofios1345d ago

the backwards box getting hot so its not only the games that will be backawards also rrod hahaha .

badz1491345d ago

they love the old games so much, they are willing to bring back the RRoD back too?? gotta praise that enthusiasm LOL

DarthZoolu1345d ago

I guess being able to use Ray tracing at 4K 60 heats the box up. PlayStation is not going to have to worry about that.

CaptainObvious8781345d ago

Lol, PS5 will have to worry about that, but I'm sure it will handle it fine.

xsx on the other hand won't have to worry about next gen games it seems.

Godmars2901345d ago


Are you saying its going to be a hot item, or that the console itself runs hot?

Seriously though, aren't Youtubers and similar viral personalities having demo Xboxes sent to them? Given that some actually have ethics, if the system dose indeed have issues, they will be reported.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
shabz6661346d ago

Best of luck to anyone who preordered and are jumping into these systems series and ps5 day one.

I lack your courage god speed to you all.

Bruh1346d ago

Why are you scared? is the console supposed to blow up?

shabz6661346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

its my ptsd after rrod and going through 3 x360s.

Hopefully everything goes smoothly for all, cant wait to experience this next gen through osmosis for the first couple of months on youtube.

I ordered an lg cx oled, so i'm getting ready for next gen. Probably pick up both consoles by dec or jan

Sitdown1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

How/Why did you go through 3?

shabz6661346d ago


The first one was launch model the original xenon board, and that got a red ring, later on the second and third one were disc drives that failed.

Why I went through 3? Because I was into that ecosystem deep enough and the replacement was easy enough to go through I guess. But yeah after that I’ve stopped preordering consoles and waited for atleast 2 months before jumping in. Same with ps4, xbone and the pro and x.

dumahim1345d ago

Yeah, I kind of had some bad luck too. Day 1 360 died RRoD a couple weeks after the warranty ended. I know the original warranty was 90 days, but I don't remember if the warranty was already extended at that point, but either way, no warranty until later. Bought 2nd one, Core system. Not long after this the warranty was extended to one year, so I sent in my original one and kept using the Core. After warranty was up, disc drive failed. The magnet in the center of the spinner popped out. Used the replaced original, and that didn't last long before it RRoD again and since it sat for a while when using the other 360, the extended 3 year warranty was now up on this one as well. Went to Best Buy and bought a refurbished one for cheap that lasted the rest of the generation.

VarsityAthlete1345d ago

Original PS1 in ‘95 and Xbox 360 in ‘05 only consoles I was an early adapter of. I regret both. One I had to turn upside down to play. The other was hot to the touch and turned red. Going to wait a bit. Going to buy a better TV in the meantime

1345d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago

Ive never had an issue with a launch console. Ive been around for many. No courage necessary.

shabz6661346d ago

Thats great, i'm glad good for you.

TheRacingX1346d ago

I lost 3 X360 to red ring and my launch PS3.... only generation thats happened.....I still have my original consoles going back to my Atari 2600....

porkChop1346d ago

To be honest, I'm sure they'll be fine. The PS4 and Pro were built well, they were just loud. The One X is also built incredibly well, Microsoft has learned from their mistakes in that department.

lazyboyblue1346d ago

Not saying it's anything to do with the question of launch but had to try 4 xb1x consoles in a row used from CEX in uk before I got a working one. And they claim they test them before sale.

Profchaos1346d ago

Both parties have put forward an excellent product with early hands on of both units suggesting that they both run quietly and so far I have heard zero about issues

King_Noctis1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

I somehow agree with you. My day-one Xbox 360 got RROD. My day-one PS4 got the auto disc ejection issue. And now my day-one Switch has Joycon drift.

I just don’t understand why these console makers can’t make a good working console that could last you for a few years without something breaking down.

Knushwood Butt1346d ago

My launch ps4 also had the auto disc ejection issue but I fixed it recently. Stuck non-conductive electrical tape over the sensor plate inside the ps4.

Permanent fix. Now my kids use that ps4.

Not saying it is acceptable, but there is a permanent fix and now my 7 year launch ps4 lives on.

conanlifts1346d ago

Not an issue in Australia. Everything comes with an implied warranty. This means all goods should last a "reasonable expected time". So a console is covered for a minimum of a few years. A cheap Tv as another example might be covered 1-2 years, but a top of the range OLED on the other hand would be covered for for 4-5 years regardless of manufacturers warranty length. Great to live in a country where high standards and longevity are legally mandated.

lazyboyblue1346d ago

Becomes less an issue each launch. They used to be so custom but now parts are more standard.

Ozzy24071346d ago

It sounds like someone's jealous and couldn't get one at launch

Chris121346d ago

Bloody hell get over the 360 already, it was launched 15 years ago.

shabz6661346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Lol I used to have a specific ritual before turning that machine on, always slanted with a fan pointed towards it. And the Toshiba disc drive had also died in the third one so I had to pull the tray out halfway and push and hold it at the start of the game while the disc spun

DJStotty1346d ago


"Best of luck to anyone who preordered and are jumping into these systems series and ps5 day one."

Why? if you have issues, that is what is called a manufacturers warranty. I'm not worried.

shabz6661346d ago

Hopefully it’s all working well and good. 👍🏽

Sirk7x1346d ago

All hardware has a failure rate, and it's usually highest at launch, before revisions. It's going to happen to every console, graphics card, etc. The goal is to try to keep it as low as possible. Some people are going to have broken Series X and PS5 consoles out of the box at launch, or soon after. It sucks, but we roll the dice. Hopefully for those people, the respective companies make fixing their purchase as easy and quick as possible.

DJStotty1346d ago

This guy, this guy gets it.

Most sense spoken in this thread

AmUnRa1345d ago

Yeah, whe have seen that with the 360, according to MS it was a users fault...I will not trust MS ever again....

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
1346d ago Replies(4)
MightyHealthy1346d ago

They post the strangest articles at n4g

DarthZoolu1345d ago

It's not strange articles it's anti-Xbox articles because this is a Playstation Fanboys site. I bet you're not going to see an article about how Spider-Man on Playstation can't do ray tracing and 60 frames per second.

MightyHealthy1345d ago

Oh, im well aware of everything you said

lonewolf101346d ago

Will be interesting to see how both next gen consoles fare heat wise in reviews.

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