
Former Xbox Exec Says "No Way" PS5 Will Be More Than $500

Speculation is rife around the next-gen console's pricing.

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sushimama1455d ago

It will be $499. Anyone who thinks it will be more are crazy. Could even be $399. I wouldn't put it past Sony to take a loss on every console. They have room to maneuver on the price front. They will wait for Microsoft to announce first and then Sony will announce theirs.

Locutus_of_borg1455d ago

Who’s to say Microsoft will announce first ...

Teflon021455d ago

It's clear they're both trying to wait on the other to price accordingly, which is why Sony is being so vague and talking value vs price. They don't want to hint a price so MS has a idea on what they'll price. That makes it sound higher. So MS can pay safe. But MS is likely waiting to try match or undercut if priced high. MS is more likely to drop the price first seeing they've jumped the gun and don't have much to actually reveal. They need to really do something to regain buzz, because it's looking like another ps4, xbox one situation coming in sales. Sony is just perfect execution atm

bouzebbal1454d ago

Lol why make an article about this guy? He never said anything right anyway

stuna11454d ago

At this point Sony has the upper hand when it comes to withholding an actual price, simply because all the spotlight is on them. Look at it for example here on N4G, they have the article about the Xbox series S, it has some discussion going on, but look at discussion concerning the PS5 and discussion wise it's on a whole nother level

Xbox series X discussion = 150 to 200 comments at most.

PS5 discussion = 250 to as much as over 400 comments.

This is just from people who normally discuss gaming events and news, but you also have to take into account that a actual fanbase of over 110 million will on all accounts reach more than a fanbase of say 50 million on just word of mouth.

Sony has the upper hand where it matters most, word of mouth and media attention.

RacerX1454d ago

Xbox will absolutely be cheaper... MS knows if they're more expensive, well, it's gonna be another rough start to this console war.

Kakashi Hatake1454d ago

They're the ones who have to prove themselves. Playstation is a bigger brand.

Neonridr1454d ago

@stuna1 - Series S would generate less hype than Series X though.

Sitdown1454d ago

Huh? How did you come across the logic that MS doesn't have much to actually reveal? When it comes to hardware, Sony has officially revealed more. Sony has revealed a good amount of 1st party games, with probably several more to go. Microsoft has only reveal system and controller, and 3rd party games. Which means, Microsoft doesn't have to pushed for price, if they wait until Sony reveals, and then undercuts them, who do you think we get more of a buzz?

I absolutely believe that Microsoft has to come in cheaper than the PS5, and they have to know this. They are the challenger, and they can't afford to simply match Sony in anything.

AngelicIceDiamond1454d ago

"Price in this generation may be the most important indicator of success. Maybe even more than exclusives."

This right here is the problem Albert the problem that most of the Xbox execs seem to have and was part of the reason why X1 wasn't as successful as the 360. Games do play a major factor in a consoles successs. True Price is for front but games is the long term success factor. It's probably a good thing he's not with Xbox anymore his mentality hasn't changed a bit. You need games man especially Xbox.

Wilwon1454d ago

Because it's a American product and Americans are spoiled!

RazzerRedux1454d ago

"Because it's a American product and Americans are spoiled!"

lol.....don't kid yourself. gamers worldwide are spoiled.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1454d ago
Daniel21831455d ago

Microsoft will not be beaten on price!! They will wait for Sony to announce their price and go cheaper .

CorndogBurglar1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

It depends. It looks like they are both waiting each other out. MS certainly doesn't want to be undersold again. But I'm sure Sony doesn't either.

Whats going to end up happening is one of them is going to have to announce a price soon. And whoever it is will need to go pretty damn low to avoid getting undersold.

I could see either MS or Sony announcing $399 or $449, and the other one following suit. I simply can't imagine either selling for less than $400.

1455d ago
S2Killinit1455d ago

Pretty sure xbox will be cheaper.

Hakuoro1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )


I don't think Sony is going first.

After all the press and other pressure they still waited until last week to show the console. I think Sony has sent a pretty clear message that no amount of pressure is going to make them to anything.


This is what the press has lead people to believe.

But a GPU is way more expensive to manufacture than an SSD and the fact that the PS5 SSD is 825GB instead of 1 TB tells me they were very aware of price. It's possible that what they did was strike a deal with a manufacturer(s) that were making 1 TB SSD's and bought all the ones that had manufacturing errors, cut off the failing flash and repackaged them as 825GB for PS5. It's very common way to bring down price in electronics like this.

outsider16241455d ago

Ps5 will be 299/- ....mic drop.

Lol. Nah just kidding. I think Shaggy's price list looks more realistic.

1455d ago
Rhythmattic1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

As for thePS5 SSD... Cerny Said there was a reason for a 825Gb SSD...
Sure , are would be better... but the 12 ch i/o design, as SSD's are made up of multiple chips, Just as a 500gb sata SSD using 1 chip has slower throughput than the same model thats 1 Gb using 2 and chips....
Cerny said that was the sweet spot for the speed and price...
Just go watch the tech talk a few weeks ago......, Cerny was talking to Developers , he said why, Its in the talk, he aint lying.. Cost yes.. But Speed also.

rainslacker1454d ago

MS hasn't seemed to have any problem pricing their consoles what they feel it will sell for. Not a single system of theirs was cheaper than sonys this gen, and they even priced their premium console at a price they couldn't sell the OGX1 for.

MS is not trying to lose money on these consoles, and I doubt that's going to change going into next gen...which is probably why the series S is going to be a thing.

deafdani1454d ago

The Series X has higher specs than the PS5, though. We can't ignore that. If Microsoft wants to sell it cheaper than the PS5, they will have a smaller profit margin than Sony, so you have no guarantee that the new Xbox will actually be cheaper.

Everything is speculation at this point, for all we know, Microsoft could be willing to sell their new console for little to no profit betting on gains with their subscription services and the like... but as it stands right now, all we know is the hardware specs of the console, and based on that, it's logical to assume that the Series X may be slightly more expensive than the PS5.

Rhythmattic1449d ago (Edited 1449d ago )

deafdani5d ago
"The Series X has higher specs than the PS5"

A Spec in Flops.... Remember MS talking about the balance in trying to reduce bottlenecks with the One?
Flops are but a part of an equation.... Theres enough PC vids explaining CPU/GPU/RAM/BUSS speeds and where bottlenecks can occur......

Higher Spec in flops? Yes...... And its minor in comparison to the "Flop" comparison of the one vs PS4.
As for the rest as a whole? Who knows... But the "Proof is in the Pudding" for a want of a better saying...

The games when utilising the Consoles specific architecture , it will be the only metric and the answer.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1449d ago
LOGICWINS1455d ago

$399 for the digital model (leaked Target ad confirmed this) and $499 for the physical.

1455d ago
sushimama1455d ago

I hope that's true. Sounds cool. I will get both :-D

Outside_ofthe_Box1455d ago

Those price points will most likely be the case

S2Killinit1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

It will be 549-599.

This is why both are reluctant to announce price. Inflation is a real thing, and these consoles are more advanced than before.

crazyCoconuts1455d ago

I'm with you - that's sensible.

1455d ago
crazyCoconuts1455d ago

@grieve - why do you think digital should have a bigger SSD? It's not like having a disk matters anymore in terms of space - nothing runs off of blu-ray and everything needs to be installed onto the SSD. So both digital and non-digital console owners are in the same boat with space restrictions

Thatgrammar1454d ago

It has already been announced by Playstation that the digital version will be the same as the regular PS5, just without a disc. So when you speculate that it will have a larger SSD I think you might be mistaken. We will have to wait and see though. Ill edit this and add a link to the confirmation from Sony.

nibblo1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

UHD players at cost in bulk for these companies are nowhere near $100 so if they sold the digital version for $100 less they would be losing 70 or 80 dollars per console. If they sell lets say 100 million that would be a 7 or 8 billion dollar loss. I think I more sensible guess would be 449 for the digital, they would still be taking a loss but a more manageable one.

--Onilink--1454d ago

I seriously doubt Target knows the price for it to be leaked. Its no different than play-asia listing it at $700, which obviously wont be the case. They are just placeholders.

Also, $100 less for the digital? That drive costs like $20. I would bet at most a $50 difference between models

caddytrek1454d ago

I think PS5 will be 399 as well. But obviously a Target ad this early is fake.

1454d ago
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1454d ago
S2Killinit1455d ago

i think it will be 549 at least.

MS cant seem to stop talking about the competition. Truth is, they know whoever announces first will have to explain why prices dont stay the same after years go by. 499 today is like 399 back in the day.

Hakuoro1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I still think it'll be $400, Sony knows that's the sweet spot. Last gen people estimated $499 just like Microsoft and Sony came in at $400 and then with the Pro it was $400 again.

But all the really high price estimates are fine, if Sony comes in under them they look like the hero's.

TKCMuzzer1455d ago

Yep, Sony can, and have probably prepared to take a hit for 6 months, it will be part of the financials, it’s about getting consoles into homes.

darthv721455d ago

Considering Sony admitted they would never make a $600 console again... the price of $500 (or less) is pretty obvious. What many want to know is what is the variance between the 5 and the 5AD? Is it only $50 or something more like $100?

MS has the SX which could be $500 or $600 but they will also have an SS that could be in the neighborhood of $300.

StoneyYoshi1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

Do you by any chance have a link to sony stating they wouldn't ever make another $600 console again? Im not doubting you but I would like to share this information in a group chat I'm in that seems to believe the ps5 will be 600-700 dollars.

rainslacker1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

I don't think they said they wouldnt ever do another $600 console, it was that the $600 console was a mistake for the time, and may still be today. My recollection on the quote I think you're citing is fuzzy though.

That said, it doesnt really matter what was said in the past. Things change, and while if they actually did say that, they'd be ridiculed and called liars, it wouldnt matter in the end, because a console that expensive may not sell to it's full potential.

@giveroftime below

OEM parts are much less than 10-15% of retail prices. Especially when brought by the millions. Wholesale is a price for markup by retailers, and most of those electronics have about a 30-40% markup for them. Manufacturing to distributors is probably 5-10% less than wholesale pricing, but profit is made on volume of sales

Plus, there are parts with no direct cost in the retail market, and it doesn't factor in manufacturing and distribution costs.

1454d ago Replies(6)
sprinterboy1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

Agree, that's why they showed the accessories aswell.
Sell the console at a heavy loss put gain back when most gamers? Will probably pick up the headset and 2 games at launch also plus some psvr owners will upgrade to the new HD camera so that's 5 million HD cameras sold plus who ever else want to get one for the streaming capabilities etc.
I think £399 digital edition and £449 or £479? For disc version

ManMarmalade1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

Don't forget that sony is going to be releasing a digital only version alongside it more than likely. Could easily be $499 for the regular and maybe $399 for digital.

rainslacker1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

$499 is my guess. If MS is at $499, then I think Sony will match it. It's hard to imagine MS console being less, although subsidizing the costs may happen. Slim chance, but its possible.

Sony probably settled on a price regardless of what MS offers though. But I cant aee it being more than $499. That seems to be the maximum, with $399 being the sweet spot for launch.

It's also possible Sony set expectations high by saying value doesnt mean cheap, just to come in lower in price which would drive excitement. They did something like that with the vita, and on the surface it looked great when announced. If this is the case, I doubt it was trying to dupe MS into overconfidence so they came out with a high number that Sony could undercut.

DragonWarrior191454d ago

$499 for the Standard
$399 for the Digital

Not really sure why people all of a sudden are expecting it to be $700-800 (I've seen these number thrown around since thursday), the development cost of the PS5 is only $450 and like you said they generally take a loss.

kryteris1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

$400 makes sense for a digital only option, they will profit off of 90% of sales easy.

deafdani1454d ago

I'm betting on $400 for digital version, $450 for disc drive version. At most $450-$500 respectively.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1449d ago
Nyxus1455d ago

I'm expecting 499 too. Maybe 449 for the digital version.

JEECE1455d ago

Maybe they think it has been long enough and enough people have forgotten, but I think they will avoid $599 at all costs to avoid negative comparisons to PS3 launch. There are a whole host of reasons why $599 would be more reasonable now, but that wouldn't stop the wave of bad press they would inevitably get.

S2Killinit1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I also think 599 will get a backlash but the truth is the prices cant stay the same with 1) inflation, (most important factor) 2) leap in tech we kept asking for 3) Covid19 costs

NeoGamer2321454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

They went down that path with PS3 and they learned.

$499 and $449 are the most likely prices for PS5. They might get aggressive with digital and go $399. but I think that is unlikely.

If they priced at $599 and $549 and XB came with a $499 XSX and $449 XSS it would give XB some (Maybe 10% more?) market share. I don't see Sony or MS willing to price their consoles over $499. That would make special editions and bundles $699 or $649. That is ridiculous for a console.

caddytrek1454d ago

There is zero chance the price will be that high.

rainslacker1454d ago (Edited 1454d ago )

I can't remember exactly how they phrased it, but with the PS4, $400 was the price point they wanted to aim for. The reason being, is that for a new console, it was considered the most attractive price without being too expensive, or considered overpriced. That is likely derived from their PS3 launch. They did have a $500 console on launch for PS3 too, but people kept focusing in on the $600 one, and because of that, $500 was still too much. MS released at $499 this gen, and it was deemed too much, although many thought that was relative to the price of the PS4....which it probably was to some degree. But then, MS released the X1X at $500, and it also didn't sell, despite the decent power gap between it and the Pro.

Couple all that history, with market research, and it does make $400 seem like a more reasonable target.

I think what will happen is the digital version will be $399, and the full version will be $449 or $499. Then in the marketing, they can say, "Starts at $399". This gives them the $399 price tag that's attractive to consumers, but also serves the people who want physical game releases. They may subsidize more on the digital version because they'll make more on the back end, but $50 is what MS did, and makes the most sense without losing money that has to be made up.

However, if the full version is $449, then it means that if MS is targeting $499, then they may still be the more expensive console, and the rumored Series S is supposed to not be as powerful, so it's target market is changed somewhat. But, the Series S could indeed be priced low enough to beat Sony. But, if it's an all digital console, with no physical option, then it'll probably be dead in the water, and unfortunately, MS has terrible track record when it comes to supported dead hardware.

JEECE1453d ago


If the Series S/Lockhart actually exists and is as much less powerful as is rumored, there is no world where it would only be $50 less than the Series X. For that difference, there would be no point for them to make a second console (the two PS5s may only be $50 apart, but they are the same hardware other than the disk drive). No one is going to buy the S if it has less than half the graphics horsepower if they only save $50. If Series X is the only Xbox, I wouldn't be surprised if they took a loss and put it out at $400-450. But if S is real, I'm betting on S at $300 and X at $500.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1453d ago
1455d ago
--Onilink--1454d ago

Im thinking 450 and $500 if they are able to go low.
$500 and $550 if they dont want to take that much of a loss on each console.

I mean, the Xbox One X was priced at $500, it would be a miracle if any of them are priced at $400. None of the tech in them is cheap

lelo2play1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

When top smartphones are selling for 2000+€... wouldn't be surprised if PS5 digital version cost 500-550€, and the normal PS5 550-600€.

... but I think Sony are waiting for Microsoft to announce prices first.

sampsonon1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

You need to realize that as soon as someone compares everyday tech like a phone which is used for so much of our day to day living to a home console people automatically down vote the comment. People are addicted to their phones and see consoles as not as important.

600 EU is $1k CND. I WILL NEVER SPEND THAT MUCH ON A CONSOLE. I don't care about the exchange in the $. You need to stop thinking about your countries money value and think about the rest of the world and their currency.

The PS5 will fail horribly at those prices.

Darkborn1455d ago

I use my console every day too and I'd gladly pay a little more for a better machine.

JEECE1455d ago

I see what you're saying (although I'll never pay as much for a phone as I would a console), but I do think phone prices are relevant in that the shift from carrier subsidized phones has conditioned people to better understand the value of electronics.

At least in the US, it used to be that carriers would massively subsidize very expensive phones, such that you could get an expensive iPhone or Samsung phone for free or less than $200 that you'd now pay $600+ for, so long as you signed a contract of a certain length.

Now that this happens a lot less, and people more often actually pay for their phones, they have less of a skewed idea of what they are worth, and what other electronic devices are worth by comparison.

S2Killinit1455d ago

I would pay more for my console than a damn phone.

sampsonon1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I mean people with a life. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

sampsonon1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

Then Sony should lease their console as well lol. Pay $30-$50 per month ps+ included until the console is payed off. Poor people would be able to stretch their budget a little for that. If you miss a payment they can freeze the console and account until you pay up.
I think that would be a great idea this way they can't be scammed.

crazyCoconuts1455d ago

To sampsonon's point we're not the norm. Most of us are probably gaming junkies lol. Companies have to price these consoles for the average consumers, not us...

1454d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1454d ago
Locutus_of_borg1454d ago

Regarding the leasing of consoles... if memory serves me, im sure Microsoft touched upon this idea with the One X, i was never sure why they abondoned the idea though...

rainslacker1454d ago

Yeah, people spend a lot on phones. But most people actually aren't buying phones that expensive. Even if they're subsidized by the services plans. It's not to say that those phones aren't successful, just that if you're going after the mainstream market, you need something more reasonably priced. This is also true with consoles, as the only time you see people spending upwards of a thousand dollars for one is during launch, with scalpers jacking up prices for the holidays.

Phones are also multi-purpose devices. Very few people buy phones for the purpose of playing games, although there are some that do consider gaming capabilities when buying phones. For the most part, those $2000 phones are not as well suited to games....oddly enough.

RazzerRedux1455d ago

I'm expecting both consoles to be $499.

sampsonon1455d ago

Both the digital version and blue ray? of PS5 and XSX?

Outside_ofthe_Box1455d ago

Obviously digital version will be cheaper, or else why have two different versions to be begin with?

I agree with both consoles being 500 max

RazzerRedux1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I'm hoping the PS5 digital edition is $100 cheaper. Hard to say about XSX as we don't know if it is a digital edition or a weaker version of the base console.

ziggurcat1454d ago

Me, too. I only expect the digital edition to be $50 less, though.

caddytrek1454d ago

I doubt it'll be that much, but when they come in under expectations like they did with the PS4 it'll build a ton of hype for them so don't stop high balling it.

Toiletsteak1455d ago

I was thinking maybe 600 and about 520 for the all digital. Obviously I would like it to be as cheap as possible but I will be buying it day one no matter the price.

sampsonon1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

People need to remember that Sony needs to sell it to the world. So selling the console at that price USD is expensive for Americans. Imagine having to pay $900 CND like i would, or i mean wouldn't.
People say "but that is you're paying the same because of the $1. I pay 3-$4 for bread at a store. How much is bread in the states? about the same or cheaper no? So to me it feels the $900 feels the same whether it's CND or USD unless i have USD currency.

They wouldn't be stupid enough to cut out the rest of the world because of price.
Yes US and EU would be still complaining. The rest of the world just couldn't afford it.
That means less software sales.

Kurt Russell1455d ago

Yeah they tend to change the little $ sign to a £ where I am for hardware at launch... which makes it about 1/5th more expensive.

I am curious to see where these come out in terms of prices. I am yet to decide which console I'll buy for launch this time around. This gen I started out with PS4, the gen before that X360.

sampsonon1455d ago

@Kurt Russell I will go with the Sony because of their track record. They are releasing 3 AAA games in the last 7 months of this gen on top of all the amazing titles they've already released this gen.
MS needs to show me what i might be missing.

Kurt Russell1454d ago

@sampsonon, I totally get that. The always deliver an excellent line-up of first party games over a generation. Don't get me wrong, I'll have myself both consoles in the long run... I won't let myself miss out!

I am paid up on Gamespass for a couple of years at the moment... so financially buying X means I can just get to playing without further costs... HOWEVER... they have not shown a single damn thing to prove that's the correct decision just yet.

Also I don't think Sony have mentioned whether the G29 steering wheel will be compatible yet (which I have on PS4)... it's little things like that which will tip me one way or other.

FirstSonOfKrypton1454d ago

People in the states wouldn't either. We need a better dollar. We need better leadership. Canadian

sampsonon1454d ago

@FirstSonOfKrypton Leadership has nothing to do with it. Our dollar has and almost always will be weak because of the States. It's not a leadership problem, it's a little brother problem.
The US, China and UK decide what other countries money is worth.
Not us.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1454d ago
S2Killinit1455d ago

Its interesting that people think they can get a big leap in technology which we continuously asked for, at a low price despite inflation. Not to mention Covid19 issues.

rainslacker1454d ago

I'd rather spend more at the start of the gen to be honest. That'll give you more powerful hardware that won't be struggling as much the longer the generation goes on. We had mid-gens this gen, but if I could have spent $100 more at the start of this gen and gotten a more powerful system, even if not as powerful as the mid-gens, then I would have preferred that.

However, I'm a hardcore gamer, and Sony has to consider the mass market. The mass market can love technology, but they love their money as well.

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ApocalypseShadow4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I'll admit that Facebook is doing more for VR than others. But they also have blown over 50 billion dollars so far and growing in R&D, building the meta verse, buying up exclusives and underpricing their products below build price, to kill competition in the stand alone space. Sony and Valve aren't willing to go into the red at an unheard level to capture the market. We know Sony could build a stand alone device that beats Quest just by the features in PS VR 2 and the new stand alone headset they built. But the new Sony would rather build a device they can profit from day one.

But, Sony so far has profited on hardware and on software. They just don't seem willing to spend the money on marketing, selling under build price or spending millions on making in-house VR exclusives for PS VR 2. Which sucks big time. They're just letting 3rd parties and indies run the show.

Article also doesn't mention that Apple's headset is more a developers product than a mass market item. To say they are looking into making a cheaper one for the next iteration is speaking the obvious. Duh. That was always the case. Build something the public sees as quality not can't afford, then make another that the masses can afford. TVs, cars, cellphones etc all were once expensive. Now, they're cheap to buy with many options to choose from. And Apple isn't even selling VP as a VR headset. I'm well aware that Apple's true intentions is to build a device that pushes AR with VR as an option. Not build a VR device. Because they know eventually that they want to replace the cellphone with AR glasses or an AR headset. If they cared about games, they would have launched as a gaming device.

Lastly, Facebook launched Quest 3 last year. But has not mentioned how many they sold up to this point. Why is that? Besides Quest 2 selling more by being cheap, the market can't move forward until they start selling more Quest 3 headsets than 2. Maybe the new exclusive Batman and Hitman games will help. But we'll see.

Abnor_Mal3d ago

Not dead, but definitely on life support from the third party devs and PC crowd who may just purchase the headset.

Although I saw someone say that the module adapter will no allow haptics and adaptive triggers to work, but I don’t know if any of that is true.

Babadook73d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Nope. Not yet.

It’s tough to say what its future will bring. There is still decent support. It seems to have sold decently too. Sony seems absent in a direct way though.

Jingsing3d ago

The issues Meta have is they are Meta. I'll never buy a Meta product, Every Quest headset they release is always a case of it's not quite there from a hardware perspective and the game content is mostly from indie devs. Selling what should be a AAA experience with C tier games is a non starter.

helicoptergirl4d ago

Meta is also Billions and billions in the hole in regards to VR. If Sony were to do what Meta has done, they'd be bankrupt

ChasterMies3d ago

Meta is losing billions on a business that theh will probably walk away from like they did the Facebook phone. Temper your expectations of your investments in Meta’s hardware.

franwex3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I do wish Sony would release more for PSVR. It’s a neat product, but they don’t support it much. It may have the same fate as the Vita.

I know it’s two completely separate products as Vita was stand alone, and PSVR is a companion to PS consoles. More 1st party support would really boost it though.

InUrFoxHole3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They are done supporting it. They're relying on pc to do it for them. Sony even paused production because it's not selling

Abnor_Mal3d ago

They paused production to get rid of inventory, doesn’t mean the headset isn’t selling, it’s just not selling as fast as Sony thought it would. But with their half assed approach to the headset and lack of first party games, it’s not surprising, saddening, but not surprising.

Meta out here buying up all the exclusives, this is the only part of the gaming market where I feel exclusives should not be a thing since the market is “still in its infancy”.

InUrFoxHole3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

That's exactly what it means... you think people are buying a headset with min support for the price of the console? It's done man. Sadly because like the vita the tech is good and deserved better

Chocoburger3d ago

I own PS VR 1, and it is packed with tons of games to pick from in nearly every genre you could think of. While the technology may be rudimentary compared to newer headsets, it still works, and is fun to play, which is what matters most.

Its a shame that PS VR 2 is having such a slow start, because the tech behind it is brilliant. Its currently on sale for $100 USD off, that needs to be a permanent price drop.

We need more first party games on PS VR 2, the fact that Jim Ryan shut down Sony London Studios right before he left was moronic, they should have been upgrading their hit game Blood & Truth for PS VR 2! What a stupid decision.


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-Foxtrot4d ago

My issue with the announcements over the past 2 years or so is that now these "big" announcements they hint at or whatever end up being just PC ports.

For most of their core audience, the people watching, we've played them, a PC announcement being made into a big thing and counting as one of their major announcements means f*** all to most of us. Also you have to think if they didn't have them then first party wise they don't have much else.

So now it's split between PC ports (God of War Ragnarök), live service shit (Concord) and the first party games we actually do want (Astrobot).

CrashMania4d ago

Yeah they really should leave the PC announcements to blog posts, most of the audience watching are PlayStation console players, not PC players.

Eonjay4d ago

I'm not sure I understand the stance. They surely want to sell their games no matter what platform they are on. Also leaving out PC port announcements isn't gonna magically make more PS5 announcements.

Abear213d ago

Agreed I thought the God of War announcement was more DLC, disappointing PC announcements on a hype reel doesn’t make sense to PS5 players watching.

CrimsonWing694d ago (Edited 4d ago )

This particularly was a bad showcase in my opinion. Derivative Souls-like (which in all honesty I will check out because I like the genre, but I couldn’t tell you the names of the games without looking it up or how they’re different from one another), Concord, a mid Silent Hill 2 Remake. I’m not really into platformers so Astrobot didn’t stick to me. The only thing that got me hyped was Monster Hunter: Wilds.

Truth be told though, most of these showcases are ass anyways. I’m struggling to think of one that was firing on all cylinders like the good ol’ E3 conference announcements.

The shift to GaaS is absolute sh*t and for them to think that’s the game to make the focus shows just gives me little hope for the future of gaming, especially the state that the industry is in.

I wish they’d have shown Wolverine or something that would’ve been a “holy sh*t” moment… but nope.

ravens524d ago

Ballad of Antara and Where Winds Meet. They both look dope to me 🤷🏽. N If Concord is on PS+ then I'll take it. It wasn't as bad as people are making it out to be.

-Foxtrot3d ago

Yeah it's funny I'm the same, I can't remember the names off by heart unless I'm reminded.

I think most of these games are just starting to mush together where the one game we do want "Bloodborne" is no where in site whether it's a remake or sequel.

" I wish they’d have shown Wolverine or something that would’ve been a “holy sh*t” moment… but nope"

I don't think we'll see it for a while after the leaks

I just can't believe we've seen nothing on Spiderman 2 DLC, not like I'd be that enthusiastic about it myself but I mean in general I'm surprised it's a no show.

We got 3 story episodes within 3 months of the first games release and it took months to get a New Game Plus mode and that was before all the major leaks that happened

fr0sty3d ago

It isn' that Concord was bad, it's that we've all played it before.

Psychonaut853d ago

Yeah they’ve shown before that they have no problem showing teasers way in advance, so the fact there was no trade for any of the heavy hitting first party studios is quite concerning. I feel like there may be no Sony Santa Monica or Naughty PS5 only game this gen. Which is sad.

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Tacoboto3d ago

It sucks, doesn't it?

And the company that *is* announcing new single-player titles can't manage themselves at all and have both monetization and perception dilemnas they themselves created, problems so severe it puts all the titles they're announcing in a compromised position right out the gate.

Perfect Dark should've been an EASY win for the creative head of the Tomb Raider reboot, but it's in development hell. They cratered Starfield's potential by thinking it was ready for release last September. Hellblade received all the pressure of a AAA title despite being the gaming equivalent of an art film. They closed Tango after HiFi.

Sony has no pressure to change anything about what they're currently doing when the competition became a mockery by its own doing. With PS5 outpacing PS4 and being their most profitable generation so far, the people spending the money are saying they're totally ok with this approach.

Christopher3d ago

Where's. My. First. Party. Support. ?.

just_looken3d ago

@fox 100% agree

Along with that is the new leadership pushing into the "modern" audiance crap now there getting into mobile gaming with no doubt more microtransactions in there games.

As of june 1rst one person Hiroki Totoki,serves as the Chair of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) and the President, COO, and CFO of Sony Group Corporation.

That is way to much power no checks no real hey that is a bad idea not to mention the work load


Hotpot3d ago

Funny thing is I feel like the early life of PS5 has more 1st party than the current time. Returnal, demon souls, ratchet n clank, GoW Ragnarok, Forbidden West. Compared to back then it’s practically a barren land now.

just_looken3d ago

June 1rst new leadership and jim ryan killed japan/uk playstation studios japan helped with demon souls/final fantasy port then the london branch did the psvr 2 and helped GG localize horizon.

Jim killed thousands of ps jobs so now no new games like b4 and this new leadership wants $$$ mobile gaming live service monetization first.

Jingsing3d ago

To be fair the reason the PS5 feels like a damp squid for me and others who bought it is their PC strategy. They have made their console players who actually pay money to feel like second class customers. If you are on PC you get a better version of the game a year later and you can get it for free on various sites and you don't have to pay for PS+. On top of that Sony lose 30% on all sales they put through Steam and much more on piracy. Also Sony seem big on remasters, well guess what you lose your ability to sell remasters once you put your game on PC because at that point fans just edit and remaster the game themselves. So you have just cut off another revenue stream. Sony seems have forgotten platform holder is king and they are completely squandering it with their PC strategy, they don't even have a store front. The effect of all this will be slow but people won't be rushing to buy a PS6, I know I won't and that is the first Sony console I'll be skipping.

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isarai4d ago

This gen just sucks, period. More PS4 games have come out than PS5 exclusives, and we're almost 4yrs in. Then this unwanted GAAS push which is completely tone deaf, and not what their fanbase wanted. Feel like im just watching a childhood friend kill themselves with an addiction.

purple1014d ago

the gas is in ADDITION, to all their other games, thats why they brought more studios,

so the old ones can continue doing what they do best.

Yi-Long4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

The argument 'GAAS is in addition to what we already had' kinda goes out of the window when we can see very clearly a lack of SP offline games, Sony killing studios and IPs left, right and center, and pushing 'always online' in games that never had it and don't need it (Gran Turismo).

You can clearly tell that earlier generations offered far more in terms of diversity/variety of genres, be it Everybody's Golf, Driveclub/Motorstorm, LittleBigPlanet, Modnation Racers, Jak & Daxter, Gravity Rush, Ico, Sly Cooper, Locoroco, Tearaway, whatever.

It feels like they killed off anything that wasn't going to sell massive numbers but did offer something fresh and original and were just 'fun'.

shinoff21834d ago

Imagine if some of those new studios were working on single player games. Sony would have it locked. Instead we get trash.

isarai3d ago

Not really, for a few studios that's literally all they are making, and for others, it being ADDITIONAL is the problem as it is delaying anything else they may be working on, hell ND had to cancel theirs because it was getting in the way.

EazyC3d ago

That's what it looks like now but it is already cannibalizing the other aspects of their brand. These things historically happen slowly, and then all at once...the brand you once knew is unrecognisable

SimpleDad3d ago

That's such a bad narrative. So wrong and we see the end results. No single player games... only Marvel.

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MrBaskerville4d ago

Though, do note that since summer last year, more and more games have been current gen only. Lots of smaller titles, but of bigger stuff there's Baldurs Gate 3, Alan Wake 2, Rise of the Ronin, Dragons Dogma 2, FFRebirth and so on. Being on ps4 only, means you will be missing out on a lot of releases both major and minor.

anast3d ago

Roughly 5 PS5 exclusives have come out, this is a similar drop rate than PS4.

anast3d ago

Through first party releases this gen through may 23: Astro's, Stranding directors Cut, Destruction all stars, GT7, GT7 VR, Miles Morales, Rift Apart, Demon's Souls, Returnal, and Sack Boy. There are more. Some will say well they release some of those on PS4. I say play them on PS4 and then play them on PS5, then tell me it's just as good.

isarai3d ago

Stranding is not 1st party and it's still a ps4 game just with minor additions. Miles Morales is also a ps4 game, gt7 is also a ps4 game, sackboy is also a ps4 game, so you got returnal, demon's souls, and destruction all stars, also Spider-Man 2, so 3 launch window games and one later game exclusive to ps5, with 2 of those by the same studio, In 4yrs,

anast3d ago

They are still PS5 games. When I play some of these that can be played on both systems. One is a PS4 and the other is a PS5 experience, To say otherwise is disingenuous. For some reason, I can't get my Stranding PS5 directors cut to work on my PS4. And I cant get GT7 VR to work on my PS4 either....and so on. Sony first party studios have been releasing close to the same clip as PS4. This is a fact.

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EazyC3d ago

It's making them money but like the M$ thing, Sony is going to start killing their brand over the longer term. Especially now that they're basically running a monopoly.

I plugged in my PS3 recently and it was a mixture of uplifting and depressing. Modern gaming STINKS.

shinoff21833d ago

Ps3 stunk. The variety sucked compared to before it. Variety is way way way better these days. Idk what some of yall are playing but ps4/ps5 have amazing games, jrpgs are back(something the ps3 severely lacked) , etc. I'm talking games in general. 1st party and 3rd, ps3 can't compare

Psychonaut853d ago

Great analogy. They see the Fortnite money and think maybe if they just keep hurling shit at the wall something will stick. Gambling with cumulatively billions of dollar AND people’s livelihoods. AA and indie is the future, unless AAA pulls their head out of their see which is unlikely

ChasterMies3d ago

Everyone is focused on having current gen exclusives as if losing last gen support will magically make games better. Games like Fortnite and GTA V embraced last gen and were huge hits. Switch games like Zelda looked worse than last gen and were huge hits. If this console generation is like any other, we won’t see the best of current gen games until next year.

Good-Smurf3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

My PS5 dashboard 90% of it are PS4 games.
That's not a good sign it's almost like Wii U experience all over again for me, I played far more Virtual Console SNES and N64 games than with Wii U games my most played game on Wii U is Earthbound.
Time to realized that sooner or later they would have to be forced to make games that are directly competing against Nintendo's first party titles when they can't make one of their AAA titles fast enough or within reasonable budget.
Stops relying so much on 3rd party support and partners when people banging on their doors for AAA titles that took 5 years to make.
GAAS isn't the answer, dusting off and leveraging their old long dormant IPs or even new IPs is the answer.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
Profchaos4d ago

Yeah this 9th generation has been the biggest let down out of every console generation I've experienced since the 8 bit era.

For the first time in near 30 years I feel like Sony has completely abandoned the fanbase that got them to where they are. We see GAAS being shoved down our throats and fun replaced by lootboxes and milking us. This isn't the Sony experience I ever wanted

if I wanted to be exploited I'd play a mobile game

I find the modern line up though just lacks innovation which earlier generation games had in spades we only get what is going to sell big numbers even if the games a single player games it's likely so by the book I feel like I've played it before.

I think the PS2 was likely the golden era for experimental game design everything since that has been game design by bored room

MrBaskerville4d ago

Atleast I think they've pivoted back to singleplayer stuff. But it will take a while. I think they will announce some big game next year, like Ghost Of Tsushima 2 or something. Notice how they showed us Concord and Astro Bot a few months before release. I think the time of knowing what's on the horizon is over.

mudakoshaka3d ago

They haven’t pivoted back. They are just saying that to keepus calm. The GAAS is very much happening!

shinoff21834d ago

Although the lack of 1st party ps5 games only is there. I'm still having a blast. Much more then the ps3 generation.

Storm234d ago

Not me I mean I am having fun, but the PS3 generation was my favorite ever, by far, and man do I miss those times...

EazyC3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I always feel like these "still having a blast" guys are like people at parties who stay after things get really stale, not realising they're dancing alone in their faeces-stained undies

shinoff21833d ago (Edited 3d ago )

What was better on ps3 that you can't play on ps4 or ps5? I'll wait.

Hate all you want and I'm sure some were younger so they were much more impressionable. Compared to ps1 ps2 ps4 and now ps5 , ps3 can't hold a candle. I'm talking games in general not 1st party.

Also easyc

If your not having fun we'll that's on you. Maybe your heart just ain't in it. In the last few months alone, ff7 rebirth, granblue rpg, eiyuden chronicles, system shock came out,and so many more. That's on you.

P_Bomb3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

“Compared to ps1 ps2 ps4 and now ps5 , ps3 can't hold a candle. I'm talking games in general not 1st party.”

Gotta disagree. PS3 gen was lit. Sooo many new IP ala Bioshock, Mass Effect, Uncharted, LBP. Sweet indie deals with studios like ThatGameCompany. I’m not big into jrpgs. But they still had games I liked such as Ni No Kuni.

Profchaos3d ago

No hate on anyone that enjoys the games this gen simply stating my overall disappointment of what's come this gen the PS3 may have had it's technical shortcomings but it birthed so many of the game we are seeing remade and resold to us today there's this feeling of played this before setting in for so many people because game design has t changed all that much since that era

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rippermcrip4d ago

Care to list all the "Sony" GAAS games with all the loot boxes and milking? Aside from Destiny (which already was like that when they bought it), what are you referring to?

Profchaos3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I'm sure there is many out there that defend their beloved corporation to the death bht the fact is so y is changing they are becoming arrogant like the PS3 era Sony but now they have new avenues to exploit gamers

Games that set out to milk the players:
Helldivers 2 - not as bad as the rest but you need credits for batte passes to get half decent weapons.
I'm sure Concord and whatever angel studios is working on will to

Suicide squad they had a close partnership they knew what it was all about when they promoted it

Gran Turismo 7 cars were sold as micro transactions for insane prices all of those cars should have been unlockables and would have been twenty years ago

Fortnite they own a stake in epic after all

They heavily promoted games like
Overwatch 2
Fallout 76
Call of duty

At this rate it's amazing we didn't get the option to buy Kratos skins for Ragnarok.

The hard truth is they control the platform they could reign in or set limits on these scummy practices but more and more they are indulging themselves or encouraging their partners to exploit their players.

Sony has changed and the original vision for what made the platform unique and viable is being tarnished. So many players are getting fed up and just giving up gaming or going retro it should be setting alarm bells off at Sony that they need to do better most of their games feel like they are aimed teenagers with disposable income

fr0sty3d ago

I think they're still recovering from Jim Ryan... in the gaming industry, just firing a guy isn't going to immediately undo all the projects he greenlit to see his myopic GaaS vision come to life, they have to cut some of those projects, and do their best to recoup losses on others... but I do think Sony realized this isn't the way we want to see PlayStation go, which is why he lost his job.

EazyC3d ago

I feel like we haven't even seen anywhere close to the full push yet.

Mark my words. By the end of this generation, it will be game over for ANY semblance of what we loved as videogames, and by extension, the PlayStation brand

shinoff21833d ago

Sounds like you need some meds dude.

Jingsing3d ago

They have squandered everything that made PlayStation a platform by giving their games away for free on torrent sites for PC. How can you expect customers to pay $70 for your games and $50 a month for PS+ if they can't protect their paying customers investments. Sorry Sony I won't be going for PS6 I'll be going for the free option like other PC users.

rippermcrip2d ago

So you listed 2 Sony games. Then went on a rant about other games that Sony didn't make, didn't publish and aren't exclusives.

You try to put down HD2, when it is a great GaaS game. Not full priced. Regular free updates and events. You absolutely do not need to spend money on the game like you suggest. You can earn it all and it isn't that difficult.

GT7. Yes, it has MTX. Once again, completely optional. Additionally the pricing is so ridiculous only a whale would pay for them. You can EASILY earn everything in the game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
lellkay4d ago

I love my PS5, but these state of plays are 100% not delivering.

VersusDMC4d ago

Granblue relink
FF7 Rebirth
Helldivers 2
Rise of the ronin
Stellar blade
Astro bot
Silent hill 2

How is this years list not mostly games that a playstation fan would like?

Armyofdarkness4d ago

Great games all, except Rise of the Ronin! It sucks!

FACTUAL evidence4d ago

Sony fans usually just type list out in abundance to make it look good, no matter how crappy. I used to literally laugh out loud back in the ps3 days when people will type out long list of exclusives, and add “Afrika” and also “the last guardian” and “the agent”. Lol The last guardian didn’t even see that generation, and sony fans are still waiting for the agent.

TL;DR ignore the sony list, they just like to name games only on their console no matter the status.

InUrFoxHole3d ago

@Factual evidence
We're eating over here. Keep your fake concern for Sony over there. We're just waiting for the showcase

FACTUAL evidence3d ago


Fake concern? I’m not even concerned for Sony, I know they could do better. Most importantly the fanboys know they could do better. Not saying sony is doing bad, but just stating the obvious how fanboys thiink they could do no wrong. BTW PS is my console preference so don’t even try to make me look like I’m downing Sony.

InUrFoxHole3d ago

I'm messing with you man. I like to troll the trolls here and there.

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thesoftware7304d ago

Versus, I know you have to defend to the end, but dont be dense.

If you read the comments, you can see that people are talking about Sony's first-party output, past innovation, and its usually high-level game output. You posted a list of 3 games that are not out yet: 2 mid games, one Gaas, and 2 paid-for 3rd party exclusives. I do not hate your list, but that is not what people here are talking about.

VersusDMC4d ago

I am replying to the article.

i"s that it feels like it’s abandoned the kinds of software that fans have always valued most."

Sony is making deals for mostly single player games just as it always has.

And the argument that only games made by studios that Sony owns matter is beyond brain dead and i just look at all the games released on a console that isn't on the competitions.

Profchaos4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

The only game on that list that interests me is astro bot and I'm a PS fan since it's inception. Let be honest there's not a lot of amazing games on that list maybe astro bot and helldivers

FF another rpg in a long running franchise selling less and less each entry
Helldivers 2 a fun live service game I got a few hours of enjoyment with friends
Rise of Ronin may aswell play ghost of Tsushima
Stellar blade yeah ok you have to admit this one is beyond niche
Concord amazing cutscenes lackluster Game
Astro bot day 1 I'm so there
Silent hill 2 verdict is still out on this one.
Granblue ok I take stellar blade being niche back granblue I've never heard of

The games your listing here are not all that great outside of astro bot and helldivers.

This is the bare minimum release schedule as far as exclusives I'd expect similar on switch and Xbox really.

VersusDMC4d ago

You'd expect similar on xbox and switch but you aren't getting it. Without looking into it i just think hellblade 2, princess peach and paper mario is the only console exclusives that the competition has released and are selling less than the "niche" games on the playstation side.

Profchaos4d ago

Actually I thought paper Mario sold quite well peach however yeah that was a flop on the switch side of things they kind of have an excuse it's the end of life for that system but they are still getting new games of a good quality.

Yeah Xbox I don't own a Xbox I don't want one especially with their recent flip flopping and basically killing of the brand but there's a good chance they have a new Doom game this year and I've been a room fan since the first game.

hiroyukisanada4d ago

@VersusDMC yes, I own the first four on that list and I have had an absolute blast with them. For those who play a variety of games, they really are fantastic with over 100 hours of gameplay for each title. Granted, only one is a true "blockbuster" like a traditional first party Sony game. Which is Rebirth.
Sounds like the people complaining only want that, which is fine, I guess. Their loss by not choosing all the games on that list 😂
Silent Hill is looking a little rough and not my cup of my tea, but the rest of that list is excellent.

-Foxtrot3d ago

Why is it everytime people talk about Sony's FIRST PARTY STUDIO output the counter argument is posting a bunch of games from third party developers

We're talking about first party and how Sony isn't about trying new things or having variety like past generations.

It's just Sony playing things super safe these days.

VersusDMC3d ago

Why is it that when an article says Software people don't count the THIRD-PARTY exclusives?

The begining of the article mentions the trifecta of announcements of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Shenmue 3, and The Last Guardian. One third party exclusive , one multiplatform and one first party.

So if the article talks about third party games why are you only mentioning First party?

shinoff21833d ago


Someone brought up a good point further above

Kinda like. Truth us we don't know what tf is going on. I doubt Jim Ryan didn't just retire out of the blue like that. These new guys haven't even had long to put their gamelan into motion.

Profchaos3d ago

Yeah it's true Sony has some very tight deals with third party publishers games like death strand can launch on iOS and Xbox but people consider it first party where it really falls into second party.

For the average Joe though they won't care which is what Sony want means they can be synonymous with these games and studios

shinoff21833d ago (Edited 3d ago )

You barely named off all the games to. There's so many more

Except the online sht

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